Conspiracy theories 2024, September

The Secret Base Of The Ice Continent And The Mysterious Clouds Of Antarctica - Alternative View

The Secret Base Of The Ice Continent And The Mysterious Clouds Of Antarctica - Alternative View

Independent researchers of Antarctica, who use modern cartographic applications for this, periodically find unexplained objects and phenomena in the images of the ice continent, which is considered the most mysterious place on the planet.The last such find was discovered using Google Earth (coordinates - 80 ° 17'24

William Engdahl “Why We Shouldn't Trust WHO” - Alternative View

William Engdahl “Why We Shouldn't Trust WHO” - Alternative View

On January 30, Tedros Adhanom, Director-General of the United Nations World Health Organization, declared a public health emergency of international concern (PHIEC) due to the spread of the novel coronavirus. When asked why WHO did not declare a pandemic, WHO spokesman Tariq Yazarevich said: “There is no official category (for a pandemic) … WHO does not use the old system of 6 phases, which varied from phase 1 (there are no reports that influenza is transmitted from animals to

Antediluvian Submarine Found Frozen In Ice In Antarctica? - Alternative View

Antediluvian Submarine Found Frozen In Ice In Antarctica? - Alternative View

With the advent of the Google maps service on the network, one of the most favorite places for researchers from all over the world is Antarctica, where recently they have not found anything - the abandoned Nazi bases, and fallen alien ships, and giant statues and much more

A Strange Lightning Over The United States Has Made Many People Think - " Alternative View

A Strange Lightning Over The United States Has Made Many People Think - " Alternative View

Around November 22, in the USA (exact localization has not been established), a very unusual storm was filmed, a video report of which got on YouTube

New Technologies On TV, Stupefying People - Alternative View

New Technologies On TV, Stupefying People - Alternative View

“People don't want to be manipulated when they have knowledge,” Sberbank CEO German Gref once said without a drop of hesitation and voiced the liberal concept of “stupid” the Russian population. Domestic cinema shows entirely "Russian chernukha", on television shows the hypnotist dog lulls the audience with his gaze: all this is "fed" to us for our own money.Million

Elysium Will Be Built In Greenland - Heaven On Earth - Alternative View

Elysium Will Be Built In Greenland - Heaven On Earth - Alternative View

On August 16, 2019, The Wall Street Journal, citing some "knowledgeable sources", reported that the Administration of US President Donald Trump is considering buying the island of Greenland from Denmark.The Wall Street Journal is a very serious publication, so if they write about a fact, then this fact takes place

About Climate Change And Weather - Alternative View

About Climate Change And Weather - Alternative View

First of all, it is necessary to close all colliders, at least temporarily (for about 10 years), which have a powerful effect on the weather. Several years ago, European ecologists drew attention to the fact that after the launch of CERN, heavy snowfalls or showers are observed for 2-3 weeks, rivers overflow their banks, and the temperature jumps

The Inhabitants Of Moscow Could Test The Climatic Weapon - Alternative View

The Inhabitants Of Moscow Could Test The Climatic Weapon - Alternative View

It seems that there will be no thunderstorm in Moscow. The regions adjacent to Moscow were abundantly watered with rains, trees were uprooted by powerful gusts of wind. But the capital was carried away. Was it an accident or the use of climate weapons that Russian scientists managed to fight off?

Climatic Weapons - A Cover For Other Developments - Alternative View

Climatic Weapons - A Cover For Other Developments - Alternative View

More frequent natural disasters and weather anomalies have given rise to rumors that some countries already possess top-secret climate weapons. And it is these treacherous countries that cause weather anomalies in other regions

How Do Christian Necrophiles Hide From Crime? - Alternative View

How Do Christian Necrophiles Hide From Crime? - Alternative View

What relation to Russia can biblical stories have, written about completely different characters, on completely different lands? Of course, the biblical texts have nothing to do with Russia …Religious structures, or those that pretend to be them without the slightest legal and factual justification, have a bad feature. T

Prohibited Engine Technology On Water, Who Is Trying To Hide It And Why? - Alternative View

Prohibited Engine Technology On Water, Who Is Trying To Hide It And Why? - Alternative View

Every year more and more brilliant people appear who offer the world revolutionary technologies. Most consumers don't realize the dead end of fossil fuel technologies, but who's stopping the development of a new branch of technology? I propose to consider one very interesting technology that international corporations do not allow to break through

Prohibited Mercury Engine Technology That Continues To Hide - - Alternative View

Prohibited Mercury Engine Technology That Continues To Hide - - Alternative View

From childhood, they put it into our heads that mercury is dangerous, it is a poison, and from school textbooks we know that mercury vapor can cause irreparable damage to health. But why is mercury so demonized, because there are even laws that prohibit its storage?

Why Do The World Media Ignore The News About The Ecological Disaster In The Pacific Ocean? - Alternative View

Why Do The World Media Ignore The News About The Ecological Disaster In The Pacific Ocean? - Alternative View

We are accustomed to screaming and shocking headlines in the press, so we have become too callous for a long time. Some things happening in the world are not perceived by us as a disaster or a potential environmental disaster

How Did Freedom Become The Highest Category Of Forced Slavery? - Alternative View

How Did Freedom Become The Highest Category Of Forced Slavery? - Alternative View

Freedom has become the highest category of slavery. Freedom is being forced more strongly than before it was forced into slavery. But that slavery was external and therefore less dangerous. The present slavery is internal. There is no escape from him

New End Of The World Due To The "Nibiru Attack" Is Scheduled For November 19, - Alternative View

New End Of The World Due To The "Nibiru Attack" Is Scheduled For November 19, - Alternative View

Earlier this year, there was an insistent prediction on the Internet that the mysterious planet Nibiru, aka Planet X, will approach the Earth on September 23, 2017 and everyone will come to the End with a capital "K"

Something Is Happening In The Skies Over Syria - Alternative View

Something Is Happening In The Skies Over Syria - Alternative View

On February 3, 2020, a video filmed the day before in a rural area in the Aleppo region, Syria appeared on the network:- Salik.bizSince the inhabitants of Twitter never saw this, everyone who saw this video stands on their ears and tries to understand what it was

Paradoxes Of Information Perception And The Mechanisms Of Society Management Based On Them - Alternative View

Paradoxes Of Information Perception And The Mechanisms Of Society Management Based On Them - Alternative View

A paradox is a situation (phenomenon, statement, statement, judgment or conclusion) that may exist in reality, but may not have a logical explanation for the observer.This definition is offered by Wikipedia. The problem is that many people, faced with paradoxical situations, are unable to explain to themselves where these or those opinions, conclusions, decisions came from in their worldviews

Manipulation Of Consciousness By The Example Of Optical Illusions - Alternative View

Manipulation Of Consciousness By The Example Of Optical Illusions - Alternative View

We have heard more than once about how advertising manipulates our minds, but without really delving into the essence of the issue, we believe that we already know about everything and therefore are protected. Is it so?

Deception Of The Century Or Brilliant Operation: Photos Of Stonehenge That No One Should Have Seen - - Alternative View

Deception Of The Century Or Brilliant Operation: Photos Of Stonehenge That No One Should Have Seen - - Alternative View

It's hard to believe, but in the distant past, the legendary Stonehenge monument could have looked completely different from what most modern people are used to

The Most Incredible Conspiracy Theories - Alternative View

The Most Incredible Conspiracy Theories - Alternative View

Inquiring minds are not used to living without work. They are struggling to analyze reality, trying to unravel its terrible secrets. And they guess, sometimes finding them in the most unexpected places

Rogozin: "Social Networks Are A Weapon In Cyberwar" - Alternative View

Rogozin: "Social Networks Are A Weapon In Cyberwar" - Alternative View

Dmitry Rogozin claims that social networks are used as one of the elements of cyber war - with their help, foreign states influence public opinion of citizens

Does The Mandela Effect Mix People Into Food? - Alternative View

Does The Mandela Effect Mix People Into Food? - Alternative View

One of the frequently discussed topics of modern conspiracy theories is the so-called “Mandela effect” - that is, like “pseudo-memories” that millions of people are obsessed with today.Scientists adherents say that all this is a consequence of poor education (and sometimes it really is), but in fact, people around the planet discover hundreds of such “effects” literally every day, making them suspect that either someone is imperceptibly changing the world, or someone quietly r

Former GMO Researcher: "These Products Are Really Dangerous" - Alternative View

Former GMO Researcher: "These Products Are Really Dangerous" - Alternative View

"I retired 10 years ago after a long career as a research assistant in agriculture

Monosodium Glutamate. A Terrible Taste Enhancer - Alternative View

Monosodium Glutamate. A Terrible Taste Enhancer - Alternative View

It is difficult to find a substance more terrible in the eyes of a common consumer than monosodium glutamate, it is also a taste enhancer, or E621. "Popular Mechanics" decided to figure out how true these "horror stories" are

The Pornography Epidemic - Alternative View

The Pornography Epidemic - Alternative View

The time has come to tell the truth about one of the most disgusting informational phenomena of "civilized" capitalist society. The harm of this phenomenon to humans is simply colossal. Pornography … What is it? This is a fantasy that has very little to do with reality. I

Will The Reign Of Puppeteers Come To An End? - Alternative View

Will The Reign Of Puppeteers Come To An End? - Alternative View

The new documentary film from the series "The Most Shocking Hypotheses" presented to your attention once again raises the question of world government, the Illuminati, planetary puppeteers, who completely brainwashed the Americans, completely corrupted the West

Cancer Tumor Of The "concept Of Sustainable Development" - Alternative View

Cancer Tumor Of The "concept Of Sustainable Development" - Alternative View

More and more often in Russia, including at the highest level, the words "sustainable development", "nature-like technologies" and other terms developed by the Club of Rome

In Brazil, An Illuminati Researcher Mysteriously Disappeared - Alternative View

In Brazil, An Illuminati Researcher Mysteriously Disappeared - Alternative View

Bruno Borges, 24, mysteriously disappeared from his home in Rio Branco, western Brazil, after working on a secret project for a month. Writes about this Daily Mail with reference to the Brazilian media

Pope Francis Sent A Warning To Trump - Messenger Of The Apocalypse - Alternative View

Pope Francis Sent A Warning To Trump - Messenger Of The Apocalypse - Alternative View

Yesterday Ann-Marie Alc á ntara, Assistant Editor-in-Chief of Specialty Edition POPSUGAR, said she became aware that Pope Francis had sent a very disturbing warning letter to US President Donald Trump

What Do The Symbols On The Dollar Really Mean - - Alternative View

What Do The Symbols On The Dollar Really Mean - - Alternative View

The American dollar keeps its mysteries to this day. In the dollar sign itself, they see the designation of the Spanish piastres, the Pillars of Hercules and the Old Testament serpent

Conspiracy Studies Are Doomed To The Opposite Result - Alternative View

Conspiracy Studies Are Doomed To The Opposite Result - Alternative View

Any system enters into a dualistic relationship with the external environment. For the wasting communist society, the external environment was democracy, as a deadly tool of capitalism. And it worked very effectively

An Internal Google Video Has Leaked About The Impact On Human Choices And Habits - Alternative View

An Internal Google Video Has Leaked About The Impact On Human Choices And Habits - Alternative View

Google has created a truly creepy video that could have easily appeared on Netflix as part of the Black Mirror Show

Do Thai Cultists Have A Golden Double Doll For Every Person In The World? - Alternative View

Do Thai Cultists Have A Golden Double Doll For Every Person In The World? - Alternative View

One of the main attractions of modern Thailand is Wat Phra Dhammakaya - a Buddhist temple located in Pathum Thani province, near Bangkok.- Salik.bizIn general, the temple is somehow interesting: not only is it modern and “resembles a spaceship,” but gold is also stored there in the form of statues, although all normal people put it in ingots. A M

What Caused The One-sided Progress Of Modern Technologies? - Alternative View

What Caused The One-sided Progress Of Modern Technologies? - Alternative View

Surprisingly, in the last half century, real technological progress has been observed only in the field of nanotechnology, telecommunications and artificial intelligence. And although these very innovations are presented to us as progressive and useful for humanity, in fact, their development is connected only with the fact that they are necessary for parasitic forces to build a "total electronic concentration camp" within the framework of the "new world order

The Third World Scenario: First Syria, Then Iran - Alternative View

The Third World Scenario: First Syria, Then Iran - Alternative View

The article is contraindicated for impressionable people. No dose of cognitive dissonance, belief in the normality of what is happening, and general apathy can protect even the most ignorant Americans from what awaits them in the near future

Global Warming Is The Lie That We Feed Our Children - - Alternative View

Global Warming Is The Lie That We Feed Our Children - - Alternative View

A boy near an icy car in Geneva (February 2012) According to an expert assessment by NOAA, the average global temperature of the planet in 2011 was not among the ten warmest

&Ldquo; Slash &Rdquo; - Subculture That Introduces Adolescents To Homosexuality The Flip Side Of Popular Fandoms - Alternative View

&Ldquo; Slash &Rdquo; - Subculture That Introduces Adolescents To Homosexuality The Flip Side Of Popular Fandoms - Alternative View

Each of us is familiar with the feeling when a very beloved work is over (or the next part of the book series / series of the series is to wait for a long time), and we need a continuation like a breath of air. This is especially susceptible to adolescents, who perceive cultural content much brighter and more sensitively

Homosexuality Among Animals Is Another LGBT Myth - Alternative View

Homosexuality Among Animals Is Another LGBT Myth - Alternative View

In 2016, the American organization Russian Freedom Foundation, created to support the Russian LGBT community, allocated 54 grants worth almost $ 2 million to promote homosexuality. One of the principles of this propaganda: “Constantly remind straight people that homosexuality is a common and natural phenomenon.T

Traffic Through Secret Underground Tunnels Has Intensified. Why Would You? - Alternative View

Traffic Through Secret Underground Tunnels Has Intensified. Why Would You? - Alternative View

This past Wednesday, July 10, at about 1 am, many people in South Central Texas literally jumped in their beds from the colossal explosion that shook the building.“It was like a truck hit a house,” said Patricia Larseler, who lives at Loop 410 and New Sulfur Springs Road (FM 3432) on the south side of San Antonio.- S

Antarctica And Australia Are Connected By &Ldquo; Secret Underwater Tunnels &Rdquo; - Alternative View

Antarctica And Australia Are Connected By &Ldquo; Secret Underwater Tunnels &Rdquo; - Alternative View

According to recent statements, experts have discovered secret underwater tunnels connecting Antarctica with Australia and Argentina