The Last Battle Of Light And Darkness - Alternative View

The Last Battle Of Light And Darkness - Alternative View
The Last Battle Of Light And Darkness - Alternative View

Video: The Last Battle Of Light And Darkness - Alternative View

Video: The Last Battle Of Light And Darkness - Alternative View

She turned around as a bird Swan, flapped her wings, and flew to the Khvangur rock. However, the insidious Mara anticipated her plans, and sent Moroka the joker to change all the mountains and rivers on the Alive path, make forests deserts, and planted oak forests in the steppes. Morok took pains, and even changed the direction to the North Star so that the Swan would not find the way to the Khvangur rock.

As Zhiva realized that she had lost her way, and that there was no way to navigate, she turned around again and walked along the sharp stones with her legs, asking for direction from animals and birds. For a long time she went to Dazhdbog to the rescue, but finally came to the sad cliff, where her heart friend was crucified on flails.

She came, spread her wings, and shot up to the top of the stone. She spread her wings over Dazhdbog, and her living power into Dazhdbog, like a river rushed. The power of a girl's love captured the forces of earth, water, fire and wind. They filled the weary god, and made him stronger than ever.

The curse fell, and the Alkonost bird began to sing joyful songs, as before. Dazhdbog straightened up, moved his shoulders, and his chains fell as if they were made of straw, and not of iron. But Morena also sensed trouble for herself. She rushed to the rock, and there Dazhbog and the Living stand, joining in strong embraces. The sorceress was angry, the velmy was angry. So that the wind blew out, and crows rang out all over the area. Annoyance and jealousy seized Maru. She shouted that Dazhdbog was her prisoner, and that it was useless for her sister to encroach on her property.

Alive replied that although they are sisters, they are not allowed to work dashingly against the gods. Then Mara howled like a blizzard, and rushed at her sister. I wanted to freeze it, turn it into an ice block. And Alive, she took out of the knapsack a flint, which Semargl had given her on the road, hit the chair, and from the sparks born, the holy fire flared up. He warmed everything around, and the frost, which began to crawl from the witch's feet in all directions on the ground, melted it.

From that fire, such a heat became that Mara-Morena broke out into a fiery fire, began to scream in agony, writhing, and curses I Live with Dazhdbog to shower. She retreated before the power of the light gods. And in order not to burn to ashes, not to lose her beauty, she retired to her palace of ice and snow. Since then, he lives there, under the very North Star. The explicit world visits only during winter, when there is no Dazhdbog nearby. And people began to celebrate farewell to Mara in the spring as Zhiva drove her away once: with holy fire. Since then, on Shrovetide, it has been customary to arrange a fire from an effigy of the sorceress Mary Morena.

In her palace, Mara wondered why her husband Koschei did not come to her aid. And she decided that since he had betrayed her, then she should repay him in kind. In addition, Mara herself was from the Blue Svarga, she missed her home and relatives. Then she turned into a black swan, and went to the Irian garden.

She came to Dazhbog's palace with Living, and said:

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- My deceit has limits. The mortal harvest in the human world is not due to malice, I do, but because such an order was established by our Bright Father. It's not for me to choose what affairs in the universe to manage. But in my power to mend justice. Listen, Dazhdbog, what is the most guarded secret of the Koscheevs:

The death of Koshchei is deeply hidden. Under the roots of the Oak in Lukomorye, on which a golden chain hangs. There the chest is buried, in which the duck is buried, inside which there is a hare, and in that hare there is a golden egg. Inside the egg, there is a needle. The death of Koscheev is in that needle. Whoever breaks that needle will save the Universe from Koshchei Chernobogovich forever.

Dazhdbog listened to the sorceress, and went out before the gods to keep his word before them:

- Now thanks to Mare-Morena, praise her, I know how to get rid of Koschei forever. I will find the egg in which the death of Chernobogovich is buried. There will be no mercy for him. There will be no pardon. My hand will not tremble, and I will break the needle, at the end of which is Koscheev's death.

- The gods liked the speech of the Dazhdbogovs, because all the gods had long wanted to get rid of Koshchei. Especially Perun, Semargl, Stribog and Volkh the Fiery, because from the birth of the world they stood guard over the Russian forces. (The word "rus", in the Old Eastern Slavic language, was synonymous with the word "light". Russian means: light. Author's note).

The voice of the wise Veles, who knew Mara-Morena better than others, came from the kingdom of the dead, and urged not to believe the words of the insidious sorceress. The other gods also took the floor in turn, and everyone agreed that Dazhdbog's campaign would not be easy, therefore it would be unreasonable to go on the road alone.

We came to Lukomorye. Dazhdbog pulled the chest out from under the roots, hit it with a kladenet, and the ark broke up into several parts. From there, the duck flew headlong. But Stribog caught up with the duck, who turned into a Rurik (the word “Rurik”, in the Old Eastern Slavic language, meant “falcon.” Author's note), hit her with a powerful beak. From the wound on the body of the duck, the hare jumped out and ran away. But the Fiery Magus, who turned into a gray wolf, caught up with him. As soon as he snapped his teeth, closing his mouth across the hare's back, the hare split in two, and a golden egg fell out of it. Yes, right to the bottom of the Catay Sea. Semargl-Ognebog fell on the sea, and with his heat he dried up the water all to the bottom.

Dazhdbog raised a golden egg from the bottom and crushed the shell. As soon as he took an iron needle in his hands, Koschey Chernobogovich began to rush about in the underground kingdom, beating against the stone walls. So much so that the mountains trembled, and stones from the peaks rolled into the gorges.

And as Dazhdbog broke off the end of Koscheeva's needle, so Koschey scattered ashes over the mountains, and that ash turned into mountain flax. The gods did not have time to rejoice in the victory over Koshchei, as the trumpet voice of the sacred bird Gamayun spread over the world, announcing trouble. They managed to forget everything from the three-faced Sventovite, who lived on the island of Ruyan in the Venedian Sea.

Rod created Sventovita to look beyond the boundaries of the three worlds. One face oversees the world of the gods, another over the affairs of men, and the third face oversees the boundaries between the manifest world and the realm of the dead. On the mouth of Triglav and on his eyes, Rod put on golden bandages so that he could not destroy the partitions between the kingdoms with his incinerating glance and his words. And if Sventovit looks at the light with all three pairs of eyes at once, or speaks with three mouths at the same time, the barriers between the worlds will collapse, and everything in the Universe will mix.

As soon as Dazhdbog broke Koshcheev's needle, the bandages fell from the faces of the Sventovitovs, and the voice of the Progenitor Sort was heard throughout the entire universe:

- Oblivion is fraught with death! The one who does not remember the parent's narcotic clothe himself and his descendants with a painful extinction in timelessness. He will not notice his own death, and will believe that he is alive, because the kingdoms of heaven, earth and the kingdom of the dead, merge together!

So he said, and the waters of Svarga fell on the Earth. All washed away with their waves. The dark army rushed to the light one, and the last battle between good and evil began. Chernobog the Red Sun swallowed, and made the clear moon a dull moon. The clatter of the hooves of the innumerable horses of the two armies shook the Earth and the Sky. The stars hit the ground like fire. The whole world was swallowed up by the clank of iron and black smoke.

Svarog crushed the enemies with his hammer, Stribog smashed them with kladenets, Dazhdbog pierced with a spear, and Semargl burned everything around with fierce flames. Perun and Perynia threw fiery arrows into the thick of the enemies - Peruns. Defeated from the horses fell to the ground with a terrifying roar. And the Fiery Magus with Devanoy smashed the defeated, not allowing them to stand up on foot.

Rivers of blood have poured over the world. Mother - Cheese Earth did not have time to absorb it. From that blood, Yusha-Serpent rose, rose from the ground to his full height, and from that the sacred Mount Meru collapsed. Having collapsed, Meru ceased to hold the heavenly dome, and the Heavenly and Earthly kingdoms mixed. In the power of Death, the entire Universe was at once, and Death gathered the greatest harvest for itself since the beginning of time.

And there was no salvation for people, animals and birds, even on the Ripean mountains. All who did not have time to hide on the peaks of the Golden Mountains fell. The war between the gods lasted for many days until it ended on its own. Indeed, in the battle between good and evil, there can be no winner. It is impossible to end the war of the gods, it can only be interrupted for a while. And so it happened. But only after five forty (previously, the Slavs had one month for forty days. - Author's note) the water went into the okiyans, then humans and animals again began to populate the devastated wounded Earth.

Then Rod was able to put on golden bands on the faces of Sventovit, and peace temporarily returned to the realms of the living, the dead and the gods. They were again separated by partitions, and everything began anew. Svarog raised Mount Meru from the Earth in order to give support to the heavens, but hid the passages to the mountain in a haze. People wander at the very foot of the sacred mountain, but they cannot climb it. On the firmament again, the Sun and the Moon continued their journey along the road built by the bird Sva, the foremother of Alkonost, Sirin, Gamayun, Stratim and all other birds visible to the eye of people. The North Star lit up again, only changed its place.

Mother Makosh took up the spindle, and Dolya and Nedolya began to tie knots on the threads of fate. The order returned to the explicit world, only the new order differs from the past. People now, the gods have ceased to hear. And Svarog cannot help the deaf, because he left some of his skills to his grandchildren to his Svarozhichs. So that they themselves can manage and learn all the wisdom.

Svarozhichi Rus and Sloven settled on the Ripean mountains and in the White Sea, and their brothers Chekh and Lech settled in the Karpatsky mountains near the Black and Mediterranean seas. The Scythian and Turk set off from the Golden Mountains to Sunset and to the midnight countries. Mogull and Tartarus began to dwell on the shores of the Scythian Sea, and from these places the descendants of the Svarozhichs scattered across all midday countries. They are all children of the gods. But not everyone remembers that now. Only generations of Rus and Sloven know that they are the grandchildren of Svarog. And even then, many of them began to call Sunny Dazhdbog Saint George.

But the gods, despite the oblivion to which their descendants betrayed, still stand on their protection. They preserve the balance between the kingdoms, and the passage to the Garden of Irian was left. The bright souls of dead people, after meeting with Veles from the Naval kingdom along the Rainbow, rise to the gods, and they feast with them there. They, like gods, help descendants who remain on Earth. But they can only help those who do not forget about those who have gone to another world.

Author: kadykchanskiy
