Space Bombing Of The Universe - Alternative View

Space Bombing Of The Universe - Alternative View
Space Bombing Of The Universe - Alternative View

Video: Space Bombing Of The Universe - Alternative View

Video: Space Bombing Of The Universe - Alternative View
Video: A Course in Cosmic Consciousness, Lesson 8-12 ( Audio EXPIRES July 20th) 2024, September

The basis of the Universe was formed thanks to a powerful explosion that tore apart the airless darkness of the Cosmos and gave rise to the movement of the formed particles of matter in infinite space. The solar system originated in a colossal vortex, when planets were formed in various nebulae after the collision of billions of rock debris, dust and gas particles. Minor planets and protoplanets collided endlessly. From powerful blows, some planets were destroyed and others were formed.

This is how the mantle of the planet closest to the Sun - Mercury - collapsed. It is a very dense planet. Forty percent of its total volume is occupied by an iron core. Four billion years ago, from a powerful blow, the outer shell of this planet instantly collapsed and quickly flew to pieces in different directions, and the strong core survived. Part of the mantle literally evaporated from the tremendous energy of the collision. Some part of the mantle flew to the Sun, some to Jupiter, and the rest of the debris scattered throughout the solar system. At that time, according to the calculations of researchers, one hundred sixty trillion tons of debris from the mantle of Mercury fell to Earth.

Astronomers were faced with questions related to this period, when and how the rings of Saturn were formed, why do they consist of three hundred and thirty million tons of ice? As a result of research and creation of models, scientists have found out that during the formation of the solar system, an ice planet fell on Saturn and split into many blocks of ice. Under the influence of the gravity of Saturn, parts of this shattered moon were pulled and spread around the huge planet. Today Saturn has sixty satellite planets, the largest of which is called Titan.

In addition to local cataclysms that happened to the forming planets, there was also a global catastrophe that split the entire solar system. The cosmic catastrophe created an orbital vortex and threw the planets into new orbits around the Sun, and comets from the asteroid belt began bombarding the planets of the solar system. A striking confirmation of this is our Moon with many craters all over its surface.

During such a global cosmic catastrophe, a giant bombardment four billion years ago, a Pluto-sized body crashed into the planet Mars. As a result, the shape of the red planet has changed significantly, especially in the northern hemisphere of Mars. A giant northern crater formed there, occupying forty percent of the entire surface of Mars.

After a collision with a giant space body on Mars, the protective magnetic field changed, and it became very weak. The colossal impact provoked a strong heating of the planet's crust and mantle, and the temperature difference between them decreased significantly. Since there is no such a large temperature difference, there is no compensatory reciprocating movement on the red planet, which generates a magnetic field. Without a protective field, the planet is exposed to dangerous solar particles that have destroyed much of Mars' atmosphere. All greenhouse gases, water vapor, carbon dioxide have disappeared on the red planet, so it turned into a dry desert and became cold.

As a result of this late bombardment, the planets of the solar system were displaced from their original orbits, from where they were originally formed. Neptune moved away from the Sun, as Pluto and the Kuiper belt were in its orbit. Under the powerful external influence, their gravity shifted, and the planets shifted with it.

Three billion eight hundred million years ago, the formed planets finally took up their permanent orbits in the solar system. Now celestial bodies were damaged by their internal cataclysms: violent volcanic eruptions, asteroid and cometary rains. For example, the Mars Express spacecraft in the course of research collected data that Mars was shaken at least five times by powerful volcanic eruptions, the lava of which covered the entire surface of the planet and gave it a red color. Mount Olympus on the red planet is considered the tallest in the solar system. This huge relic spewed age-old basaltic lava, growing layer by layer its height.

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The planet Venus was formed from the same cosmic material and in the same way as our planet Earth. Ninety percent of Venus's surface is covered in petrified lava. It has a dense, poisonous atmosphere of carbon dioxide gas. The atmospheric pressure there is ninety times that of the Earth. The temperature on the surface of Venus is more than four hundred and seventy degrees Celsius. Such conditions arose on this planet three billion years ago due to the greenhouse effect. In the first billion years of its existence, the surface of Venus was almost completely covered by oceans. As a result of some powerful ecological catastrophe under the influence of direct sunlight, the oceans on the surface of Venus began to evaporate intensively, increasing the content of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. This led to the devastation of the planet.

Unlike other planets in the solar system, Venus rotates in the opposite direction. Scientists speculate that such a change in direction occurred due to the collision of the planet with a massive space body. From the impact, Venus was displaced from its axis, tilted and began to rotate in the opposite direction.

Jupiter is the largest gas giant planet in the solar system, with tremendous gravitational force. Under the influence of this force, comets and asteroids escaped from their orbits from the Oort cloud and the Kuiper belt, falling on the giant. Jupiter has withstood many powerful cosmic impacts. The last attack on the planet took place in July 1994. The debris of comet Shoemaker-Levy-9 at a tremendous speed (ten kilometers per second) crashed into Jupiter's solid body and literally burned out dark clouds the size of the Earth in its not solid gas layer. The energy release during the bombardment of the planet by the remnants of this comet corresponded to six million megatons in TNT equivalent.

Scientists say Jupiter's local catastrophe caused a ripple effect and its invisible rings unfolded. So, now there is a possibility that the same fate can befall any planet in the solar system, and then the orbits of the planets will begin to vibrate and turn. Thus, today no one knows when to expect the next space bombardment and planetary Armageddon.