Conspiracy theories 2024, September

The Russian Village Is Being Killed. We Started With Cattle - Alternative View

The Russian Village Is Being Killed. We Started With Cattle - Alternative View

Why did it become impossible for the peasants to survive even with land? The townspeople have a common misconception that it is easier to survive in times of crisis in the countryside. They say, you have your own garden, your own farm, you won't be lost from hunger

Bill Gates' Pesticide Causes Cancer - Alternative View

Bill Gates' Pesticide Causes Cancer - Alternative View

The Center for Food Safety (CFS), on behalf of a coalition of agricultural workers, farmers and environmentalists, filed a federal lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the January 2020 re-approval of the pesticide glyphosate, an active ingredient

Queen Elizabeth Warns: World War III Should Start In - Alternative View

Queen Elizabeth Warns: World War III Should Start In - Alternative View

The British celebrate the official birthday of the Queen in June, but on April 22, the Queen has a real birthday, it is celebrated only with a party in a narrow circle of family and selected guests

Think About It, People! - Alternative View

Think About It, People! - Alternative View

Who runs the show in our country? Do the main orders now come from the Kremlin? Isn't it time for us to create our own government consisting of Russians and other indigenous peoples? After all, there are more than 80% of Russians in Russia. Are there no talented people who could deal with all the obscurantism that is happening?

It Looks Like There Was A Little War In Space Yesterday - - Alternative View

It Looks Like There Was A Little War In Space Yesterday - - Alternative View

On September 11, 2019, in our material, NASA warns: tomorrow, an alien battle will take place in near-Earth space, we drew the readers' attention to the suspiciously frequent NASA messages about meteorites, one of which was supposed to fly past the Earth at a distance of as much as 7 distances to the Moon

Betelgeuse - Is It The Star Of Jacob, The Harbinger Of The Messiah And The War Of Gog And Magog? - Alternative View

Betelgeuse - Is It The Star Of Jacob, The Harbinger Of The Messiah And The War Of Gog And Magog? - Alternative View

Betelgeuse, a relatively close star to us, has been acting very strange lately and astronomers are worried. Astronomers are not yet very sure about the interpretation of their observations, but one of the possible scenarios worries them very much: a star can become a supernova - die, in the radiance of its glory and burn everything around it, even interstellar atoms

Why Are We So Often Frightened By The Apocalypse And Who Can Benefit From It? - Alternative View

Why Are We So Often Frightened By The Apocalypse And Who Can Benefit From It? - Alternative View

You have noticed with what enviable regularity journalists and scientists frighten us with various scenarios of apocalypse on our planet. Either dangerous comets and meteorites must fall on the Earth, then Yellowstone will explode, then terrible cataclysms will begin to occur or extraterrestrial civilizations will attack and destroy humanity

Why Did You Need The End Of The World? - Alternative View

Why Did You Need The End Of The World? - Alternative View

Natural disasters, revenge of an angry God, killer robots, UFO invasion, nuclear war … From year to year, scientists, astrologers, historians, clairvoyants, religious leaders predict another Armageddon for humanity. The inhabitants of the planet Earth are terrified awaiting the end of the world. B

Ideological Hell In Modern Russian Textbooks - Alternative View

Ideological Hell In Modern Russian Textbooks - Alternative View

It's no secret that ideological hell is being created in modern Russian textbooks at the suggestion of the state. Moreover, this hell sucks into itself not only humanitarian and natural science subjects, but also physical and mathematical

Is The HAARP Installation Capable Of Managing Time? - Alternative View

Is The HAARP Installation Capable Of Managing Time? - Alternative View

A brilliant physicist published a groundbreaking paper citing 30 other scientific papers indicating that HAARP has incredible power that most RF researchers are unaware of

Universe - The Virtual Reality? - Alternative View

Universe - The Virtual Reality? - Alternative View

The famous film "The Matrix" tells that the reality surrounding people, in fact - - just an illusion created by a special computer program

The World Is On The Verge Of The Third World - Alternative View

The World Is On The Verge Of The Third World - Alternative View

The war in Syria, which is expected from day to day, could end with World War III, as both experts and ancient prophecies say

Cyberspace War - Alternative View

Cyberspace War - Alternative View

Putting aside diplomacy, the United States set about preparing a global cyber war on the Internet. Thus, the Pentagon announced several tenders for the purchase of many virus programs to destroy the computer centers of a potential enemy

Toothpaste As The Greatest Scam Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

Toothpaste As The Greatest Scam Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

Toothpaste is a must for daily hygiene. If you want your teeth to last as long as possible, then they need careful care

Will World War III Be A War Over The Arctic? - Alternative View

Will World War III Be A War Over The Arctic? - Alternative View

More and more soldiers appear in the Arctic lately

Prophecies About The Third World War - Alternative View

Prophecies About The Third World War - Alternative View

Military operations, according to the prophecies of the prophets, will begin in late summer or autumn (September, October). Muslims will attack unexpectedly and come from Vos current

The Third World Begins From A Test Tube - Alternative View

The Third World Begins From A Test Tube - Alternative View

2012 marks the 40th anniversary of the adoption of the "Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction" (Moscow - London - Washington, April 10, 1972)

How Does The Television Of The Country That Lost The Cold War Work? - Alternative View

How Does The Television Of The Country That Lost The Cold War Work? - Alternative View

As you might guess from the title, the article will focus on Russian television. Now the overwhelming part of society is aware of the harmfulness of the work of domestic TV channels, but few understand how the system of control over them is technologically built, and how it is possible to direct their work towards achieving destructive goals

Explain Your Income. How The Central Bank Puts Account Locks On The Machine - Alternative View

Explain Your Income. How The Central Bank Puts Account Locks On The Machine - Alternative View

Alexander Bayazitov, a journalist and author of the Infernal Babki blog, talks about what is behind the officials' words about the liberalization of the anti-money laundering law.From July 15, new rules for the control of suspicious transactions and blocking of accounts come into force

Anonymous Warns The World About The Need To "prepare" For World War III - Alternative View

Anonymous Warns The World About The Need To "prepare" For World War III - Alternative View

The notorious group of active hackers Anonymous has released a stunning new video - they called on people around the world to "prepare" for a third world war

Russian Project - Alternative View

Russian Project - Alternative View

One of the applications of Tesla's technology has recently been found by the Russians - probably they wanted to try to unbalance the Western world by broadcasting electromagnetic radiation. The project was known as the Russian Woodpecker, but this funny name does not change its deadly nature

The Stigma Of A Slave As One Of The Ways To Dehumanize - Alternative View

The Stigma Of A Slave As One Of The Ways To Dehumanize - Alternative View

"And on the left chest - Stalin's profile, and on the right - Marinka full face …" - Vysotsky once sang about a prisoner who served in prison, about a convict, in short.And today a clearly thinking person is seized by, to put it mildly, bewilderment when he sees on the streets of his country young, quite nice people with tattoos on all sorts of parts of the body. T

Israeli Boeing 747 Writes Strange Figures Over The Sea - Alternative View

Israeli Boeing 747 Writes Strange Figures Over The Sea - Alternative View

On November 3, 2019, numerous users of the FLIGHTRADAR service were very surprised by the behavior of the Israeli Boeing 747-458 airliner, which began to paint very strange figures in the air on the way from Rome to Tel Aviv.So it looks like the Boeing 747 pilots decided to draw their plane in the air

How Europe Robbed The Libyan People - Alternative View

How Europe Robbed The Libyan People - Alternative View

Everyone remembers the proven and well-known scandal when Nicolas Sarkozy received 50 million euros from the representatives of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi for his election campaign in 2006, and then began the bombing of Libya.But that's not all, and that's a trifle

LGBT Special Operation "Children-404" - Alternative View

LGBT Special Operation "Children-404" - Alternative View

The construction of a children's LGBT community under the cover of the UN is part of the hybrid war of the West against Russia (who and why leads the VK group and the Children-404 website).This article is proactive. Usually the reaction of our society to certain outrages corresponds to the proverb "Until the thunder breaks out, the man does not cross himself

Hollywood Is Preparing A Massive Attack On Children - Alternative View

Hollywood Is Preparing A Massive Attack On Children - Alternative View

Major Western filmmakers intend to increase the share of homopropaganda in their productionThe Disney and Pixar cartoon "Vperyod" with a slightly retouched LGBT character (in the Russian version, perversions are not promoted as explicitly as in the original), released in Russia despite the resistance of parental organizations, is just the beginning of a massive sodomite attack on children around the world

The Role Of Modern Cartoons In The Formation Of Children's Consciousness - Alternative View

The Role Of Modern Cartoons In The Formation Of Children's Consciousness - Alternative View

At an early age, the child lacks critical thinking and is unable to distinguish the harmful effects of information from the useful. Most parents, who are confident that they are showing useful, educational, verified and truthful information on TV, put the child in front of the screen of the box themselves, so that the baby does not interfere with their business

Human Consumer - Alternative View

Human Consumer - Alternative View

The flickering light of the screen diluted the semi-darkness of the assembly hall. A bright dot of light shot from a projector and sprayed over a wide area of the wall. A man in a white coat stood next to the blurry image, nervously fiddling with a fountain pen in his palms. Opp

America Has Long Poisoned Russians With Biological Weapons - Alternative View

America Has Long Poisoned Russians With Biological Weapons - Alternative View

Another video appeal by former US intelligence officer Edward Snowden shocked the Russian public. More than 80% of products, goods, fertilizers and medicines imported into Russia from the United States pose a danger to the population

Magazines "Happy Parents" And "Domashniy Ochag": Family Under Attack From Corporations And Advertisements - Alternative View

Magazines "Happy Parents" And "Domashniy Ochag": Family Under Attack From Corporations And Advertisements - Alternative View

We bring to your attention reviews of two popular glossy family magazines, published in Russia for many years by the largest publishing house "Hearst". To what extent the declared topics correspond to the content, and what can the audience learn from acquaintance with such “literature”

Conspiracy Theory Has Become Reality: Your Phone Applications Record Your Conversations - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theory Has Become Reality: Your Phone Applications Record Your Conversations - Alternative View

Thefreethoughtproject: While social media companies have spent years denying that their apps are recording your private conversations, the truth is finally coming out

The Process Of Genetic Destruction Of The Descendants Of The White Gods Was Launched A Long Time Ago - Alternative View

The Process Of Genetic Destruction Of The Descendants Of The White Gods Was Launched A Long Time Ago - Alternative View

Many events taking place in the modern world are a continuation of the processes begun thousands of years ago by a force hostile to humanity, which uses its servants to play off and divide peoples to achieve absolute power over the planet. Part of these global and controlled processes is the deliberate genetic "dissolution" of the peoples of the white race - the descendants of the legendary Arctic civilization of "white gods" in hybrid peoples created by the "third force" to ac

10 "devilish" Things That Can Be Stored In The Closed Archives Of The Vatican - Alternative View

10 "devilish" Things That Can Be Stored In The Closed Archives Of The Vatican - Alternative View

The Vatican Secret Archives, founded back in 1611 by Pope Paul V, are a super-secure repository for the Church's oldest and most valuable documents

Alien Technologies Have Already Been Mastered By Earthlings? - Alternative View

Alien Technologies Have Already Been Mastered By Earthlings? - Alternative View

On November 14, 2014 at 18:39, residents of Yekaterinburg become eyewitnesses of a strange celestial phenomenon - a fiery-bright glow, most noticeable over the city of Rezh

Ron Paul: "the Deep State" Will Kill Trump In "President Kennedy Style" Because Of Russia - Alternative View

Ron Paul: "the Deep State" Will Kill Trump In "President Kennedy Style" Because Of Russia - Alternative View

Former Congressman Ron Paul warned President Trump that the "Deep State" was about to kill him in the John F. Kennedy style if he did not obey, writes

Your Face Is In The Hands Of Corporations - Alternative View

Your Face Is In The Hands Of Corporations - Alternative View

Tech companies have quietly studied your photos to improve their facial recognition systems. And here's how they did it.Facial recognition is a powerful technology that seriously threatens civil liberties. It's also a thriving business. Today, many startups and tech giants are selling facial recognition systems to hotels, retailers, and even schools and summer camps

Russia Is Trying To Destroy The World Order, Led By America - Alternative View

Russia Is Trying To Destroy The World Order, Led By America - Alternative View

Russia has recently begun to behave quite differently as a "regional power" and is actively working even with those countries where its influence was practically zero before, writes The Wall Street Journal

The History Of Slave Labor And Raising Zombies Under Capitalism - Alternative View

The History Of Slave Labor And Raising Zombies Under Capitalism - Alternative View

It is important to note that the rules of zombifying a person and entire communities given below, which have been tried in practice, are applied with some success in any capitalist countries. Not excluding, alas, the Russian Federation.Moving from rule to rule, everyone can find analogies of those methods with modern life under capitalism

The Relativity Of The "theory Of Relativity" - Alternative View

The Relativity Of The "theory Of Relativity" - Alternative View

Strange as it may sound today, the contemporaries of the great sly and deceiver spoke loudly about the idiocy of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity