UFO Program Majestic - Alternative View

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UFO Program Majestic - Alternative View
UFO Program Majestic - Alternative View

Video: UFO Program Majestic - Alternative View

Video: UFO Program Majestic - Alternative View
Video: Was President Roosevelt In Possession Of Extraterrestrial Technology? | UFO: The Lost Evidence 2024, September

Reports of contacts between earthlings and aliens have been appearing for almost 65 years - if the Roswell incident in 1947 is taken as the starting point. Official science does not take these messages seriously, and not all ufologists trust them. But the number of such messages is not decreasing. Here is one of them.

Mysterious return to base

American pilot Steve Wilson was born in 1933. At thirteen, adding three years to himself, he managed to get into the US Air Force.

Having started his service as a private, he soon graduated from the school of aircraft mechanics, then the school of flight engineers and began flying the four-engine bomber B-17 "Flying Fortress".

After a while, Steve was promoted to senior sergeant and included in the crew of the B-29 Superfortress. Steve enrolled in the School of Aviation Cadets, and upon completion of his training he was awarded the first officer rank - second lieutenant, and he became a fighter pilot.

Lieutenant Wilson was assigned to the 12th Fighter Squadron, and soon found himself in Korea, where there was a war. Here he mastered the supersonic jet "Cybers", on which he entered into aerial duels with MiGs.

During one of the raids, Lieutenant Wilson bombed a dam on enemy territory. After making sure that she flew into the air, Steve directed the plane to the base. At that moment, he felt pain in his side and saw a blurring of blood. Lieutenant Wilson reported that the plane was fired upon from the ground, he was wounded and lost consciousness, so that he could hardly return. Steve doesn't remember what happened next.

Three days later (!) They saw an incredible sight at the airbase. Wilson's plane came to land, but the engine did not work, and a strange greenish glow enveloped the fuselage. The plane made a perfectly accurate landing. Wilson was in the cockpit but was unconscious. He was urgently taken to the hospital. By the time Steve regained consciousness, his wound was almost completely healed.

Soon Steve was interrogated in detail, and then he was carefully examined by doctors. At the same time, it was discovered that after this incident, the young pilot developed extrasensory abilities.

Further career as a pilot-psychic

Over the next years, Steve continued to fight in Korea, he was again knocked out, and he was captured by the North Koreans, withstood all their bullying and managed to escape, flew and fought again, rose to the rank of major.

In the summer of 1972, a man presenting a CIA ID escorted Major Wilson onto a special plane that landed in central Nevada at the bottom of the dried-up Papus Lake deep within the US Air Force's Nellis Range. The arrivals walked about a hundred meters to two massive rocks, in the depression between which there was a steel door without a handle. The CIA officer opened this door.

“I would swear,” Wilson later wrote, “that this whole damned mountain was empty inside. Right in the middle was the runway, and at the end of it there was a huge gate, which, as I later learned, opened so that the plane could take off right from inside the mountain."

Wilson and the CIA agent walked to the elevator and went down several floors. The descent rate was very high (Steve later learned that there are more than thirty floors inside the mountain). Leaving the elevator, they went to the office, where they were met by a colonel in military uniform.

The Colonel informed Wilson of his duties and how to get here using a secret transportation system in an underground tunnel. And he also warned Wilson that everything he saw here is classified as "Top Secret", and if he blabbed about anything superfluous, it would be the last words in his life.

n Promotional video:

Alien video lecture

One morning a lieutenant colonel named Bennett walked into Wilson's office and offered to follow him. They went down two floors into a top secret area. Coming out of the elevator, Wilson saw eight UFOs of various designs there. There were many intelligent-looking people around, and he thought they were scientists. He glanced at Bennett, but Bennett warned all of his questions by throwing a short, "Forget it."

The lieutenant colonel and the major entered the room, where about twenty officers and civilians were sitting along the walls. A few minutes later, a slender young woman entered the room, at least two and a half meters tall! She was wearing a jumpsuit. Wilson still remembers all the details of this amazing meeting.

“The woman had fine, chiseled features, her blond hair falling in waves down her back below her shoulders. Her blue eyes were bluer than any blue eyes I have ever seen. And all of her was somehow different …

Putting a large crystal on the table, she began to make passes over it. Suddenly, her fingers lit up, and a volumetric hologram began to form over the crystal! I looked around and saw that everyone present had dropped their jaw in amazement.

While I was looking at what was happening, all my previous knowledge disappeared somewhere. And while I was peering into this hologram, supplemented by soundtrack and revealing the secrets of the past and present, all my ideas about life turned over one hundred and eighty degrees."

Wilson said that the scenes shown by the hologram told about the history of the Earth and the influence of extraterrestrial civilizations on it. This influence consisted, in particular, in the formation of the consciousness of

Jesus and in "sending" him to earthlings in order to show them the way to a more correct understanding of life. And the alien showed the officers and scientists scenes from the life of the inhabitants of planets belonging to other star systems.

A new turn in career and destiny

Wilson was then offered the position of deputy project manager for the Pouns project. This was the name of the elite group of "black berets" of the Air Force and military scientists, created in December 1980. Its members immediately went to the site of any UFO disaster, blocked the surrounding area, evacuated the extraterrestrial spacecraft and its crew members, then “sanitized” this area, giving it the appearance it had before the disaster, and also forced to silence all bystanders of the incident …

After rising to the rank of lieutenant colonel and gaining access to work of the 27th degree of secrecy on space issues, Wilson learned a lot about the internal activities of the organization called Majestic 12.

The lieutenant colonel became aware of secret military space operations conducted by combat astronauts studying at the secret Air Force academy. He learned that these combat astronauts were flying US-built anti-gravity spacecraft, such as Lockheed's X-22 two-seater disc and the top-secret Pumpkinseed. In space, these "Star Wars" intercept UFOs deemed "unfriendly" and incapacitate or destroy them.

In 1986, Lieutenant Colonel Wilson, who was awarded many medals and other decorations, retired.

After much deliberation, he decided to reveal everything he knew about the activities of the deeply classified and powerful Majestic 12 by posting his messages on the Internet.

In November 1997, 64-year-old Steve Wilson died of cancer.

Magazine: Secrets of the 20th century №21. Author: Vadim Ilyin