The Human Soul Exists Simultaneously In Six Dimensions - Alternative View

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The Human Soul Exists Simultaneously In Six Dimensions - Alternative View
The Human Soul Exists Simultaneously In Six Dimensions - Alternative View

Video: The Human Soul Exists Simultaneously In Six Dimensions - Alternative View

Video: The Human Soul Exists Simultaneously In Six Dimensions - Alternative View
Video: Did A Scientist Prove The Human Soul Exists? 2024, September

Many are worried about the question: is it true that after physical death, souls can meet with those whom they loved during their lifetime? This is especially interesting for those whose loved ones have already left. This is known at the moment.

We already know that souls exist at their respective levels, united in large and small groups according to different characteristics. When souls incarnate, they come with certain life tasks. And on Earth in physical life there are only those for whom it was originally planned for a given scenario (certain scenarios are turned on by a choice that a person makes at the point of making a decision, at the so-called fork).

People meet on Earth to work out the mutually beneficial tasks that were planned for them.

Of course, these can be souls from different groups of the same level or from different levels. Since everyone exists in a certain place according to the level of development, it is far from necessary that those who were close here will be together there too. But things are not so hopeless.

In the subtle world, the power of thought has slightly different manifestations, more visible than in the physical world

Any soul can mentally call any soul to itself and communicate with it as much as necessary.

Moreover, taking those images in which they were most comfortable on Earth. They can even show their love by enveloping each other in a cloud of energy of a certain quality.

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But there is another nuance. Often our close relationships are not tied to spiritual attraction, but to some kind of physical ties. With the death of the physical body, such attachments are destroyed. And souls in the subtle world do not feel such a need to communicate with this person as here. That is, everything is possible, but is it necessary? Only the deepest desires of the soul matter here.

It often happens that souls who exist in the same group decide to incarnate together. And they have had such a connection for centuries. In one life they are husband and wife, in another they are mother and son, in the third they are brother and sister or something else. In such cases, they take on programs that allow them to help each other develop on Earth.

And there they are together - and here they are together.

Of course, the kinship of such souls is visible in many manifestations. It so happens that a non-incarnate soul decides to incarnate when it sees that a soul close to it has sharply deviated from the course of its original program. And then, for example, a child is born, and an experienced alcoholic father becomes, thanks to this event, on the right path. Yes, a lot of manifestations that can be observed in life.

Yes, in the subtle world we can see everyone who is dear to us, if we want it. And the most important thing is that it does not matter at all whether this soul lives in a new body or is still in a subtle state. Why? I'll explain now. This is very important to understand.

Energy position of man and soul in the space of measurements

A person in physical embodiment is the level of the third dimension.

For clarity and understanding as a first approximation, I will describe it like this:

- a point in space is a zero dimension.

- a line in space is the first dimension.

- a flat picture that can be placed on a plane is the second dimension (it already has, at least, height and length).

- a person, like any object in space, which has height, length and width, is a three-dimensional object. Or an object of the third dimension.

These are purely physical indicators. To put it simply, just a body without a soul is a three-dimensional object located simultaneously in three dimensions. It can be observed as a point, as a flat picture and as a volumetric object. It all depends on the position of the observer relative to the object.

- Where the souls of ordinary people are - this is the sixth dimension, - and souls in their pure form, without karmic layers - the seventh dimension.

Uniting with the human body, this construction becomes six-dimensional (or seven-dimensional, if we take into account the pure soul). And it exists, by analogy with a three-dimensional body, simultaneously in six dimensions.

But our physical brain is initially tuned in consciousness to perceive the first three.

Although, the manifestation goes on all six, but unconscious.

The physical body is surrounded by the substance of the etheric body. This body keeps the structure in shape and does not allow it to disintegrate into elementary particles. Serves as a conductor between subtle energies and gross matter. This is a component of a three-dimensional physical body, in which there is a soul.

Next comes the astral body, the body of human emotions and desires.

This is the fourth dimension.

Further - the mental, the body of thoughts. This is the fifth dimension.

Then the sixth dimension is the karmic or causal body. And the seventh dimension is Atman, connection with God.

Man exists simultaneously in six dimensions. But the physical brain only covers the first three

The soul originally exists in the sixth, but together with the body, in the fifth, fourth and physical. During the introduction, the soul does not disappear anywhere, it seems to be stratified and is in all the listed dimensions at the same time. And that part of the soul that is in a person has a natural urge to return home, to the seventh dimension.

When people engage in self-knowledge and meditative techniques, they free their soul from the clutches of three-dimensional reality and allow it to work with the physical brain, attuning it to the perception of the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th dimensions.

To achieve nirvana is to unite all parts of your soul, to gain the integrity of the perception of the world. Seeing the world in three dimensions, or at least five, is a big difference.

Further development continues in the subtle world. The soul fully passes into the seventh dimension when it frees itself from the circle of reincarnations and frees itself from the karmic body.

That is precisely why one can clearly understand that even an embodied soul is present in all dimensions, and at any level can communicate with those with whom he wishes.

What happens during a person's disincarnation / death

Of course, this article will have to touch on such a topic. Let's start with an ordinary, natural “death”. The natural "death" of a person can occur only if his life program ends. Absolutely at any age, mainly, of course, in old age, but the program can have different time frames.

When a person dies, his soul simply leaves the three-dimensional body and is in the 4th, 5th, 6th shell. We understand that the fourth shell is the body of emotions and desires, the fifth is thoughts. This suggests that a soul without a body is the same living person with thoughts and desires, only without a physical shell.

When the soul leaves the body, it still sees and hears. Retains the same qualities as during life, only does not have a physical body. The soul sees how loved ones cry, how the funeral goes. She is still under the impression of this life and perceives everything as a living person.

As a rule, souls try to make themselves known, to attract the attention of loved ones in order to console them, but no one hears them. And they themselves suffer from it. The fact that a person has died can only impress him through the effect of surprise. At first, he may even be confused or worried about his family. But very quickly the soul gets used to the thought of another reality.

The soul can be close to loved ones for the first three days, or it can visit places that a person loved during his lifetime. The etheric shell keeps the soul on the earthly plane.

On the third day it disintegrates, the energies are relieved and the soul rises to the astral plane.

There the astral shell disintegrates on the ninth day, after which the soul rises to the mental plane of the Earth.

On the mental plane, on the fortieth day, the mental shell disintegrates. After that, the soul rises to the causal plane, where its debriefing takes place in its last incarnation. Memorial days are associated with this.

The sixth shell is human karma

The soul will be able to cast off this body forever only when it leaves the circle of incarnations and passes into the Hierarchy. Until that moment, the karmic body, as a chronicle of lives, is constantly with her. At this moment, the soul continues to exist in the sixth and seventh dimensions, striving to develop, free itself from the sixth shell and pass into pure existence without burdening energies.

In the process of physical death, a very large amount of energy is released. It so happens that a person dies exhausted, after a debilitating illness. Then he may simply not have enough energy for the soul to rise to the necessary plans. If necessary, they are “helped to leave”, but the living can also facilitate the transition of the soul. For this, believers order a forty-day prayer service in the church. Prayer for them is an energy supply to the soul tied to a certain egregor, this makes it easy to get to the destination.

Sometimes a person dies an unnatural death - accidents, homicides, suicides, and so on. It should be understood that at all levels of the Universe, souls have the right of free choice. When a person's life is interrupted unexpectedly for him, this is the work of the same program.

A person will never leave this life if this is not in his program.

You have to come to terms with this. Even when a person commits suicide, he has such an option in his program, but this is the most undesirable option of all. Even so, a person has the right to choose whether to throw himself under the train or not.

In rare cases, it happens that a person, for some reason, tries to commit suicide, which is not in the program. Then he just doesn't die. Lies in a coma while the body recovers and comes back. When a person comes back to life after seemingly incompatible with life traumas, it means that he simply did not fulfill his program. And in this case, no one will take him.

When a person commits suicide, as a rule, he does it under a moment's insanity. Man thinks that in this way he will end his suffering. But the whole question is that in this case the suffering is just beginning. From the very first seconds, as soon as he realizes what happened, he begins to regret, as he sees the situation from a different, less distorted side. He tries to get everything back, but nothing can be returned. The soul is attached to the body with a silver thread of energy (silver thread). Until this thread is broken, the soul can return; if it is broken, there is no turning back.

The souls of suicides can walk on Earth until the day of their planned death comes.

And this is a great torment for the soul - with all human qualities to live among relatives and friends, when no one perceives you, to see a wife marry another, and so on.

Do all souls rise

Of course, mostly souls rise, but not all. At all levels of the Universe, there is an unshakable right to choose. Every soul has the right to choose whether to leave or stay. There are such strong attachments to the physical world that even without a body, a person is not ready to leave this life.

- For example, we talked about suicides - they often do not leave, hoping to bring everything back.

- Very often souls who had honor and glory here do not leave.

Such things are often seen among famous people.

- There may also be victims of murder who want revenge, or parents who are not ready to leave their children.

Of course, it is more natural for the soul to immediately rise and act according to the established plan. But one must understand that a soul that has just lost its body is still the same person, only incorporeal. It is no longer a person, but not yet a soul - it is an essence. And all human desires, passions, thoughts, experiences are completely inherent in her.

For the further existence of such non-ascended entities, there are two options: to be in a subtle body and to settle down with living people.

- An entity can settle in only if it is much more powerful than the owner of the body. Very often, addiction is observed among alcoholics or drug addicts. If an alcoholic dies and does not want to or cannot leave, he can easily get hooked on the same alcoholic when he is drunk and does not have high energy.

- They can settle in old people or children, or in a body that is in a coma. The main thing is that the owner of the body is energetically weaker than the settler.

When hooked up, a split personality and other similar deviations can develop.

According to the healer E. A. Gulyaev, who works a lot with settlers, he came across people who had up to fifty such settlers. Naturally, such people can only seek help from healers, strong exorcists, priests, because official psychiatry will never cure this.