Conspiracy theories 2024, September

What Are The Purposes Of The British Scientists Trend? - Alternative View

What Are The Purposes Of The British Scientists Trend? - Alternative View

There are practically no programs on Russian TV channels dedicated to the achievements of science, new discoveries or research. They have been supplanted by numerous TV shows and series, which chew on the same themes from the series: who slept with whom, who was killed and where, what needs to be eaten to lose weight

Bretton Woods System, Or How The US Seized World Domination - Alternative View

Bretton Woods System, Or How The US Seized World Domination - Alternative View

Somehow we had a completely controversial topic from conspiracy theory: From Medici to Rothschilds, but now we will talk about very real things

Plant Genetic Mutations Kill People - Alternative View

Plant Genetic Mutations Kill People - Alternative View

18 million Americans suffer from diseases related to gluten intolerance. According to the latest research in the United States, the problem is in the genetically modified soybeans and corn that people eat

Did You Know That Aging Is A Foreign Gene That Has Been Implanted In Us? - Alternative View

Did You Know That Aging Is A Foreign Gene That Has Been Implanted In Us? - Alternative View

If it was written as a script, then it is natural that it can also be canceled. This is nothing more than another program code, of which there are very, very many in our matrix.This code is in every person and manipulates him until you realize it

Where Is Mecca? Flat Or Closed Earth - Alternative View

Where Is Mecca? Flat Or Closed Earth - Alternative View

An especially interesting topic for Muslims! The first question for you. When you find yourself in another country, how do you define Qiblah? No, well, really, how?

Scientists Have Uncovered The "behind-the-scenes Puppeteers" Of American Politics - Alternative View

Scientists Have Uncovered The "behind-the-scenes Puppeteers" Of American Politics - Alternative View

US mathematicians have created a computer model that explains why relations between Republicans and Democrats have escalated in recent years and reveals the "orchestrators" of American domestic politics. Their findings were presented in the journal Royal Society Interface

Zika Virus - Genetic Weapons? - Alternative View

Zika Virus - Genetic Weapons? - Alternative View

This virus, discovered back in the middle of the last century, was considered almost harmless for many years. Well, what's up there - slight fever, rash, conjunctivitis No officially recorded deaths

The Zika Virus Is Invented, It Is Not - Alternative View

The Zika Virus Is Invented, It Is Not - Alternative View

The Zika virus causes panic in the world, but this is yet another fraud exposed by doctors and journalists in Brazil, the country from which the "epidemic" of microcephaly originated

Do Vaccines Contain Hidden Cancer Viruses? - Alternative View

Do Vaccines Contain Hidden Cancer Viruses? - Alternative View

If you still didn't know that vaccines contain hidden cancer viruses, then what you are reading now will shock you

NASA's Moonstone Turned Out To Be A Wood Fake - - Alternative View

NASA's Moonstone Turned Out To Be A Wood Fake - - Alternative View

Another proof was found that the Americans did not fly to the moon. At least they never had any moon rocks, although NASA and the American government were very proud of these artifacts and generously gave them away to the right and left

Stanford University Has Proved: The World Is Ruled By Either Reptiles Or Mushrooms - Alternative View

Stanford University Has Proved: The World Is Ruled By Either Reptiles Or Mushrooms - Alternative View

Even people who have nothing to do with medicine are well aware that the human body temperature is 36.6 Celsius, if it is measured somewhere on the periphery and a full 37 Celsius directly inside the body. This standard of 98.6 F (37 Celsius) was established by the German physician Karl Reinhold August Wunderlich in 1851

Emulsifiers In Food Are Associated With Inflammation, Anxiety And Depression - Alternative View

Emulsifiers In Food Are Associated With Inflammation, Anxiety And Depression - Alternative View

When you eat processed foods, you are not only exposed to harmful ingredients like high fructose corn syrup and synthetic fats, but also additives used to create uniform, shelf-stable foods. Studies show that emulsifiers, including carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and polysorbate 80 (P80), can lead to inflammation, anxiety and depression in those who consume them

Drug Propaganda Methods In The Modern Media Environment - Alternative View

Drug Propaganda Methods In The Modern Media Environment - Alternative View

The life of a drug addict is short and ludicrous. A maximum of 7 years pass from the first dose to death. The whole raison d'être is to search for drugs and experience withdrawal symptoms, the last 1-2 years have passed in unsuccessful attempts to recover

How Are Drugs Promoted In Society - Alternative View

How Are Drugs Promoted In Society - Alternative View

The essence of this method is to tie the HB to the image of a positive hero. If the hero is positive, then he cannot have bad or bad habits. Contrary to this, in modern cinema the teetotaler character is an exception to the rule. The use of HB is thus smeared, leveled, erased by the authority of the movie hero

Young People In Russia Are Dying From Drug Genocide - Alternative View

Young People In Russia Are Dying From Drug Genocide - Alternative View

The walls of many houses in Russian cities are painted with open advertisements for the sale of various drugs. Children go to school and read all this, and then buy. And adult uncles from power pretend that they are blind-deaf-dumb …I returned to the regional center, dear to me since my Soviet childhood, five years ago, in the spring of 2014 after a long absence. E

How Modern People Are Trained In Difficult Ways Of Manipulation - Alternative View

How Modern People Are Trained In Difficult Ways Of Manipulation - Alternative View

“Many things we do not understand, not because our concepts are weak, but because these things are not included in the range of our concepts,” - Kozma Prutkov.“Whole civilizations plunged into a grave crisis because the dominant minority suddenly began to believe in the myths that it itself implanted in the minds of the masses in order to manipulate them,” - Historian A.- Salik

"Zomboyaschik" - Not A Myth, But A Reality - Alternative View

"Zomboyaschik" - Not A Myth, But A Reality - Alternative View

Neuroeconomist Vasily Klyucharev from a Swiss university spoke about the mechanisms of external influence on the human brain. Do you want to transfer money to the Pension Fund? Nothing, here you get a magnetic discharge into the brain and immediately want to

How Do We Raise Moral Freaks - Alternative View

How Do We Raise Moral Freaks - Alternative View

There is hidden anti-family propaganda on TV around the clock, which is not so easy to spot, but which perfectly brainwashes our children

Winners' Strategy: From Dead End To Disaster - Alternative View

Winners' Strategy: From Dead End To Disaster - Alternative View

Suppose a hypothetical situation: we live on an island with no connection with the outside world, and we grow corn, which we eat. And we grow it badly - that's why we eat badly. And if we learned to somehow grow it better, then we would have more of it

Why Are Planes And Birds More And More Often Seen Hanging In The Air? - Alternative View

Why Are Planes And Birds More And More Often Seen Hanging In The Air? - Alternative View

One of the very popular topics on video hosting has long been the topic of so-called "glitches in the Matrix", which boil down to objects (aircraft, birds) hanging in the sky, identical objects on the streets (people, cars), objects appearing from nowhere and disappearing into nowhere

There Was A Combat Collision Of Two UFOs In The Sky Over Kansk? - Alternative View

There Was A Combat Collision Of Two UFOs In The Sky Over Kansk? - Alternative View

May 18, 2020 was a day surprisingly rich in amazing ufological events, the first of which was a live broadcast from the ISS, where the stunned Mr. Willease saw the following:- Salik.bizLink to the broadcast itself, found by our reader Makipuki

The Result Of A Scientific Experiment: Newborn Rat Pups Die From GM Soy - Alternative View

The Result Of A Scientific Experiment: Newborn Rat Pups Die From GM Soy - Alternative View

Speech by Irina Ermakova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, at the meeting of the CIS Alliance "For Biosafety", March 2006

Flu Shots Weaken The Immune System For Years To Come - Alternative View

Flu Shots Weaken The Immune System For Years To Come - Alternative View

Mike Adams (Natural News): Medical study at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center found women who received flu shots weakened their immune systems for years to come

Is SARS A Product Of Genetic Engineering? - Alternative View

Is SARS A Product Of Genetic Engineering? - Alternative View

The SARS epidemic began in the weeks when "allied forces" were at war with Iraq to hunt down Saddam Hussein and his still elusive "weapons of mass destruction."SARS - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome - is a completely new infectious disease that spreads from person to person

Is The Flu Not As Bad As The Vaccine? - Alternative View

Is The Flu Not As Bad As The Vaccine? - Alternative View

We live in desperate times, but we shouldn't panic. Before you react to what is happening, you need to calmly and carefully comprehend it

Hillary Clinton's Computer Freezes In Her Head? - Alternative View

Hillary Clinton's Computer Freezes In Her Head? - Alternative View

Hillary Clinton is undoubtedly one of the most unusual politicians in the world. The strange attack of epilepsy in front of journalists raised many questions. There are many theories explaining her strange behavior - some believe that there is some serious illness behind it, while others associate Behavior with the project of "brainwashing", and even cloning, there are versions of obsession and alien origin

The Personal Data Of Millions Of Russians Leaked Through The Trading Platforms - Alternative View

The Personal Data Of Millions Of Russians Leaked Through The Trading Platforms - Alternative View

Due to legislative gaps, information on passports and SNILS was in the public domainElectronic sites put unencrypted personal data of auction participants in the public domain. Because of this, more than 2.2 million records are publicly available, including SNILS numbers, passports and information about employment

The Ratio Of Good And Evil, Or What Does The New World Order Look Like? - Alternative View

The Ratio Of Good And Evil, Or What Does The New World Order Look Like? - Alternative View

Whoever says anything about the current relationship between good and evil in the world and in every country, the traditional concepts of spirituality, morality and fundamental human rights and freedoms, to a greater or lesser extent, are still preserved and serve as a life guide in many countries

Revelations About The New World Order From The 1969 Lecture - Alternative View

Revelations About The New World Order From The 1969 Lecture - Alternative View

If you want an image of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a person's face - forever. And remember that this is forever.- Salik.bizThe goals proclaimed and realAnother recurring comment, especially with regard to changing laws and customs, was: "Everything has two purposes

Our Personal Data With You Is Worth Nothing - - Alternative View

Our Personal Data With You Is Worth Nothing - - Alternative View

Many efforts are now being made around the world to ensure the security of personal data. Russia, too, is not lagging behind, with enthusiasm introducing dozens of laws, hundreds of bylaws and regulations. Is there a result?

Man To Man Wolf Or Prisoners Of The System - Alternative View

Man To Man Wolf Or Prisoners Of The System - Alternative View

We live in a prison. In a prison that is very cleverly disguised. We hear a lot of talk about freedoms, but in reality we have no freedom, none of us have freedom - we are all in prison.We are born slaves. The life of each person is scheduled and planned by the system from the very birth

Freemasons Said Hello: Conspiracy Theorists Saw The Beginning Of The Apocalypse In The Burning Of Notre Dame - Alternative View

Freemasons Said Hello: Conspiracy Theorists Saw The Beginning Of The Apocalypse In The Burning Of Notre Dame - Alternative View

The fire in Notre Dame Cathedral is a tragic event and, as conspiracy theorists believe, a landmark. According to those who see some kind of secret symbolism in this fire, the fire was a sign of the apocalypse. Particularly meticulous conspiracy theorists even attribute the prophecy of the burning of Notre Dame to Nicola Tesla

IPM "AllatRa". Part 1. Wolf In Sheep's Clothing - Alternative View

IPM "AllatRa". Part 1. Wolf In Sheep's Clothing - Alternative View

Today mankind knows a lot of narcotic drugs. Their main meaning is the clouding of the mind. And now you ask how it relates to the topic of the article - yes directly. After all, the AllatRa social movement is doing just that - lulling vigilance, diverting from common sense and immersing the consciousness that has decided to wake up into sleep

Notre Dame De Paris Was Deliberately Set On Fire - Alternative View

Notre Dame De Paris Was Deliberately Set On Fire - Alternative View

The fire in Notre-Dame-de-Paris, which occurred on April 15, was almost unanimously interpreted by the world conspiracy community as a deliberate arson, carried out with a ritual-symbolic purpose. This was indicated by the date of the event, and the subsequent burning of churches that began around the world, and numerous hints of this fire in advertisements, in films and even in cartoons:- Salik

Notre Dame De Paris Burned Down &Ldquo; Vikings &Rdquo;, &Ldquo; Ancient Greeks &Rdquo; And In General The Entire Official &Ldquo; Chronology "- Alternative View

Notre Dame De Paris Burned Down &Ldquo; Vikings &Rdquo;, &Ldquo; Ancient Greeks &Rdquo; And In General The Entire Official &Ldquo; Chronology "- Alternative View

Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, the heads of all sane people in the world, including official historians teaching at universities, were tormented by a blasphemous and wild thought: how did the ancient Egyptians manage to build the pyramids in Giza?

The Grave Of King Arthur Turned Out To Be A Medieval Tourist Attraction - Alternative View

The Grave Of King Arthur Turned Out To Be A Medieval Tourist Attraction - Alternative View

Archaeologists from the University of Reading (Berkshire, UK) have debunked the medieval myth that the legendary King Arthur and his wife Guinevere were buried at Glastonbury Abbey

Why Was Stephen Hawking Replaced? - Alternative View

Why Was Stephen Hawking Replaced? - Alternative View

Internet detectives, as many users of the World Wide Web call them, through their investigations prove that the powerful of this world, including their servants - orthodox from science - constantly mislead people, thereby manipulating

Lomehuza Or The Model Of A Dying Society - Alternative View

Lomehuza Or The Model Of A Dying Society - Alternative View

We bring to your attention an article about the ant parasite Lomehuza, which, by an amazing coincidence, can be a model of any degrading and dying society in general, and the current Russian society in particular.- Salik.bizSTAGE 1: InfectionIn terms of their social structure, ants are the creatures closest to humans on Earth

Vatican Secret Archives: What Secrets Of Humanity Does The Church Hide? - Alternative View

Vatican Secret Archives: What Secrets Of Humanity Does The Church Hide? - Alternative View

There are places on our planet that ordinary people cannot visit. These include the Vatican's secret archive, which many have heard only in passing

A Resident Of Odessa Is Sure That He Filmed Chemtrails Over The City - Alternative View

A Resident Of Odessa Is Sure That He Filmed Chemtrails Over The City - Alternative View

About chemtrails or chemtrails, allegedly causing Morgellon's disease and which serve as a tool for regulating the human population, the reason for the stimulation for Odessa residents these days was a video that appeared on the video hosting "Youtube"