Hidden Facts Of Russian History - Alternative View

Hidden Facts Of Russian History - Alternative View
Hidden Facts Of Russian History - Alternative View

Video: Hidden Facts Of Russian History - Alternative View

Video: Hidden Facts Of Russian History - Alternative View
Video: How the Russian Revolution is seen in Russia and the West, with Sheila Fitzpatrick 2024, September

Not a moment of doubt!.. Information is embedded in the human genetic code. And if we were to study true history, we would have no equals in the world, and no one could humiliate and destroy us!..

Before talking about history, it should be said that the term "history" has a content that distorts true events.

In Russia, there has always been Russian Truth, and there were Russian Chronicles, and Russian Legends!

“They wrote of old, Russian Truth”, - Vladimir Dal (1801-1872 - Russian writer, lexicographer, ethnographer, author of the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language”).

The word "history" comes from the phrase "from the Torah I am".

The Torah is the basis of Judaism and the sacred book of all Orthodox Jews - the Pentateuch of Moses. The Torah is also the basis of the Old Testament Bible of Christians. It turns out that the "Treatises of Moses", containing the precepts of the Jewish prophet, "who led the Jewish people across the Sinai desert for forty years," underlie the Jewish Torah and the Christian Bible. These covenants are true for Orthodox Jews as well as for Orthodox Christians, now called "Orthodox", and other religions and communities based on Judaism. Consequently, Jewish shrines are equally sacred not only for Jews, but also for all Christians.

What does “I from the Torah” mean?

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This means that the concept of historical development and fundamental events of the past are based on the "Biblical Synopsis" and, in general, fit into the picture of the world presented in the Torah and the Bible, that is, fit into the picture "from the Torah and".

"Synopsis" in the scientific nomenclature of the ancient Greeks was supposed to be presented in one general survey, in a concise form, without detailed argumentation and without detailed theoretical reasoning, one whole subject or one area of knowledge.

A typical example of a historical "synopsis" is the Synopsis of Innokenty Gisel or the Synopsis of Kiev, which sets out in a concise and chronological sequence the facts of Russian history.

Innokenty Gisel (1600-1683) - German by birth, was originally from Prussia and belonged to the Reformed Church. In his youth, having arrived in Kiev and settled here, he adopted Christian "Orthodoxy" and tonsured a monk, then in 1656 he became archimandrite of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and rector of the Kiev-Bratsk college.

Synopsis Kiev ("Synopsis, or a Brief Description of the Beginning of the Russian People") is a compilation review of the history of southwestern Russia, compiled in the second half of the 17th century and published for the first time in 1674 in the printing house of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, for the last time in Kiev in 1861 In the XVIII-XIX centuries "Synopsis" was used as a school history textbook.

The Poles once called a "synopsis" a simple chronological collection and statement of the rights and rules given by the kings to the Polish Russian people who were under Polish citizenship.

In Byzantine theological literature, the name "synopsis" is then assigned to a consistent review and presentation in abbreviation of a whole group of objects of the same kind. Such, for example, is the review of Chrysostom's sermons on St. Scripture of the Old and New Testaments or a review of the conversations of St. Afanasy.

"Synopsis" is also called at the present time an abridged exposition of the interpretations of St. of the Church Fathers - a collection of patristic interpretations on St. Scripture exemplified by Minh's Sacrae Scripturae cursus completus (Jacques Minh, 1800-1885, French Catholic priest, Christian publisher, whose publication of the writings of the Church Fathers).

Thus, the "synopsis" can be conventionally called the whole "science", which bears the name of the "introduction to St. Scripture”, and other works and interpretations of Judeo-Christian clerics of various hierarchical ranks.

As mentioned above, "Synopsis of Kiev" - the first textbook on Russian history, was first published in Kiev in 1674 and its compilation, according to the chronicle of the Abbot of the Mikhailovsky Monastery Theodosius Safonovich, is attributed to the German Innokentiy Gisel.

The synopsis was widely used both in Kiev and Moscow Russia during the 18th-19th centuries and went through 25 editions, of which the last three (1823, 1826, 1861).

St. Dmitry of Rostov added the Synopsis to his chronicle, without changes.

The Chronicle of Hegumen Safonovich, which served as a source for the Synopsis, was written under the influence of Polish historians, mainly Stryjkovsky. Safonovich, like Polish historians, sought out ancient biblical or classical genealogies of peoples and introduced arbitrary fables into history.

Thus, the Synopsis sets out "the most ancient times of the Russian people" about which the initial chronicler knows nothing: according to the interpretation of the Synopsis, "the progenitor of the Moscow peoples was Mosokh, the sixth son of Afet, the grandson of Noah"; in Russian history, the protagonist is "Alexander the Great, who gave the Slavs a letter confirming their liberties and lands." On the other hand, the compiler of the Synopsis knows little about the Russian chronicle, and at the same time the events of Russian history after the so-called Tatar invasion; the author of the Synopsis knows almost nothing about north-eastern Russia; following the story of the devastation of Kiev by Batu, he speaks, for example, of the Mamayev massacre.

Being a "South Russian" work, Synopsis focused his interest on the history of Kiev, almost completely bypassing Vladimir and Moscow, and passing from the events after the "Tatar invasion" only about those that were directly related to Kiev: about the fate of the Kiev Metropolitanate, about the annexation of Kiev to Lithuania, etc.

In the first edition, the Synopsis ended with the annexation of Kiev to Moscow, and in the next two editions it was added about the Chigirin campaigns (the campaigns of the Russian army and Zaporozhye Cossacks during the Russian-Turkish war of 1672-1681 to the city of Chigirin, Cherkasy region).

Of the 110 chapters of the first edition, the first 11 are devoted to an ethnographic introduction, compiled exclusively according to Stryjkovsky (Matej Stryjkovsky, 1547-1593, Polish Catholic chaplain, historiographer of the principality of Lithuania): it sets out fabulous stories about the origin of the Slavs and Russians.

Chapters 12-74 describe the history of Kiev before the "Tatar invasion", with the reign of Vladimir St. (Ch. 30-50) and the baptism of Russia, as well as a story about Vladimir Monomakh. Much has been altered here by the compiler of the Synopsis from Russian sources. Chapters 75-103 are devoted to an extensive exposition of the reign of Dmitry Donskoy and the Battle of Kulikovo, and are compiled mainly from Russian sources.

Entire reigns passed in silence, for example, John III, John IV. It is silent about the conquest of Novgorod, about the correction of liturgical books under Nikon, etc.

All this is explained by the Kiev origin of the Synopsis, which was written for Little Russia. In Moscow, he was successful because at one time he was the only educational book on Russian history.

Later there was an addition to the Synopsis of Kiev, which in the work "The Main Currents of Russian Historical Thought" (1898) by Pavel Milyukov (1859-1943 - Russian politician, historian and publicist, leader of the Constitutional Democratic Party - Cadets, Minister of Foreign affairs of the Provisional Government in 1917) is characterized as follows:

“The addition to the Synopsis of Kiev contains murals of the great dukes, kings and emperors of All-Russian, Polish grand dukes and kings, Lithuanian grand dukes, appanage Russian princes, metropolitans of Kiev and all Russia, Little Russian hetmans, governors and princes, voivods and Russian, generals, Polish - governors, governors, Polish castellans and Russian commandants, who ruled in Kiev since 1320, as well as the Mongol-Tatar great khans and Crimean specific khans”.

The history that we have today is, first of all, the history of Jews and Christians, and everything connected with them.

School history textbooks pay great attention to the history of "Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome" with the Semitic peoples who lived there (much later than the Rus-Slavs), Ancient Egypt, where the Jews lived for a long time, and Moses was an Egyptian priest, Europe, which arose on the basis of " Greek and Roman civilizations”, and forcibly Christianized by bloody papal crusades.

Throughout the history of mankind, only "fascists" and Christians have burned people and books. Moreover, only Christians burned people alive. And even their own, for example, in 1348 in Paris, the head of the Order of the Knights Templar, Jacques de Molay, was burned at the stake of the Inquisition, and the last victim was burned in the 19th century.

And the generally accepted history of Ancient Rus, which in its essence can hardly be called ancient, begins only in the 9th century (according to Christian canons, until that time, “the wild Slavs lived in the forests on the branches of trees”), and is associated with the vocation of the Varangians to reign in Novgorod and the subsequent Christianization of the Russian lands.

However, one cannot agree with this, since it is untrue, falsification, and, ultimately, discrimination against the Russian people.

Science has proven that astronomy as a part of astrology originated in the Paleolithic in Russia. In particular, in the Vladimir region, “… objects of art, combined with iconic records of calendar and astronomical content … They appear at the early stage of the Upper Paleolithic (35-25 thousand years ago - the Syisk and Malta cultures of Siberia; the settlement of Sungir - in the north of European Russia).

By the 35-30th millennium BC. the astrological and astronomical knowledge of the Rus-Slavs reached the highest level and allowed them to form the Vedas, in particular, the French scientist "Laplace, who studied the knowledge of astrology by purely mathematical methods, wrote that this knowledge is at least 25-30 thousand years old."

The emergence of arithmetic counting territorially belongs to the Russian Plain - Rus and Rus. Thus, regarding the Sungir site (30 thousand years BC), Daniil Avdusin (1918-1994), a famous Russian archaeologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Archeology of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University, reports: “The mammoth tusk carved figurines of horses, decorated with two lines of ornament, each of which consists of twenty dots, grouped in five. This coincidence is explained not by chance, but by the fact that the late Paleolithic people knew the elements of counting. His conclusions are confirmed by Vitaly Larichev - Russian astronomer and archaeologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, one of the leading experts in archeology and the history of ancient peoples.

The first letters were found on a figurine of the Paleolithic Slavic goddess Makosha, found at the Russian site of Kostenka (42 thousand years BC, Voronezh region).

Boris Rybakov - the largest Russian archaeologist and historian of the 20th century, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Sciences:

“On the chest of the Paleolithic figurine of the Slavic goddess Makosha, there is a rhombic ornament, confidently identified with the Slavic symbol“Unsown field”, which belongs to the Slavic goddess Makosha. We also note that quite modern letters are inscribed on the back of the same figurine."

Variants of reading this inscription have already been published (see, for example, Andrey Tyunyaev - academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: "The most ancient letters inscribed on the sculpture of Mokosha 42 thousand years ago", Slavic Encyclopedia. - M. 2006-2007. Or Valery Chudinov - academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: "Reading the inscriptions on the sculpture of Mokosha from Kostenki", 2007).

Finds from all sites of the Russian Plain, dated 42-30 thousand years BC, and dozens of such sites have been discovered, testify categorically that the ancient Rus had knowledge of astronomy and mathematics. And, in addition, images of calendars, both solar and lunar, as well as combined ones, have been repeatedly attested. Consequently, already in 42-30 thousand years BC. a person who lived on the Russian Plain conducted research work in the field of timing, building an accurate calendar and had the necessary mathematical knowledge for this!

The first musical instruments were discovered at the Avdeevskaya site near Kursk and dated to the 21st millennium BC. In addition, the 21st millennium BC. the first musical works should also be attributed as a result of the use of a musical instrument.

Despite the fact that even the official finds of many settlements of the Russian Plain are 42-30 thousand years BC. - Kostenki, Sungir and 10-5 thousand years BC, such as Arkaim of the Southern Urals and many others, testify without appeal that the ancient Rus-Slavs had the richest ancient culture, perfect multilateral writing, possessed knowledge of astronomy and mathematics, had their own Old Russian calendar and kept a calendar calculation, possessed agricultural technologies, design and construction technologies, as well as highly developed metallurgy and metal processing techniques, had extensive knowledge in medicine, architecture and much more - we are denied that we could have at least some cultural past before Christianity.

At the same time, important parts concerning the American, African, Australian continents, and other parts of the world have almost completely dropped out of the historical process …

The indigenous peoples of these lands today have a certain lag in development, compared to the peoples of Eurasia, but this does not mean that they did not have their own past and culture.

On the contrary, it was!.. And this is proved by the ancient finds of many peoples and tribes - the Incas, Maya, Quechua, Dogon, etc.

In the minds of the peoples of the West, it was their "Western civilization" that brought knowledge, enlightenment and culture to the world.

Almost nothing is said about pre-Christian Europe, especially Eurasia, the landless country of the Slavic-Aryan peoples - Russian Clans - Asia, Russenia, TarkhTara (Tartaria) - the Ancient Great Russian State …

This is understandable, then we would have to talk about the Aryans - Rus - Russians, who originally populated our Earth and in particular Europe, and created their first Russian civilization.

And according to the ideology of "Western civilization" - the Russian State, and even the Russian statehood until the ninth century - "simply did not exist" …

The positions of modern academic historical science also come from adherents of "Western civilization" and are far from the events of the real past.

But it should be understood that all modern religions are dead church dogmas. Humanity is constantly developing. Dogmas inevitably die, since they no longer meet the interests of developing life, cannot influence the consciousness of modern humanity.

The true history of mankind - Russian Truth - is completely different from the one that we are taught in schools. And this story, like all humanity, does not care that the two stories do not coincide. After all, modern historical science has existed for only hundreds of years, and people have lived in the Universe and on Earth for millions of years …

That is why the search for the meaning of what is happening leads many people to Slavic antiquity, when, according to official sources, the Slavs lived in a bestial manner - and only then they were blessed by the introduction to Christian and Western culture.

In such numerous violent "cultivation", "enlightenment", "introduction", in which it was implied that the dirty and stupid herd "Russische Schweine" (translated from German means "Russian pig") should be driven with a stick into the one arranged according to European standards barn, many found the reasons for the troubles of their homeland.

If Russia had not turned from its path of natural, predetermined development, then it would have been completely different, powerful and prosperous. It would be a Power that would speak on equal terms with great civilizations, and its citizens would feel proud of being involved in such a great destiny.

This is a powerful trend in the spiritual life of the country, to which many are involved, albeit to varying degrees.

And, despite the bans and repressions, as the crisis in the country deepens, the influence of the Russian native Vedic faith is only growing against the background of disillusionment with liberal values and the growing alienation from the official Christian "Orthodoxy" in the format of the Russian Orthodox Church.

To be continued…

E. Tarasov