A Ray Of Light From The Scene Of A Car Accident As A "road To Heaven" - Alternative View

A Ray Of Light From The Scene Of A Car Accident As A "road To Heaven" - Alternative View
A Ray Of Light From The Scene Of A Car Accident As A "road To Heaven" - Alternative View

Video: A Ray Of Light From The Scene Of A Car Accident As A "road To Heaven" - Alternative View

Video: A Ray Of Light From The Scene Of A Car Accident As A
Video: Cant Give Up - Emilio Zavala 2024, September

This photo was taken by American Anisa Gannon, who lives in Gainesville, Florida. She was driving her car to work that morning and was stuck in a traffic jam at Friendship Road and Highway 347 as there was a car accident and traffic was stopped.

As a result of the collision of two cars, three people were killed and one of them was a child. Anisa got out of the car and took some pictures from the accident site. No, not out of simple curiosity, but simply to have proof for her boss about the reasons for her being late for work.

Imagine the woman's surprise when, in one of the photos from the accident scene, she saw a mysterious ray of light, like “the road to heaven”, which opened for the dead, probably primarily for an innocent child.

We do not know if this picture helped to resolve the conflict between Anisa and her boss, but the continuation of this story is quite fabulous. After showing the photo to her aunt Tara Noble, who called the beam “the road to heaven,” Gannon decided to send the photo to the families of those killed in that car accident, thereby giving them peace of mind.

It was not difficult to find those families, as the tragedy was widely reported in the press, and then it was given new "colors" by a mysterious photograph of Anisa Gannon. Onin from the journalists immediately posted this photo on Twitter, from where it instantly spread throughout the Internet.

Users of the World Wide Web, of course, were divided into believers and skeptics, but if you read the comments on various sites, you are convinced: there are much more of the former. That is, people believe in the afterlife and fully admit that such a miracle as this "road to heaven" on a clear spring day is quite possible. For example, ghosts at the scene of car accidents are quite common …
