Conspiracy theories 2024, September

People - Biorobots - Alternative View

People - Biorobots - Alternative View

A person does not believe in a wider reality just because he is unable to perceive it. Therefore, we can say that inveterate skeptics have the most “slagged” and “programmed” consciousness with well-known dogmas and generally accepted delusions. And thi

How A Biorobot Is Formed - Circumcision - Alternative View

How A Biorobot Is Formed - Circumcision - Alternative View

What is circumcision? Why are Jews circumcised on the 8th birthday? Why exactly 8, and not 5, not the hundredth, not the thousandth?

Am I A Biorobot? Methods Of Hacking Your Own Consciousness - Alternative View

Am I A Biorobot? Methods Of Hacking Your Own Consciousness - Alternative View

“Who am I?” - this question worried mankind for many thousands of years ago, and there are still heated debates about this in the ranks of scientists, biologists, psychologists, theologians and other specialists … So, what do we have today?

Only About 5-10% Of People Live On Earth, The Rest - Biorobots - Alternative View

Only About 5-10% Of People Live On Earth, The Rest - Biorobots - Alternative View

Robots don't think or feel! They count and mimic! I have been going to write this article for a long time and, in general, I wrote it for a long time, I practically collected it piece by piece (although not all the puzzles are still formed) There were big doubts about whether to publish it

Destroyed History - Alternative View

Destroyed History - Alternative View

Over the millennia, someone diligently rid mankind of the accumulated knowledge, destroying everything that, at least indirectly, could show people the path of true development - the path that can be traversed only by improving their own strengths and consciousness

The Chief Exorcist Of The Holy See Believes That Satan Is In Control Of The Vatican - - Alternative View

The Chief Exorcist Of The Holy See Believes That Satan Is In Control Of The Vatican - - Alternative View

85-year-old father Gabriele Amort, who has been the chief exorcist of the Vatican for 25 years, said that the devil has settled in the holy places

Alien Conspiracy? - Alternative View

Alien Conspiracy? - Alternative View

Over the past 50 years, the governments of the world's leading countries have been hiding the fact of an alien presence on Earth

Fairy Tales Turned Out To Be Much Older Than Previously Thought - Alternative View

Fairy Tales Turned Out To Be Much Older Than Previously Thought - Alternative View

Dr. Jamie Terani - specialist in cultural anthropology from the British University of Durham - studied 35 versions of the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood", found in a variety of cultures around the globe

The Reverse Side Of The Internet: Humanity Under The Control Of - Alternative View

The Reverse Side Of The Internet: Humanity Under The Control Of - Alternative View

The World Wide Web connects hundreds of millions of computers to each other and enables people around the world to communicate with each other for commercial, educational, scientific, political, military, criminal and other purposes, and most often just for fun

What Ruined Haiti? (Part 2) - Alternative View

What Ruined Haiti? (Part 2) - Alternative View

On January 20, news agencies reported that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has accused the United States of testing tectonic weapons near Haiti. Chavez said the US "orchestrated" this terrible earthquake. But is this possible

The Earthquake In Haiti Is The Result Of A Test Of The Secret Weapon Of The United States - Alternative View

The Earthquake In Haiti Is The Result Of A Test Of The Secret Weapon Of The United States - Alternative View

Smells bad in Haiti. And it's not just the smell of decaying corpses or buildings destroyed by the terrible earthquake that struck the country last week

The Magicians Did The Revolution? - Alternative View

The Magicians Did The Revolution? - Alternative View

November 7, 2009 (October 25, old style) marks exactly 92 years since the Great October Socialist Revolution. There are many blank spots in her story

What Ruined Haiti? (Part 1) - Alternative View

What Ruined Haiti? (Part 1) - Alternative View

On January 12, 2010 at 16 hours 53 minutes, the largest earthquake of magnitude 7 in the past 200 years in a matter of minutes killed, according to various estimates, from 200 to 300 thousand people

The Most Global Conspiracy - Alternative View

The Most Global Conspiracy - Alternative View

On January 8, 1932, Robert Anton Wilson was born - author of the trilogy "Illuminatus!" and the creator of quantum psychology, he was an established expert on conspiracy theory. Probably knew everything about conspiracies

Conspiracy Theory And Practice: A Tinfoil Hat Does Not Help - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theory And Practice: A Tinfoil Hat Does Not Help - Alternative View

Among a certain kind of people, a tin foil hat is considered an ideal means of protection against the zombie effects of secret satellites to control people. However, a study by a group of witty MIT students belies its effectiveness

Elvis Was Seen On His 85th Birthday! - Alternative View

Elvis Was Seen On His 85th Birthday! - Alternative View

After much thought, the truth can finally be told: Not only did Elvis Presley fake his death in 1977, he is still alive today (at the age of 85) - and we have a photo to prove it!An amateur black and white photo was taken by a tourist on November 4, 2019

5G Networks Are Killing Rats And Mice - Alternative View

5G Networks Are Killing Rats And Mice - Alternative View

A strange phenomenon of mass suicide of rats and mice occurs in the city of Hommerz, Holland. Photos taken by local residents show dozens of dead rodents scattered along the sidewalks.So, only on Monday, June 24, 2019, 351 dead animals were found in one of the city's aqueducts

The State Duma Passed A Bill That Gives The Green Light To The Genetic Certification Of Russians - Alternative View

The State Duma Passed A Bill That Gives The Green Light To The Genetic Certification Of Russians - Alternative View

Our “people's representatives”, instead of their direct responsibility - to improve the quality of life of citizens - continue to adopt very strange laws, very similar to the elements of the doctrine of liberal globalists. After the March Presidential Decree on "the implementation of genetic certification and the formation of the genetic profile of the population," the State Duma on October 22 in the first reading adopted amendments to 152-FZ "On personal data", which provide a

How And Why Were We Lured To Megacities? - Alternative View

How And Why Were We Lured To Megacities? - Alternative View

Creation of cities-megalopolises - this is part of a single plan developed by certain forces for the self-destruction of mankind, and it will be achieved as a result of a complete deformation of people's consciousness

Schumann Resonance - Is This A Weapon? - Alternative View

Schumann Resonance - Is This A Weapon? - Alternative View

Since the discovery by Winfried Schumann of standing electromagnetic waves between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere, that is, somewhere since 1952, there has been a long debate in the scientific and even completely unscientific press about the reason for the appearance of these waves, about their influence on the lithosphere, the atmosphere , biosphere and so on

Who Prevents Us From Becoming Immortal Naked Mole Rats? - Alternative View

Who Prevents Us From Becoming Immortal Naked Mole Rats? - Alternative View

Most global conspiracy theories are based on the assumption that there is a small community of initiates who control all processes behind the scenes of world civilization

"Anti-aging Pills" Lie Of Pharmacists - Alternative View

"Anti-aging Pills" Lie Of Pharmacists - Alternative View

Telomeres (nucleotide sequences that protect the ends of chromosomes from degradation) are associated with aging, as they contract with each cell division

Russians Are Convinced Of The Existence Of A Conspiracy Against Russia - Alternative View

Russians Are Convinced Of The Existence Of A Conspiracy Against Russia - Alternative View

According to the survey, about two-thirds of Russians really believe that there is a certain group of people that was specially created in order to rewrite history and undermine existing spiritual values

Fake Photographs Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

Fake Photographs Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

There are a lot of Photoshop in these shots, I give these for a start. The falsification of the filming of the Dyatlovites begins on 01/27/1959. This date means that the hidden events began to occur in the 41st quarter of the village. Although they were killed in the abandoned village of the 2nd Northern Mine - there is simply no place more conveniently

One Of The Most Influential US Tycoons Is Behind Child Abandonment Propaganda - Alternative View

One Of The Most Influential US Tycoons Is Behind Child Abandonment Propaganda - Alternative View

The world media is actively promoting the concept that the richest countries should completely abandon childbearing in order to save the planet. Behind what sounds like the crazy ravings of a conspiracy theorist, looms the figure of a particular puppeteer - one of the most odious US oligarchs with phenomenal influence

Ultrasound - Voluntary Paid Mutation - Reckoning In 15-20 Years - Alternative View

Ultrasound - Voluntary Paid Mutation - Reckoning In 15-20 Years - Alternative View

In our country, ultrasound appeared with the destruction of the control system for protecting the population from equipment that destroys health, in 1993. The main achievements of ultrasound: ease of maintenance and commercial profit - broke all the "old-regime" barriers to the introduction of this "useful" technique

10 Conspiracy Theories About The Decrease In The Population Of The Earth - Alternative View

10 Conspiracy Theories About The Decrease In The Population Of The Earth - Alternative View

Conspiracy theories regarding the extermination of the world's population are associated with the assumption that there is some kind of plan to reduce the population of our planet

Why Did The American Company Implant Microchips In Its Employees - Alternative View

Why Did The American Company Implant Microchips In Its Employees - Alternative View

In Wisconsin, vending machine company Three Square Market implanted microchips into the hands of its employees. In total, 40 out of 85 employees agreed to implement the chips

Why Are Villages Being Killed? - Alternative View

Why Are Villages Being Killed? - Alternative View

Murder by optimization It so happened that when I say "optimization" I immediately have an almost subconscious question: what else are they going to take away from people? And, I must say, I have never been wrong, to my horror

The United States Is Developing A Technology That Creates Voices In The Head Of The Victim - Alternative View

The United States Is Developing A Technology That Creates Voices In The Head Of The Victim - Alternative View

The declassified US Army document "Bioeffects of Certain Non-Lethal Weapons" describes several technologies that have been developed by the military to "non-lethal" defeat enemy forces

The Most Relevant Cryptocurrency Will Soon Be Canned Food - Alternative View

The Most Relevant Cryptocurrency Will Soon Be Canned Food - Alternative View China is actively hiding information about what is happening in the country now, and the data on the development of the epidemic in the world are still contradictory. However, it is already possible to say directly and for sure: the economic Armageddon has begun

Facebook Records Your Lip Movements And Many Other Information - Alternative View

Facebook Records Your Lip Movements And Many Other Information - Alternative View

In response to an inquiry from the US Congress following the April Cambridge Analytica scandal, Facebook revealed all of its methods of collecting information about social network users. To do this, it was required to compose a document of 222 pages

Why Is Mass Digitalization Dangerous? - Alternative View

Why Is Mass Digitalization Dangerous? - Alternative View

Digitalization, biometrics law, translation of all documents into digital, why is it so dangerousThe most simple explanation for those who have not figured it out yet.- Salik.bizWe will not delve deeply into the text of the law on biometrics, we take the very essence: from all Russians, regardless of where they work (this is important

What Is The Danger Of Biometrics, Laser Marking - "tracing", Chipization? - Alternative View

What Is The Danger Of Biometrics, Laser Marking - "tracing", Chipization? - Alternative View

Analyzing the information posted on the Internet on the topic of planting an electronic concentration camp in Russia and the World, the first conclusion that can be drawn is that the LABEL - "DRAWING" WHEN REMOVING THE BIOMETRY IS ALREADY STANDING

That Is Not The Power That Is Not From God - Alternative View

That Is Not The Power That Is Not From God - Alternative View

Legal and spiritual manual for those who do not want to become slaves of the world electronic state.Promotional video:Why are we being depersonalizedThe ideas of a digital society are spreading more and more in the world. A common man in the street perceives what is happening as "scientific and technological progress

Soon, Schools In Russia Will Be The Same As In China. In Schools, The Regime Is Like A Secret Facility - Alternative View

Soon, Schools In Russia Will Be The Same As In China. In Schools, The Regime Is Like A Secret Facility - Alternative View

There are face scanning systems at the entrance to schools and factories. The child goes through such a frame and an SMS is sent to the parents that he came to school.After leaving school, parents receive an SMS about what time the child left school

How Many People Should Work - Alternative View

How Many People Should Work - Alternative View

Over the past century and a half of human history, the power supply and production efficiency have grown by orders of magnitude, and the population of the Earth is only seven times higher. Such significant changes in the field of engineering and technology are caused by:- as a transition from the use in the production of mainly the muscular strength of humans and animals to the use of technogenic energy;- Salik

Internet Access In China Will Be Available Only After The Passage Of The Facial Recognition System - Alternative View

Internet Access In China Will Be Available Only After The Passage Of The Facial Recognition System - Alternative View

The Chinese government continues its Orwellian practice by announcing that from now on, all citizens wishing to access the Internet will have to go through a facial recognition system.All of this is part of China's social credit system, the new rule of which will take effect on December 1

Selfish Reasons For The Inhibition Of Alternative Energy - Alternative View

Selfish Reasons For The Inhibition Of Alternative Energy - Alternative View

The energy industry around the world is undergoing revolutionary changes. The world's leading countries are increasing their share of energy from renewable sources. Russia was delayed at the start, however, a national project to create a new energy sector is already being implemented today

Fuel-free Energy Technologies And Their Fate - Alternative View

Fuel-free Energy Technologies And Their Fate - Alternative View

Based on a deep analysis of the current political and economic situation in the world, the author concludes that it is necessary to immediately lift the ban on non-fuel energy technologies, which were deliberately destroyed in the foreseeable past