Conspiracy theories 2024, September

Six Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True - Alternative View

Six Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True - Alternative View

Sometimes reality turns out to be no less strange than fiction. Edition IFLScience has collected some of the most famous conspiracy theory plots that took place in reality. Violent CIA Experiments CIA Mentioned in Many Conspiracy Theories

What Is A Workshop? And Where Do People Disappear During Performances? - Alternative View

What Is A Workshop? And Where Do People Disappear During Performances? - Alternative View

A workshop is a supranational, cross-border network of organizations that creates and manages all significant events in the general information field of the world. All world wars, most of the tragedies, plane crashes, terrorist attacks, high-profile murders, high-profile events and even natural disasters are the work of the shop, directly or indirectly

Conspiracy View Of The Earthquake In Japan On September 1, 1923 - Alternative View

Conspiracy View Of The Earthquake In Japan On September 1, 1923 - Alternative View

On September 1, 1923, an earthquake struck Japan. 140K people died. Everything collapsed as usual. Radio was already there, but television and fast airplanes with a large fuel tank were still invented

Scientists: The World Around A Person May Turn Out To Be An Illusion - Alternative View

Scientists: The World Around A Person May Turn Out To Be An Illusion - Alternative View

No, speaking of the illusory nature of the world, scientists do not mean something like a fantastic simulation depicted, for example, in the cinematic picture "The Matrix". The illusions that people replace reality with are an integral part of consciousness

The Secrets Of Netizens Were Secretly Kept By Google - Alternative View

The Secrets Of Netizens Were Secretly Kept By Google - Alternative View

A Reddit user under the nickname AlleKeskitason offered to tell Google users the most shocking data that they learned after downloading their own profile from the website of an IT company.EnaiSiaion noted that his love for Chinese rap is indicated on his Google profile

Individual Microbiome - New Cool Toy In Big Brother's Arsenal - Alternative View

Individual Microbiome - New Cool Toy In Big Brother's Arsenal - Alternative View

If you are planning an offense in the near future, then you can forget about different “fingerprints” and “hairnets”. Very soon, the government won't need your DNA, your fingerprints, or even your TV footage. The fact is that now there is other reinforced concrete evidence that you were somewhere there once were there. What ki

The Chinese Analogue Of Big Brother Has Been Introduced For A Long Time And Everywhere, But For Some Reason No One Notices This - Alternative View

The Chinese Analogue Of Big Brother Has Been Introduced For A Long Time And Everywhere, But For Some Reason No One Notices This - Alternative View

You’ve all probably heard a lot about China's social credit system, a nationwide surveillance technology-based program designed to push citizens to improve their behavior. The ultimate goal is "to allow the trustworthy to roam throughout the Middle Kingdom, while making it difficult for the discredited to take one step."

The Civilization Of Sewers? - Alternative View

The Civilization Of Sewers? - Alternative View

I saw an interesting hypothesis expressed by the blogger "Bullets of the Snowfall" and voiced in the video by Pavel Lobanov. The essence of this hypothesis is that the modern scientific explanation of the appearance of oil and gas, as a result of millions of years of decomposition of microorganisms, is completely incomplete

Under Capitalism, It Is Impossible To Ensure The Development Of Every Person - Alternative View

Under Capitalism, It Is Impossible To Ensure The Development Of Every Person - Alternative View

A person is born with certain abilities inherent in him by nature. Their timely and competent development can make him a great scientist, engineer, poet, artist, composer and so on

Shadow Of Knowledge. Part 7. The Behind-the-scenes Logic Of The Federal Order - Alternative View

Shadow Of Knowledge. Part 7. The Behind-the-scenes Logic Of The Federal Order - Alternative View

Part 1. Forward to scientific conspiracy theories. Part 2. Or back to pure Machiavellianism? Part 3. From Clausewitz to Stirlitz. Part 4. Trump as a trump symbol of the threat. Part 5. Threat to all threats. Part 6. Global spite of the day

The Vatican Has Access To Hidden Artifacts - Alternative View

The Vatican Has Access To Hidden Artifacts - Alternative View

The most significant artifacts and authentic historical documents and chronicles are kept secret from humanity in the multi-tiered giant underground storage facilities of the Vatican Library. The researcher of alternative history, traveler, writer and director Timothy Alberino, who is the author of the legendary works "Holocaust of the Giants" and "Technology of Fallen Angels", is sure of this

There Are Phenomena That Lie Beyond The Modern Scientific Paradigm - Alternative View

There Are Phenomena That Lie Beyond The Modern Scientific Paradigm - Alternative View

Among ordinary people there is a false opinion that science is in strict opposition to any knowledge that goes beyond the framework of outdated pseudoscientific dogmas. And such an opinion by the servants of forces hostile to humanity is spreading and being introduced into the minds of ordinary people not by chance

Advertising - Straight To The Brain! - Alternative View

Advertising - Straight To The Brain! - Alternative View

Who controls the whole world? -The one who controls the means of communication.We are a product of our era. Or not. It's too easy to blame everything on the era. We are just a PRODUCT. Since globalization no longer takes individuals into account, we had to become a product in order for society to be interested in us

White Ball Over Arizona - Alternative View

White Ball Over Arizona - Alternative View

This happened on July 13th. A white unidentified flying object appears in the sky over Lake Havasu City, Arizona, USA. In a recording made by a local, we see a rather bright UFO slowly descending from the sky

Aleppo - This Is The Second Washington. Occult Explanation Of The US Struggle For Syria - Alternative View

Aleppo - This Is The Second Washington. Occult Explanation Of The US Struggle For Syria - Alternative View

Today, probably, few people will argue with the assertion that the founders of the United States were obsessed with occult symbols, which in the country is permeated with everything - from architecture to banknotes

When The System Dies - Alternative View

When The System Dies - Alternative View

SystemThe system is ideally conceived and implemented. She almost never fails. It even becomes more humane from year to year, allowing us to slowly kill ourselves. Now almost no wars are needed. There are three magic buttons that almost everyone has today: "sex", "power" and "loot"

Orbital War Continues To Gain Momentum - Alternative View

Orbital War Continues To Gain Momentum - Alternative View

On the morning of April 28, in Spain, in Galicia (Atlantic coast), thousands of people, coming out to breathe on the balcony, observed the following "atmospheric phenomenon":- Salik.bizSince even idiots understand that meteorites do not fly like that, the terrified Spaniards were told that this is "the return of the Russian Soyuz rocket launched from the Moscow Baikonur cosmodrome (Kazakhstan) last Saturday, April 25, with the aim of delivering cargo to the Internationa

Humanity Is Ruled By Beings Of A Different Kind - Alternative View

Humanity Is Ruled By Beings Of A Different Kind - Alternative View

"Our world is controlled by Aliens" - this topic has been discussed in conspiracy circles for a very long time

Time Of Fakes - Alternative View

Time Of Fakes - Alternative View

It seems that today we have such opportunities for obtaining any information that we never had. But it only seems to be. More and more often information has to be carefully checked to make sure it is true, and sometimes it is almost impossible to do - so deep under the layers of lies the truth is hidden

Falsification Of Science - Is As Commonplace As Falsifying History - Alternative View

Falsification Of Science - Is As Commonplace As Falsifying History - Alternative View

Falsification of truth - a common thing for our wretched society, where it is headed by a handful of multi-rich people, for whom unlimited power over the people is much more important than the development and prosperity of modern civilization

The Central Bank Has Openly Called For The Dismissal Of Russians And Replacing Them With Migrants - Alternative View

The Central Bank Has Openly Called For The Dismissal Of Russians And Replacing Them With Migrants - Alternative View

The Central Bank in its report openly and without further ado explained the program of our "beloved" government with an increase in the retirement age, a 4-day working week and the abolition of Soviet laws. It turns out that everything is simple: because of the anti-family policy of the 1990s, when the words “large” and “poor” became synonymous, we have a decline in demographics, and Russians have become too expensive to pay. Therefo

Stonehenge. How Historical Forgeries Are Created - Alternative View

Stonehenge. How Historical Forgeries Are Created - Alternative View

England. Post-war forties. It is necessary to rebuild the cities and factories destroyed by Hitler's bombing. However, the new circular construction site is not at all like the foundation of a new plant

From Planes In The Form Of The Very Same Chemtrails They Spray "smart" Nanodust - Alternative View

From Planes In The Form Of The Very Same Chemtrails They Spray "smart" Nanodust - Alternative View

Russian writer, independent researcher and scientist, editor of the socio-political newspaper "President", member of the Russian Philosophical Society, President of the Academy of Fundamental Sciences A. Tyunyaev expressed an interesting hypothesis that chemical trails are used to spray "smart dust", which is nanochips - nanostructured metal-silicon devices, the purpose of which is to gain control over the minds of people and biorobots very similar to people, which are controll

Are Aliens Behind The Mass Fluorography In Russia And The USSR? - Alternative View

Are Aliens Behind The Mass Fluorography In Russia And The USSR? - Alternative View

All our readers, especially readers of the older age group, many times in their lives have come across the so-called fluorography - a very dubious diagnostic procedure, during which millions of people are voluntarily forced through X-ray machines to obtain some kind of stump image of the chest

Palestinian Leader Yasser Arafat Has Been Killed By A Cyborg Insect! - Alternative View

Palestinian Leader Yasser Arafat Has Been Killed By A Cyborg Insect! - Alternative View

Yasser Arafat, one of the world's most famous radical political leaders of the 20th century, could have been killed by a cyborg insect. Such assumptions were expressed by supporters of the national party for the liberation of Palestine "Fatah"

Why Was John F. Kennedy Killed? - Alternative View

Why Was John F. Kennedy Killed? - Alternative View

The assassination of American President John Fitzgerald Kennedy is perhaps the greatest mystery of the 20th century. The fact is that the man declared to be his murderer was himself soon killed

The Agony Of A Passing Era And What Humanity Should Know About - Alternative View

The Agony Of A Passing Era And What Humanity Should Know About - Alternative View

The events that we hear about from blue screens, print media and mass disinformation are mainly about politics and economics

Since 2014, Calves Have Mysteriously Died On A Small Farm In Texas And No One Understands Why - Alternative View

Since 2014, Calves Have Mysteriously Died On A Small Farm In Texas And No One Understands Why - Alternative View

One sunny February day in 2014, farmer Buck Birdson heard a cow screaming piteously. The animal's painful cry echoed throughout the Longview Ranch and Buck immediately jumped into his Ford and drove over to the grazing cows

How Do The World's Elites Fool Us? - Alternative View

How Do The World's Elites Fool Us? - Alternative View

All of us people are mistaken in this or that question and practically no one knows everything in our wonderful world.But let's take a closer look at our modern world and find out all the pros and cons that we have today.- Salik.bizThe first thing I would like to clarify is how, with the help of the media and the Internet, we are being misled

57 Million For PR "optimization" Of Medicine And Pension Reform - Alternative View

57 Million For PR "optimization" Of Medicine And Pension Reform - Alternative View

The odious TV presenter with reduced social responsibility from Channel One Elena Malysheva, it turns out, is not for nothing with such vigor advocating the closure of “ineffective” hospitals in the regions and raising the retirement age. Acc

Diseases Of Education: Where Is The Younger Generation Growing Up? - Alternative View

Diseases Of Education: Where Is The Younger Generation Growing Up? - Alternative View

In this article, we raise topics that are associated with the younger generation - its education, upbringing, socialization, provide an analysis of the current state and try to make forecasts.But the main thing for us is the roots of what is happening, since most of the negative factors affecting the growing up generation are not spontaneous, but are associated with the creeping disintegration of the once triune and integral domestic system of upbringing, education and science

What Is `` Jet Aircraft '' Hiding From The Public? - Alternative View

What Is `` Jet Aircraft '' Hiding From The Public? - Alternative View

One of the most controversial and inexplicable topics of modern conspiracy theories is the topic of nuclear energy - an area extremely closed to all unauthorized persons, for whom any possibility of checking in practice everything that is written about atomic

The Frequency Of Observation Of Anomalies Is Growing With Alarming Force - Alternative View

The Frequency Of Observation Of Anomalies Is Growing With Alarming Force - Alternative View

On the night of December 8-9, 2018, in Beloit, Wisconsin (near the Great Lakes), stunned locals with open mouths watched amazing columns of light: Officials, as befits officials, very quickly calmed the public

&Ldquo; Elite &Rdquo; Pulling Under The Ground The Last, Forgotten In A Hurry, Clothes - Alternative View

&Ldquo; Elite &Rdquo; Pulling Under The Ground The Last, Forgotten In A Hurry, Clothes - Alternative View Long known as a bastion of secretive and secure banking, Switzerland will soon offer wealthy people another option for storing their valuables: stone vaults carved into the foothills of the Alps.- Salik.bizThe idea comes from entrepreneurs in central Switzerland, where the Brunig massif is located - a huge mountain 25 miles southwest of Lucerne

Could The Titanic Burn? - Alternative View

Could The Titanic Burn? - Alternative View

And again about the Titanic. No, I didn't become an obsessive fan. You just need to clarify. And those who are really interested in the Titanic will have a nice gift at the end

What's Really Going On In "Area 51" - Alternative View

What's Really Going On In "Area 51" - Alternative View

Dust storms hide one of the world's most intriguing military bases in the desert near vibrant and vicious Las Vegas. Area 51 has always been a philosopher's stone for every supporter of conspiracy theories

Dulles' Plan - Alternative View

Dulles' Plan - Alternative View

As you know, living in Russia is not good. And why? Each generation has its own answer to this question

There Are Reptilians Among Us - Alternative View

There Are Reptilians Among Us - Alternative View

We are used to thinking that people are the first intelligent and civilized beings on Earth. But it is possible that the situation is somewhat different.- Salik.bizReptoids, reptilians, dinosaursSometimes scientists and just random people find strange artifacts in the layers of sedimentary rocks and minerals

The Harm And Danger Of Baptism - Alternative View

The Harm And Danger Of Baptism - Alternative View

Everyone wishes their children happiness. And everyone strives to raise their kids, first of all, healthy. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of parents are firmly convinced that children will grow up safely without "God's grace"

On September 11, Everyone Believed In Airplanes. Now It's Time To Put Your Faith In Nibiru And Aliens - Alternative View

On September 11, Everyone Believed In Airplanes. Now It's Time To Put Your Faith In Nibiru And Aliens - Alternative View

September 11, 2018 is approaching, that is, another anniversary of the well-known events of 9/11