An Unexpected Version Of Scientists: The Moon Is A Gift From Aliens! - Alternative View

An Unexpected Version Of Scientists: The Moon Is A Gift From Aliens! - Alternative View
An Unexpected Version Of Scientists: The Moon Is A Gift From Aliens! - Alternative View

Video: An Unexpected Version Of Scientists: The Moon Is A Gift From Aliens! - Alternative View

Video: An Unexpected Version Of Scientists: The Moon Is A Gift From Aliens! - Alternative View
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Back in 1981, Russian astronomer Vladimir Koval had no doubt that representatives of a highly developed civilization visited the solar system. And they left a memory of themselves. More precisely, a monument. This is … the moon.

It is known that the Earth once did not have a satellite. It is believed that it appeared due to the collision of our planet with another celestial body the size of Mars. Koval, on the other hand, believes that the Moon was brought to Earth by alien astro-engineers about 2 - 3 billion years ago. And they placed it so that the earthlings would guess about its origin.

The diameter of the moon is such that its disk completely covers the sun during eclipses.

The moon strictly periodically changes phases - it works as a space chronometer. Observing him allowed the creation of the first calendars.

The moon is huge. A body of this size could not spontaneously appear on a relatively small inner planet. Mercury and Venus have no satellites at all, Mars they are tiny, and the diameter of the Moon is a quarter of the earth. In fact, the Earth-Moon system is a double planet.

According to the hypothesis of Vladimir Koval, the alien astronomers did not bring the Moon with them "from home." She was picked up in the solar system. It used to be a planet. And there is a place for it - between Mars and Jupiter, where the asteroid belt is now located. From astronomical calculations it follows that there is just not enough planet there.

There is a version that between Mars and Jupiter there was previously the planet Phaethon, which exploded. However, the mass of the asteroids - presumably its debris - is not enough to form a planet the size of the moon.

- The phaeton was, but did not explode, - Vladimir Koval considers, - it was moved to the Earth. The moon is Phaethon.

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The earth showed the potential for the origin of life. The aliens noticed this, or even organized it themselves - and "adjusted" the moon. From her on our planet began the ebb and flow, volcanoes were formed, which are believed to have contributed to the development of life.

Conclusion: The moon is not only a vivid evidence that humanity is not a unique phenomenon. Perhaps she is also part of an experiment to spread life in the universe. But why don't the experimenters come to see the result? Maybe it's not time yet?