The Spoken Word - Alternative View

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The Spoken Word - Alternative View
The Spoken Word - Alternative View

Video: The Spoken Word - Alternative View

Video: The Spoken Word - Alternative View
Video: Spoken Grammar: why is it important? Michael McCarthy 2024, April

Unconscious, instinctive, vague knowledge acquired by chance experience live, ahead of science by whole centuries

This happened in the summer of 1953 near one of the quay walls of the Omsk river port. A serious storm broke out. The sharp gusts of wind reached such a force that the side ends, which held the thousand-ton lighter at the berth, could not stand it and burst …

The doctor advised

me to look for my grandmother. I was barely three years old then, and I only remember how, sitting in my mother's arms, I saw our father, our fragile wooden boat rushing across the deck, crushed by a steel colossus. And his mother, crouching in horror, shouted to him: “Jump, jump! For God's sake, jump! But he kept trying to save our pause.

My childish psyche could not stand this terrible shock. At night I began to torment terrible visions, nightmares. Medicine was powerless. Moreover, the doctor himself advised my mother: “You need to look for a grandmother. Only she will help. And such a grandmother, fortunately for me, was found, the kingdom of heaven to her. She lived 106 years and healed many sick people during her long life. In 1955, we became neighbors - this helped me to recover.

And the grandmother healed mainly with conspiracies. More than fifty years have passed, but I still remember how she treated me. She took a harsh thread, measured my head with it, tied a knot at the end of the measurement and whispered the words of a conspiracy to him. This was repeated three times, then she carried three threads with knots to the forks of three roads and buried them there. Of course, I never found out the whole conspiracy procedure, especially his words. But the result is obvious - complete recovery!

Magic power

Concerning the topic of conspiracy and witchcraft, I certainly remember Kuprinsky Olesya. After all, A. I. Kuprin wrote his stories and stories based on true stories from his life: “I don’t know and cannot say whether Olesya possessed even half of those secrets that she spoke about with such a naive faith, but what I myself was often witnessing inspired in I have an unshakable conviction that Olesya had access to those unconscious, instinctive, vague, strange knowledge obtained by chance experience, which, ahead of science by whole centuries, live, mixing with funny and wild beliefs, in a dark, closed mass of people, transmitted as the greatest secret, from generation to generation.

Almost a hundred years have passed since these words were written, and now, finally, the time has come when the prohibitions on secret knowledge have been lifted. Good or bad - time will tell. But, first of all, let me remind you of the biblical truth: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God!" This is where the roots of the healing conspiracy are! In addition, it is quite possible to agree with the statement of Rudyard Kipling that the word is the most powerful drug used by humanity. And the famous German psychologist Kora Besser-Sigmund has developed a special technique and claims that magic words can be purposefully charged with truly magical power.

Here's another example. My grandmother, Praskovya Ivanovna, in 1947, whispering a healing conspiracy into the water, saved a person's life. (The doctors were powerless to help him!) Literally in a few minutes after the hopeless patient drank a glass of Praskovya Ivanovna's spoken water, a miracle happened - he completely recovered!

Sinister experiment

The word can not only heal, but also protect a person from all kinds of misfortunes. I was able to be convinced of this twenty years before the book of Cora Besser-Sigmund "Magic Words" fell into my hands.

By the way, the word "doctor" comes from the words "lie" and "speak", that is, heal with a word. But the Holy Scriptures clearly say: "The Word was God!" Hence, the word has divine power!

But a word can be both good and bad. Good is from God, and evil is from the devil. An evil word can harm even yourself.

Here's another example. At one of the Sochi enterprises, workers in a smoking room found a magazine left by someone. One leafed through, the second, finally, the third came across an article that told how to code oneself for a certain duration of life.

The old master, following the proposed “recipe”, was coded for 90 years as a joke, and the young worker, who turned 28 the next day, suddenly suggested: “This can be easily verified. I will now code myself until I am 28, tomorrow I will come to work, and you will all make sure that nothing will happen to me!"

Indeed, the next day he came to work as usual and worked for several hours, until someone (everyone considered the information contained in the article nonsense), seeing him, exclaimed: “Bah! Are you still alive! Isn't it time to go there? And pointed to the sky.

And then the incredible happened! A young, strong, perfectly healthy guy died! Instantly! And it would seem that he just took into his head information that was destructive for himself (subconsciously, apparently, he took it), in which outwardly he absolutely did not believe … It turns out that the words of the code in the subconscious of this person turned into a kind of mine with a clockwork. The fateful moment came, and it worked!

This tragic story was told to me in August 1993 by the head of the enterprise where everything happened. Of course, there will be many who will decisively declare: "This cannot be, because it can never be!" - and would like to experience the action of the code. By the way, the aforementioned phrase was first uttered by a medieval monk, but, alas, it is still repeated today, instead of saying: "I admit the existence of this or that phenomenon, although I do not find a convincing explanation for it." This can only be said by a person with an inquiring mind, a researcher. He will always remember the biblical commandment: "Knock and it will be revealed to you." And so it opens!

Promotional video:

Hypnosis and conspiracy are very similar

Such researchers include Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin. It was he, one of the few, who today managed to open the curtain over his Majesty with a word. First of all, he is a true doctor and scientist. Largely due to conspiracies, Georgy Nikolaevich was able to get rid of the consequences of severe wounds received in the war. And, starting from the old conspiracies, he was able to come to his own method of verbal-figurative emotional-volitional control of a person's state. This is where the mystery of the healing effect of the word is! And to many, the words of a magic conspiracy seem empty, meaningless and even meaningless. But no! Even instruments record his divine power! The conspiracy is somewhat reminiscent of an ordinary pill, drugs in it are 5-10%

- the rest is filler. In the conspiracy, one or two magic words also have a healing effect, and all the rest are a verbal background, which creates the environment in which the key coding sounds, with their vibrational influence, create the miracle that sometimes leads to instant healing.

I am afraid that this is such a subtle area of human science, which scientists are just beginning to touch, although the action of the conspiracy word and hypnosis is something close to each other. And hypnosis, as you know, is much better studied, it is recognized by science, in contrast to the conspiracy. True, the conspiracy also has a more mysterious principle of influence. After all, the words of the conspiracy, as a rule, are not spoken aloud. Sometimes a healer or a healer just whispers it into the water. And this is done sometimes at a distance from the patient. And the healing effect is evident!

Distance Healing

In the early 1950s, my aunt, then still a young, strong and practically healthy woman, returned home from the city to the village. A neighbor, nicknamed Pronikha, who came in, looking at her from all sides, gasped with admiration:

“Oh, Nyurochka, how smart you are, and how pretty you are…

My grandmother Praskovya Ivanovna ran in. Glancing quickly at her daughter, she immediately kicked out the neighbor.

- Why are you her? - the aunt was surprised.

- Do not you know?! God grant that everything will work out …

But it hasn't worked out. Very soon, the incredible began to happen to my aunt: she was all mangled, she had a fever, and foam came out of her mouth.

My grandmother immediately ran to the other side of the village. Grandma Motya lived there. Praskovya Ivanovna jumped into her hut and, not yet catching her breath, immediately issued: “Nyurka is driving her to death! The pierced jinxed her, shtob her. " And I heard a calm answer: "Sit down, calm down, now we will drink tea, and your Nyurka is already better … He is washing the floors."

When she returned, the grandmother really found her daughter healthy, and she was already cleaning the floors in the house.

This raises questions: how did she know - without seeing the patient!

- about her condition, the village sorceress grandma Motya? And how did she heal the sick woman without even leaving her hut?

I think she had a phenomenal far-sightedness, and healed (at any distance!) With the help of thought.

Life goes on. And the secret of divine healing by word has yet to be revealed.