Are You Also Against The System? - Alternative View

Are You Also Against The System? - Alternative View
Are You Also Against The System? - Alternative View

Video: Are You Also Against The System? - Alternative View

Video: Are You Also Against The System? - Alternative View
Video: The Problem with our Voting System and How to Fix It (Alternative Voting Explained) 2024, September

What does it mean to be against the system? How many people are now throwing anti-system slogans, how many people are taking a position against the system, not even understanding what the System is, against which they so vehemently oppose. In most cases, all these slogans and antisystemic moods are due only to pathos, play, youthful maximalism and do not carry any really sensible ideas and understanding of the essence of the issue. For such people, it is not important with whom to fight, the main thing is to throw out your excess energy against some enemy, and in this case this enemy is this System.

But do not think that in this article I am trying to expose the desire to be against the System. Not at all. I already have an article in which I described my vision of leaving the System, but I didn't bother to show my vision of the System itself.

What is a system? There are a huge number of systems, there are even special sciences like systems methodology that study the world using systems. That is, roughly speaking, our whole world consists of systems and not all of them are harmful - many are necessary for our life.


And now let's figure out what kind of System it is, against which many so oppose, against which your humble servant also opposes …

The system is financial-oligarchic, or, in other words, "the dictatorship of the oligarchy." It is important to note that the dictatorship is not specifically the bourgeoisie as a class, but precisely the stratum of the most successful representatives of the bourgeoisie - the oligarchs. Money itself is something neutral and, contrary to popular belief, does not carry a negative or even evil load. Money is simply a tool to help the economic system of people interact. Those. money is the equivalent of a commodity.

But everything is so good only under ideal conditions. The vulnerability of this system, along with human greed, ultimately turned money into a tool that does not help people, but, on the contrary, makes them slaves. Those. who controls money, he controls the economy, and, therefore, the will of people. Due to various political events and situations of past years, humanity in its total mass has until such time become dependent on money that now we can safely mention the slave system. Only earlier were slaves openly slaves, i.e. worked for their master, subordinated their will to their master, receiving in return only what was necessary for life (roughly speaking, their rations so as not to die of hunger). But the modern slave system is much more complicated and confusing. Now you can't just take and be a slave owner, so all sorts of tricks are needed.

In order for a person not to feel like a slave, but to feel free, a perverted understanding of freedom is instilled in him from childhood. As a result, a person is a slave - and at the same time feels free. You will say that you do not agree with me and that you do not consider yourself a slave, well, then let's figure out why you are wrong …

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Let's compare two of our contemporaries, i.e. two people living today. One is a modern civilized man, the other is a tribal inhabitant of the jungles of Papua New Guinea. Every person has natural, physiological needs: to eat, drink water, etc. Those. those without which a person will perish. Now let's see how these people meet these needs. Every day the Papuan goes hunting in the forest, where he lives, gets food and, in fact, eats. Those. satisfaction of his needs depends on the forest, on nature. He lives right in the forest, does not need any benefits of modern civilization, all that he needs is provided by nature simply by default. And a citizen of civilization, in order to satisfy his need, is forced to get a job, work to earn money,for which you need to go to the store and buy some food there (and I won't even say what this food is made of). Those. instead of immediately obtaining food for himself, a person is forced to participate in the intermediate stages of production, i.e. work and money. And if he does not participate in these stages, then he simply will not receive food and will not satisfy his natural need for food. This means that a person is forced to participate in these stages. And even if he wants not to participate in them and tries to immediately get his own food, then he will not succeed in the city (digging through garbage dumps does not count), because there is no food in the urban environment, which is in the wild stage. Well, if only to catch pigeons.a person is forced to participate in the intermediate stages of extraction, i.e. work and money. And if he does not participate in these stages, then he simply will not receive food and will not satisfy his natural need for food. This means that a person is forced to participate in these stages. And even if he wants not to participate in them and tries to immediately get his own food, then he will not succeed in the city (digging through garbage dumps does not count), because there is no food in the urban environment, which is in the wild stage. Well, if only to catch pigeons.a person is forced to participate in the intermediate stages of extraction, i.e. work and money. And if he does not participate in these stages, then he simply will not receive food and will not satisfy his natural need for food. This means that a person is forced to participate in these stages. And even if he wants not to participate in them and tries to immediately get his own food, then he will not succeed in the city (digging through garbage dumps does not count), because there is no food in the urban environment, which is in the wild stage. Well, if only to catch pigeons.then he will not succeed in the city (digging through garbage dumps does not count), because there is no food in the urban environment, being in the wild stage. Well, if only to catch pigeons.then he will not succeed in the city (digging through garbage dumps does not count), because there is no food in the urban environment, being in the wild stage. Well, if only to catch pigeons.

In an urban environment, a person who has lost these intermediate stages becomes a homeless person, when, as a jungle dweller, one cannot be called such, because he is in his usual and natural environment, at home. And the city bum was previously a civilized inhabitant, but fate played a cruel joke with him and turned him into extinction. In order to exist somehow, i.e. speaking not of any unnecessary comfort, but of the necessary conditions, a person must pay for utilities, i.e. if, for example, he wants not to pay such money for heating in winter, but to heat it with wood, then he simply will not have this opportunity due to the design features of his living space. Well, stupidly you won't burn the wood in your apartment, right? And for some, it may be easier to stock up on firewood than to pay for heating.

Papuan children, look at the bourgeoisie with contempt …
Papuan children, look at the bourgeoisie with contempt …

Papuan children, look at the bourgeoisie with contempt …

Many people misunderstand an attempt to leave the System, to free themselves from it. And they interpret the exit as a complete liberation from everything, go to extremes, without trying to understand the essence of the issue. But liberation from everything is also liberation from one's body, which means that it is suicide, the desire for one's own death. A person does not want to identify himself with anything, he is dissatisfied with everything and, according to this logic, if you continue further, such liberation will lead to death. But if you strive for death, then why live at all and do anything, undertake, you can simply exist the same way and then you will die anyway. Therefore, such an understanding of the exit from the system leads only to regression, to a fall. If we imagine the whole universe as a circle, then in this circle there will be many more different circles - small systems in one large system. And if a person theoretically gets rid of all these small systems, then he will still not be able to get rid of the big one, therefore such a desire in advance is doomed to failure and is nothing more than stupidity and nonsense, which does not deserve any attention at all or even a paragraph in this article … Therefore, you should not jump over your head, because those born to crawl cannot fly! You have to assess your chances realistically, without rose-colored glasses.

So, we are not talking about complete, absolute freedom, we are talking about liberation only from this arrogant and shameless slavery. In general, this slavery is more of an ethical nature, since in order to maintain life, in any case, you need to take some kind of effort, some kind of action, so the difference between these actions is due only to ethics. And those who say that they are satisfied with such slavery and that they like its fruits are right, because everyone has their own tastes. But then let them not complain why everything is so bad. It seems that everything is there, and full, and dressed, but it sucks …

Now what have oligarchs got to do with it? It seems, well, they are rich, but it doesn't matter to us either, we don't count other people's money. That's right, we do not consider other people's money, earned in an honest way, because it is unethical. But when money is made out of thin air, that's a completely different question. If a person has, for example, a billion of any units of money, then, therefore, he had to exchange goods for them for an equivalent amount. And in order to exchange a product, it must still be received somehow, i.e. produce, grow, etc. It's about making a billion units of money (meaning, some large amount), you need to make a lot of effort, which is practically impossible in an honest way, due to the low cost of the goods. Or large, but the product itself is smaller. It means that by getting these enormous sums of money in some way, people simply undermine the economy, making money out of thin air,when money becomes a commodity and is bought and sold in the same way. When a person speculates with money (Forex), he earns money without selling or producing any commodity, getting money from nothing, taking the difference in the exchange rate. The fact that money became a commodity played a big cruel joke on us. As a result, a bunch of very cunning people were able to get rich by using this loophole, while others became forced to depend on it.while others became compelled to depend on it.while others became forced to depend on it.

Why did the Bolsheviks dislike the bourgeoisie so much? The bourgeois makes much more money than he makes the effort. That is, in very simple terms, the bourgeois lies in his resort, sips his juice, while his capital (means of production, workers, assets) brings him profit. The bourgeois is resting, and at this time denyuzhka falls at his expense, the bourgeois is awake - and denyuzhka falls in the same way. Supporters of the ideas of Marx and Lenin would find this kind of earnings outrageous and unacceptable in the new (at that time) society. They believed that each person should have as much money as he actually earned with his labor.


This is the key to understanding modern slavery. The dictatorship of the bourgeois class.

Those. all laws, all legal frameworks are created for the sake of the ruling class. Not for ordinary citizens, but for those who currently dominate. A striking example in the Russian Federation is the Law on Privatization in the 90s, adopted by representatives of the bourgeoisie, who are gaining momentum. If the proletariat was the ruling class in the Union, i.e. the working class and the entire legal framework were created for it (well, in theory, so), and right up to 61 years old, this continued, until at the 22nd Congress the Dictatorship of the Proletariat was removed from the program of the party. Those. the state ceased to be proletarian, and a gradual transitional stage began from communism (more precisely, its initial stage) to capitalism. Those. from the dictatorship of the working class to the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, which we now have.

So, the system against which we are trying to fight is a set of actions, laws, paradigms adopted by the bourgeois class, or rather, by its "best" representatives - the oligarchs. If democracy is the rule of the majority, anarchy is the absence of any pronounced political power, then oligarchy is the rule of the rich. Those. whoever has more money rules. "He who pays calls the tune." Those. the power is not the best, the power is not the most gifted, talented and intelligent, but the power of those who managed to grab a lot of money in their time. The power of cunning and vile, disgusting and inhuman creatures, whose people do not dare to call the language - rather, just biomass, which they dare to consider many of us (even in rhyme it turned out).

How to fight against the system? According to the principle "every action has its own opposition." You need to fight against the system with a different system. Those. create a new system that will not be within the framework of the previous one. How do I create another system? Yes, it has already been created. To fight the tools that keep a person in the system, you need to get rid of them, since it is good that there is no physical compulsion, as was the case in the days of the pharaohs, for example. Now the emphasis is on the consciousness of people, and not on their physical compulsion. People themselves become slaves, or rather, they continue to be and do not want to change anything. This means that in order to avoid these instruments of coercion, you can get away from them. Populate extinct villages, create new settlements. Move from cities to villages. Strive for maximum autonomy and independence from the previous civilization. Create your own, small systems, your societies, strong and indestructible, with your own ideals (it doesn't even matter what). As a result, these systems will constitute one large system or a set of systems, which will already become at least some kind of opposition to the previous System. The more people leave that System, the smaller and weaker it will be, and, therefore, the counter-system will be stronger. We must act in exactly the same way as these oligarchs act. If someone has increased, it means that someone else has decreased, if someone has found it, it means that someone has lost. With their own weapon, against themselves. The less workers the bourgeois has, the less surplus value (profit) he will receive and the poorer he will be. It will be a kind of rebellion and act of disobedience to their slave owners. Remember how Mohandas "Mahatma" Gandhi acted,trying to get rid of the British yoke in India. They stopped buying British clothes, stopped buying British salt and started making their own, much cheaper. This means that these methods work, and at the same time you don't need to kill anyone. Likewise, here, there is no need to buy oligarchic products, when we can produce our own, extract and grow.

But the main thing, I think, is to realize this. If a person understands how this System works, then, consider, he has already passed halfway, the only question is that these are the easiest halfways … And it is not at all necessary to jump on the streets, participating in rallies, set yourself pretentious avatars and statuses in social networks - you just have to get down to business, guys. To get rid of the System, you first need to get out of it, and not flounder like a turtle, being in it …

Author: Oleg Prikhodko