How Healthy Are We? - Alternative View

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How Healthy Are We? - Alternative View
How Healthy Are We? - Alternative View

Video: How Healthy Are We? - Alternative View

Video: How Healthy Are We? - Alternative View
Video: How the food you eat affects your gut - Shilpa Ravella 2024, September

Life expectancy is an indicator of the health level of a nation. Alas, Russians have nothing to brag about here: 113 out of 192, and an average of 69.8 years (men live 64, women 75.6) versus 81 in the top ten. In the charter of the World Health Organization it is written that health is determined by "the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not only the absence of diseases and physical defects." Dr. Boris Akimov, a psychologist, practicing palmist, an expert on the show "The Invisible Man" on TV-3 channel, talks about what constitutes human health in general and what needs to be done to preserve it.

As a doctor with extensive practical experience, I can note that the average Russian does not believe in domestic medicine, and therefore is rather negligent in his health, seeking medical help only when he is already ill in earnest - he does not even hear about preventive rounds of doctors only wants to waste time! The result is an unhealthy lifestyle, illness, and early death. A disappointing picture … And I am by no means exaggerating - all of the above is confirmed by the statistical data. The mortality rate in Russia at the moment is 2 times higher than the world one - about 15 deaths per 1000 people of the population. The main causes of death are as follows: in the first place are diseases of the heart and blood vessels - more than 50%, the second place is shared by cancer and death from external factors (murder, suicide,poisoning with alcohol and drugs). In the world, the second place in mortality after cardiovascular diseases is occupied by infections (malaria, cholera, AIDS …), and then there are malignant tumors. But I brought up all these terrible facts not to intimidate, but to make one think. And start a conversation about what we ourselves can do for our health? After all, if a person begins to work in this direction, he shifts the situation in a positive direction. So, I will talk about the main indicators of human health, as well as what needs to be done to maintain this health and live as long as intimidate, but to make you think. And start a conversation about what we ourselves are able to do for our health? After all, if a person begins to work in this direction, he shifts the situation in a positive direction. So, I will talk about the main indicators of human health, as well as what needs to be done to maintain health and live as long as intimidate, but to make you think. And start a conversation about what we ourselves are able to do for our health? After all, if a person begins to work in this direction, he shifts the situation in a positive direction. So, I will talk about the main indicators of human health, as well as what needs to be done to maintain health and live as long as possible.


1. Healthy appetite. This does not mean the ability to eat everything at all times (especially at night), but with pleasure to eat healthy food and in those quantities that are necessary for the body. One of the serious problems of our time is obesity, a consequence of just an unhealthy appetite. Although, there is a direct opposite of this - people suffering from anorexia: a persistent lack of appetite, with all the signs of malnutrition. Bulimia (gluttony) and anorexia are the result of mental disorders.

2. Healthy sleep. The average sleep rate per day is about 8 hours. However, the individual need for the amount of time for sleep can be 2 times less - up to 4 hours (as, for example, in Napoleon), or 1.5 times more - up to 12 hours. Both deviations from the average norm are not scary, and only speaks of a violation of the adaptive regime of the body, such as, for example, the shift in the sleep mode from night to day, to which the so-called owls are susceptible. The reason for these disorders is chronic stress. In general, lack of sleep is a factor that depletes the nervous system and leads to many diseases. Every third stroke occurs at night, in a dream. So this dream was not healthy. As you know, rest is better medicine, and sleep is the best rest.

3. Healthy sex. Love prolongs life, but sexual need is a purely individual thing, both in quality and quantity. But sexual behavior, in all its manifestations - from flirting to intimacy and having children - is an integral part of the life of a normal, healthy person. It is known that the duration of married people is longer than that of single people. This is especially true for Russian men - single men do not live long.

4. Cheerfulness. Despondency, depression, aggression, jealousy, anger shorten life. But a positive attitude, cheerfulness, curiosity - on the contrary, prolong.

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5. Physical activity. Movement is life. Claudius Galen, the father of modern medicine, said: “Work determines the organ. Through exercise, I have cured thousands of patients. Physical activity, correct muscle activity are not only a necessity to keep the body in good shape, but also a source of positive emotions - the so-called muscle joy.

6. Adaptation of the organism and its resistance to the adverse effects of the environment. A healthy person should not be sick. Colds are dangerous only for a weakened organism. If you have more flu every year, this is an alarming signal: your immunity and body resistance are reduced.

7. Mental activity. The mind, just like the muscles, is subject to training or a decrease in its activity, in the absence of active work. So, from idleness, a person becomes dull and sick. Therefore, it is necessary to load with work not only the body, but also the mind.

8. Spiritual health. Striving for love, harmony of justice, is a natural need for a spiritually healthy person.


Nothing affects life expectancy like the way we live. Of course, there are many more factors - heredity, the level of health care in the country, ecology - that affect the life expectancy of a person. But it is worth first of all to understand that if a person does not become a healer for himself, he becomes his own gravedigger. Lifestyle consists of the following factors: absence or presence of unhealthy habits; how a person eats; physical activity and mental well-being. Habitat plays a huge role. Alas, the habits of Russians are very unhealthy. For men, the main scourge in this regard is alcoholism, for women it is overeating. In second place, both for those and for others - physical inactivity and an unfavorable psychological background (sedentary lifestyle, a sea of negativity perceived through television and the media,and just everyday rudeness around).

What should be done to live happily ever after? Read these points carefully, and you will understand - everything is in your hands.

1. Make a diagnosis: I am not healthy, I am overweight, I often consume alcohol, I smoke, I exercise little, etc. If necessary, see a doctor or other specialist. Do an examination to identify possible ailments. Pay attention to your health.

2. Want to change your lifestyle. An obstacle to this can be your environment, which will resist innovation. But you must be ready to part with the "friends" that encourage you to an unhealthy lifestyle.

3. Change must be gradual. Don't try to change everything at once. I know very few people who were going to start a new life on Monday and they succeeded. Therefore, start small: at first, give up any bad habit, go to bed earlier, do 15-minute exercises in the morning or walk for half an hour in the evening, add fresh vegetables and fruits to your diet.

4. Find like-minded people who will support your endeavors. Get educated - read literature and watch films about a healthy lifestyle.

5. Be sure to find a new source of positive emotions. And give up the old negative ones: stop watching the news, quarrelsome talk shows, "black" films, TV shows and programs - they do not evoke the best feelings. Watch the best examples of world cinema, educational programs, educational films.

6. Do the most basic meditation. E. Couet, a French psychotherapist, the founder of self-hypnosis, proposed a simple phrase for suggestion, which must be repeated 10 times every morning: "Every day I get better and better in all respects." Try it. The result will not be long in coming.

7. Love. Life, yourself, people, the whole world.

Palmist Boris Akimov