Conspiracy theories 2024, September

And Yet They Control Us? - Alternative View

And Yet They Control Us? - Alternative View

Nowadays, many scientists agree that for centuries mankind has been subjected to "programming" and the main events of history - wars, revolutions, major terrorist acts - were imposed on us by some secret forces

10 Most Interesting Conspiracy Theories - Alternative View

10 Most Interesting Conspiracy Theories - Alternative View

Solar system - not a limited soap bubble, and outside of it there are many interesting and unexpected things. But how much? There were many different hoaxes in the world, and any poorly explainable event invariably became overgrown with speculation

Is The History Of The "Philadelphia Experiment" Repeated With The Malaysian Boeing? - Alternative View

Is The History Of The "Philadelphia Experiment" Repeated With The Malaysian Boeing? - Alternative View

The American firm Freescale Semiconductor, which carries out military orders, has confirmed that its specialists were aboard the missing Boeing

Secrets Of The Phoenix Project - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Phoenix Project - Alternative View

30 years ago, one of the New York weekly, specializing in the coverage of mysterious incidents, came out with a sensational headline: "The Philadelphia Experiment, begun in 1943 with a destroyer, continues at the abandoned Montauk Air Force Base."

The Earth Died In 1999 And Since Then We Have Been Living In The Matrix - Alternative View

The Earth Died In 1999 And Since Then We Have Been Living In The Matrix - Alternative View

One of the topics often discussed in blogs by the most advanced public on the web is the so-called Mandela effect, named after a politician from South Africa, whom at least half of the people on the planet who heard about him thought he was tortured

Promotion &Ldquo; Storming Area 51 &Rdquo; - These Are Revolutionary Technologies Of The 21st Century - Alternative View

Promotion &Ldquo; Storming Area 51 &Rdquo; - These Are Revolutionary Technologies Of The 21st Century - Alternative View

As we have already informed our readers, in the USA the action Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us has begun and continues to gain momentum, the task of which is the Volkssturm of the mysterious “Area 51”.Initially, it was not very clear: is this flash mob a genius move by Facebook managers, who decided to attract people to their dying platform in this way, or is it about some kind of global project? For

Instead Of A Human Name, You Will Be Assigned A Number In The Registry And You Will Become A Bioobject - Alternative View

Instead Of A Human Name, You Will Be Assigned A Number In The Registry And You Will Become A Bioobject - Alternative View

This post I would like to devote to the replacement of a human name with a number. I want to tell you the main meaning and reveal the essence of this action.What is a NAME for a person? Perhaps I'll start from afar and remember this expression for a start

Money Pipe To The West - Alternative View

Money Pipe To The West - Alternative View

As a result of a new data leak, a large-scale system has been revealed through which billions of euros from Russia are laundered in the West, writes the German "Süddeutsche"

The Secret Of The UFO Over The Pacific Ocean Is Revealed: Why The Pentagon Spoke About Aliens - Alternative View

The Secret Of The UFO Over The Pacific Ocean Is Revealed: Why The Pentagon Spoke About Aliens - Alternative View

Dmitry Yurov gathered expert opinions on why in the United States it is now they are talking about the existence of a program to search for aliens, and the media published a video where the F-18 fighter is chasing a UFO

Cancer Conspiracy - Alternative View

Cancer Conspiracy - Alternative View

"You have a malignant tumor …" These words sound like a death sentence. "But when will they learn to treat him ?!" - millions of people on Earth are outraged

Intelligence Agencies Easily Figure Out The Real Names Of Tor Users - Alternative View

Intelligence Agencies Easily Figure Out The Real Names Of Tor Users - Alternative View

The FBI carried out a successful operation with ease and detained a Harvard University student, Eldo Kim, who sent a message about a bomb in the university building. Note that Tor did not help the "miner" and now the joker faces up to 5 years in prison and a fine of 250 thousand dollars

It Was Possible To Infect Chavez With Cancer, But Why? - Alternative View

It Was Possible To Infect Chavez With Cancer, But Why? - Alternative View

On March 5, 2013, on the day of the sixtieth anniversary of Stalin's death, Hugo Chavez died, whose path to power was so similar to Hitler's (unsuccessful coup, prison, millions of fans, fair elections)

The FBI Recommends That Lawmakers Consider Conspiracy Theorists Extremists - Alternative View

The FBI Recommends That Lawmakers Consider Conspiracy Theorists Extremists - Alternative View

According to a new FBI bulletin obtained by Yahoo News from the Bureau's field office in Phoenix, the FBI first identified so-called "internal extremists" whose ideology is based on "conspiracy theory" as a terror threat. And the first number on the FBI list directly mentions QAnon and his hidden network of followers / supporters

Is The Moon Part Of Mars? - Alternative View

Is The Moon Part Of Mars? - Alternative View

One of the most interesting and controversial news sources in the world has long been Donald Trump's Twitter account, whose posts are a constant topic of discussion among conspiracy theorists. And today, June 7, Donald Trump did not disappoint again:- Salik

The FBI Is Looking For Anonymous Who "caught" NASA On Aliens - Alternative View

The FBI Is Looking For Anonymous Who "caught" NASA On Aliens - Alternative View

The scandal that arose around NASA after the publication by Anonymous hackers of information that scientists from the aerospace agency found traces of alien life continues

Aggression Through Art And Countering It - Alternative View

Aggression Through Art And Countering It - Alternative View

Excerpts from a conversation with Alexander Usanin, the head of the For the Benefit of Peace prize, which is awarded to individuals and organizations for humanism in art and social activities. The competition is aimed at supporting and popularizing works of art, as well as Internet portals focused on the physical, spiritual and moral improvement of society

The Salvation Of An Ordinary Clan - The People In The Face Of The Impending Danger Of Its Erasure - Alternative View

The Salvation Of An Ordinary Clan - The People In The Face Of The Impending Danger Of Its Erasure - Alternative View

Pleased me now with a lot of good publications in social media. networks in which bloggers write and cut in numbers and meanings about the impasse in Russia in its colonial life

In A British School, 17 Students Immediately Decided To Change Their Gender - Alternative View

In A British School, 17 Students Immediately Decided To Change Their Gender - Alternative View

In an unnamed British school, a teacher is shocked by the fact that 17 students immediately announced their desire to change their sex and are already in the process of taking drugs that block puberty

Pseudoscience - Alternative View

Pseudoscience - Alternative View

1. SCIENCE: ROLES AND PURPOSES "Science is an attempt to bring the chaotic diversity of our sensory experience in line with some unified system of thinking." - Albert Einstein. What role does science play in the life of man and mankind?

GM Crops Cause Deadly Diseases - Alternative View

GM Crops Cause Deadly Diseases - Alternative View

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Vice President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems Irina Ermakova spoke about whether GMO cultures can defeat hunger on Earth and why Americans are so persistently trying to introduce them in other countries

People, Pay Attention: Global Changes Are Coming! - Alternative View

People, Pay Attention: Global Changes Are Coming! - Alternative View

Now only the lazy does not know that both World Wars of the 20th century were prepared in the United States and carried out in Europe with one goal: to get out of the next "Depression" by selling weapons to the warring parties. And thus, reassert the hegemony of the American dollar, profiting from the post-war devastation

The Monster Crown Agency, Through Its Agents, Controls The Vassal Countries Of The UK. Part III - Alternative View

The Monster Crown Agency, Through Its Agents, Controls The Vassal Countries Of The UK. Part III - Alternative View

Part I: "The British crown completes the seizure of power over the world." Part II: "Bankers of England control the finances, economy and military-industrial complex of the USA"

The Principles Of Modern Slavery - Alternative View

The Principles Of Modern Slavery - Alternative View

MEANS OF CONTROL 1. Economic coercion of slaves into permanent work. The modern slave is forced to work non-stop until death, because

People Are Unhappy With Electronic Documents - Alternative View

People Are Unhappy With Electronic Documents - Alternative View

Tatiana Moskalkova, Ombudsman for Human Rights in Russia, recently announced this, a process that suggests that media coverage of biometrics and the electronic concentration camp seems to have found its audience. People are beginning to realize the dangers of submitting biometric data and applying isotopic tracing

In Antarctica, A Giant Hadron Collider Is Hidden, Causing Cataclysms Around The World - Alternative View

In Antarctica, A Giant Hadron Collider Is Hidden, Causing Cataclysms Around The World - Alternative View

Since its official discovery, Antarctica has been a mysterious continent, access to which is closed to ordinary people

Who Is Setting Fire To The Far East And Why? - Alternative View

Who Is Setting Fire To The Far East And Why? - Alternative View

An inexplicable chain of international incidents, launched after the G20 summit in Osaka and the meetings of the leaders of the Russia-China-US “big triangle”, continues on its fields. As already noted here, as the confrontation with Donald Trump and his dialogue with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping deepens, the actions of the "deep state" of globalists will become less and less sporadic. And

HAARP - What It Is? - Alternative View

HAARP - What It Is? - Alternative View

From English, the abbreviation HAARP (HAARP) roughly translates as "Active high-frequency research program of the northern lights" - simple and harmless. People are studying for themselves a wonderful natural phenomenon. Here is just one thing that is not clear: how can one become interested in this beautiful, but, at first glance, economically useless phenomenon enough to pay tens of billions of dollars for research (and additionally for secrecy)?

China Has Clearly Demonstrated The Work Of HAARP - Alternative View

China Has Clearly Demonstrated The Work Of HAARP - Alternative View

Since the appearance of the MIMIC-TPW service on the network, many people have noticed that very often microwave anomalies are observed in the area of the strongest cyclones:- Salik.bizThe reason for this, as it was, and remains unclear, but the closest hypothesis to the truth seems to be the assumption that especially large hurricanes are either controlled or even generated by systems like HAARP.It

California Is Being Burned By Chemtrails. Who Will Be Next? - Alternative View

California Is Being Burned By Chemtrails. Who Will Be Next? - Alternative View

Throughout November, not only residents of the United States, but the whole world are watching the raging fires in California, the number of victims of which goes to hundreds

Greek Authorities - &Ldquo; The Deadly Fires That Have Engulfed All Of Greece Are Deliberately Caused &Rdquo; - Alternative View

Greek Authorities - &Ldquo; The Deadly Fires That Have Engulfed All Of Greece Are Deliberately Caused &Rdquo; - Alternative View

Nikos Toskas, the Greek government minister responsible for public order and civil protection, referred to "significant signs" of arson as authorities investigate one of the country's deadliest outbreaks in history

Conspiracy Theories Surrounding The Cause Of The California Fires: Laser Weapons, UFO Crashes And The Illuminati - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theories Surrounding The Cause Of The California Fires: Laser Weapons, UFO Crashes And The Illuminati - Alternative View

The state of California in the western United States is still in the grip of the strongest forest fires in its history, which rage immediately in the north and south of the state. Fires in California forests were noticed in the summer of 2018, but then they were able to localize

The Influence Of The Media On The Development Of Child Aggression - Alternative View

The Influence Of The Media On The Development Of Child Aggression - Alternative View

Recently, psychologists have more often had to deal with very distorted behavior of children. On the one hand, stiffness and underdevelopment of speech. On the other hand - strong aggressiveness and off-scale demonstrativeness. Such a child is embarrassed to answer the question, but at the same time he is not afraid to grimace in front of other people's adults

About The Situation In Which We Are All - Alternative View

About The Situation In Which We Are All - Alternative View

When you begin to deeply study any sphere of modern life that is significant for society, you very soon come to the understanding that extremely destructive processes are often hidden behind outwardly dry and even positive formulations. This applies to almost everything:1

New Legal Situation - Alternative View

New Legal Situation - Alternative View

I spent a lot of time studying Runet on the subject: whether financial compensation was paid to Oliver Brown and his daughter by the Education Council of the city of Topeka for moral damage associated with the fact that they were segregated

The Expert Claims That It Is Not Lenin Who Lies In The Mausoleum - Alternative View

The Expert Claims That It Is Not Lenin Who Lies In The Mausoleum - Alternative View

We all know that on Red Square in the Mausoleum lies the body of the creator of the world's first socialist state of the USSR - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Ulyanov)

How The Moscow Authorities Monitor The Movements Of Citizens (and How Much Does It Cost) - Alternative View

How The Moscow Authorities Monitor The Movements Of Citizens (and How Much Does It Cost) - Alternative View

It has long been believed that our smartphones record everything that happens around them and pass it on to third parties who can use the data obtained for targeted advertising

A Flying Saucer Was Discovered At A Secret NASA Military Laboratory - Alternative View

A Flying Saucer Was Discovered At A Secret NASA Military Laboratory - Alternative View

A Youtube user named name shame discovered a flying saucer on a Google Earth map at a secret base near Pasadena, USA (see video below)

Secret Laboratories: Why Is The United States Turning Ukraine Into A Biological Bomb? - Alternative View

Secret Laboratories: Why Is The United States Turning Ukraine Into A Biological Bomb? - Alternative View

Over the past 12 years, the news that the United States is expanding the network of military biological laboratories in the former republics of the USSR, thus surrounding Russia, has caused great attention and fears among the public in the post-Soviet space and not only there, write

Climate Weapons Used Against Russia? - Alternative View

Climate Weapons Used Against Russia? - Alternative View

The unprecedented heat in Central Russia, which is observed this year, forces scientists to intensively search for the causes of the unique phenomenon

The HAARP Antenna Complex In Alaska: What It Really Is And How It Threatens Russia - Alternative View

The HAARP Antenna Complex In Alaska: What It Really Is And How It Threatens Russia - Alternative View

There are many speculations about what actually is the HAARP antenna complex in Alaska, owned by the US armed forces. Writers and journalists for the most part are inclined to the version of a climate weapon designed to cause droughts and hurricanes in Russia