The Doppelganger Mystery - Alternative View

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The Doppelganger Mystery - Alternative View
The Doppelganger Mystery - Alternative View

Video: The Doppelganger Mystery - Alternative View

Video: The Doppelganger Mystery - Alternative View
Video: The Eerie Doppelgänger Of Emilie Sagée • Unexplained Stories 2024, September

As you know, a person is “clothed” in a body not only physical, but also an astral-special energetic state, a kind of invisible biofield, resembling a human in shape. And in the last ten to fifteen years, according to scientists, the number of astral doubles, or, in other words, doppelgangers, is increasing from year to year.

The appearance of the leader to the people

Today, about 10 percent of people have seen their astral counterpart at least once or felt its undoubted presence nearby. Does this bode well for a person? Why do astral doubles appear to people?

Several years ago the book Astral Doubles of Celebrities was published in the USA. The mysterious visit of the dying Lenin to the Kremlin in November 1923 is described in the collection as one of the most reliable evidence of the appearance of the doppelganger.

“Dozens of people have seen Lenin's double, most of whom were communists, and therefore atheists and materialists,” writes the author of the book. “There were too many of them to assume that they were all influenced. They were in too much trouble to think they made it all up themselves. And finally, the double too clearly appeared out of nowhere and disappeared into nowhere to suggest some kind of earthly origin."

The author of the sensational study believes that astral doubles appear in all people shortly before their death. He explains this phenomenon by the fact that at this moment some unknown astral energy is separated from the human body.

Before she moves to another space, she needs to materialize in this world in the form of an exact copy of the original that generated the energy, which does not always appear in front of people who know this original. Sometimes it can appear only to the "creator" himself, and he will take his double for a hallucination.

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I think I saw myself writing

In other cases, the twin can materialize altogether in a place thousands of kilometers away from its "birth". So, in 1810, when Byron, while in Greece, was lying with an attack of a severe fever, people who knew the British poet well saw him several times on the streets of London.

State Secretary Peel wrote to the famous poet that in those days he met him twice on Saint Germain Street, and once saw him, being together with Byron's brother.

Responding to aya letter, Byron wrote from Greece with his characteristic irony: “I have no doubt that we can - how, we do not know - split in two: moreover, the question arising from this about which of the twins is valid at a given time and which is not, I submit for your decision."

In many of the preserved archival documents, one can find other evidence of the appearance of doubles of famous historical figures. For example, an even more incredible story than Byron happened in 1885 with the famous French writer Guy de Maupassant.

Once working in his office, he leaned back in his chair and suddenly saw someone enter the room and sat down opposite. The unexpected guest spoke up and, to the amazement of the writer, uttered the phrases that the writer had just intended to write! Looking closely at the stranger, Maupassant was even more shocked: he saw his own face! Then the double got up and silently left the room …

Some famous personalities have met their own counterparts who looked how many years older. Here is what the German poet Goethe recalled: “In 1771 an incredibly strange incident happened to me. Not with the eyes of my flesh, but with my inner spiritual vision, I saw myself on horseback, approaching me along the path, but dressed in a suit that I did not have - light gray with golden trim.

I shook my head and the vision disappeared. But the strangeness is that eight years later I found myself driving along the same path … And suddenly I caught myself thinking that I was dressed exactly as I had imagined then. And it happened not deliberately, but completely by accident."

As the researchers note, twins rarely meet with their "originals". And if the meeting does occur, the ghosts immediately disappear. Why this is happening is unclear. An interesting story, recorded from the words of the Russian poet Pyotr Vyazemsky, was preserved by the St. Petersburg bishop Porfiry (Uspensky).

“Once at night I was returning to my apartment on Nevsky Prospekt near Anichkov Bridge,” the bishop wrote, “and saw a bright light in the windows of my office. Not knowing why this happened, I go into the house and ask my servant: Who is in my office?

The servant said to me: “There is no one there,” and gave me the key to this room. I unlocked the office, entered it and saw that in the back of the room a man was sitting with his back to me and was writing something. I went up to him and, reading what was written over his shoulder, shouted loudly, grabbed my chest and fell senseless; When I woke up, I no longer saw the one who was writing, but I took what he had written, hid it and to this day I melt, and before death I will order to put this secret of mine with me in the coffin and grave. I think I saw myself writing."

"Generators" of microlepton particles

Judging by the amazing variety of manifestations of doppelgengers, it is rather difficult to find a single explanation for all of them. Some of them, the researchers believe, may be associated with the activation of the mechanism of separation of the soul from the body, which is triggered at the moment preceding the death of a person, during a serious illness or accident. It is then that the astral body becomes visible to others.

Certain famous "doubles" really confirmed the bad reputation going on about them - their appearance turned out to be a harbinger of death. For example, what happened to Catherine the Great. King Louis XVIII writes about this in his "Memoirs".

Two days before her death, the ladies-in-waiting, who were on duty at the door of Her Majesty's bedroom, saw that the Empress, in a night dress and holding a candle, was leaving her bedroom, walking towards the throne room and entering there. Imagine their amazement when they heard the bell from the Empress's bedroom, which usually summoned the servant on duty! Rushing into the bedroom, they saw the Empress lying on the bed.

Ekaterina asked with displeasure who was stopping her from sleeping. The maids of honor hesitated, afraid to tell her the truth, but the empress quickly noticed their embarrassment and in the end forced them to tell the whole incident in detail.

Being keenly interested in the story, she gave the order to get dressed and, accompanied by the maid of honor, went to the throne room. The door was opened, and a strange sight presented itself to the eyes of all those present: the huge hall was illuminated with some kind of greenish light. On the throne was a ghost - another Catherine. The Empress screamed and fell unconscious. From that moment on, her health was upset, and two days later, an apoplectic stroke ended her life. The described event had so many witnesses that it was impossible to hide it."

Recently, a group of Russian researchers experimentally established that many mysterious fine structures (including, possibly, doppelgangers) with signs of intelligence are formed from microlepton particles. Such formations can freely penetrate other bodies and objects.

Siberian shamans and Tibetan lamas were and still are the real "generators" of such particles. The famous Tibetan writer Alexandra David-Neal says that, in particular, one of her friends, a hermit lama, possessed this property. His counterparts appeared suddenly, always when Alexandra assumed that the lama himself was far from that place. He talked to Alexandra, and the woman had no doubts that the hermit, who was talking to her, was really her acquaintance, right up to the moment when he, having finished the conversation, simply disappeared into thin air …