Where Does The Soul Live? - Alternative View

Where Does The Soul Live? - Alternative View
Where Does The Soul Live? - Alternative View

Video: Where Does The Soul Live? - Alternative View

Video: Where Does The Soul Live? - Alternative View
Video: Top 5 Real Souls Caught Coming Out Of People 2024, September

Alexander Lavrin, writer, historian, anthropologist:

- How is the soul formed and educated? And if there is a soul as a separate substance independent of the material body, how do new souls appear? It is estimated that about 120-140 billion people lived on Earth before us. Where are their souls now? There are many questions, and far from all of them scientists have answers.

If the soul were some kind of independent, autonomous fundamental principle, then the cultural and genetic codes of all would be the same. But this is not the case. People behave and perceive the world in completely different ways.

Alexander Lavrin, writer, historian, anthropologist


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It is very likely that the soul is formed during the development of the human body. When a child is born, only conditioned reflexes act in him: warm mother's milk, the consciousness that they have picked you up, whether you are wet or not. And only after some time, the system of social interaction with parents turns on and starts working. The soul, like consciousness, develops from the birth of a person to death.

But where is it located, where in the human body? Apparently, not in the heart, lungs, liver - but in the brain. Remember Belyaev's fantastic novel "The Head of Professor Dowell". The soul is tied to the human consciousness.

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Apparently, the soul is a combination of the sum of knowledge, sociocultural codes and feelings. And feelings are the mystical component of a person. They are often inexplicable and defying logic. This is something irrational, coming from the subconscious that is inaccessible to us. Where do the so-called movements and impulses of the soul come from in us? Why do we suddenly take a step, good or bad, which no one expected from us, do what is unprofitable for us to do, and even runs counter to the most powerful of instincts - the instincts of self-preservation and survival? There are countless examples when a person, even in the face of death, in a situation of very high risk and, most importantly, unexpectedly for himself, suddenly impulsively goes to the rescue, performs a feat for the sake of strangers. Perhaps the irrationality of our behavior is the soul?