Conspiracy theories 2024, September

Phones From Google And Samsung Are Tracking You - Alternative View

Phones From Google And Samsung Are Tracking You - Alternative View

It's no secret that phones and Google accounts collect and store passwords, browser histories and the tracks of your movements. Some of this can be turned off, something on the conscience of manufacturers of phones and operating systems.But here we are talking about …-

On The Question Of Your Car, Gasoline Prices And Various Collusions, Which, As You Know, Do Not Exist - Alternative View

On The Question Of Your Car, Gasoline Prices And Various Collusions, Which, As You Know, Do Not Exist - Alternative View

Christianity, Islam, and as I increasingly assert, any current divine participation was created to put civilization on a material and technological track. The basis was the production of energy from non-renewable sources - oil, naz, firewood, etc

Why Glue The Camera And Microphone? - Alternative View

Why Glue The Camera And Microphone? - Alternative View

Nothing is absolutely safe on the Internet, and therefore everyone who goes online needs to know and follow the rules of digital hygiene. Roskachestvo has enlisted the support of cybersecurity experts and are ready to declare: it is necessary to glue the laptop camera and microphone, and in the age of digital crimes, this is just as important as closing the front door

Majestic-12: The Main Secret Of The XX Century - Alternative View

Majestic-12: The Main Secret Of The XX Century - Alternative View

In the history of the twentieth century, there were several sensational, but at the same time, secret operations that shook the world. One of these operations was called Majestic-12. It all started in 1947

For Every "fireman" - Alternative View

For Every "fireman" - Alternative View

At the beginning of the new, 21st century, Russian President Vladimir Putin became a frequent guest at the South Ural ski resort "Abzakovo", located about 60 km from Magnitogorsk

Satellite Internet Starlink In Russia May Be Banned - Alternative View

Satellite Internet Starlink In Russia May Be Banned - Alternative View

In late May, SpaceX successfully launched 60 Starlink satellites into Earth orbit, which are designed to create a globally accessible Internet. For its full-fledged operation, it is planned to use about 12,000 satellites, however, for the initial stage of work, a thousand devices will be enough, therefore it is believed that the launch of Starlink will take place in 2020

New ID From Microsoft And Mastercard. It Will Be Global - Alternative View

New ID From Microsoft And Mastercard. It Will Be Global - Alternative View

On December 3, 2018, the two largest global companies Mastercard and Microsoft published the following joint press release on the Mastercard website: “Currently, verifying your identity online still depends on

Microsoft Is Moving All Important Data To Svalbard - Alternative View

Microsoft Is Moving All Important Data To Svalbard - Alternative View

In 2008, in Norway, on the island of Spitsbergen, the so-called World Seed Vault (Svalbard Globale frøhvelv) was opened with great worldwide fanfare - a tunnel dug at a depth of 130 meters, where samples of seeds of major crops are safely stored

Do I Need To Ask Permission When Taking Biometric Data? - Alternative View

Do I Need To Ask Permission When Taking Biometric Data? - Alternative View

There is a pitfall in taking biometric data that everyone overlooks, because they do not think conceptually at the minus second level of understanding. Zero is when People say “Yes, it worries us,” but this is inevitable. On the first minus, people understand that this digitization will lead to complete power over a person by the state, and a deeper understanding leads us to the fact that there are no states. the

Protecting Yourself And Children From Information Threats In The Cyber Environment - Alternative View

Protecting Yourself And Children From Information Threats In The Cyber Environment - Alternative View

When analyzing the causes of negative social phenomena in Russian society and ways to overcome them, it is extremely important to take into account the historically formed cultural code of the Russian person. By nature, a Russian person is a kind person, acutely and sensitively perceiving evil, negative manifestations and challenges, primarily on an intuitive level

About Orthodox Religions - Alternative View

About Orthodox Religions - Alternative View

Already many independent researchers have come to the conclusion that all the troubles of today's mankind, including social injustice, the parasitism of predators-consumers and base degradation inclinations, have in their origins not "human nature", but the result of interference in our history of parasitic satanic " external force "

Where Is The World Control Panel Located? - Alternative View

Where Is The World Control Panel Located? - Alternative View

On May 16, 2019, the US Department of Commerce added the Chinese corporation Huawei and 70 of its branches to its blacklist of sanctions, after which Google solemnly announced that it was terminating cooperation with this office. From now on, Huawei gadgets will no longer receive Android updates, and the next generations of the company's smartphones will not have access to Google services at all

Half Of Americans Believe In The Medical Conspiracy Theory - Alternative View

Half Of Americans Believe In The Medical Conspiracy Theory - Alternative View

About half of Americans believe in at least one of the medical conspiracy theories that have emerged over the past 50 years, according to a study by researchers at the University of Chicago

Autism Is Caused By Vaccinations Against Mumps, Measles And Rubella - Alternative View

Autism Is Caused By Vaccinations Against Mumps, Measles And Rubella - Alternative View

Two significant events - defeat of the American government in the next "vaccine" trial and the emergence of new scientific data - confirmed that Andrew Wakefield, physician, scientist and director of Autism Media Channel [AMC], as well as parents of autistic patients

Anti-vaccine Moods In Poland - Alternative View

Anti-vaccine Moods In Poland - Alternative View

The flu shot season begins in a tense atmosphere. Never before have anti-vaccination sentiments been so strong in Poland, the medical arguments in this discussion are accompanied by religious, environmental, and sometimes political motives

A Carcinogen That Causes Cancer Was Found In Popular Pressure Pills - Alternative View

A Carcinogen That Causes Cancer Was Found In Popular Pressure Pills - Alternative View

British Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) issues warning on pills for high blood pressure

It Is Not Surprising That Bill Gates And The Elite Do Not Vaccinate Their Children - Alternative View

It Is Not Surprising That Bill Gates And The Elite Do Not Vaccinate Their Children - Alternative View

Bill Gates' former personal physician in Seattle in the 1990s, stated that the founder of Microsoft, a developer and the proponent of vaccination "refused to vaccinate his children"

USA Tested New Drugs On Indians As On Animals - Alternative View

USA Tested New Drugs On Indians As On Animals - Alternative View

Western pharmaceutical companies "colonized" India. As it turned out, it is in this country that most of the new drugs and vaccines are being tested. Wanting to make money, Indians willingly risk their health

Men In Black Are Becoming A Global Phenomenon - Alternative View

Men In Black Are Becoming A Global Phenomenon - Alternative View

There is one inexplicable phenomenon that is inextricably linked with UFOs - these are the mysterious "men in black"

About The Shape Of Our Dome And Atmospheric Pressure - Alternative View

About The Shape Of Our Dome And Atmospheric Pressure - Alternative View

They just wrote on the network that an absolute minimum of atmospheric pressure was recorded in Moscow. I ask my usual question - why? Not explained, just stated. I look in directories

How To Squeeze The Planet Away From The Natives Without Any Extra Effort? - Alternative View

How To Squeeze The Planet Away From The Natives Without Any Extra Effort? - Alternative View

A few days ago, for the first time in history, US law enforcement agencies used a robotic dog in live mode - that is, not on test trials, but during the arrest of a suspect.Massachusetts State Police are currently testing Spot, a robot dog developed by Boston Dynamics

Researchers Accuse The US Authorities Of Experimenting With Climate Control - Alternative View

Researchers Accuse The US Authorities Of Experimenting With Climate Control - Alternative View

Satellite images from NASA show shocking evidence of climate engineering around the world. The photos below were taken from NASA satellites and are really alarming

Slaughter Composition Of Toothpastes - Alternative View

Slaughter Composition Of Toothpastes - Alternative View

Amazing and poisonous ingredients of toothpastes:1. Sorbitol, a liquid that prevents the paste from drying out, is a laxative and can cause diarrhea in children.- Salik.biz2. And what is the well-known triclosan? Many have heard. It's even advertised

Great Fluoride Plot - Alternative View

Great Fluoride Plot - Alternative View

How often do you brush your teeth? Most likely once or twice a day. How often have you thought about what substances are in the toothpaste that you use day after day, month after month? Probably the same as me - never

Is The Hubble Telescope Another NASA Fake? - Alternative View

Is The Hubble Telescope Another NASA Fake? - Alternative View

There is a video on the Internet with a translation of a radio interview with American professor Robert Bazal, in which he talks about how he talked with the deputy head of the Hubble mission by phone, posing as a student at one of the universities

Why Is Gasoline Getting More Expensive? Media Lies And The True Cost Of Fuel - Alternative View

Why Is Gasoline Getting More Expensive? Media Lies And The True Cost Of Fuel - Alternative View

Any increase in domestic fuel prices will inevitably lead to an increase in the cost of final products: food, electronics, clothing and animal feed, it does not matter

Does The FSB Really Require Keys From Yandex? - Alternative View

Does The FSB Really Require Keys From Yandex? - Alternative View

I am surprised to read the news that the FSB demands from Yandex to provide encryption keys to user correspondence. For many years, no one would even think to doubt that the special services have some difficulties in obtaining information from Yandex

You Are Under Surveillance! Your Search Engine Knows Even More About You Than Social Networks - Alternative View

You Are Under Surveillance! Your Search Engine Knows Even More About You Than Social Networks - Alternative View

Recently, public attention has been directed towards Facebook. The scandal associated with this social network concerns issues of protecting personal information and privacy of users. And there is every reason for mistrust on the part of users

Modern Frankenstein Technology - A Change In Human Genetics Is Already On The Verge Of - Alternative View

Modern Frankenstein Technology - A Change In Human Genetics Is Already On The Verge Of - Alternative View

Jonrappoport: The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has begun efforts to create a vaccine that will protect people against most strains of influenza, all at once, with a single shot

Large Hadron Collider - Is It An Artifact From Iraq? - Alternative View

Large Hadron Collider - Is It An Artifact From Iraq? - Alternative View

One of the most mysterious episodes of the US double war in Iraq (sample of 1991 and 2003) is the so-called `` Iraqi syndrome '' - a very strange disease affecting a relatively small percentage of American soldiers

"CERN Is Preparing A Planetary Catastrophe!", - Warns A Leading British Cosmologist - Alternative View

"CERN Is Preparing A Planetary Catastrophe!", - Warns A Leading British Cosmologist - Alternative View

Martin John Rees, respected British astronomer and cosmologist, made an unexpected and very bold statement

Secret Island With Nikola Tesla Technology Discovered? - Alternative View

Secret Island With Nikola Tesla Technology Discovered? - Alternative View

Researcher "Reverend Michelle Hopkins" (pseudonym) has made an amazing discovery. In the South Pacific, she discovered a point where powerful radiation emanates

The Pentagon Abandons Satellites And Switches To Balloons. Why? - Alternative View

The Pentagon Abandons Satellites And Switches To Balloons. Why? - Alternative View

According to documents filed with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the US military is conducting experiments to observe large areas in six Midwest states using experimental high-altitude balloons.Currently, up to 25 of these solar-powered unmanned probes are launched from rural South Dakota, and then drift 250 miles through Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin and Missouri, ending in central Illinois

The Term "gender" - A Clear Example Of Linguistic Weapons - Alternative View

The Term "gender" - A Clear Example Of Linguistic Weapons - Alternative View

In the process of public participation in the adoption of legislative decisions on the most pressing issues of family legislation, one should be most attentive to precisely those foreign terms that are being actively introduced into new laws today

Google Tried To Reveal The Secret Of Antarctica - Alternative View

Google Tried To Reveal The Secret Of Antarctica - Alternative View

Conspiracy theorists from the YouTube channel Conspiracy Depot believe that Google is giving users signs urging them to take a closer look at Antarctica. British The Independent drew attention to the "exposure" video

Financial Markets Operation: The Gold Scam Of The "Masters Of The Money" - Alternative View

Financial Markets Operation: The Gold Scam Of The "Masters Of The Money" - Alternative View

Serious financial market players know that understanding how these markets work is impossible without understanding what is happening and what may be happening with gold.- Salik.bizGold is the axis of the world financial systemThe axis of the world's financial markets is gold

Conspiracy Theory: Who Benefits From A Ban On ESP? - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theory: Who Benefits From A Ban On ESP? - Alternative View

Research and experiments of many modern scientists have unequivocally proved that extrasensory abilities are an innate property inherent in absolutely all people. For example, American scientists R. Targ and X

Shadow Of Knowledge. Part 8. Global Confusion - Alternative View

Shadow Of Knowledge. Part 8. Global Confusion - Alternative View

Part 1. Forward to scientific conspiracy theories. Part 2. Or back to pure Machiavellianism? Part 3. From Clausewitz to Stirlitz. Part 4. Trump as a trump symbol of the threat. Part 5. Threat to all threats. Part 6. Global spite of the day. Part 7

The Agony Of Civilization - Alternative View

The Agony Of Civilization - Alternative View

I would say that the attempt to create a thinking creature has failed nature.”Max Born, German physicist.We are investigating all the time. We are drowning in details, in particular manifestations of systemic defects. We are trying to achieve a positive solution to individual problems, which is, in principle, impossible within the existing system. T

The World's Population Is Gradually Being Replaced By Idiots? - Alternative View

The World's Population Is Gradually Being Replaced By Idiots? - Alternative View

Over the past decades, millions of moviegoers, in their comments on the releases of new TV series and films, regularly note the rapid degradation and even degeneration of modern cinema. And the situation with him is really very strange