Who Are The Aliens - UFO Secrets - Alternative View

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Who Are The Aliens - UFO Secrets - Alternative View
Who Are The Aliens - UFO Secrets - Alternative View

Video: Who Are The Aliens - UFO Secrets - Alternative View

Video: Who Are The Aliens - UFO Secrets - Alternative View
Video: Top Secret UFO Projects: Declassified | Official Trailer | Netflix 2024, September

Where do UFOs come from?

Some scientists believe that UFOs do not come to our planet, but live on it next to us. The existence of UFOs was confirmed by photographing them in the invisible part of the electromagnetic spectrum. People are only able to see in a narrow visual range. It's like walking through a dark forest at night and shining a flashlight - this is our angle of view, this is our life. What is nearby, we simply do not know, we do not see and do not notice. Or are we afraid to know, see and notice?

Thousands of photographs were taken, with a simple camera, which opened up a whole world, a colossal world in a transparent, invisible sphere - these are humanoid figures merging with spheres, in a word, not our protein-nucleic matter.

Such a "ghost" has the ability to acquire a solid consistency. Upon entering the visual spectrum, we perceive it as a humanoid creature. He can be from 20 cm to 15 m tall, with two, three or one eyes.

How else to explain such a phenomenon: a similar creature is walking on the ground, and suddenly a gun is fired at it at close range … Shreds fly out of it, but it still goes … So, the creature does not consist of such matter as we are made of … As you can see, this is a completely different kind, falling under the general concept of organic energy, the jets of which, probably, form organic matter, which is not yet known to us.

In the light of this hypothesis, "flying saucers" appear to be protective containers temporarily formed by field life forms, a kind of "etheric mind" in order to ensure the movement of their fragments at high speed in a dense medium - in the atmosphere. And when the need for a "plate" ends, it melts right before our eyes.

The next event can be said: the incredible is obvious! Since November 1989, tens of thousands of Belgians have witnessed UFO flights, while about a thousand observations were conducted from a distance of no more than 200 m.

1989, November 29 - from 5.30 pm to 9 pm, thirty groups of witnesses at different points in the 800 km2 stretch between Liege and Eupen saw the same objects. Full coincidence of eyewitness testimonies made it possible to reconstruct the flight path of these two UFOs. An interesting detail: UFOs flew at extremely low altitudes and at low speeds, almost silently.

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1990, May - materials from the Belgian Air Force were made available to the media. This is a video footage of five radars on the ground and two others aboard F-16 fighters of the Belgian Air Force, which took off to intercept UFOs. During the hunt, which lasted for 75 minutes, the fighters managed to intercept the target three times, that is, it was fixed on the interceptor's onboard radars, and all that remained was to release missiles to defeat it. Careful research carried out by Belgian experts before publicizing such fantastic material showed that any possibility of problems with radars and on-board computers was completely ruled out.

So, the hunt began on the night of March 30, 1990. The UFO literally in a second developed a speed from 280 km / h to 1,800 km / h, simultaneously dropping from an altitude of 3,000 m to 1,700 m.

This fantastic acceleration corresponds to 40 g (g is the symbol for acceleration; 1 g corresponds to an acceleration of 9.8 m / s). It would entail the instant death of any living, in our understanding, creature, if it were on board a UFO. For comparison, the acceleration limit that an interceptor pilot can withstand is 8 g.

Reaching an altitude of 1,700 m, the object rushed to the ground. Once just below 200 m above the Earth's surface, he disappeared from the "field of view" of ground-based radars and F-16 radars.

The interceptors simply could not pursue him further, the height was very low. From the outside, such races looked as if a mysterious object deliberately chose the most reasonable path in order to evade the interceptors. Events according to the same scenario were repeated two more times that night.

All this was observed by people from the ground: they saw a UFO, now disappearing, then appearing, and two interceptors, but there was no sound of an explosion that should have occurred and sounded when the UFO crossed the sound barrier. The object moved absolutely regardless of the direction of the wind and air currents. It was neither a meteorite, nor a rocket wreck, since its trajectory in the air changed many times. As for military technology, there is nothing of the kind in the world today.

The Belgian military turned to the American military for information: whether the US Air Force F-117A aircraft, an "invisible" aircraft, which more than once was mistaken for a UFO, took part in the hunt. But the answer was no, the F-117A cannot fly at a speed less than 278 km / h, while in the case of an unidentified flying object in Belgium, a speed of 40 km / h was recorded. Not a single device can fly low above the ground at a speed of 1,800 km / h, moreover, it is absolutely silent.

Back in 1967, the famous Soviet physicist A. D. Sakharov expressed the idea that there is not one world, but two, that is, the world and the anti-world, consisting of antimatter. Today, many scientists believe that such an approach is the first step in approaching the issue of travel in space over colossal distances.

It is possible to imagine these two worlds by comparing them with a fabric that has a front side and a lining. To go further, one must admit that the world and the anti-world communicate with each other.

If we compare the Universe with a thick volume of an encyclopedia, then moving from one space to another will be similar to jumping to another page. For a casual eyewitness who saw the transition of the aircraft to another space, everything would be limited to the sudden dematerialization of the observed object (it would simply melt into the sky).

There is a more or less convincing explanation for the bursts of mass UFO sightings over the Earth. Turning again to the comparison of “world and anti-world” with fabric and lining, one can imagine that the fabric is constantly wrinkling, curling, unfolding, and there are times when the fabric and lining are especially close. It is then that favorable conditions for travel develop. Visitors will have a fairly limited time during which they can conduct reconnaissance on Earth.

Until such conditions change, a kind of hyperspace "window" remains, into which they should have time to slip through so as not to be cut off from their world before another such "window" appears.

Taking into account the interconnection of time, energy and space, it is possible to build an interesting scheme of the flight of a hypothetical interstellar ship: when matter combines with antimatter, a huge energy is released, causing a change in the organization of matter (entropy). This is followed by a change in the density of time, which affects space in the direction of its rarefaction.

The space is thinning to … complete disappearance. And the spaceship that caused this chain of transformations disappears into space, becoming invisible. While its engines are working, the ship is in complete safety, since space bodies flying at high speed seem to bend around it. It is enough for the ship to change its orientation and turn off the engines, as it visibly, as if out of nothing, will appear at any preselected point of the Galaxy, and maybe outside it.

So, having disappeared into the void of out-of-space, the ship turns relative to its location, or rather, the ship's orientation axis changes. After the engines are turned off, the ship appears in a new space.

In this case, the distance between the point of departure and arrival does not play any role.

What's coming out? And it turns out that UFOs are alien ships that are in a state of compressed space. To compress it, they use the so-called annihilation reaction. The byproducts of this reaction are the detached elements of antimatter, as well as particles of rare earth elements. The atmosphere surrounding the ship shines brightly. Any substance that touches the body of a luminous UFO turns into a handful of atoms.

For what reason has there been no long-awaited contact with other civilizations so far? Instead of a categorical answer, let us cite the opinion of the American writer Ben Bove. He believes that any race capable of interplanetary travel should, in all likelihood, be fairly ethical in order to observe us, our life, without interfering with it. Why on earth would “them” contact us? "They" will learn much more by keeping us under surveillance.

And what if we take the point of view of those who believe that our space is a rational and inhabited world, but do not wait humbly when THEY deign to communicate with us, but do everything in our power to bring this meeting closer or get weighty evidence (and not just another legend, fantastic story) of their existence?

For example, according to the calculations of the American astronomer O. Struve, there are 50 billion planets in our Galaxy alone. Of these, the astronomer believes that intelligent life exists on several million. If the Universe is so rich in the centers of intelligent life, this means that establishing contact between them is a matter of time. The main thing is the ratio of the levels of civilizations.

Scientists made other predictions, namely, from any 10 planetary systems, with intelligent life, 9 should be higher than us in terms of their development. And this means, entering into contact with them, in most cases we will have to deal with creatures that have gone away from us for hundreds of thousands and millions of years.

The nearest civilization, which is at our level, according to the same calculations, is 10,000 light years away from us. For comparison, with the current development of technology to fly to Pluto (the ninth planet of the solar system) and return back, a person can barely have enough of his own life, because the distance to Pluto is decent - 6 billion km.

So, the contacts we expect, if they take place, then with more intelligent than ourselves, beings, it is unlikely that with less developed, the chance of contact with creatures that are at the same level of development with us, or at least commensurate with ours, is completely negligible.

There is little to do - to detect signs of extraterrestrial intelligent life. Just how to do it? There are also a number of hypotheses, assumptions and programs here. One way is to simply listen to radio signals. There are many supporters of this program.

1928 - a message about a strange "radio echo" appeared in the press. Radio pulses, which are sent into space at regular intervals, come back, carrying not one, but two "echoes". One echo is quite understandable - this is a reflection from the ionosphere, but the second was reflected from some object located outside the ionosphere, but located closer to the Earth than the Moon. It was also surprising that the object reflected radio pulses at different intervals. An acceptable explanation for what was happening then was not found. Then the incredible begins.

1980s - astronomer D. Lunan turned to the study of this mysterious case. He plotted a graph, on one axis of which he plotted the points of signals from the earth, and on the other - an echo coming at different intervals. When he plotted the intervals between signals and echoes in dots, the familiar constellation map of the Northern Hemisphere was on paper. However, with a slight difference - a time shift. For an astronomer who knows the course of the planets and stars, it was not difficult to calculate this time. It turns out that the map exactly reflects the picture of the sky as it was seen from Earth 13,000 years ago.

Luneen concluded that the "echo" was carried by a spacecraft that had been in low-Earth orbit from about that time. Where did he come from? Having made the necessary calculations, the astronomer assumed that the ship arrived from the zone of the constellation Bootes, located at a distance of 103 light years from Earth and younger in age. A very curious guess! "But who and when proved that the rate of development of the earthly mind is obligatory for other worlds?" - skeptics will ask and they will be right.

Nevertheless, numerous astronomer scientists are sure that life in space exists, which means that it can be detected. Technically advanced alien civilizations are probably also exploring the universe.

There is a possibility that they can use radio waves to transmit texts and video images. Therefore, since radio broadcasting became commonplace, people transmit signals into space.

To detect similar radio signals from afar, large-scale international research programs are underway in which scientists expect to comb the sky for about a decade in search of weakening signals. They are looking for that category of signals that can arouse interest, therefore, are not emitted by Mother Nature herself.

Unfortunately, today, as human activity expands, new technologies appear, there are more and more radio signals in near-earth space. With an increase in the noise level, radio antennas need to be launched directly into space, and the cost of such projects makes them rare.

Experts from America conduct searches in two ways: smaller antennas probe the entire sky using radios tuned to frequencies from 1,000 to 10,000 MHz, and several additional bands with frequencies up to 25,000 MHz. And extremely weak signals emanating from stars similar to our Sun, located about 89 light-years from Earth, are captured by ultra-sensitive instruments. They cover a narrower portion of the radio spectrum from 1,000 to 3,000 MHz with additional sample bands up to 10,000 MHz. All listening signals are divided into thousands of channels.

The biggest challenge lies in the systematic recognition of signals. As soon as the instruments begin to emit something similar to what the researchers want, lengthy verification tests are carried out to eliminate every conceivable source of interference. Now there is a hope that the "little green men" will turn out to be real, and their discovery will become one of the most important achievements of mankind. Everyone is waiting, hoping, guessing and discussing more and more new hypotheses. But not only…

Mysterious finds are also supplied by space reconnaissance rockets, which are equipped with video equipment, a variety of sensors, computers, which examine and analyze data on the chemical composition of the atmosphere, soil, temperature of stars or their satellites.

Thus, in January 1986, the television cameras of the Voyager-2 American space explorer on the flyby photographed Uranus and its satellite system from a distance of 81,000 km. Umbriel appeared to be the most strange satellite of Uranus. Neighboring satellites are literally covered with scars of meteorite origin, and on its light ash face with a diameter of 1,100 km, planetary scientists have not been able to find any signs of geological activity, or even traces of collisions with meteorites. On a smooth, as if carefully polished and well-groomed disc, only one strange, unusually bright ring is clearly visible. Why is this moon so well preserved? Is it due to favorable space conditions or space achievements of other civilizations? As always, this question remains to be answered.

A. Lukovkina