Conspiracy theories 2024, September

Eternal Debtors: How Russians Fall Into A Credit Trap - Alternative View

Eternal Debtors: How Russians Fall Into A Credit Trap - Alternative View

Using three real-life examples, we tried to understand how people fall into credit slavery, borrowing more than they can give. And experts told how not to fall into a credit trap

The Conspiracy Against The Titanic: Who Set The Trap For The Millionaires? - Alternative View

The Conspiracy Against The Titanic: Who Set The Trap For The Millionaires? - Alternative View

For more than a century, the legendary ship has been resting on the ocean floor, but theories about this disaster continue to appear. In this article we will tell you about one of the most interesting theories of the sinking of the Titanic liner, which seems logical and justified

March 19. Today Is The Start Of The Raised Flag Season - Season Of The Sacrifice - Alternative View

March 19. Today Is The Start Of The Raised Flag Season - Season Of The Sacrifice - Alternative View

Stillnessinthestorm: Every year, starting on March 19 and ending roughly 40 days later on May 1, the dark elite hold the so-called Season of Sacrifice. This is when false flag attacks occur with greater frequency

A New Kind Of YouTube Censorship. Why Would? - Alternative View

A New Kind Of YouTube Censorship. Why Would? - Alternative View

A few days ago, while searching for videos on events in New Zealand, we noticed that YouTube filters for videos by date stopped working

How Facebook Manipulates News - Alternative View

How Facebook Manipulates News - Alternative View

Depending on who you talk to, Facebook will be considered either the savior or the killer of modern journalism. Roughly 600 million people watch news stories on Facebook every week, and the founder of the social network, Mark Zuckerberg, does not even hide his plans to dominate the digital news distribution

Satan Rules The Ball There. Why Are Halloween Being Imposed On Russia And Ukraine - Alternative View

Satan Rules The Ball There. Why Are Halloween Being Imposed On Russia And Ukraine - Alternative View

In recent years, we have become accustomed to the new autumn holiday. Halloween (All Hallows Evening - the evening on the eve of All Saints' Day) is gradually taking place in Slavic reality, although the attitude towards it is ambiguous

UFO On The Moon Turned Out To Be A Secret US Spacecraft - Alternative View

UFO On The Moon Turned Out To Be A Secret US Spacecraft - Alternative View

Modern UFO hunters suddenly discovered a truly sensational image on one of the photos of the Apollo 12 flight to the Moon satellite back in 1969

Former CIA Pilot: The Moon Is Inhabited By `` Grays '' And The Earth Is - This Is A Prison Planet - Alternative View

Former CIA Pilot: The Moon Is Inhabited By `` Grays '' And The Earth Is - This Is A Prison Planet - Alternative View

John Lear, a former CIA pilot, claims the moon is not only habitable, but also has a population of about 250 million humanoids

Are White Airplane Tracks Harmless? What Are "chemtrails"? - Alternative View

Are White Airplane Tracks Harmless? What Are "chemtrails"? - Alternative View

Everyone who at least sometimes looks at the sky has seen more than once how the traces of long-flown planes remain in the sky for hours and, crossing, form a cobweb over our heads.While most people do not attach importance to this, part of the Earth's population is convinced: these are not ordinary condensation trails that jet engines leave at high altitudes, but signs of some kind of chemical aerosol being sprayed in the air

Chemtrails. Chemical Routes From Planes - Alternative View

Chemtrails. Chemical Routes From Planes - Alternative View

Chemtrails or chemtrails - These are airplane trails similar to conventional contrails. However, it is these "tails" of passenger aircraft that are believed to be the source of harmful, destructive microparticles and viruses

What Should The New Type Of Chemtrail Be Hidden From View? - Alternative View

What Should The New Type Of Chemtrail Be Hidden From View? - Alternative View

As reports on December 8 with reference to regional media, on Friday, December 6, in the area of the city of Landville, Collorado, local residents were surprised to photograph a strange circular cloud, possibly left in the sky by a passing plane, possibly appearing on some then for another reason:-

The Spraying Of Chemtrails Has Stopped Everywhere! Is The Planet Ready For The Arrival Of The Masters? - Alternative View

The Spraying Of Chemtrails Has Stopped Everywhere! Is The Planet Ready For The Arrival Of The Masters? - Alternative View

Everyone knows very well that in the USA alone there are dozens of sites dedicated to chemtrails. Chemtrails - this is really a problem. There are chemtrails, they have been sprayed for many years, but the government does not explain anything

Exposing Chemtrails: Corporation For The Advancement Of Science And The New Manhattan Project - Alternative View

Exposing Chemtrails: Corporation For The Advancement Of Science And The New Manhattan Project - Alternative View

Recently recovered evidence indicates that the New Manhattan Project, also known as "geoengineering," goes back even further than previously thought.As the name suggests, the New Manhattan Project, the author previously had the impression that this super-massive, top-secret science project (actually the largest ever) dates back to the mid-1940s; just after the end of the original Manhattan Project

Mass Hypnosis Or Temples For Collective Hallucinations With Soft Chairs - Alternative View

Mass Hypnosis Or Temples For Collective Hallucinations With Soft Chairs - Alternative View

From an early age we are programmed to perceive the world as something dual: on the one hand - physical world - the world that can be felt and "really touched" is the world of science and five senses

Seven Declassified Projects Of The US Army And The CIA - Alternative View

Seven Declassified Projects Of The US Army And The CIA - Alternative View

Government and military secrets can range from scary to funny or even downright absurd, but they are always intriguing to say the least

Mind Control: The CIA Experiments - Alternative View

Mind Control: The CIA Experiments - Alternative View

The American government has a strange and dark secret - These are CIA mind control experiments that began in the 1950s

Ufologists Accuse NASA Of Conspiring With Aliens - Alternative View

Ufologists Accuse NASA Of Conspiring With Aliens - Alternative View

Some ufologists recently issued a statement criticizing the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, accusing them of conspiring with aliens

Roskosmos And New Items From The Trash Can - Alternative View

Roskosmos And New Items From The Trash Can - Alternative View

We will talk about a few examples of how Roscosmos tries to appear to be needed. Example One: Experiment "Plasma Crystal"

A Former NASA Employee Accuses The Space Agency Of Rigging A Photo - Alternative View

A Former NASA Employee Accuses The Space Agency Of Rigging A Photo - Alternative View

News and Society Association in Av. Former NASA employee Norman Bergrun makes a sensational confession about the rigging of photographs taken from space objects

NASA's Martian Landscapes Are Filmed In Kazakhstan - Alternative View

NASA's Martian Landscapes Are Filmed In Kazakhstan - Alternative View

The main discovery of the American rover Curiosity is that the landscapes of the Red Planet are very similar to those of Kazakhstan! Kaznet users are unanimous - you could not fly anywhere

NASA Urgently Turns Off Orbiting Telescopes. What For? - Alternative View

NASA Urgently Turns Off Orbiting Telescopes. What For? - Alternative View

On October 12, 2018, the NASA-tracking portal spaceflightinside reports that: “On October 10, at approximately 9:55 am EDT (13:55 GMT), NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory was put into“safe mode "

NASA Prepares Yellowstone For Self-detonation - Alternative View

NASA Prepares Yellowstone For Self-detonation - Alternative View

In August 2017, amid the seismic swarm in Yellowstone that began in the summer and the consequent widespread concern, NASA made the world even more worried: several figures from the National Aeronautics and Research Administration

Implementation Of Social Rating Through Smart Cities. Electronic Concentration Camp - Alternative View

Implementation Of Social Rating Through Smart Cities. Electronic Concentration Camp - Alternative View

With the surveillance system in smart cities, things turned out to be much worse than anyone could have imagined. The Globe And Mail analyzed a document called the "Yellow Book" that came to them, which describes the concept of the so-called "smart cities", created by a subsidiary of Google - Sidewalk Labs

Biorobot. How To Distinguish Him From A Person? Or Are We All Bio-robots? - Alternative View

Biorobot. How To Distinguish Him From A Person? Or Are We All Bio-robots? - Alternative View

Distinguishing a biorobot from a human is not easy, but also not as difficult as it seems. A person has unique properties. They consist in the fact that a person is distinguished from a biorobot by a figurative type of thinking and a feeling of affects of pleasure and displeasure

Western Media: Putin Is Consulted By A Race Of Aliens So He Cannot Be Defeated - Alternative View

Western Media: Putin Is Consulted By A Race Of Aliens So He Cannot Be Defeated - Alternative View

According to a member of the British Labor Party and a member of the council of one of the municipalities Simon Parks, Russian President Vladimir Putin is advised by a race of aliens called Nordic

The Pope Knows What Will Happen In May: The Mysterious Actions And Words Of The Pope In Egypt - Alternative View

The Pope Knows What Will Happen In May: The Mysterious Actions And Words Of The Pope In Egypt - Alternative View

As we learned from our source from the Egyptian TV channel Sada El Balad, today Pope Francis flew to Egypt. This arrival from the very beginning is accompanied by mysterious and enigmatic deeds and words of the Pope

The Principle Of Social Proof Is A Powerful Method Of Influencing Consciousness - Alternative View

The Principle Of Social Proof Is A Powerful Method Of Influencing Consciousness - Alternative View

The principle of social proof is one of the most powerful methods of influencing human consciousness! According to this principle, we determine what is right by figuring out what other people think is right. We consider our behavior to be correct in this situation if we often see other people behaving in this way

How To Lull The Vigilance Of Opponents Of An Electronic Concentration Camp - Alternative View

How To Lull The Vigilance Of Opponents Of An Electronic Concentration Camp - Alternative View

Or e-Passport as the main IDThe subtle work of cyber-lobbyists to introduce electronic cards of a single international standard in Russia and abandon traditional paper documents continues. This week, State Duma deputy from the Liberal Democratic Party Sergei Ivanov introduced to parliament a bill "On basic identity documents", which implies the introduction of "a new type of main identity document" - actually an identity card on a plastic medium, which all citizens of the Russ

The Electronic Concentration Camp Is Approaching: Rostelecom Offers Payment Through The Face Recognition System - Alternative View

The Electronic Concentration Camp Is Approaching: Rostelecom Offers Payment Through The Face Recognition System - Alternative View

In October, Rostelecom will present a solution for paying for goods and services in stores using facial images, two people close to the project participants told Vedomosti. A representative of Rostelecom confirmed this. Rostelecom is the operator of the Unified Biometric System (UBS), which became operational in July last year; one of the initiators of its creation was the Central Bank

How We Are Robbed On Black Friday, And What To Do In Order Not To Be Deceived - Alternative View

How We Are Robbed On Black Friday, And What To Do In Order Not To Be Deceived - Alternative View

Traditionally, Black Friday is not only a day of mass sales, but also a day when the number of fraudulent and outright thieves is on the rise. For this reason, it is necessary to constantly remember to maintain heightened vigilance. At the same time, the worst situation is not with real stores, but with online trading platforms

Stereotype, The Formation Of Stereotypes In The Process Of Mass Communication - Alternative View

Stereotype, The Formation Of Stereotypes In The Process Of Mass Communication - Alternative View

The impact of mass media on people's consciousness is often achieved through stereotypes and images

NASA Insiders: There Are "stargates" On Earth For Time Travel - Alternative View

NASA Insiders: There Are "stargates" On Earth For Time Travel - Alternative View

NASA insiders said that there has been technology for moving in space and time on Earth since about 2015. Energy or "star portals" actually exist

Social Zombie: 6 Steps Into The Abyss - Alternative View

Social Zombie: 6 Steps Into The Abyss - Alternative View

The most offensive thing is that the one who speaks the truth always loses in an information war. He is limited by the truth, and a liar can carry anything.Robert Sheckley.- Salik.bizA strange sensation has been experienced by many people lately

Stephen Hawking Died 30 Years Ago - Alternative View

Stephen Hawking Died 30 Years Ago - Alternative View

The scientist was replaced in order to promote liberal values on his behalf. Stephen HOCKING died at the age of 76. He is called one of the greatest theoretical physicists in history

Don't Be Afraid Of The 25th Frame! - Alternative View

Don't Be Afraid Of The 25th Frame! - Alternative View

For centuries, humanity has been plagued by various phobias. Such people are strange creatures: we must be afraid of something. Moreover, if children are afraid, for example, of the dark, then adults need something more serious

China Ordered To Stop Work On Editing The Human Genome. The Author Of The Work Disappeared - Alternative View

China Ordered To Stop Work On Editing The Human Genome. The Author Of The Work Disappeared - Alternative View

Earlier this week, the world was literally shocked by the news that the world's first children with a CRISPR-edited genome were born in a hospital in China

A Report That Sheds Light On The Magic Of The Bill Gates Cartel's Global Vaccination - Alternative View

A Report That Sheds Light On The Magic Of The Bill Gates Cartel's Global Vaccination - Alternative View

Collective Evolution - This material was provided by the World Mercury Project. It deserves close attention. Bill Gates loves to use his ambitious podium to talk about “ miracles ” and “ magic & rdquo

A New Year Has Come To China, 1984. When Will 1984 Be Everywhere? - Alternative View

A New Year Has Come To China, 1984. When Will 1984 Be Everywhere? - Alternative View

In China, a vast technological mass surveillance network has been under construction for many years that the world has never seen before. And it's already on

Television As A Way To Mortify The Population - Alternative View

Television As A Way To Mortify The Population - Alternative View

The highest form of control - this is when you think that you are free, and at this very time you are manipulated and dictated to you what to think about and what to do. When you are in a prison cell and see bars around you - this is one form of dictatorship

Facebook Collects Data About Users And Tracks Their Actions Even Outside The Social Network - Alternative View

Facebook Collects Data About Users And Tracks Their Actions Even Outside The Social Network - Alternative View

The function in the Off Facebook Activity settings will display all applications and websites that send information about you to Facebook, it is used as advertising. But is it okay to be tracked?- Salik.bizHow are we being followed?You can clear your history and prevent your movement from being tracked, but one expert said the move is unlikely to have a big impact on the firm's bottom line