Conspiracy theories 2024, September

There Is No Moon - Alternative View

There Is No Moon - Alternative View

Let me refresh your memory with the stories of official science, which the Masters of this World allowed the unwashed servants to know

Where Does The Blue-blooded Inhuman Come From On Our Planet? - Alternative View

Where Does The Blue-blooded Inhuman Come From On Our Planet? - Alternative View

Most of the living creatures on our planet have red blood, but still, there are life forms with completely different blood and genetics, clearly inherent in alien forms. Why is it that the parasitic satanic world “elite” also claims that it has “blue blood” and allegedly has the right to control humanity on the basis of their “gods” genetics? But who, in

And Yet It Is Flat - Alternative View

And Yet It Is Flat - Alternative View

In our time, what kind of trends you will not see and what statements you will not be surprised at. Is it really to increase awareness in certain areas? All for the glory, albeit dubious?

New Details On The Malaysian Boeing Case. Is It A Rocket After All? - Alternative View

New Details On The Malaysian Boeing Case. Is It A Rocket After All? - Alternative View

For several years now, there has been a debate about what happened to the Boeing MH370. Numerous scientists are trying to find the reason why the plane fell. Dozens of studies have been conducted and numerous witnesses and experts interviewed

Harmful Microwave Radiation: Myths And Reality - Alternative View

Harmful Microwave Radiation: Myths And Reality - Alternative View

More than twenty years have passed since the moment when rumors appeared in the Russian press about the terrible danger of microwave ovens for humanity

Lies As Payment For Freedom Of Consumption - Alternative View

Lies As Payment For Freedom Of Consumption - Alternative View

Today indifference, egoism, individualism are cultivated under the slogan of protecting "personal freedom". Cruelty, murder, sadism are romanticized. By all means, self-interest, greed, hoarding, the cult of money and things are aroused. Much is being done, and not without success, in order to introduce a person into the world of illusory ideas about life, to foster a sense of its hopelessness and meaninglessness, in order to “free” the individual from responsibility for the pr

Where Do Amazing Historical Finds Disappear? - Alternative View

Where Do Amazing Historical Finds Disappear? - Alternative View

The amazing disappearances of very unusual exhibits of a private museum, which happened in the last century, became known to the general public.So, the museum of Padre Crespi, who lived in the vicinity of Ecuador, consisted mainly of gifts from grateful Indians and, perhaps, would not be so interesting if its exhibits were not often in conflict with the main postulates of the existing historical science

China Has Deliberately Hid Or Destroyed Evidence Of The Coronavirus Outbreak - Alternative View

China Has Deliberately Hid Or Destroyed Evidence Of The Coronavirus Outbreak - Alternative View

China has deliberately hidden or destroyed evidence of the coronavirus outbreak, which has claimed tens of thousands of lives, according to a dossier prepared by concerned Western governments over the COVID-19 infection.A 15-page research paper obtained by The Saturday Telegraph lays the groundwork for a negligence lawsuit against China

Suicide Propaganda In Popular Culture - Alternative View

Suicide Propaganda In Popular Culture - Alternative View

What is the Werther effect and what is the cause of herding?In 1774, Goethe published his first novel, The Suffering of Young Werther. The book brought the writer instant fame and gained such popularity among the public that impressionable young people of Europe, following the example of the protagonist, armed themselves with two pistols and dressed in blue tailcoats and yellow pantaloons

The World Is Exactly Indulging In Climatic Weapons - Alternative View

The World Is Exactly Indulging In Climatic Weapons - Alternative View

Leading specialist of the Phobos Weather Center Yevgeniy Tishkovets told who and how on earth controls the weather and what climate weapons are.More and more often it seems to us that the climate has gone crazy. The days that should be the hottest are chilly and cold

China Preserves Its Forests, Cutting Down Siberia - Alternative View

China Preserves Its Forests, Cutting Down Siberia - Alternative View

From the Altai Mountains to the Pacific coast, logging ravages vast Russian forests, leaving behind strips of scarred land covered only with lifeless tree stumps.It is obvious to many Russians who is to blame: the Chinese.- Salik.bizTwenty years ago, China strictly limited commercial logging in its own natural forests and turned to Russia more and more every year, and in 2017 removed a huge amount of forest from there, trying to meet the colossal needs of its construction co

With Whom Is The US Army Preparing For The Underground War? With Aliens? With The Survivors Of The Apocalypse? - Alternative View

With Whom Is The US Army Preparing For The Underground War? With Aliens? With The Survivors Of The Apocalypse? - Alternative View

Intriguing material this morning flashed on the insider website with floating news Above Top Secret: `` Since the beginning of the crisis around North Korea, whose defense is based on a network of underground tunnels, there have been many reports that the Pentagon is on

A False Flag During The Season Of Sacrifice From April 19 To May 1? - Alternative View

A False Flag During The Season Of Sacrifice From April 19 To May 1? - Alternative View

Season of Sacrifice starts on March 19 and ends on May 1, usually the time when the False Flag events take place

Don't Believe In Yesterday's Forgery? Take A Look At The Preparation Today! - Alternative View

Don't Believe In Yesterday's Forgery? Take A Look At The Preparation Today! - Alternative View

How often you can hear that history cannot be faked, because there are not so many people who would make counterfeit on an industrial scale.Apparently, such people in their lives, in general, did nothing, since they do not believe that this is possible

The Director Of The SVR Of Russia Spoke About The Propaganda Of LGBT And Feminism Through NGOs And The Media - Alternative View

The Director Of The SVR Of Russia Spoke About The Propaganda Of LGBT And Feminism Through NGOs And The Media - Alternative View

Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Sergei Naryshkin made a number of important statements at an international meeting on security issues in Ufa. The forum is held under the auspices of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, and high-ranking representatives of the special services of 119 states participate in it

One Of The Most Interesting Conspiracy Theories: Fluoridated Water Suppresses A Person's Personality - Alternative View

One Of The Most Interesting Conspiracy Theories: Fluoridated Water Suppresses A Person's Personality - Alternative View

The dystopian film Equilibrium, released in 2002, portrayed a grim picture of a totalitarian future in which people without emotion live

Was The Titanic Disaster Planned To Create The Fed? - Alternative View

Was The Titanic Disaster Planned To Create The Fed? - Alternative View

Talk about another possible crime of the powers that be, who staged a massacre in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017, very similar to the tragedy that played out in New York on September 11, 2001, has not yet subsided, as conspiracy theorists shook out and so on

The Titanic Disaster Was Planned By The Rothschilds - To Create The US Federal Reserve? - Alternative View

The Titanic Disaster Was Planned By The Rothschilds - To Create The US Federal Reserve? - Alternative View

Catastrophe “ Titanic ” for decades remained a mystery to everyone, but after a hundred years and comparing different facts, we can say that the Rothschilds are behind all this

Moral Decay - The Main Danger For Russia - Alternative View

Moral Decay - The Main Danger For Russia - Alternative View

The decayed and distorted West is pulling us with all its might, too, down into the abyss of animal life. If we do not understand the destructiveness of this, then we will also turn into simple intelligent animals …Every adult, free person chooses his own path. A

How Scientologists Wanted To Take Over The World - Alternative View

How Scientologists Wanted To Take Over The World - Alternative View

For many years, the alarmists have shouted that the Church of Scientology is not just an organization of eccentrics worshiping an incomprehensible space race, but a totalitarian organization dreaming of world domination. And they were right

Information War In Russia - Alternative View

Information War In Russia - Alternative View

Exhaustive lessons from the defeat of the Soviet Union in the psychological war with the West and its local residencies must finally be learned.The speech in the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper by Russian Deputy Defense Minister Ruslan Tsalikov, in the part where he talks about information attacks on the RF Armed Forces, for all his external correctness, reflects the very serious concern of the country's leadership with the state of affairs in this area

We Are Being Tapped Not Only By Telephones - Alternative View

We Are Being Tapped Not Only By Telephones - Alternative View

Who does not know the "trick": as soon as you "hammer" the name of some thing or service into a search engine, an advertisement related to this request will fall on your computer. And if you have a server at work, and one of your colleagues was looking for, say, sneakers or underwear, then get ready and you will receive advertising for shorts and shoes in the next hour or two

Textbook Or Haphazard Education - Alternative View

Textbook Or Haphazard Education - Alternative View

Modern youth do not know for anything Stalin shot Suvorov, in no year did Gagarin fly to the moon. Should we be surprised? Probably not. It is surprising that today's youth know anything at all. Our textbooks are so bad that they can perhaps be used as examples of exemplary sabotage

The Source Of The Release Of Radioactive Ruthenium-106 In Russia Remains A Mystery - Alternative View

The Source Of The Release Of Radioactive Ruthenium-106 In Russia Remains A Mystery - Alternative View

A month after a mysterious radiation cloud was observed in Europe, the source of which remained unknown, last week there were suggestions that it may have been the result of a "nuclear accident" in Russia or Kazakhstan

Conspiracy And The Secrets Of The World Conspiracy, The Psychology Of The Incredible - Alternative View

Conspiracy And The Secrets Of The World Conspiracy, The Psychology Of The Incredible - Alternative View

Perhaps the American landing on the moon is a fake, a film shot and edited on Earth, hundreds of thousands of people around the world believe.It is likely that governments are hiding evidence of alien visits and generally keeping contact with aliens secret, - ufologists reveal the secret of the world conspiracy

About The Nazi SSP And Secret Bases In Antarctica - Alternative View

About The Nazi SSP And Secret Bases In Antarctica - Alternative View

Among insiders, information about the secret space program of mankind, the secret bases of the Nazis in Antarctica and the presence on Earth of representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations (or parallel earthly civilizations of a different mind) and much more is constantly circulating

Who Is Interfering With Our History? - Alternative View

Who Is Interfering With Our History? - Alternative View

The topic of interference in our history by certain "external forces" is by no means new. It is no coincidence that many independent researchers have already come to this conclusion, studying various areas of "forbidden" knowledge for mankind, from artifacts of ancient civilization to ufology

The Mystery Of Bin Laden's Death - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Bin Laden's Death - Alternative View

Eight years ago, on May 2, 2011, the US authorities announced that "terrorist number one" Osama bin Laden had been killed that day.The official version says that he was destroyed by American special forces in the house where he lived with his wives and children

How Not To Play By The Rules Of Parasites - Alternative View

How Not To Play By The Rules Of Parasites - Alternative View

The very way of life of predators-consumers was provided for us by technocratic development, along the path of which the forces led mankind, seizing control over him and power on our planet. However, during the Vedic civilization of the "golden age" everything was different and people lived in harmony with nature

Tyranny In Russia Is Inevitable? Fifteen Reasons To End Democracy - Alternative View

Tyranny In Russia Is Inevitable? Fifteen Reasons To End Democracy - Alternative View

What is Democracy? Can you seriously choose your government? And at the same time consider those elected as "servants of the people" and "people's choices"?Democracy is the craziest idea humanity has ever gotten into. One has only to think about the meanings that it broadcasts, and then one can only wonder at its existence

How IKEA Is Brainwashing Us - Alternative View

How IKEA Is Brainwashing Us - Alternative View

Surprisingly, one of the most powerful and financially harmful brainwashing companies out there today is the supermarket of minimalist Swedish furniture known as IKEA. People love IKEA, really love

Is New Ebola Strain Killing Birds Massively In Australia? - Alternative View

Is New Ebola Strain Killing Birds Massively In Australia? - Alternative View

After dozens of bloodied birds (at least 60) fell from the sky in the area of an elementary school in Adelaide, Australia, the original version of bird watchers was that the birds were poisoned by something.However, after autopsy of the dead birds and carrying out appropriate tests, it was found that the birds were infected with a kind of hemorrhagic virus, similar to Ebola, which can spread to humans!- S

Chemtrails Are Needed To Feed The Parasites That Control People? - Alternative View

Chemtrails Are Needed To Feed The Parasites That Control People? - Alternative View

When Gregory Wetherbee of the US Geological Survey began analyzing rainwater samples from the Rocky Mountains, finding plastic fibers there was the very last thing he thought he would see in his samples:“I thought to see mostly soil and mineral particles, but instead I found threads of colored plastic,” says Dr. Wet

Dangerous Milk And Pepsi - Alternative View

Dangerous Milk And Pepsi - Alternative View

Danone has announced its intention to withdraw several dairy products from the Romanian market as a precautionary measure after it identified they may be contaminated with the toxic carcinogen aflatoxin

Pseudoscience: The HIV Denial Movement - Alternative View

Pseudoscience: The HIV Denial Movement - Alternative View

Official statistics tell us:“The total number of Russians infected with HIV registered in the Russian Federation as of December 31, 2015 reached 1,006,388 people (according to preliminary data as of 02/02/2016). Of these, 212,579 HIV-infected died for various reasons, incl. 2

The Truth About AIDS - Alternative View

The Truth About AIDS - Alternative View

Not so long ago, an article about the "plague of the 20th century" - AIDS - was posted on the website of the Irkutsk Regional Public Youth Cultural Movement "Golden Generation". We provide the text of this article below

What Should You Do To Free Yourself From Alien Slavery? - Alternative View

What Should You Do To Free Yourself From Alien Slavery? - Alternative View

Few people are able to overcome the zombie technologies of consciousness that are used by the owners of the world's media, intoxicating people and instilling in them a distorted picture of reality. Therefore, few are able to understand that in our world very many events in their origin have a supranational cause

About Quackery In The Economic Sphere - Alternative View

About Quackery In The Economic Sphere - Alternative View

Probably everyone understands. that the current unpopular measures of the economic block of the government are caused by the allegedly natural global economic difficulties. But the suspicion gradually creeps in that the economic activities of the liberal bloc have little in common with genuine science

Sensation: UFOs Are Being Built On Earth And Launched Into Space By The US And Russia - Alternative View

Sensation: UFOs Are Being Built On Earth And Launched Into Space By The US And Russia - Alternative View

In addition to ufologists who collect evidence of the existence of aliens, there are, as it turns out, antifuologists, whose purpose of activity is exactly the opposite

Egon Von Greyertz: &Ldquo; This Is The Real Reason Why Will Be The Worst Year &Rdquo; - Alternative View

Egon Von Greyertz: &Ldquo; This Is The Real Reason Why Will Be The Worst Year &Rdquo; - Alternative View

(King World News) - Egon Von Greyertz: “Welcome to 2018 - a year that will be the terrible culmination of at least 105 years of mismanagement in the Western financial system, governments, central banks and the elite … 2018 will be the year of ser