UFO Shot A Boy In The Stomach: The Incident In Tordesillas - Alternative View

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UFO Shot A Boy In The Stomach: The Incident In Tordesillas - Alternative View
UFO Shot A Boy In The Stomach: The Incident In Tordesillas - Alternative View

Video: UFO Shot A Boy In The Stomach: The Incident In Tordesillas - Alternative View

Video: UFO Shot A Boy In The Stomach: The Incident In Tordesillas - Alternative View
Video: Records show thousands of UFO sightings in Manitoba 2024, September

A strange story happened in the Spanish city of Tordesillas. Late in the evening of October 1, 1977, 7-year-old Martin Rodriguez was playing hide and seek with friends.

When the next time it was necessary to hide, the boy and his friend, Fernando Caravelos, ran to a large abandoned corral. Livestock had not been there for a long time, but vagabonds sometimes slept in the paddock. Martin picked up a large stone from the ground and threw it over the wall - the child wanted to make sure it was empty.

Instead of a stream of abuse, the children heard the sound of a blow on some metal object. The boys became interested, because, besides the old car, there was nothing else in the pen.

Driven by curiosity and fear at the same time, the children entered the corral and shone a flashlight. In the corner stood a metal pear-shaped object, almost three meters high and two meters wide. It had three round windows and three support legs.

In the middle was an elevator-like door. Suddenly, the UFO made a low humming noise and burst into pink and blue lights. And a few seconds later, rising into the air, he shot Martin in the stomach with a light beam. Fernando grabbed his friend and tried to pull him out, but no matter how hard he tried, the boy stood rooted to the spot, although he was conscious.

When Fernando ran away to call for help, Martin felt severe pain in the place that the beam touched. The child was dizzy and lost his balance. Falling on his back, the boy saw how the UFO pulled the three-legged support into itself and flew away.

Illustration by explorer Jose Antonio Caravaki
Illustration by explorer Jose Antonio Caravaki

Illustration by explorer Jose Antonio Caravaki

Layout by Jose Antonio Caravaca
Layout by Jose Antonio Caravaca

Layout by Jose Antonio Caravaca

Promotional video:

When Fernando and two of his friends came running into the pen, they found Martin almost unconscious. With great difficulty they brought the boy home. Martin's father was told that his son was attacked by a "flying machine".

Antonio Rodriguez was skeptical about the news. Together with a friend, they went to the corral to check. Naturally, there was not even a trace of a flying machine in the corral. After carefully examining the scene, the two men noticed a round patch of land, the grass on which was burnt. Some of this soil, which gave off a strong smell of sulfur, they put in a bag and took home.

Something was wrong with Martin. Before the UFO encounter, this was an absolutely healthy child. Now he complained of terrible abdominal pains, at times lost his sight and tossed about in delirium. The doctors who treated the child in Tordesillas sent him to the hospital in Valladolid. In the end, Martin was diagnosed with hydrocephalus (or, as they say, "dropsy of the brain") - a condition when an excess amount of cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the brain.

He spent two whole years in the hospital, having undergone 14 operations. Despite the gloomy forecasts, the child was able to fully recover. He did well in school and lived the usual lifestyle for a boy his age.

Photo by Martin Rodriguez
Photo by Martin Rodriguez

Photo by Martin Rodriguez

For a long time, the story of Martin Rodriguez remained unknown to ufologists. But in 1998, the Spanish journalist Iker Jimenez accidentally found out about the boy, who interviewed him for the first time. Since then, the matured Martin even managed to take part in one of the episodes of the TV show "Cuarto Milenio" ("Fourth Millennium") organized by Jimenez.

People who believe Martin saw a UFO associate his illness with that fateful meeting in the coral. Skeptics say the opposite: vomiting, dizziness, loss of vision and hallucinations are all symptoms of hydrocephalus. They are convinced that the story has become overgrown with fantastic rumors. Was Fernando really in the pen with Martin? Or was he waiting outside and, hearing his friend screaming about a flying car, immediately ran off to call for help? And what happened to that sample of soil that Antonio and his friend took home in a bag?.. There are a lot of questions, but how it really happened - no one knows.


The skeptics' opinion seemed to me very convincing - until, in search of answers, I found two short reports about the case in Switzerland. It happened on October 11, 1977, exactly 10 days after the incident with Martin.

At 6:20 am, a family of farmers watched as an unknown metal object split into three parts over the field, flying southeast. People noted that at this time there was a strong smell of sulfur (the same smelled the earth found in the pen by Martin's father). At 2:30 pm, they saw smoke coming from a cornfield. The owner's daughter went to see what was happening.

The young girl later said that she saw a green-skinned humanoid in a metal suit at the edge of the field. Not far from the humanoid, a metal domed object with a support of three legs hung above the ground …

Elena Muravyova for neveroyatno.info