A Rare Historical Photo Shows A Possible Entrance To The Great Sphinx At Giza - Alternative View

A Rare Historical Photo Shows A Possible Entrance To The Great Sphinx At Giza - Alternative View
A Rare Historical Photo Shows A Possible Entrance To The Great Sphinx At Giza - Alternative View

Video: A Rare Historical Photo Shows A Possible Entrance To The Great Sphinx At Giza - Alternative View

Video: A Rare Historical Photo Shows A Possible Entrance To The Great Sphinx At Giza - Alternative View
Video: The Great Sphinx of Giza Before Excavation 1860 - 1878 2024, September

This rare photo was taken from a hot air balloon in the 19th century, even before the excavation and restoration of a huge ancient Egyptian statue. Note the huge hole located in the head of the Sphinx


The Great Sphinx of Giza is without doubt one of the most mysterious ancient monuments on the planet. This amazing piece of ancient architecture remains one of the few artifacts that scientists have been trying to unravel for many years. The 73 meter long and 21 meter high statue holds the record for being the largest monumental sculpture on the planet.

It is believed that the Great Sphinx was discovered in 1817, when it was covered with sand up to the shoulders. Soon, under the guidance of the archaeologist Giovanni Batista Cavilla, excavations were carried out, as a result of which it was possible to completely free the chest of the statue from the sand. And only many decades later, in 1925, during the archaeological expedition of Emil Barez, the entire Sphinx was completely cleared of sand deposits.

Many researchers believe that the Sphinx is not a complete monument. After a certain number of discoveries, scientists began to believe that it was originally intended for something larger, unknown to us today.

The researchers were puzzled not only by the incredible size and mysterious beauty. Scientists have no idea who erected this magnificent monument. This fact - the absence of any information - adds even more mystery to the stately monument, around which various disputes are already underway. Countless pseudo-scientific speculations associate its appearance with extinct civilizations and alien beings. Some scientists, such as Mark Lehner and Graham Hancock, point to a link between the Great Sphinx, the pyramids of the Giza Plateau and the Nile River with the constellations Leo, Orion and our Milky Way galaxy.

But the biggest mystery lurks not on the surface, but under the Sphinx. Many researchers have long suggested the existence of underground passages and chambers. It is believed that right under the ancient monument there is a repository of prehistoric chronicles - the Hall of Records. They say that this archive holds the key to understanding our civilization and the real history of mankind. It is known from mythology that the library is located somewhere in Egypt, and many agree that it is under the Sphinx, which proudly rises above the pyramids.

Recorded in ancient papyrus scrolls, the Hall of Records contains the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians; in particular, the story is told and the exact geographical coordinates of the lost continent of Atlantis are given. In terms of significance, this archive can only be compared with the Great Library of Alexandria and its ancient Greek manuscripts. Some believe that the Hall of Records was built by the Egyptians, others consider it to be the creators of a much more ancient civilization.

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Curiously, there are several extremely rare old photographs that show numerous entrances to the mysterious monument. They are believed to lead to corridors below the Sphinx, ending in huge chambers. These mysterious underground libraries are filled with ancient texts that could piece together a puzzle called The Unknown History of Humanity.

In the book “The Riddle of the Sphinx. A message from the guardians of civilization, Graham Hancock and Robert Bauvel argue that the Egyptian government, in conjunction with American archaeologists, has blocked research under the Sphinx in order to prevent any underground interference and restrict access to information contained there.

So, under the monument, with a high probability, there is a system of passages leading to unknown underground halls. In particular, Charles Thompson, who explored the Sphinx in 1733, mentions certain entrances and the "hole in the upper back" of the ancient site.


Rare photographs show many strange details that were masked during later restoration work. Some photos show a huge crack over the thighs, which many believe leads to the burial chamber. According to secrethistoy.wikia.com, there is documentary evidence of a large rectangular entrance at the top of the hind legs. This entrance, measuring approximately 120 by 60 centimeters, is mentioned in the reports of many travelers who have visited the Sphinx. It is believed that the mine leads to a burial chamber, and it was built during the time of the pharaohs. Even then, only a few people could have access to it.

It is well known that many of the discoveries made in Egypt were not made public and were kept secret from the public in the most careful way. Many excavations were suspended by the Egyptian government for reasons of "national security." One of the most striking examples is an underground labyrinth discovered in 2008 by a group of Belgian and Egyptian researchers.

The underground temple consists of more than 3 thousand rooms, the walls of which are painted with the most incredible hieroglyphs and paintings. This mysterious complex is located about a hundred kilometers from Cairo, not far from the pyramid of Amenemkhet III.


They tried to carefully hide the loud opening. The results of the expedition were published in the same 2008 in the scientific journal NRIAG, and the results of the study itself were presented in a public lecture at the University of Ghent, which was attended by the Belgian media. Shortly thereafter, the project was hastily closed because the secretary general of the Egyptian High Council of Antiquities banned the exchange of information about the discovery for reasons of national security.

Therefore, it would not be surprising if it suddenly turns out that local authorities have tried to limit public access to all secret cavities, chambers and tunnels discovered under the Sphinx.

Source: ancient-code.com

Translation by Elena Muravyova for neveroyatno.info