New Dangerous Phenomenon: "Phantom" Air Wave Of Trains - Alternative View

New Dangerous Phenomenon: "Phantom" Air Wave Of Trains - Alternative View
New Dangerous Phenomenon: "Phantom" Air Wave Of Trains - Alternative View

Video: New Dangerous Phenomenon: "Phantom" Air Wave Of Trains - Alternative View

Video: New Dangerous Phenomenon:
Video: Full Show 3/22/12: Way too big to fail! 2024, September

A definitely mystical incident occurred on June 14, 2001: the Minister of Railways of Turkmenistan died under mysterious circumstances. Right in Ashgabat, next to the locomotive depot, and even during an inspection. The official version is as follows: the minister did not notice the approaching locomotive and died under its wheels. It's strange: how can you not notice, let alone hear the approaching train?

According to rumors, the driver of the locomotive who knocked down the official saw him "by some powerful blow was knocked off the track even before he passed the shunting one." Of course, no one paid attention to these testimonies. The fact that the shunting diesel locomotive did not have any collision marks important for the examination also remained unnoticed. However, judging by the nature of the injuries, the death of the minister clearly came from a strong blow.

Every year, tens, hundreds of people die on the railways, while the death of some of them is associated with very mysterious circumstances. This is how stories are born that railway workers themselves do not like to remember. As a machinist with thirty years of experience said, over the entire period of work, he was most struck by the inexplicable tragedies that he saw with his own eyes.

For example, once on the way to the station, he saw a young girl standing close to the edge of the platform. Suddenly she takes a step back and … falls under the wheels of the train. Everything happens as if some force pushed her under the locomotive! Later, in different years, there were several more similar cases. And each time a line appeared in the materials of criminal cases - suicide. But the driver believes that this is not suicide.

What then? Mystic? Maybe. It is believed that sometimes in front of the train, about seventy meters away, a certain invisible wave appears, which, like a ghost train rushing "in front of a locomotive," sweeps away everything in its path.

According to various sources, the high-speed express Moscow-Petersburg "Sapsan" regularly collects its bloody tribute among the residents of the Tver and Novgorod regions. According to 2010 data, "Sapsan" has already killed several dozen people. Exactly where it sweeps at a cruising speed of 200 km / h. This is an eerie sight, say the locals who found themselves at that moment on the platform of the station or on the route of the express train.


A white flash appears on the horizon, in the form of some kind of "eye", which is rapidly approaching at a fantastic speed. A standing person automatically grabs the railing on the platform, while inside everything is driven from animal fear. This sensation has already generated a real "peregrine phobia" among some eyewitnesses.

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Residents of towns and villages located near the railroad also say that the train allegedly "sucks" people. Such rumors are confirmed by a real fact - a powerful air wave that accompanies the movement of the train. Experts say that the danger zone is 5 m, and the width of the railway platform is 4 m 60 cm.

Sometimes people jump from the platform in fear when the Sapsan approaches. The train raises a powerful vortex flow, which carries away both things and people from the platform. The air wave from the flying express lifts the gravel out of the way and even rocks the trains.

In Ukraine, the first victims of a collision with a high-speed Hyundai Rotem also appeared at one time (it was decommissioned due to frequent breakdowns in 2012, but in 2014 it was decided to resume train traffic).

Understanding that the movement of the express is accompanied by a strong, knocking down stream of air requires the installation of special niches and safety zones in the center of the platforms in which people can take refuge. Otherwise, the modern "ghost train" rushing ahead of high-speed express trains can turn from legends and rumors into a tragic reality.
