UFO: Undeclared War - Alternative View

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UFO: Undeclared War - Alternative View
UFO: Undeclared War - Alternative View

Video: UFO: Undeclared War - Alternative View

Video: UFO: Undeclared War - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, September

On June 1, 1968, a group of scientists from the University of Colorado, led by renowned physicist Edward Eugene Condon, completed a scientific study of unidentified flying objects, indicating in the conclusions of the final report that "based on current knowledge, the hypothesis of alien visits by intelligent beings is the least likely explanation for UFOs." The conclusions of the scientists of the University of Colorado were approved by the American Academy of Sciences and thus began to reflect the official position of the American government.

But … the same members of the Condon committee, in a letter addressed to Coleman von Kevitzky, president of the least numerous but most independent organization dealing with the UFO problem, indicated that “all scientific skepticism was gone when the committee members unanimously accepted the existence of alien flying vehicles and manned visits to Earth at the sight of myriad real-world evidence. Our government is fully informed, but shies away from communicating information to the public mainly for fear of consequences (mainly political). We have vast, amazing and fantastic material …"

This conviction arose among members of the Condon committee after visiting the National Center for Photo-Interpretation, which is under the jurisdiction of the CIA. The material shown was considered top secret and was not subject to disclosure.

Shortly after the First International UFO Congress, held in Acapulco (Mexico) in April 1977, President Coleman von Kevitzky, with the support of the Prime Minister of Grenada, Sir Eric Gary, prepared the necessary documents to discuss the UFO problem at the UN General Assembly and at a meeting of the Special Political Committee UN. On November 28, 1977, the government of Grenada proposed a draft resolution on the formation of an agency or department of the United Nations to take measures to coordinate and disseminate the results of research on UFOs and related phenomena. The response of the US government to the direct threat of international control over the UFO problem was lightning fast. US President Carter sent a special message to the Prime Minister of Grenada, after which the original text of the resolution was completely revised.

The only thing left in the draft resolution was a proposal to present the points of view before the UN Secretary General. In addition to these measures, a large-scale attempt was made to discredit the memorandum presented to all UN diplomatic missions. (The memorandum was a collection of official documents that irrefutably prove the reality of the existence of UFOs, their alien nature and the aggressive actions of the US military against an alien civilization.) For this purpose, a person was needed who would be considered a UFO specialist, and such a specialist was found. It turned out to be … D. A. Hynek, head of the American Center for UFO Studies. Hynek ^ speaking before the UN Special Political Committee, said: "The UFO phenomenon, even after competent study by qualified specialists, remains unexplained and incomprehensible)."

So, on the one hand, UFOs do not exist as material objects, and on the other, back in 1952, a global UFO warning system was created, and the main bases of the US Air Force were ordered to intercept UFOs. This information was set forth in a memorandum declassified on April 20, 1977.

The North American air defense system, equipped with infrared sensors, satellite tracking systems and a global radar network, registers from 5 to 900 UFOs daily.

Despite the available orders to intercept UFOs, the American armed forces were unable to prevent massive reconnaissance and research raids by alien aircraft on the northern belt of strategic ICBM bases, control points and storage of nuclear warheads.

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For three months in 1976, UFOs patrolled at low altitude and sometimes hovered over missile launch sites, communications and control points, and nuclear warhead storage facilities.

During this period, the usual combat activities of the above-mentioned military facilities were completely paralyzed.

More successful were the actions of the "blue berets" units - highly trained and mobile units specially created for the capture, preliminary examination and evacuation of landed or crashed UFOs.

One of the first UFOs crashed on July 2, 1947 in the area of Roswell, New Mexico. In 1948, a UFO victim was evacuated from the Laredo area, Texas. The disk-shaped spacecraft had a diameter of 30 m. On board the pilot's body was found about 1.3 m in height. It is interesting that the aircraft crew observed the flight and emergency landing of the UFO from the air. In 1952, a similar device made an emergency landing at Edward Air Base (California). The disk-shaped ship had a diameter of 27 m. Around the perimeter was a row of windows, blackened by the high temperature. The device was evacuated to Wright Patterson AFB. In May 1953, a UFO wrecked was delivered to Wright Patterson Air Force Base from Kingman, Arizona. The disc-shaped apparatus had a diameter of 10 m. In the upper and lower parts, the surface was more convex. The height of the apparatus is about 7 m. The color of the metal of the casing was similar to polished aluminum. The metal was darker at the junction of the upper and lower parts. In the lower part of the ship there was an oval door measuring 1x0.75 m. No landing gear was found. Inside are double seats and instrumentation on the walls. Found the body of a pilot with a height of 1.2 m in a silver overalls.

In 1962, in the area of the Holloman airbase (Nyo-Me-hiko state), a UFO with a diameter of 22 m and a height of 4 m made an emergency landing. According to the radar control service, the landing occurred at a speed of 90 miles per hour.

On board were found the bodies of two pilots with a height of 1.1 m in silver overalls.

On December 10, 1964, at 2:00 am, an operation began on a preliminary survey of a UFO discovered on the territory of Fort Realey (Kansas). There were no pilots on board. For guard duty, units of the 1st Civil Guard Division, armed with M-14 rifles, were involved.

In 1966, in the desert region of Arizona, a military unit conducting an exercise saw a group of pilots next to a landing UFO. In a short fight, one of the pilots was detained and died after being injected.

In 1968, a large UFO hovered over Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, for three days. The smaller aircraft were separated from the main ship three times. One of the smaller UFOs landed at the airbase. Armed security units, led by the colonel, approached, saw the pilot - short, but stocky. Realizing the intentions of the approaching, the pilot drew out some kind of beam device and pointed it at the colonel, who fell


More than 30 UFO pilots are frozen at Wright Patterson AFB, according to a former intelligence officer. According to his testimony, in the period from 1966 to 1968 in the states of Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky, 5 UFOs crashed. Wrecked or hijacked alien ships are stored in addition to Wright Patterson AFB at Langley AFB and McDill AFB. According to the testimony of Wright Patterson, a former Air Force base employee who worked in the UFO records service, their catalog contains more than 1000 storage units (the ships themselves, part of the interior


According to eyewitness descriptions, pilots of disc-shaped UFOs look like this: height is about 1.2 m. The head and torso are disproportionate. The eyes are set wide and slightly narrowed. The eyeballs are large and sunken. And instead of the nose there is a small bulge with one or two holes, instead of the mouth there is a small hole, which, apparently, does not serve for voice communication or eating. There is no information about the teeth. Small grooves instead of ears. There is no hair on the head or there is a small fluff. There is no data on the brain. The arms are long and slender, reaching the knees when lowered. The hands have four fingers, between which there is a leathery membrane. The genitals are missing. There is blood, but it is not blood in the usual sense of the word. The skin is gray. The neck is thin, often not visible due to clothing. Body weight is about 18 kilograms.

But, apparently, the main composition of the UFO pilots did not fall into the hands of the "hospitable" American military, as the following information speaks quite eloquently. From a confidential report from the Spanish Ministry of Defense: On June 22, 1976 at 21.30, hundreds of eyewitnesses observed a UFO over Gran Canaria in the form of a luminous light blue ball about 30 meters in diameter. Some parts of the ball had a yellowish glow. Observers saw at the bottom of the ball at a distance of approximately. 1/3 of the diameter from the bottom of a long horizontal platform in a metallic color. Three aluminum-colored consoles extended from the platform. On the right and left sides of the center console, two people were standing face to face with a height of 2.5-3 m.

It was striking that their bodies were relatively flat, without a prominent chest, and elongated. They had long arms and short legs, and were dressed in red robes so bright that their light hurt their eyes. Their facial features were indistinguishable, possibly due to the helmets on their heads. Near the left creature was a vertical "glass" pipe filled with bluish smoke. Later, the UFO departed in the direction of Santa Cruz (Tenerife island).

Also eloquent is the incident in England on November 28, 1980 in the area of the city of Todmoden (West Yorkshire), where police officer Alan Godfrey was taken aboard a UFO and subjected to a medical examination. He was examined by small, lamp-headed creatures as tall as a five-year-old child, but there was a humanoid bearded creature nearby, presumably in charge. This creature even had the name Joseph.

Turning again to the activities of the UN, it should be noted that, in the opinion of the President of ICUFON, the time has come for the most decisive actions on the part of the UN to establish international control over the UFO problem. The first step should be the discussion and adoption of the "Space Law" defining the UN as the plenipotentiary representative of earthly civilization.

Of particular note are paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 1

P. 3. All nations of the Earth should be prohibited from initiating or conducting any military action or mission or taking part in any armed (warlike) sortie in the air and outer space against alien forces or declaring war against any galactic civilization.

Item 4. The withdrawal and use of strategic or tactical weapons, projectiles, laser weapons, nuclear warheads, etc., in terrestrial spacecraft should be definitely limited. The use of weapons against galactic ships should be strictly limited to only self-defense and security considerations in case of emergency, with a direct threat to life."

Professor Hermann Obert, a world renowned expert in aerospace research, nicknamed the father of aeronautics and rocket science, responded to the proposal for the "Space Law":

"Your proposals seem to me in this situation the only logical step … But I think that the first step will be taken by the URANIDES."

Comment by Boris Apollonovich Shurinov, member of the Moscow section of the Commission on Anomalous Phenomena:

- The information available today, supported by recently declassified American materials, allows us to judge (alas, by circumstantial evidence) that on July 2, 1947, an aircraft classified as unidentified flying objects crashed over the United States. After the confusion caused by the discovery of the ship of "unearthly origin" passed, the military authorities, according to the definition of the first director of the CIA, R. Hillen-Coter, managed to master the situation, and then set in motion the disinformation system.

Let's try to mentally travel back to July 1947 and speculate what we would do if we discovered an unusual aircraft in an environment where it is necessary to ensure the absolute secrecy of what happened, making the world scientific community laugh at the very possibility of such an event.

The first step is to choose a suitable legend to explain the found object, and this was done: henceforth and always it was only about a fallen meteorological balloon with a radar target.

Given that information leaks had already taken place and reports of the discovery of the "flying saucer" appeared in the local press, more serious steps had to be taken on the long-term program. For this operation, a victim was identified, journalist Frank Scully, who was supposed to fall for the bait. He was slipped "information" about three crashed UFOs and thirty-four corpses of aliens. The operation was a success, and Frank Scully was in a hurry to write a "hot pursuit" book, published in 1950. Then the persecution of F. Scully was organized, during which the frivolity of the sources of information was proved.

But professionals need to constantly look ahead and not stop there. And then there is a "plate" that fell in 1952 in California. Then the crashed extraterrestrial ships and the corpses of hapless aliens materialize as needed. And for more confusion, the public is told the details.

It would be surprising if extraterrestrial ships fell exclusively on the territory of the United States, bypassing one-sixth of the globe occupied by the Soviet Union. Another "duck", perhaps, was T. Werner's article "The Russians Captured UFOs", which appeared in the "UFO Report" magazine. And now the whole world knows that a UFO is being studied in the USSR, "the one that crashed in Zhigansk on the banks of the Lena River in northwestern Siberia." For greater credibility, it is reported that the information got into the press "through secret connections from Russia." There are, of course, the corpses of the pilots who "were transported by plane to Moscow State University for autopsy and study."

As for the "undeclared war" of UFOs, it is necessary to mention the Master of Military Sciences, General Coleman von Kevitzky, President of the international organization dealing with the analysis of information on unidentified flying objects (ICUFON). It was with him that this "undeclared war" was heard for the first time, but not at all in connection with the corpses of aliens.

In a selection of documents known as the ICUFON Memorandums, von Kevitzky tried to draw the attention of American presidents and the world community to the situation with respect to UFOs, which at any moment could turn into a disaster. Von Kevitzky highlighted the incidents of shooting at unidentified flying objects, referring, in particular, to the textbook of the US Air Force Academy "Introduction to Space Science", which contains the following lines: “We also shot at UFOs. One day at about 10 am the radar of the fighter base spotted a UFO moving at a speed of 1,300 kilometers per hour. Then the UFO slowed down to 100 kilometers per hour, and two F-86 aircraft climbed to intercept. " From the further description of the incident, it follows that an attempt was made to bring down an object in the shape of a saucer, but this failed.

Based on the information available in ICUFON, many countries have opened fire on UFOs, and in some cases the response from these objects has been instantaneous and very effective. “And this 'undeclared war' has been going on for decades,” writes the President of IKUFON. “Humanity is on the verge of a universal Pearl Harbor! UFOs are not just a national problem, they are an international problem. And as such, it requires international cooperation between the military and scientific communities of all countries, which must unite in search of the most peaceful ways to solve it."

So, recognition of the UFO problem and cooperation in this matter is the only reasonable way for humanity. And our task is to do everything possible to correctly pose questions related to UFOs. It is necessary to resist attempts to misinform the public, turning a serious problem into a subject for ridicule.

From the book: "SECRETS OF THE TWENTY CENTURY" I. I. Mosin