Conspiracy theories 2024, September

Bulk - An Ordinary Provocateur Of The Russian Special Services - Alternative View

Bulk - An Ordinary Provocateur Of The Russian Special Services - Alternative View

After Alexander Sotnik's interview with the former coordinator of Alexey Navalny's headquarters, Vitaly Serukanov, who left Navalny's headquarters for reasons of principle, much or everything that I had been talking about for many years became obvious

How To Cheat In A Store: 9 Classic Salesperson Tricks - Alternative View

How To Cheat In A Store: 9 Classic Salesperson Tricks - Alternative View

We need food every day: we are all consumers and most of us regularly make purchases in retail chains

Cyborg Snails: New Israeli Spies - Alternative View

Cyborg Snails: New Israeli Spies - Alternative View

Israeli and American scientists are experimenting with various insects with the aim of using them for intelligence purposes in future military conflicts, writes Francesco Battistini on the website of the Corriere della Sera newspaper

The Biggest Prison Is Inside Our Consciousness - Alternative View

The Biggest Prison Is Inside Our Consciousness - Alternative View

The parasitic satanic force, which has seized power over the consciousness of people, has built a vicious pyramid of power on our planet and came up with the "rules of the game" according to which ordinary people should hump their whole lives, dragging out a miserable existence for the sake of a secure life of social parasites from the world "elite" located on the upper levels of this pyramid

Digital Slavery Is On The Way - Alternative View

Digital Slavery Is On The Way - Alternative View

INN, biometrics, Big Data, chips, artificial intelligence, digitalization of everything and everyone … There are various horror stories about digital slavery or a concentration camp, as some say. Many are frightened by the prospect that the most severe methods can be used, up to and including the removal of children from families. W

Information War Against Russia Or Another View Of The History Of Russia. - Alternative View

Information War Against Russia Or Another View Of The History Of Russia. - Alternative View

The attraction for the ears of the Dagestanis is somewhat jarring, it is a little annoying that the author did not go to the end and did not put the main lover of "informational warfare" instead of the word "west", and so the material is interesting and quite easily verified - recommend

How Society Is Governed Bypassing People's Consciousness - Alternative View

How Society Is Governed Bypassing People's Consciousness - Alternative View

The era of the "Great Combinator"Modern living conditions can be called the time of the "great combinator". And although on every corner we do not find monuments to the hero of the novel "The Twelve Chairs" Ostap Bender, but it is his work and his life principles that dominate today in many social spheres

Obstetric Industry - Conveyor Of Murders And Extraction Of "abortion Material" - Alternative View

Obstetric Industry - Conveyor Of Murders And Extraction Of "abortion Material" - Alternative View

Planned Parenthood, America's largest abortion dealer, not only kills babies, but also sells body parts. This is the result of a large-scale study of young defenders of life in the United States.Women, they look at you exclusively as material

Who Killed Robert F. Kennedy? - Alternative View

Who Killed Robert F. Kennedy? - Alternative View

For decades, Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan claimed to have no memory of the night in June 1968 when he shot Robert Kennedy in a Los Angeles hotel

"Accidental" Murders Of Non-random People - Alternative View

"Accidental" Murders Of Non-random People - Alternative View

A huge, hulking truck seemed to inadvertently block the street just in front of the car in which the President of Mubanda was driving. I had to stop. The downpour had just finished and the air was heavy

I Walked Through The Supermarket And Saw The Action - Alternative View

I Walked Through The Supermarket And Saw The Action - Alternative View

I was walking through the supermarket and saw a promotion, two bottles of Coca-Cola for the price of one. And then an insider dawned on me, with which I tear the ass of many present. All people who strive for success, money and status are naibali

The Largest Grocery Chains In The Russian Federation Are In The Hands Of Foreign Companies - Alternative View

The Largest Grocery Chains In The Russian Federation Are In The Hands Of Foreign Companies - Alternative View

People's grocery stores in Russia, which are within walking distance, "Pyaterochka", "Kopeyka", "Narodny", etc. are owned by … foreign companies.Perhaps this information will give a new look at why prices are rising, why supermarkets do not support the Russian manufacturer, why small retail grocery stores are being destroyed everywhere and where money is going

Who Decided To Make Us Alcoholics? - Alternative View

Who Decided To Make Us Alcoholics? - Alternative View

Maybe I don't understand something, but why did the beer advertisement appear on the TV again? First, videos with non-alcoholic counterparts of well-known brands came out, and just a couple of months ago already real beer

New National Strategy Of The United States - Alternative View

New National Strategy Of The United States - Alternative View

The conventional wisdom is that the United States has had no national strategy since the end of the Cold War. A higher-order strategy describes the image of the world that one seeks to establish and that all governments must respect

Blue Ray Project - Alternative View

Blue Ray Project - Alternative View

I first came across the idea of the Bluebeam project in 1995 in Norio Nakayawa's book UFOs - The big deception and the coming of the New World Order "

CERN Creates An Antimatter Bomb - Alternative View

CERN Creates An Antimatter Bomb - Alternative View

Like the parents of a newborn child preparing for its first ride in a car, physicists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) take every precaution in preparation for the first transport of their anti-mate

All Residents Of Russia Will Be Included In A Single Database - Alternative View

All Residents Of Russia Will Be Included In A Single Database - Alternative View

On Tuesday, September 17, the "people's deputies" almost unanimously (with the exception of the Communist Party faction that sabotaged the vote) adopted draft laws in the first reading that bring the digital economy lobbyists closer to the dream recently voiced by Deputy Prime Minister Maxim Akimov: "Control (of the people) from the first breath to the grave

Our Smartphones "eavesdrop" On Us In Order To Distribute Advertising: How Can This Be Checked - Alternative View

Our Smartphones "eavesdrop" On Us In Order To Distribute Advertising: How Can This Be Checked - Alternative View

Smartphones eavesdrop on our conversations for advertising purposes, and this is no secret to anyone. Each of us noticed that after mentioning any items or services near the phone, after some time their advertisement appeared in Google and other search engines

Sheldon's List Mystery - Alternative View

Sheldon's List Mystery - Alternative View

Famous scientists who have studied the problem of extraterrestrial intelligence die under mysterious circumstances. Some ufologists believe that this is how the aggression of "people in black" is manifested. If you are more or less interested in UFO topics, then, of course, you know about these mysterious "men in black"

How Do Artifacts That Do Not Fit Into The Official History Disappear And Who Needs It? - Alternative View

How Do Artifacts That Do Not Fit Into The Official History Disappear And Who Needs It? - Alternative View

Anyone who follows the archeology and various finds, as well as what happens in the future with the artifacts, should know that most of them disappear.I don't really see the point in giving many examples, since this is almost every first artifact that is inconvenient for historians

The Role Of Religion In The Formation Of The State, Paganism, Russia, The Concept Of Christianity, Relations With Byzantium - Alternative View

The Role Of Religion In The Formation Of The State, Paganism, Russia, The Concept Of Christianity, Relations With Byzantium - Alternative View

The role of religion in the formation of the state is always direct and basic. Religion is always a definite ideology and a system of government emanating from it. And any group, collective, society, state as a system of people management, unites on specific ideas-goals

The Myth Of Christ Served Them Well - Alternative View

The Myth Of Christ Served Them Well - Alternative View

Christianity, Islam and Judaism are the weapons of parasites for the enslavement of all peoples.The entire Bible is woven from stolen pagan allegories that existed long before its appearance. A gang of "chosen ones" perverted all this in order to limit access to knowledge and use it to enslave all peoples …-

Edward Snowden: Coronavirus Will Pass, But Total Surveillance Will Remain - Alternative View

Edward Snowden: Coronavirus Will Pass, But Total Surveillance Will Remain - Alternative View

Former CIA and NSA agent Edward Snowden believes that the "temporary" tough measures taken by the governments of many countries under the pretext of limiting the spread of coronavirus may become permanent. One of these measures was, in particular, the US government's proposed tracking of the movements of citizens in order to monitor the spread of the coronavirus (a similar Government Decree was signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin at the end of March)

The American Company Presented A Prototype Of The Brain For SkyNet - Alternative View

The American Company Presented A Prototype Of The Brain For SkyNet - Alternative View

Cerebras Systems, a young artificial intelligence company, is ready to show the world the Cerebras WSE (Cerebras Wafer Scale Engine) - the largest, most powerful and smartest semiconductor chip in history.Cerebras WSE has 1.2 trillion transistors, basic electronic switches, which are the building blocks of silicon chips

Overtone Window - A Technology For Dehumanizing People - Alternative View

Overtone Window - A Technology For Dehumanizing People - Alternative View

Everyone is obliged to know the mechanism of the human consciousness.Joseph Overton.- Salik.bizSo:Joseph P. Overton (1960-2003), senior vice president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. Killed in a plane crash. He formulated a model for changing the perception of a problem in public opinion, posthumously named the Overton Window

A Hundred Years Ago, The US Federal Reserve Was Created By Russian And Chinese Capitals - - Alternative View

A Hundred Years Ago, The US Federal Reserve Was Created By Russian And Chinese Capitals - - Alternative View

The time has come to pay the debts … For over a hundred years Russia has been waging an undeclared war. War against the world's financial clans. For a complete and final victory, all methods are used against us: bribery, blackmail, murder

France Blames Pesticides For Giving Birth To Children With Deformities - Alternative View

France Blames Pesticides For Giving Birth To Children With Deformities - Alternative View

Over the past 15 years, 25 babies were born with missing arms in three regions of France (Brittany, Ene and Loire-Atlantique)

Rebellious Consumer. The Working Class And The Culture Of A Consumer Society. Part 2 - Alternative View

Rebellious Consumer. The Working Class And The Culture Of A Consumer Society. Part 2 - Alternative View

So, in the previous part of the article, we found out that the structure of modern society and the economic mechanisms functioning in it contribute to the formation of certain psychological characteristics in a significant part of the people of such a society

On The Hook Of The Consumer Society - Alternative View

On The Hook Of The Consumer Society - Alternative View

According to research, our contemporaries, on average, have higher purchasing power than their predecessors, who lived half a century ago and earlier. Despite this, fewer people can call themselves quite happy

A Signal Is Heard All Over The Earth On Short Waves. Is The Martian Invasion Beginning? - Alternative View

A Signal Is Heard All Over The Earth On Short Waves. Is The Martian Invasion Beginning? - Alternative View

On the morning of February 28, radio amateurs from all over the world, with great surprise, discovered a very strange 7.220 MHz radio signal clogging up the entire radio signal at short waves, the bandwidth is about 10 kHz:TUNER number 1- Salik

If The US Strikes At The Russians In Syria, America Will Be Hit By UFOs - Alternative View

If The US Strikes At The Russians In Syria, America Will Be Hit By UFOs - Alternative View

Since about the middle of last year, people around the world periodically report strange `` explosions in the sky '' for which there is no explanation. Local authorities blame everything on `` fighter flights '' breaking the sound barrier, but people are not idiots

The Nation Is Playing - Alternative View

The Nation Is Playing - Alternative View

“I don’t know”, “genial” and “through-chyur” - perhaps this is the way we will see words in newspapers in five years, when the current first-year students of the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University receive their diplomas. Such phenomen

Captain Kay Lived On Mars For 15 Years, Protecting Five Human Colonies - Alternative View

Captain Kay Lived On Mars For 15 Years, Protecting Five Human Colonies - Alternative View

According to the official chronicle of modern history, all the cosmic achievements of mankind are reduced to a visit to the moon. Not a single person in modern history has visited Mars or other planets in the solar system. However, the mysterious Captain Kay appears and says suspicious things: I lived on Mars for 15 years, guarding human colonies from Martian life forms

The Martian Panorama, Taken By The Curiosity Rover, Was Suspected Of Being Forged - Alternative View

The Martian Panorama, Taken By The Curiosity Rover, Was Suspected Of Being Forged - Alternative View

The US National Space Agency has released a video of a panorama allegedly taken recently by a rover of the Mars Science Laboratory

Will The Universe End In The Big Rip? - Alternative View

Will The Universe End In The Big Rip? - Alternative View

In space that has size, you can move back and forth, but time space is different. Time is irreversible

Bribery Accounts Of The Vatican For 6 Thousand So-called Leaders Of The World Elite, Closed - Alternative View

Bribery Accounts Of The Vatican For 6 Thousand So-called Leaders Of The World Elite, Closed - Alternative View

According to insiders from both Eastern and Western secret societies, the world is currently heading towards some grand change, thanks to an ongoing coup against the secret world government of the West

Rosetta Destroyed About The "alien Base": Covering Up Their Tracks? .. - Alternative View

Rosetta Destroyed About The "alien Base": Covering Up Their Tracks? .. - Alternative View

Perhaps the station became "inconvenient"? .. The Rosetta mission lasted for 12 long years. The station worked hard, transmitting a lot of useful data to Earth. For ten years, she approached the main goal of her appointment - comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko and

Is The Rosetta Module Making Contact With Alien Intelligence? - Alternative View

Is The Rosetta Module Making Contact With Alien Intelligence? - Alternative View

Last week, ESA successfully landed the Philae research module of the Rosetta mission on a comet. Such a heroic feat was performed for the first time in the history of mankind

The Release Of The AllatRa TV Program Stirred Up The Entire Internet - Alternative View

The Release Of The AllatRa TV Program Stirred Up The Entire Internet - Alternative View

A very strange moment happened during an online program created by the so-called New Age movement known as AllatRa

Reptile Invasion, The Last Stage Of The New World Order - Alternative View

Reptile Invasion, The Last Stage Of The New World Order - Alternative View

Are we witnessing the final phase of the New World Order after the reptilian invasion? About five thousand five hundred years ago, our cosmic memory (the core of consciousness) was cleaned up by reptiles