Conspiracy theories 2024, September

The Most Forbidden Topic - Alternative View

The Most Forbidden Topic - Alternative View

Not only on children, but also on a grown-up person living today, the system brings down streams of information supposedly significant, in fact, the purpose of almost all messages is to distract a person from information.For example, you are watching TV, and each program tells how one official met with another official or one ruler met with another ruler

Modern Youth Through The Eyes Of A Teacher Or Briefly About Our Future - Alternative View

Modern Youth Through The Eyes Of A Teacher Or Briefly About Our Future - Alternative View

Remembering my youth and comparing myself today with that teenager - a product of the 90s, I involuntarily come to the conclusion that life gave me everything I wanted then and even more. The understanding that benefits reflect only social status, and not personality traits, has come over the years

A New Mystery, Which Is Better To Solve Quickly - Alternative View

A New Mystery, Which Is Better To Solve Quickly - Alternative View

It seems that another mystery has arisen that will excite the minds. Mankind does not like unexplained incidents and there is no need to explain - why. This will add to the list of events incomprehensible to society

Shadow Of Knowledge. Part 5. Threat To All Threats - Alternative View

Shadow Of Knowledge. Part 5. Threat To All Threats - Alternative View

Part 1. Forward to scientific conspiracy theories. Part 2. Or back to pure Machiavellianism? Part 3. From Clausewitz to Stirlitz. Part 4

The Experience Of The Information War With The West - Alternative View

The Experience Of The Information War With The West - Alternative View

If someone thinks that the West waged an information war against us only during the Soviet era and now, then they are very much mistaken in this. This information war has been waged for more than one century. For example, as soon as Ivan the Terrible refused to "bend" under the Vatican (the legates of the Vatican offered him, in exchange for the catholicization of Russia and enslavement of the peasants, the crown of the "Emperor of the East" from the hands of the Pope), he imme

War Against The Geniuses Of Science - Alternative View

War Against The Geniuses Of Science - Alternative View

Many people who are able to analyze the events taking place note that "not everything is in order" not only with our historical science, based on falsifications and fantastic myths, but also with the rest of scientific knowledge, the development of which is clearly under someone's invisible control

The Main Misconceptions About The Theory Of Evolution - Alternative View

The Main Misconceptions About The Theory Of Evolution - Alternative View

The theory of evolution is studied in schools and universities, but there are still many myths and misconceptions about it. Let's analyze the main

The Cyberpunk We Deserve. Part 1 - Alternative View

The Cyberpunk We Deserve. Part 1 - Alternative View

Surely, you are familiar with the feeling when you watch a movie about the future - about the uprising of machines or the stoned society of zombies, and you think: “It's so good that all this is not happening to us, that all this is just the fantasy of some drug addict screenwriter”. Do

The Theory Of The "Golden Billion" - Alternative View

The Theory Of The "Golden Billion" - Alternative View

Who would have thought that the XXI century will begin with global political upheavals, crises, epidemics. It's time to say that our civilization is moving not towards a brighter future, but towards the brink of destruction

Overpopulation Crisis: Who Really Consumes The Earth's Resources? - Alternative View

Overpopulation Crisis: Who Really Consumes The Earth's Resources? - Alternative View

I think many of you have read or watched the film adaptation of Dan Brown's Inferno. In which the author very colorfully and emotionally described the so-called crisis of overpopulation of our Planet. One of the main characters was so worried about the problem of population growth that he even came up with a virus that would "solve" this issue

Who Is To Blame For The Decline In The World's Population? - Alternative View

Who Is To Blame For The Decline In The World's Population? - Alternative View

Today, the Earth's population is just over 7.6 billion people, and until the 1970s it was rapidly increasing in accordance with the formula of the Austrian physicist Heinz von Förster, however, since the 90s, there has been a noticeable slowdown in the growth of the planet's population

Population Of The Earth: Golden Billion And 7 Billion Dead Souls - Alternative View

Population Of The Earth: Golden Billion And 7 Billion Dead Souls - Alternative View

Let's talk about how many people live on our planet today and whether the figure voiced according to official data is real. Or maybe all this is fake and in fact, the bulk of the world's population is dead souls?According to Wikipedia, the world's population - the total number of people living on our planet - reached 7

Overpopulation - Myth - Alternative View

Overpopulation - Myth - Alternative View

People started talking about overpopulation not so long ago. The first to do this in 1798 was the English vicar Thomas Robert Meltes (we call him Malthus), who imagined himself to be a mathematician and wrote a whole essay on this subject

Overpopulation Of The Earth Is A Lie As A Hidden Genocide - Alternative View

Overpopulation Of The Earth Is A Lie As A Hidden Genocide - Alternative View

Since the middle of the 20th century, under the banner of an overpopulation crisis, the world has been subjected to a global propaganda campaign aimed at drastically reducing the birth rate and population.In most developed countries, the birth rate has already fallen significantly below the level of simple reproduction of the population, and the number of elderly people is equal to or even exceeds the number of children

Can Official Science Lie About The Fact That Our Planet Is Home To More Than 7 Billion People - Alternative View

Can Official Science Lie About The Fact That Our Planet Is Home To More Than 7 Billion People - Alternative View

How many people live on our planet? In 2019, this figure is approximately 7 billion 670 million. And this is according to the official version.But can it be that we are being deliberately deceived and in fact, many times fewer people live on the territory of our planet?

Reducing The Population Of The Earth - The Goal Of The Global Population Policy - Alternative View

Reducing The Population Of The Earth - The Goal Of The Global Population Policy - Alternative View

The efforts of international political organizations and institutions of global mass culture (cinema, music, the Internet) to reduce the number of inhabitants of planet Earth (depopulation) are visible today with the naked eye.Feminism and emancipation kidnap a woman from a family so that she does not become a mother

We Are Not 7 Billion People. 5 Facts Refuting The Overpopulation Of The Earth - Alternative View

We Are Not 7 Billion People. 5 Facts Refuting The Overpopulation Of The Earth - Alternative View

Almost everyone knows that there are about seven and a half billion people in the world. But is it really so? Let's look at 5 facts of modern demography that leave even the most hardened skeptics in a stupor.- Salik.biz1. Fact from RussiaThe history of the demographic scandal: in 2010, Yekaterina Ulitina, an employee of the Central Analytical Center of the Civil Registry Office, told the whole world that according to the registry office as of June 1, 2010, according to docu

Murders Of Prominent Scientists - Sheldon's List - Alternative View

Murders Of Prominent Scientists - Sheldon's List - Alternative View

The famous American writer Sidney Sheldon, while working on The Doomsday Conspiracy, published in 1991, drew attention to a number of mysterious deaths among British specialists involved in the development of

Finding Eternity - Alternative View

Finding Eternity - Alternative View

In this new world - the Internet - we are faced with a phenomenon that no one has yet really comprehended: a kind of network communism. While some are trying to make money on the Internet, and others - to use it for sabotage and sabotage, the bulk of users seeks to help humanity for free and disinterestedly, providing access to many works of science, art, journalism, philosophy at no cost

Phantom Earthlings Or How To Fill An Illusion With Players - Alternative View

Phantom Earthlings Or How To Fill An Illusion With Players - Alternative View

The question is often raised: why do some people strive for development, while others do not?The answer is extremely simple: everything is fractal and similar. There are trees that have been growing for thousands of years, and there are grass, leaves and cells that each year undergo apoptosis in the fall and revive again in the spring

Management Methods: Structural And Structureless - Alternative View

Management Methods: Structural And Structureless - Alternative View

With a structural method of management, in order to solve a problem, you must first create a structure (military unit, ministry, workshop, educational institution, etc.), recruit people, define their responsibilities and organize the work of these people in a certain way

The Plane Rammed The Pentagon's Accounting Department, And $ 2.3 Trillion Disappeared Without A Trace - Alternative View

The Plane Rammed The Pentagon's Accounting Department, And $ 2.3 Trillion Disappeared Without A Trace - Alternative View

As one of the authors of the American edition of Veterans Today Ian Greenhalkh writes, the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, as a result of which the Pentagon building was damaged, was "an incredibly cynical elimination of the Pentagon accounting department, which could find out the fate of the missing $ 2

Games Of Kings: Chemistry And Business - Alternative View

Games Of Kings: Chemistry And Business - Alternative View

The Sion restaurant and entertainment complex, located on a separate island in the Mediterranean Sea, thundered with a variety of music and shone with bright lights. It seemed that light and audio waves spread over the sea surface, filling the entire surrounding space

Former NASA Head Charles Bolden Disappeared Without A Trace - Alternative View

Former NASA Head Charles Bolden Disappeared Without A Trace - Alternative View

After his scandalous statement at a conference in Houston, at which NASA Director Charles Bolden from a large rostrum and, moreover, as an official, warned earthlings about the imminent invasion of aliens on our planet, the head of the American space

Scientists Wanted To Classify The Discovery Of "quark Fusion" - Alternative View

Scientists Wanted To Classify The Discovery Of "quark Fusion" - Alternative View

The image below shows a mushroom cloud from the 1952 Ivy Mike explosion, the first fusion bomb ever detonated

Fire In Notre Dame De Paris: The Day Of The Beginning Of The Apocalypse? - Alternative View

Fire In Notre Dame De Paris: The Day Of The Beginning Of The Apocalypse? - Alternative View

From the evening of April 15, the theme of Notre Dame Cathedral occupies all the front pages of newspapers, all news releases of all media in the world. And this is quite understandable, since the event was significant, foreshadowing at least the end of French history

Bankers - Ghouls Who Are Supposed To Be Saved At Our Expense - Alternative View

Bankers - Ghouls Who Are Supposed To Be Saved At Our Expense - Alternative View

Unfortunately, our financial system in general and our banks in particular are geared not to provide financial services, not to support production and trade processes, and certainly not to investments and innovations, but to the vulgar robbery of the population

The US Government's Plan To Conquer Russia - Alternative View

The US Government's Plan To Conquer Russia - Alternative View

The following combination of articles explains - and they associate with irrefutable evidence - that the United States government is actually developing its nuclear forces with the intention of winning a nuclear war against Russia

Who Will Run To The End Faster? Life - Alternative View

Who Will Run To The End Faster? Life - Alternative View

Sports lifestyle. Health or a fashionable tribute to corporations? Death at a Fitness Rave I hope everyone is aware of the unprecedented health benefits of sports? It's pointless to argue with this

Who Is Modeling The History Of The Earth? - Alternative View

Who Is Modeling The History Of The Earth? - Alternative View

For centuries, the world's top politicians, cultural figures and businessmen have been killed - President Kennedy, Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro, Swedish leader Olof Palme …The mayor of Turin, Italy, recently received a bullet in an envelope in the mail, and this is quite a common case for the world elite. T

Chemtrails - Alternative View

Chemtrails - Alternative View

Have you heard of chemtrails !? And have you seen planes spraying chemicals over your city?Chemtrails can circle, for example, from 2 o'clock in the afternoon and until 6 pm - fly around the oval, each on its side, one after the other, spraying chemicals harmful to plants, insects, animals and people, and to the climate of our entire planet

Cows Are Dying En Masse In India, And Officials Are Holding Back Something - Alternative View

Cows Are Dying En Masse In India, And Officials Are Holding Back Something - Alternative View

More than 250 head of cattle have died in several Indian states in the past three days

Greece Was Struck By An Energy Strike From Space. Has The Planetary Depopulation Begun? - Alternative View

Greece Was Struck By An Energy Strike From Space. Has The Planetary Depopulation Begun? - Alternative View

In December 2017, the US state of California faced unprecedented wildfires that forced hundreds of thousands of people to evacuate and destroyed a number of localities

Allan Chumak's Treatment Sessions As A Weapon Of Mass Destruction - Alternative View

Allan Chumak's Treatment Sessions As A Weapon Of Mass Destruction - Alternative View

The recording of Allan Chumak's "healing" session has been decoded. The audio code of the video was embedded in the audio code made according to the NLP method.End of the 80s. The USSR is in a fever. Systemic political crisis, stagnation in the economy, confusion and vacillation among the population

Cosmopolitan - Weapons Of Mass Destruction For Women - Alternative View

Cosmopolitan - Weapons Of Mass Destruction For Women - Alternative View

Another video review of the Teach Good project is devoted to the analysis of Cosmopolitan magazine, which positions itself as a publication for stylish, confident and beautiful women. Content includes articles on relationships, health, career, self-help, celebrities, and fashion and beauty

Children's Cereals Are Full Of Poisonous Arsenic - Alternative View

Children's Cereals Are Full Of Poisonous Arsenic - Alternative View

Research by Swedish scientists ended with a frightening sensation. Infant formula came under their scrutiny. It turned out that the level of arsenic in the diet for the smallest is 50 times higher than the norm. All the reason - and ndash; rice

Weather Of Mass Destruction - Alternative View

Weather Of Mass Destruction - Alternative View

At the beginning of 2011, there was a massive sea of birds in many countries - in Switzerland, USA, Sweden, Canada, Italy, China, Japan, Russia … Birds of different orders and families died in whole flocks in different climatic zones

Los Angeles Cannibal Club &Ldquo; Cannibal Club &Rdquo; For The Elite - Alternative View

Los Angeles Cannibal Club &Ldquo; Cannibal Club &Rdquo; For The Elite - Alternative View

Note: Do not read for the faint of heart !!! “ Humanity - Not uniform! And it is heterogeneous, first of all, Biologically

On The Civilizational Foundations Of Parasitism. Friday - Alternative View

On The Civilizational Foundations Of Parasitism. Friday - Alternative View

When it comes to talking about the parasitic multilayer system cultivated by our civilization, the analysis rarely goes further than the Rothschild-Rockefeller-Illuminati. Like, all the cimus is in these comrades. This is very partly true, but also very superficial