Mysterious Artifacts Of Fate - Alternative View

Mysterious Artifacts Of Fate - Alternative View
Mysterious Artifacts Of Fate - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Artifacts Of Fate - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Artifacts Of Fate - Alternative View
Video: 12 Most Mysterious Artifact Finds Scientists Still Can't Explain 2024, September

Today we are surrounded by many things that should refute all sorts of beliefs and instill in a person the confidence of his exclusivity, however, this is not so. Not a single computer program or even the most powerful computer can predict fate. Therefore, someone turns to a fortune teller, or is looking for mysterious artifacts that have left a mark on history. These are all kinds of objects, one way or another giving their owner supernatural power, including those that imply the ability to look into the future.

Church dogmas say that no one but God can foresee the future and anyone who does this is a charlatan and apostate. At the same time, the pastors for some reason are silent that such sacred relics as the sword of fate or the cup of Christ are able to give the owner superpowers. Among them, not only foresight, but also the ability to unquestioningly subjugate huge masses of people. For this, the so-called relics serve, carefully preserved by the church or raised to the rank of such. During the public demonstration of these objects, cases of mass psychosis are very frequent and there is nothing surprising in this, since they all have mechanisms of real impact on matter.

A flask with the blood of St. Januarius, weeping images or statues, and finally the ritual of the descent of the Holy Fire on Easter - all these are far from formal traditions. The possibility of massively influencing the human masses has always been of interest to people thirsting for power, and church hierarchs used it to the fullest. Today, various methods of governance are being studied, by many structures, both public and state. The submissive human mass is, first of all, a high income and total control, however, modern people are far from being pioneers in this matter.

If in the era of the dark Middle Ages the authority of the church was used for these purposes, then before our era, the rulers of ancient civilizations had at their disposal psychotropic weapons. Scientists made this sensational discovery by studying the frescoes on the walls of the ancient Egyptian pyramids. Having carried out a comparative analysis with the bas-reliefs from the pyramids in South America, they found that there are a very large number of similar details - the creatures depicted as gods always hold some kind of artifact in their hands, often in the form of a staff. It was he, according to the researchers, who made it possible for the ruler to keep the whole environment in obedience. Later, this technology was lost, which ultimately led to the fall of these civilizations. In this regard, the assumption that the first Egyptian pharaohs may have had an alien origin is not so wrong. This is also confirmed by the possibility of incestuous marriages, the offspring born did not have defects, as would be the case with earthlings.

Subsequently, the aliens either completely dissolved among people, or transferred power to them and left the planet themselves, taking mind control technologies with them. More than once, researchers have a question - how did the rulers of the ancient empire manage not only to keep the entire population in subjection, but also to always repel the attacks of external enemies? Carefully examining the history of ancient wars, one can see that the actions of the enemies were, as it were, predicted, which is possible only with access to information obtained from the future. Possessing the ability to influence the mass subconsciousness, the ancient rulers could easily look into the future or, more correctly, move in time, leaving in a parallel reality. Later, the symbols of power that appeared in the hands of medieval monarchs are nothing more,as an imitation of items used to control the ancient rulers and passed from ancient times. Just as in the wild tribes of Oceania and Africa, airplanes are mistaken for deities and imitate them with the help of improvised materials, so powerful psychic weapons began to be imitated and subsequently took the form of a scepter or crown.

The rather strange headdresses of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs also served for this. In fact, he, like various types of staves, is part of a system for obtaining information from space, including about future events. He concentrates the waves of telepathic communication, allowing you to direct the flow to others, completely subordinating to his will. Subsequently, this headdress also transformed into an ordinary piece of jewelry - but the real objects disappeared and since then have changed their name more than once, leaving a mark in the centuries and haunting researchers.

The disappeared artifacts, although lost in the centuries, have not disappeared and their search continues. At different times, their owners were both individuals and entire communities, in particular Masonic organizations. The one who owns information, owns everything - this was perfectly understood even in antiquity and the Middle Ages, and therefore the desire to know the future was inextricably linked with the desire to get rich. After the disappearance of the Cup of Christ from Jerusalem, suspicions fell on the Order of the Templars, but even after its defeat, nothing was found. He was the first to express the opinion that the mythical vessel is a source of some information, Leonardo da Vinci, and therefore it is not a piece of jewelry that should be looked for. There is still a version that the scientist encrypted the answer to this in one of his paintings - "La Gioconda" or "The Last Supper".

Medieval alchemists believed that this information would help find the formula for obtaining the philosopher's stone and therefore carefully looked for traces of the artifact. In the eighteenth century, when many different Masonic lodges appeared, the Rosicrucians were particularly vigorous in their search, destroying several dozen competitors. There is reason to believe that it was still some kind of artifact, moreover, of the pre-Christ era, and possibly one of those owned by the first dynasties of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs. However, then the traces of the bowl were lost again, and most likely, it is to this day in the vaults of the Vatican under the protection of the Jesuit society, whose members became its last owners.

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The Holy Grail can also give a clue as to where to look for the rest of the artifacts that could make any person in the world powerful. It is known that searches were undertaken in due time even by the Soviet and Nazi governments. This was done in pursuit of a powerful weapon that would neutralize the enemy force without sacrifice and destruction of material resources. Studying the archives of Russian scientists of the tsarist period, already Soviet researchers discovered a trace of those very artifacts, and the legend about the fall of the ancient city of Jericho was mentioned in the diaries of predecessors. The news of the sensational discovery immediately reached Stalin, who, despite the well-known anti-religious position, remained a believer, having a clerical rank. Having not yet become the first leader, but having already collected all the power in his hands,he understood the need to have in his hands a reliable weapon that could forestall the action of any internal enemies. As it turned out, it was not at all required to travel far, according to the records of one hieromonk, who served under Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, to the capital of Muscovy, overseas ambassadors on a dark night brought "the Lord's things" straight from Rome.

According to an eyewitness who was a translator, foreign guests asked the patriarch to help and save the gifts from the Jesuits scouring all over Europe, killing anyone who was only suspected of stealing them. The Russian patriarch did not refuse the request and left the relics with him, however, what was there, no one saw it, because after the audience the guests left, and the patriarch summoned his confidants and ordered to hide the brought in the place where it was later laid Cathedral of Christ the Savior. By a strange coincidence, the patriarch soon died, and at once in several large estates of the then Moscow there were violent fires, they said that they even saw people setting fire to houses, although they did not find anyone.

Historians believe that the possible location was precisely the reason for the demolition of the temple, and the "father of all nations" was so eager to find the relics that he ordered to demolish the structure and dig up the site. It is not known whether the communists discovered something or not, but in a strange way everyone who knew about the real reason for the demolition disappeared, and in parallel with this, a group of scientists began to study the effects of telepathic waves on Stalin's personal instructions. It is only known that the researchers managed to achieve considerable success in this area, but with the outbreak of the war, the secret laboratory was taken out, and all the results were classified.

Today, the secret services of all countries of the world are trying to find a way to make the human masses obey. Despite the availability of modern technologies, scientists still continue to study information that has come down to us from ancient sources, although so far without any serious progress. Apparently, those who knew the secret of action foresaw that this force could be used for selfish purposes and therefore provided a kind of protection, otherwise the Earth would have suffered a catastrophe long ago.