10 Unsurpassed Space Objects - Alternative View

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10 Unsurpassed Space Objects - Alternative View
10 Unsurpassed Space Objects - Alternative View

No. 10. R136a1 is the most massive star

R136a1 lies 165,000 light-years from Earth in the Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud. This blue hypergiant is the most massive star known to science. Also, the star is one of the brightest, emitting light up to 10 million times more than the Sun, writes the Internet edition "Informat" with reference to fresher.ru.

The mass of the star is 265 solar masses, and the mass during formation is more than 320. R136a1 was discovered by a team of astronomers from the University of Sheffield led by Paul Crowter on June 21, 2010.

Until now, the question of the origin of such supermassive stars remains unclear: whether they formed with such a mass initially, or they were formed from several smaller stars.

In the image from left to right: a red dwarf, the Sun, a blue giant, and R136a1.


No. 9. The Boomerang Nebula is the coldest place in the Universe

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The Boomerang Nebula is located in the constellation Centaurus, 5,000 light-years from Earth. The nebula has a temperature of −272 ° C, which makes it the coldest known place in the universe.

The gas stream from the central star of the Boomerang Nebula moves at a speed of 164 km / s and is constantly expanding. Due to this rapid expansion, the nebula has such a low temperature. The Boomerang Nebula is colder than even the relict radiation from the Big Bang.

Keith Taylor and Mike Scarrott named the object the Boomerang Nebula in 1980 after observing it with the Anglo-Australian Telescope at Siding Spring Observatory. The sensitivity of the device made it possible to record only a slight asymmetry in the lobes of the nebula, from which the assumption of a curved, like a boomerang, shape appeared.

The Boomerang Nebula was photographed in detail by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1998, after which it became clear that the nebula was shaped like a bow tie, but that name was already taken.


No. 8. SDSS J0100 + 2802 is the brightest quasar with the oldest black hole

SDSS J0100 + 2802 is a quasar located 12.8 billion light years from the Sun. It is notable for the fact that the Black Hole feeding it has a mass of 12 billion times the mass of the Sun, which is 3000 times more than the black hole in the center of our galaxy.

The luminosity of the quasar SDSS J0100 + 2802 exceeds the solar one by 42 trillion times. And the Black Hole is the oldest known. The object was formed 900 million years after the alleged Big Bang.

The quasar SDSS J0100 + 2802 was discovered by astronomers from the Chinese province of Yunnan using the 2.4 m Lijiang telescope on December 29, 2013.


No. 7. WASP-33 b (HD 15082 b) - the hottest planet

Planet WASP-33 b is an exoplanet near the white main sequence star HD 15082 in the constellation Andromeda. It is slightly larger in diameter than Jupiter. In 2011, the temperature of the planet was measured extremely accurately - about 3200 ° C, which makes it the hottest known exoplanet.


No. 6. The Orion Nebula is the brightest nebula

The Orion Nebula (also known as Messier 42, M 42, or NGC 1976) is the brightest diffuse nebula. It is clearly visible in the night sky with the naked eye, and can be seen almost anywhere on Earth. The Orion Nebula is about 1,344 light-years from Earth and 33 light-years across.


No. 5. CFBDSIR2149 is the loneliest planet

This lonely planet was discovered by Philip Delorme using the powerful ESO telescope. The main feature of the planet is that it is all alone in space. It is more familiar to us that the planets revolve around the star. But CFBDSIR2149 is not that kind of planet. She is alone, and the closest star is too far away to exert gravitational influence on the planet.

Such lonely planets have been found by scientists before, but the great distance hindered their study. The study of a lonely planet will allow "to learn more about how planets can be thrown out of planetary systems."


No. 4. Cruithney is an asteroid with an orbit identical to Earth

Cruithney is a near-Earth asteroid moving in orbital resonance with the Earth 1: 1, while crossing the orbits of three planets at once: Venus, Earth and Mars. It is also called the Earth's quasi-satellite.

Cruithney was discovered on October 10, 1986 by British amateur astronomer Duncan Waldron using the Schmidt telescope. Cruithney's first temporary designation was 1986 TO. The asteroid's orbit was calculated in 1997.

Due to the orbital resonance with the Earth, the asteroid flies through its orbit for almost one Earth year (364 days), that is, at any moment in time, the Earth and Cruithney are at the same distance from each other as a year ago.

The danger of a collision of this asteroid with the Earth does not exist, at least for the next several million years.


Number 3. Gliese 436 b - planet of hot ice

Gliese 436 b was discovered by American astronomers in 2004. The planet is comparable in size to the size of Neptune, the mass of Gliese 436 b is equal to 22 Earth masses.

In May 2007, Belgian scientists led by Michael Gillon from the University of Liège established that the planet consists mainly of water. Water is in the solid state of ice under high pressure and at a temperature of about 300 degrees Celsius, which leads to the effect of "hot ice". Gravity creates tremendous pressure on the water, the molecules of which turn into ice. And even in spite of the extremely high temperature, water is not able to evaporate from the surface. Therefore Gliese 436 b is a very unique planet.


# 2. El Gordo is the largest cosmic structure in the early universe

A galactic cluster is a complex superstructure made up of several galaxies. Cluster ACT-CL J0102-4915, with the unofficial name El Gordo, was discovered in 2011 and is considered the largest space structure in the early Universe. According to the latest calculations by scientists, this system is 3 quadrillion times more massive than the Sun. The El Gordo Cluster is 7 billion light-years from Earth.

El Gordo is the result of the merger of two clusters that collide at a speed of several million kilometers per hour, according to a new study.


# 1. 55 Cancer E - Diamond Planet

Planet 55 Cancer e was discovered in 2004 in the planetary system of the sun-like star 55 Cancer A. The planet's mass is almost 9 times the mass of the Earth.

The temperature on the side facing the parent star is + 2400 ° C, and is a giant ocean of lava; on the shadow side, the temperature is + 1100 ° C.

According to new research, 55 Cancer e contains a large proportion of carbon in its composition. It is believed that a third of the planet's mass is made up of thick layers of diamond. At the same time, there is almost no water in the planet. The planet is 40 light years from Earth.