Is Bigfoot Walking Under Vladimir? - Alternative View

Is Bigfoot Walking Under Vladimir? - Alternative View
Is Bigfoot Walking Under Vladimir? - Alternative View

Video: Is Bigfoot Walking Under Vladimir? - Alternative View

Video: Is Bigfoot Walking Under Vladimir? - Alternative View
Video: Америка. Большое путешествие – Мэн 2024, September

Early this morning, the director of the international center of hominology, historian and cryptozoologist Igor Burtsev (he is considered the world's most important "hunter" for the Bigfoot) said that he had information that the Yeti family was walking in the forests of the Vladimir region. And in the near future, an entire expedition will be sent to catch the hominoid!

This information was announced by Burtsev during the Moscow-St. Petersburg teleconference early this morning on Channel 5.

Burtsev has been searching for traces of the Bigfoot almost all his life, since 1965. Under the guidance of the scientist, yeti were caught in Kabardino-Balkaria, Azerbaijan, Abkhazia, the Pamirs, Mongolia, the Murmansk region and even in the USA. Traces of Bigfoot activity were found everywhere, but scientists (or pseudoscientists?) Failed to catch a living or dead Yeti.

And now the search will move to the Vladimir region!

- Just today I received on the Internet from the Vladimir region photographs of footprints and those constructions that yeti make in the forest. These are the same snow people, but in Russia they are simply called devil. We know about 20 such points around Moscow, - the world's most famous cryptozoologist told the viewers of Channel 5!

According to Burtsev, traces of the devil's life in the 33rd region were found almost the same as in other habitats of the mysterious creature. These are huts, equipped, among other things, at a height of 3 meters between trees, wickerwork made of branches and reeds, as well as giant footprints reaching a length of 45 centimeters!

Burtsev did not name the specific point of the Bigfoot's habitat, apparently fearing that the locals would frighten off the "owner of the forest." The scientist is sure that it will not be easy to catch the goblin, because according to the available data, these hominoids have the ability to hypnosis, and when meeting them, a person simply forgets about it, because his memory is "erased."

- We will beat the facts like a butt, - with such a phrase Burtsev completed the teleconference, promising to definitely find the Bigfoot in the 33rd region!

Promotional video:

Cryptozoologist is not afraid of meeting with yeti. On the contrary, he is confident that Bigfoot's mission on Earth is to save our planet!

Although many residents of Vladimir remember the hype that arose in the media of our region back in 2011, when all and sundry trumpeted about the traces of a hefty yeti found in the forest near Melenki! In fact, everything turned out to be much more prosaic - the locals took for a yeti … a brown bear that wandered into our forests from the Ryazan region in search of food …