Is Reincarnation Possible? - Alternative View

Is Reincarnation Possible? - Alternative View
Is Reincarnation Possible? - Alternative View

The problem of reincarnation or transmigration of souls has been of great interest to mankind for centuries. People have always been interested in where they came from and where they will go after death. Probably, it is impossible to find a person on the planet who would be absolutely indifferent to the problem of reincarnation.

The word "reincarnation" itself is of Latin origin, and in translation means "re-entry into the blood and flesh." These words are now familiar to people from a wide variety of backgrounds. In ancient times, only a select few knew him, who were part of a narrow circle of specialists, moreover, then the analogue of the word "reincarnation" - "metempsychosis" was used more.

The "Modern Dictionary of Foreign Words" for 1993 gives such a definition of metempsychosis - a religious teaching about the transmigration of the soul of a deceased person into the body of a newborn. It is noteworthy that the word "reincarnation" is not in this dictionary at all. However, people tend to perceive reincarnation as the transmigration of the soul after death into another body, animal or plant.

In India, China, Japan, people for the most part believe in the reality of reincarnation. In Western countries, where the Christian religion predominates or in general atheism prevails, the number of people who believe in the transmigration of the soul is much smaller, but still this number is quite significant. After conducting opinion polls in different countries, completely different answers were received. So, in America, about 60 percent of the population believes in reincarnation, while in Russia there are only about 6 percent of such people. Although, it should be noted, lately there has been a tendency to equalize these data, that is, both in Russia and in the USA and Western countries, approximately every fourth inhabitant believes that the transmigration of the soul is possible.

On the other hand, few of these people have a clear idea of what "reincarnation" really is. Many books have been written on this issue, but none of them clearly describe the process of transmigration of the soul. Thus, readers are left in some confusion or even disappointment, therefore they are forced to think out all the nuances on their own.

And this is where the real confusion begins, because not a single person can really answer the question of what the soul is. For the most part, people associate themselves only with the body, and therefore cannot understand the essence of reincarnation.

However, there are people for whom the process of reincarnation is a fait accompli. As evidence that past lives and reincarnation of souls are very real things, these people cite cases that happened in real life.

So, some time ago, scientists conducted research on reincarnation on young children who were between 1.5 and 4 years old. In most cases, the children called the name they wore in a past life, in some cases the kids could even give the names of their former parents and close relatives, and also knew exactly where they lived before.

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Rarely, but the parents of the children who participated in the research agreed to search for the child's relatives in a past life. Then, in general, something strange happened: the children recognized the places in which they lived before, and in addition, they recognized and named their former relatives by their names.

Such studies are very rarely brought up for public discussion. As a rule, sessions of regressive hypnosis conducted by psychiatrists, psychologists and psychotherapists are not discussed in a narrow professional circle, because there is a high probability of stumbling upon ridicule and losing your reputation.

For a serious specialist, reputation and image play a very important role, so very few people dare to discuss such experiments seriously. After all, the unknown, esotericism, all conversations on such topics are considered to be a sign of ignorance, stupidity and even deception. However, there are a small number of scientists who put truth above their own interests.

These scientists say that very often people immersed in a state of regressive trance tell a lot of interesting things, in particular, they say who they were in a past life, begin to speak unfamiliar languages, and recall the cause of their previous death. Moreover, when leaving the state of hypnosis, most patients do not remember anything of what they were told about. Much of what these people told was later confirmed in the course of studying archival documents, which sometimes dated back to hundreds of years in the past. It also turned out that the people who were told during the trance existed in reality, and all the events of their lives were confirmed by various historical sources that were completely inaccessible to the subjects. Thus, it is possible to exclude the possibility that people who were in a state of hypnosis were simply telling whatwhat you read somewhere.

In general, it should be noted that the scientific world is very cautious about the use of regressive hypnotherapy. For example, in Israel, the Ministry of Health sent out a document to hypnosis specialists, according to which it is not recommended to use regressive hypnosis to treat patients.

The technique of regressive therapy has been actively discussed in the Israeli Ministry of Health for several years. This technique, in particular, is included in the range of interests of a special commission that regulates the activities of hypnosis specialists. According to the head of the department of one of the psychiatric hospitals in Israel, Dr. Alex Aviv, there is nothing in common between hypnosis and the theory of transmigration of souls. And regressive therapy is practiced by those who believe in mysticism and are sure that the soul of each person returns to earth many times. He also notes that in the practice of Israeli hypnotists from time to time there are certain failures that occurred in the process of immersing patients in the past.

So, for example, one of the victims of the technique was a 23-year-old resident of Israel, who had a very hard time parting with his girlfriend. The young man turned to a psychologist for help, who used hypnosis in his practice. The doctor made the assumption that the young man was suffering due to the fact that an unresolved problem remained between the young man and his girlfriend in a past life, so he suggested that the patient, using hypnosis, return to the past and solve it.

However, during the session a failure occurred, the patient began to stutter, began to panic. Due to the fact that there were many such cases, the experts came to the conclusion that when immersed in a hypnotic state, patients do not return to the past, but experience what the hypnotist inspires them.

At the same time, specialists in regressive therapy defend their method, claiming that there is nothing criminal in it. Supported by Israeli hypnologists and American scientists. By the way, it is noteworthy that American scientists separately from each other came to the common conclusion that more than 90 million Americans in a past life were aliens.

It is also interesting that most of the foreign film and show business stars believe in transmigration of souls, and many of them went through hypnosis sessions in order to return to a past life to find out who they were. For example, S. Stallone, as the experts told him after a hypnosis session, in one of his past lives was a well-born French nobleman, and he was executed on the guillotine during the French Revolution. In addition, in his past lives, he was a North American Indian, a boxer, and even a monkey.

Sean Connery led one of the African Aboriginal tribes. And the favorite of women, D. Rousseau, is sure that in a past life he was a woman, first he lived in Egypt, then in the East.

In recent years, Holland has become interested in regressive therapy, in particular, the employment service. Unemployed residents of the country were notified that they are required to undergo a special treatment and counseling program for personal development, which will help to penetrate past lives and figure out what factors prevent them from establishing life in the modern world. For refusing to complete the program, he threatens with deprivation of cash benefits.

It should be noted that all specialists in the regressive therapy technique say that it can change the lives of some patients for the better. So, for example, some people can get rid of pain in the neck, because they remember that they were hanged in one of their past lives, others can get rid of the fear of heights, because they remember that in a past life they were thrown from the fortress wall, etc. …

Critics of therapy, in turn, argue that hypnosis sessions can lead to false memories in patients, due to the hypnotist's assumptions.

Many experts say that regressive therapy can be very convenient because people tend to interpret situations in a way that confirms their beliefs.

Thus, there is no evidence that reincarnation is possible with regressive therapy. People who are more susceptible to suggestion sincerely believe that during a hypnosis session they will reincarnate in past lives and can change the mistakes made there. The same part of people who do not lend themselves to suggestion, consider this psychomethod to be nothing more than simple entertainment. And they, as a rule, do not believe that the soul, after the death of the earthly shell, moves into another body.

However, there are exceptions to every rule. Therefore, to believe or not to believe in the effectiveness of regressive hypnotherapy and reincarnation is a private matter for everyone.