Conspiracy theories 2024, September

In Israel, Work Has Begun On Creating A Crown For Moshiach - Alternative View

In Israel, Work Has Begun On Creating A Crown For Moshiach - Alternative View

Rabbi Yosef Berger, Rabbi of King David's Tomb on Mount Zion, initiated a special project to create a golden crown that will be presented to the Messiah King on his arrival in Jerusalem

US Prepares Israel For War - Alternative View

US Prepares Israel For War - Alternative View

US military aid to Israel of $ 38 billion further inspires Zionist occupiers to massacre

All These Lovers Of Human Blood And Flesh, This Is A Whole Race Of Cannibals In Human Form - Alternative View

All These Lovers Of Human Blood And Flesh, This Is A Whole Race Of Cannibals In Human Form - Alternative View

Kim Kardashian “feeds on human flesh” during her “daily satanic rituals,” shared shocking revelatory ex-nanny of her family

Priory Of Zion: The Most Secret Society In Human History - Alternative View

Priory Of Zion: The Most Secret Society In Human History - Alternative View

The Priory of Zion was established over 1000 years ago and still exists today. The secret society left the Knights Templar and since then has hidden its life and activities from prying eyes. According to history, even Leonardo da Vinci was one of the members of the society

Conspiracy Theorists Claim That Rapper Tupac Is Alive - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theorists Claim That Rapper Tupac Is Alive - Alternative View

American rapper Tupac Shakur was killed in September 1996 in his manager's car with four shots from a passing car

Who Came Up With Your Lifestyle, And What Is The Real Reason For The Forty-hour Workweek - Alternative View

Who Came Up With Your Lifestyle, And What Is The Real Reason For The Forty-hour Workweek - Alternative View

Blogger David Kane shared interesting reflections on the efficiency of the work schedule, modern consumer society and other pressing issues

Consumerism As A Way Of Life - Alternative View

Consumerism As A Way Of Life - Alternative View

Motive. Without it, no action is possible. We are born with basic motivations based on our physical needs. But the further we get to know the world, absorbing all the features of the information environment around us, the more motivation we have

"They Already Know What's Going To Happen !!" - Alternative View

"They Already Know What's Going To Happen !!" - Alternative View

Major banks and governments around the world are accumulating huge reserves of gold in an effort to stay ahead of the approaching an imminent and apocalyptic economic collapse that will outshine the 2008 financial crisis

And The Shelves Have Eyes. A New Kind Of Surveillance - Alternative View

And The Shelves Have Eyes. A New Kind Of Surveillance - Alternative View

In the early 21st century, traditional physical retailers realized that they would have to change their business model to survive. Most department stores, supermarkets and other retailers by this point have already clearly understood that they will not be able to compete on price with Walmart and other discount chains

VK Fest - Musical Weapon Against Youth - Alternative View

VK Fest - Musical Weapon Against Youth - Alternative View

In the once cultural capital of Russia, the next, already the fifth in a row, the so-called. "Youth festival" "VKontakte", which is a get-together of degradants for children from 0+. According to data from the official page of the event, almost a million children and adolescents want to visit VK Fest

6 Weird Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True - Alternative View

6 Weird Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True - Alternative View

The world's leading media rarely pay attention to the shocking truth about the work of governments or state intelligence agencies

The Killed US Military Man Before His Death Spoke About Contacts With UFOs - Alternative View

The Killed US Military Man Before His Death Spoke About Contacts With UFOs - Alternative View

A former American military engineer named Phil Schneider was found dead in his apartment. Apparently, he was severely tortured as wires were wound around his neck

Insurance Companies Refuse To Insure Health Risks From 5G - Alternative View

Insurance Companies Refuse To Insure Health Risks From 5G - Alternative View

Several years ago, the BioInitiative Report published a huge scientific report on the biological effects of radio frequency and cell phone radiation, which included a summary of all scientific publications on this topic from 1990 to 2014. This report was created by 29 teams from around the world, including several dozen PhDs and a horde of Masters

Earthlings Enslaved By Alien Reptiles? - Alternative View

Earthlings Enslaved By Alien Reptiles? - Alternative View

Former goalkeeper of the British football club "Coventry City", and now journalist David Icke published an article on his website in which he claims that during the opening ceremony of the London Olympics, satanic symbols were used and this action was

Lucifer's Science. Flat Or Closed Earth - Alternative View

Lucifer's Science. Flat Or Closed Earth - Alternative View

Below I cite a short excerpt from a future novel, which tells about the different ways and at what cost the characters come to understand the true state of affairs in our world and what they decide to do next with this understanding

Nuclear Physicist Before His Death: "extraterrestrial Decision-making Center" Plans Depopulation In - Alternative View

Nuclear Physicist Before His Death: "extraterrestrial Decision-making Center" Plans Depopulation In - Alternative View

Georgios Gyalvas (родился и бу was born in 1923 and studied mechanics at the University of Padu and then Boston specializing in nuclear physics

Is Someone Heating The Mantle Under The Pacific Plate Intentionally? - Alternative View

Is Someone Heating The Mantle Under The Pacific Plate Intentionally? - Alternative View

All of our readers who are interested in geology have probably paid attention to the unabated wave of earthquakes that is walking around the world. Today, for example, three shocks with a force of 6.0-6

The Best Stories From A Series Of "conspiracy Theories" - Alternative View

The Best Stories From A Series Of "conspiracy Theories" - Alternative View

We studied the best stories from the series of "theories by talking" and if we missed any important details, it is because we ourselves participated in them. The moon landing was rigged What do the proponents of this theory say?

3 Deaths Associated With Conspiracy Theories - Alternative View

3 Deaths Associated With Conspiracy Theories - Alternative View

Everything is not as simple as it seems. Never trust anyone. “ Big Brother ” watching you. Sounds like paranoia? But there are really many things that we don't know anything about

15 Shocking Hypotheses About The Death Of Marilyn Monroe - Alternative View

15 Shocking Hypotheses About The Death Of Marilyn Monroe - Alternative View

An icon of cinema and a recognized sex symbol, Marilyn Monroe suffered from depression and anxiety, and also abused alcohol and potent sleeping pills

Now Big Brother Will Have A Real "Eagle Eye" - Alternative View

Now Big Brother Will Have A Real "Eagle Eye" - Alternative View

The new IARPA (Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity) program aims to create biometric technology that allows people to be identified using cameras mounted on remote rooftops and drones.IARPA is reportedly working to create biometric identification systems that can identify and recognize people at distances of hundreds of meters or more, which is nearly impossible with today's technology

How The Global Mafia Is Destroying Humanity - Alternative View

How The Global Mafia Is Destroying Humanity - Alternative View

The cosmopolitan, supranational and global "elite" - mafia, realizing the inevitability of a catastrophe due to overpopulation of the planet and the domination of the consumer society, set the task of massive extermination of humanity. As a result, over several decades, states from the defenders and facilitators of their peoples were very quickly transformed into fighters, into active and consistent destroyers of both their own citizens and citizens of other states

Created A Technology For Sterilizing Men Using Ultrasound - Alternative View

Created A Technology For Sterilizing Men Using Ultrasound - Alternative View

Mass vaccination is apparently not the only depopulation strategy in the service of Bill and Melinda Gates (Bill Gates Foundation)

What Is "perfect Order" With Biometrics - Alternative View

What Is "perfect Order" With Biometrics - Alternative View

1. Only specially selected professional women give birth. Methods of implementation: eugenics - the doctrine of selection in relation to a person, as well as ways to improve his hereditary properties. A way to reduce the genetic burden, apart from test-based abortion, is preventive parental counseling at genetic centers

Why Is It Beneficial For The State To Have People Living In Cities? - Alternative View

Why Is It Beneficial For The State To Have People Living In Cities? - Alternative View

I have been researching this issue for a long time. It's time to publish some of the research. Citizens, don't be offended by me … I, too, while I live in the city. Therefore, I was able to investigate this issue, in different directions and from different sides

Three Unique Ways Of Civilization Development - Alternative View

Three Unique Ways Of Civilization Development - Alternative View

With this article, we want to show the process of changing the “elites” and the general system within which this happens. Therefore, the phenomena described below are not of an entertainment nature and require a volitional decision to master new knowledge.Let

SkyNet, The Heavenly Network, Has Been Here For A Long Time. She Came To Earth From Space - Alternative View

SkyNet, The Heavenly Network, Has Been Here For A Long Time. She Came To Earth From Space - Alternative View

After the publication of the famous novel The War of the Worlds, written by H.G. Wells in 1897 and describing the invasion of the Earth by the Martians, science fiction stories, novels, films and television series on this topic were written and shot

Fairy Killers - Alternative View

Fairy Killers - Alternative View

Hello to all conspiracy theorists! Set aside your notes and textbooks for a couple of minutes and read a new article on a very interesting topic. You can, of course, remember Syenduk's video about fairies, but that's not it

The Hierarchy Of Medical Bureaucracy - Alternative View

The Hierarchy Of Medical Bureaucracy - Alternative View

Hippocrates, the famous father of modern medicine in the 4th century, is known to have said, "May your food be your medicine." Hippocrates and other pioneers in medicine understood that we are what we eat; that exercise promotes healthy mind and body; that the disease can be prevented and the main task of the doctor is to bring as much benefit as possible without causing any harm

New Special Operation Of The Dark Forces - Alternative View

New Special Operation Of The Dark Forces - Alternative View

“For the four Worlds, Midgard became native And the World was divided into many nations, Where each kept only the memory of the Gods” - “The Source of Life”. First message. Continuation of the attempts of the Dark Forces to penetrate Midgard-earth and its occupation

Why: Jewish Messiah-Antichrist - Alternative View

Why: Jewish Messiah-Antichrist - Alternative View

Part one: Jewish prophecy It will be about the Jews, or rather about the Jews

Status Consumption Is The Mainstay Of The Capitalist Economy - Alternative View

Status Consumption Is The Mainstay Of The Capitalist Economy - Alternative View

Too many people are now spending money they didn't earn on things they don't need to impress people they don't like.The very phenomenon of the so-called "consumerism" was predicted by V.I. Lenin, who, analyzing where capitalism is heading, suggested two possible options: either it will “devour itself” due to the crisis of overproduction, or it will learn to instill among the inhabitants the desire to buy junk they do not need.- S

Civilization Belongs To Insectoids - Alternative View

Civilization Belongs To Insectoids - Alternative View

From the new book by Sergei Morozov “Civilization. Cars. Specialists ".This is not to say that contemporary Russian authors often raise big topics. In this case, the very title of the book: “Civilization. Cars. Specialists”claims a great historical and cultural style.- Sal

Why Laugh At Conspiracy Theory - Alternative View

Why Laugh At Conspiracy Theory - Alternative View

We were taught not to think, but to use ready-made templates, carefully thrown into our consciousness by manipulators. Therefore, for the most part, people react to events like small children who are just beginning to learn to think

Limbo. The European Model Of The Destruction Of The Image Of God In People - Alternative View

Limbo. The European Model Of The Destruction Of The Image Of God In People - Alternative View

I once traveled around Europe, lived in families and I know Western culture not from resorts, but from the inside. I was always amazed at the number of people in Russia who are naively enthusiastic about the West

Promotion Of Dirt On Children's YouTube - Alternative View

Promotion Of Dirt On Children's YouTube - Alternative View

If you are not raising your children, then someone else is doing it for you. This axiom has long been working well not only in the yard or school collective, but also in the networked infospace. The brains of children and adolescents, who, according to the new federal state educational standards, approved by the Ministry of Education, should already master social networks and instant messengers in grades 1-3, are sprinkled by degenerate music performers, thousands of public pag

How Elite Bloodlines And Secret Societies Control The World - Alternative View

How Elite Bloodlines And Secret Societies Control The World - Alternative View

In the West, we have all been united by the idea that we are free citizens of sovereign countries, where our democratically elected governments rule according to the wishes of the peoples

Who Are The "Black Nobles" And Their Role In The New World Order? - Alternative View

Who Are The "Black Nobles" And Their Role In The New World Order? - Alternative View

The "Black Nobility" is / were the oligarchic families of Venice and Genoa, which at 12 - m century were occupied by privileged trade rights (monopoly)

The Mandela Effect Explained A Scientific Experiment With Smoking Marijuana - Alternative View

The Mandela Effect Explained A Scientific Experiment With Smoking Marijuana - Alternative View

You are on the train and you are talking to a friend across from you and your friend is smoking a marijuana cigarette. Suddenly you see a fight on the platform outside the window: the police are trying to detain a man and they are fighting there