Hypnosis And Aliens - Alternative View

Hypnosis And Aliens - Alternative View
Hypnosis And Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Hypnosis And Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Hypnosis And Aliens - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: Einstein’s Theories Prove Time Travel to an Alternate Universe (Season 5) | History 2024, September

To restore the forgotten details of the "contact" in Galina's memory, they decided to call specialists-hypnologists from Moscow. They put her into a special state, similar to a hypnotic trance, and ordered her to “return” at 22 hours 12 minutes on March 21, 1990 …

Stop. How much can you trust what you hear under hypnosis? For many years it was believed that hypnosis and suggestion were a kind of universal "truth serum" that made it impossible for a witness to give incorrect answers, lie or fantasize. Unfortunately, this is far from the case. Hypnosis can help to recall the details of past events, but it also increases suggestibility and makes a person vulnerable. Under hypnosis, the eyewitness can grab onto random leading questions and dream up suitable answers. It has also been proven that it is much easier to make mistakes under hypnosis than "by sobriety."

“There is no reason to believe that memories are much clearer under hypnosis than without hypnosis,” says renowned expert Leonard George. - Hypnosis tends to increase confidence in a person's ability to remember something rather than the accuracy of the memory. Many experiments have been carried out to assess the reliability of the testimony given under hypnosis.

In one such experiment, three women were driven past a carefully staged robbery scene, then hypnotized and asked to remember what happened. They gave contradictory testimonies about the number and gender of the robbers, about the make and color of the car they used to flee the crime scene. Even if the experimenter tries not to ask leading questions, experience shows that bystanders can fantasize unconsciously in a state of hypnosis. This is due to the fact that hypnotic trance seems to induce a strong desire in the subject to please the experimenter.

False memories are especially scary when a hypnologist is involved in a police investigation. More than once it happened that innocent people ended up in jail only because someone, under hypnosis, "recalled" nonexistent crimes. Experts from the American Psychological Association admitted that in this way "… you can get convincing pseudo-memories of something that never happened."

On the other hand, not necessarily everything that the victims of the "false memory" tell is not true.

"Some of what they say can be true and accurate, some may be misunderstood and distorted, some may be seen in films or symbolic, and the remainder may be 'flawed' or false,” says FBI investigator Kenneth Lanning. "The problem and challenge, especially for law enforcement officials, is to define which is which."

The same can be said about the case of Galina Kozyreva. In the recording of the hypnosis session, among the moments that look quite authentic, leading questions and clearly incorrect answers are clearly distinguished. The material for creating false memories is obvious: after her “contact” Galina began to collect all publications about UFOs and even spoke at a meeting of ufologists in Leningrad, where she could hear a lot and then unconsciously use it.

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During the session, she "remembered" that a ball had appeared outside the window, although she did not remember any balls without hypnosis. Then Galina said that the stranger who entered her room called himself Gosha!

Where did such a strange, clearly “not cosmic” name come from? From the cartoon "The Magnificent Gosha"? Or maybe Galina heard him from ufologists: that's how they call Bigfoot (the scientific name "relict hominoid" was remade into the familiar "hominoid", and then just into "Gosha") …

Another suspicious detail that surfaced only during the session: the alien's overalls allegedly had an emblem - a hemisphere, an arrow. About such a sign, only on board the "plate", was often spoken and written about at that time. One article mentioning this sign was circulated through TASS channels and published a day after her "contact".

Under hypnosis, Galina "remembered" that she was invited to board a UFO. There she saw typical "gray men" with a height of one and a half meters, about which most of the "abducted" talk. A plausible detail? If the session had been conducted two years earlier, I would have said yes. But in 1990-1991, everyone who was interested in "plates" learned about the appearance of "alien abductors" and what they usually do from the newspapers.

On board the ship, she saw a tall "beautiful woman" with disproportionately long legs. This is how Alexander Pashayev described a stranger with whom he mentally spoke through the wall of the "ball".

We already know that Galina was well acquainted with the cadet's story and appeared with him in the same TV show. Not surprisingly, a familiar image was borrowed to create a false memory!

At the end of the recording, something very strange sounded. According to Galina, Gosha took her to the apartment, put her on the sofa and said:

“Remember, we are from the constellation of the Hounds of the Dogs. The fourth largest star. We call ourselves "three pounds". In three months you will receive all the information, but now - be silent. Rest. There will be no contacts. Do not be afraid! We will always be here. No one will offend you. Contact will be through the old man-time. You will have great abilities. You will surprise everyone, but now rest. Forget everything! Contact in three months"

Gosha also said that in two years, if Galina “does everything as they tell her,” the aliens will take her away. But for this, they say, "we need to prepare." How? They will say in three months, but for now they will guard her.

All this looks extremely naive. What does "from the constellation" mean? A constellation is a conditional contour that outlines a section of the sky visible from Earth. The stars included in the constellation can be located both close to the Earth and at a huge distance from it.

in the backyard of consciousness and embedded in "memory." But the notation system, well known not only to specialists, but also to all lovers of astronomy, was nowhere to be found: Galina was clearly not interested in astronomy. What a person never knew about can not be remembered either under hypnosis or without it.

Many words attributed to the newcomer - "Gaucher" have a clear psychological background and reflect the problems of Galina herself, and not something real.

Remember? The newcomer promised that no one would offend Galina, she would be guarded. In addition, she will "have great abilities" and "surprise everyone."

Indeed, Galina "surprised everyone" and got a lot of trouble in the service. Acquaintances shied away or were unobtrusively interested in how long she had trouble with her head. The accusation, albeit unfounded, caused a subconscious desire to feel protected and somehow compensate for their troubles. For example, the feeling that she is "chosen" for contact, is under special attention and protection of aliens, and in general is not like everyone else. Meetings with ufologists and other "contactees" only strengthened this desire.

It is well known that most mentally healthy contactees are lonely or disgruntled people who simply make up their stories to become famous, to enjoy everyone's attention, to be heard as new prophets. Many of them, over time, themselves begin to believe in what they say. Kozyreva could not help but see such people and the atmosphere of universal attention and “chosenness” hovering around them. I don't know when the subconscious desire to become like them burst out: before the hypnosis session or after, when Galina heard the tape with her dubious memories. The fact remains: without any hypnosis, she began to say that she could mentally contact the “three pounds” at any time and talk to them.

"Above" were the usual platitudes, which everyone can say (think up):

“They told me that our planet began to die after people began to take oil, gas and water from its depths in very large quantities. Oil is the blood of the Earth. The planet will reject, shake off everything bad and alien. You cannot build ground-based nuclear power plants, block rivers, drain swamps. 1993-1996 will be the most difficult years for people. Three pounds assert, - concludes Galina, - that if we comprehend the secret of the Earth's core and the secret of the Moon, we will comprehend Eternity."

The "fatal" years 1993-1996 passed as usual. All nuclear power plants and dams are still standing. By the way, if “they” do not like our nuclear power plants so much, why did the aliens not remind her of the alien fuel formula forgotten by cadet Pashayev? Yes, and Galina herself remained on Mother Earth, no one flew her to "take" her to another planet.

The final touch: Evgeny Ishchenko, who published a recording of a hypnosis session in the Ural Pathfinder magazine, mentions that she "… has already begun to heal people." About who exactly she healed and from what, the article is safely silent.

Mikhail Gershtein
