Road Anomalies - Alternative View

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Road Anomalies - Alternative View
Road Anomalies - Alternative View

Video: Road Anomalies - Alternative View

Video: Road Anomalies - Alternative View
Video: The Places Where Sneaking Over the US-Canada Border is Legal 2024, September

Relatively recently, it was noticed that space-time anomalies most often manifest themselves on transport routes

For example, on well-equipped highways. Occasionally there are incidents that are alien to common sense. Why this happens, even scientists who are skilled in the physical and mathematical sciences cannot explain. But how this happens, the participants in truly supernatural incidents willingly tell, if, of course, they manage to survive in dangerous alterations, according to the general opinion, focused on some whitish spots that suddenly stood up as a wall, behind which the straight path leads nowhere. Perhaps even in eternity, in other worlds inhabited by other beings.

There is a reason to briefly talk about the "constructive" features of spaces filled with horrors, as some pundits imagine them. First, let's try to squeeze, as our compatriot, Doctor of Geological Sciences Alexei Pustynnikov, emotionally called them, into the narrow gap of the irrational, bright, hot, hostile. And there is no way to do without a chronicle, unique in its kind, compiled in different years by German and British researchers of the unknown.

Let's start in 1929, when a national program for the construction of "eternal" autobahns was gaining momentum in Germany. The firstborn was the high-speed highway between Bremen and Bremen-Haven, which made it possible to move in several streams, at almost any speed. The idea of this miracle of engineering gives a simple trick. A glass of milk placed on the hood of the car did not spill on bends, ascents, descents, or when braking. At night, the road was illuminated with special mercury lamps, which ensure perfect visibility even in fog, heavy rain, and snow.

The newspapers, not without reason, emphasized that even a child, let alone an experienced driver, could drive on the exemplary Autobahn. Alas, everything turned out far from radiant. On September 7, 1930, at the 239th kilometer of the highway, an "unreasonable" disaster struck with grave consequences. On a sunny fine day, nine cars were literally blown off the track, carried into a ditch and simultaneously turned over. There was no collision. There was no obstacle to the movement either. The drivers, who managed to get out of the cars that were laid on the roofs by an unknown force, watched in despair as the gray smoke first began to lick over the emergency vehicles, then a strong flame began to lick it at the same time. Two men, a woman and a seven-year-old girl, were killed.

The experts who arrived stated that nothing like this could happen on dry, perfectly laid asphalt. It did happen. Why? Interviews with drivers revealed a number of curious circumstances. According to them, up to the 239 kilometer sign, they were in excellent spirits. As soon as the sign was left behind, there was an oppressive feeling of anxiety and a strange feeling as if the asphalt, hitherto dry, was flooded with something like oil and was striving upward, towards heaven, into infinity. The visibility immediately dropped to zero. Except for white smeared blots, no one saw anything.

In addition, everyone in the cars received an obsessive mental order to relax and put their hands on their knees, palms up. “As a mental health professional, I am inclined to believe that there was a factor behind the short-term mass insanity. Otherwise, how to understand the fact that at high speed all the drivers, as if by agreement, got away from driving? - asked Dr. Franz Kunz.

He also took the liberty of invading not his own "diocese", suggesting that a stable negative background of a short track section was created by a geomagnetic anomaly lying far below it. Kunz was slightly mistaken.

An emergency dangerous section of asphalt was opened. Having found a vast ancient burial under the asphalt, the remains were transferred to the nearest churchyard and buried with honors. The road, for about half a century saved from tragic "surprises", in 2003 "returned to the old", sowing death. Surveys of the surrounding land for the presence of something unusual ended in nothing. The ground was clean. The instruments did not show exactly any anomalies. So what is the reason for the surge in emergencies? The version of an inveterate motorcyclist, military pilot Gunther Bak, who a couple of years ago miraculously did not die at the ill-fated "239" mark while driving at a trifling speed for a four-cylinder car - 60 kilometers per hour, seemed convincing to researchers.

The pilot, thrown out of the saddle onto the roadside bales of glass wool that had saved him, said that the handlebars of a motorcycle with gigantic force were ripped out of him by his cold, like ice, invisible hands, by touch in leather gloves. Buck saw it as a boon, as he saw that the auto-ban was cutting an extremely deep trench, the edges of which were licked by flames. Lying on the glass wool, Gunther did not see any trench. The road was ordinary, traffic was moving along it.

The ending of the story is mystical. The pilot's favorite car disappeared as it fell through the ground. The search for the motorcycle yielded nothing. Buck assures that his consciousness did not turn off, he was in excellent control of the situation, he did not see anyone at the scene of the accident. Ufologist Vili Ruther believes that the car did not fall through the ground, but into a temporary gateway portal, which is regularly operating in this very place. Accidents here periodically repeat themselves. Moreover, the victims but the survivors admit that at the moment of "collision with something elastic like rubber" they plunged into a natural hell, for which ordinary words are not suitable for verbal representation. This is vaguely reminiscent of nightmares in a dream.

Lytkarinskaya anomaly, a grave mine, a lost place or just a zone. This road has many names and yet the secret remains. "Lytkarinskaya funnel" - a myth or reality?


In Lytkarino, they talk a lot about this place. For example, a man was found who, while driving at night, saw many lights from the car window where the monuments on the side of the road began. The man pointed to the lights to a friend who was driving with him … Both were shocked by what they saw. Some drivers observe energetic images of dead people on the road, simply speaking ghosts.

Short-term space distortions in the vicinity of Lytkarino and Lyubertsy are very numerous. According to the testimony of the survivors of the accidents, suddenly there was fog, the road was leaving under the wheels and the trip was already ending on the side of the road. It's good if there was no tree in the path of the vehicle. But many were unlucky, as evidenced by the monuments and gravestones along the side of the road.

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There are many roads in Europe with practically the same "strange" properties. From 1971 to 2006, British National Television, in the Shadows of the Great Mysteries series, periodically "entertained" viewers with nightmarish scenes filmed on the Charmouth-Markumbilake highway, which crosses the lands of Somerset County. Now modernized, this road was built in the Middle Ages. And if before God knows where riding alone knights, large detachments of foot soldiers disappeared, nowadays exactly the same unenviable fate befalls modern vehicles - cars, heavy trucks, motorized military equipment. Time if, of course, it is his tricks for some reason spares drivers, passengers and servicemen. It spares, however, causing deep mental trauma, leaving mysterious marks on clothes and what is under them.

As a rule, the scenarios for the promotion of anomalous incidents are identical. Everything happens in the dark, in a strong wet fog. The drivers suddenly begin to see a majestic castle surrounded by wide moats. They ask themselves the question: did you leave the main road onto a side road, did you get lost? They have no time to think further, because animals, indistinguishable from the black breeding bulls bred in these parts, begin to rush under the wheels. The reaction is natural.

Emergency braking, which participants in the events compare with the furious twisting of cars around the axis. They all claim that even in summer they clearly saw in the headlights a thick crust of black ice covering the asphalt. Further more. The cars start to burn, but in an unusual way, like a "sparkler lit near a Christmas tree."

Of course, when a large-sized car is burning in such an incomprehensible way, and the "sparkler" is also colossal in size. It is impossible to get out, the "screaming" inner voice requires you to remain passive, not to make sudden movements. Those who disobeyed in the overwhelming majority of cases died from extensive heart attacks.

Those who, having waited out the icing of the road in the car, got out of it and walked away not far away, experienced a condition that they compare to a "problem." What does it mean? The fact that while consciousness was turned off, the car disappeared from view. Hijacked him? No, I suppose. The area of the county is small - 3450 square kilometers. The state-of-the-art police service is perfect. Any stolen car is returned to the owner in a matter of hours. What's the matter? “The point is in the marks indicating that people and cars have visited where the path is strictly prohibited. It can be assumed that this is the antiworld, the other world, as it was called in the old days. The world is so unsuitable for a person to stay there. He scorches, does not always reject. If he rejects, they say about a person who has been there that he is not a tenant, "says German physicist Gunter Radhau. Isn't he wrong? Judge for yourself. Sixteen completely healthy men and women, who have fallen into summer ice near an unknown castle over the past six years, have died. The diagnosis is acute leukemia.

All of them, after the incident with the attacking black bulls, got rid of their coats, stained with oily soot, but could not remove the tattoo-like designs on the back and chest. Colored hummingbirds, butterflies, blue huts covered with green palm leaves, eruptions of moles displaying projections of some constellations. It is noteworthy that the famous poet Percy Bysshe Shelley dedicated one of the mystical ballads to the supernatural metamorphoses for which this one of the oldest roads in England is famous.

There are no unrecognizable phenomena. There are things not yet known. As for the roads leading nowhere, fraught with misfortune, they themselves, demonstrating the "underside of the rational", as if some people are unhappy by fate. Because they lie in areas officially classified as geomagnetic faults, in other words, as anomalous zones. Even the Russian geologist Vladimir Obruchev pointed out that powerful faults in the earth's crust reconfigure our brain, demonstrating miracles that even sages cannot dream of.

Alexander VOLODEV