Conspiracy theories 2024, September

The Orangutan, Who Mastered The IPad Best Of All, Was Found To Have A Cancerous Tumor - Alternative View

The Orangutan, Who Mastered The IPad Best Of All, Was Found To Have A Cancerous Tumor - Alternative View

A female orangutan named Peanuts from the Miami Zoo, known for her skillful use of the iPad, has a cancer

YouTube Began To Fight Against Conspiracy And "disinformation" Or Censorship On The Internet - Alternative View

YouTube Began To Fight Against Conspiracy And "disinformation" Or Censorship On The Internet - Alternative View

under the guise of fighting dangerous "challenges"Video hosting YouTube will reduce the distribution of videos created "on the verge of what is permissible." These are videos with conspiracy theories and so-called disinformation, created without actually deviating from the platform's rules, but close to breaking them

Child Molestation Technology Implemented On Youtube - Alternative View

Child Molestation Technology Implemented On Youtube - Alternative View

American video hosting teaches Russian teenagers with the revelations of pornstars and homosexualsWhile Russian officials at all levels are thinking about what to do with youth policy and why teenagers do not want to become qualified consumers according to the precepts of Minister Fursenko, but go to youth gangs such as AUE, "dear Western partners" are persistently engaged in reformatting our youth in the spirit of their "values

How I Got Acquainted With YouTube Trends - Alternative View

How I Got Acquainted With YouTube Trends - Alternative View

What happens if you do not independently make the choice of the viewed Internet content on the YouTube service, but entrust it to the "Recommendations" line? I am talking about my personal experience. The first 5 videos with the status “trending” were selected for viewing

NASA, Google Sky Map And Worldwide Telescope Are Hiding The &Ldquo; Great Red Dragon &Rdquo;? - Alternative View

NASA, Google Sky Map And Worldwide Telescope Are Hiding The &Ldquo; Great Red Dragon &Rdquo;? - Alternative View

Since 1983, as reported in the Washington Post on December 30, 1983, the world has learned about an unknown celestial object that was moving into our solar system

Google Censorship Reduces Traffic To Left-Oriented Sites - Alternative View

Google Censorship Reduces Traffic To Left-Oriented Sites - Alternative View

The American multinational corporation Google is engaged in hidden censorship on the Internet. This became known after the attendance of socialist and anti-war Internet resources plummeted & nbsp

Google: Doomsday Clock Now On! - Alternative View

Google: Doomsday Clock Now On! - Alternative View

Since the launch of the well-known Google Translate service, many conspiracy theorists have taken notice of the very ambiguous, sometimes, "translations" from Google

Elon Musk Believes He Was The Victim Of A Conspiracy Against Tesla - Alternative View

Elon Musk Believes He Was The Victim Of A Conspiracy Against Tesla - Alternative View

Tesla President Elon Musk is confident that a large-scale conspiracy has been organized against his company, in which the largest American media are involved

15 Places On The World Map That Even Google Hides - Alternative View

15 Places On The World Map That Even Google Hides - Alternative View

Google Maps is a very useful service that allows us to examine in detail any place on the map - and see not only a diagram, but also real images of buildings and terrain

Nothing Personal: You Are Being Followed On Social Media, And That's Okay - Alternative View

Nothing Personal: You Are Being Followed On Social Media, And That's Okay - Alternative View

The methods of political propaganda and advertising of toothpaste on the Internet are no differentThe US elections were held three years ago. But people are still excited by the idea that someone could analyze their information on social media and influence them with personalized ads

Do Satellite Incidents In Orbit Indicate An Imminent War In Space? - Alternative View

Do Satellite Incidents In Orbit Indicate An Imminent War In Space? - Alternative View

Anomalies associated with artificial satellites in Earth's orbit are occurring more and more often, which gave conspiracy theorists a reason to say that a war is imminent in outer space.At the end of March 2019, India announced that it had deliberately shot down its own satellite with a rocket

Elon Musk Is Preparing To Provide The World With Proof That Humanity Lives In The Matrix - Alternative View

Elon Musk Is Preparing To Provide The World With Proof That Humanity Lives In The Matrix - Alternative View

Interesting material flashed tonight on the insider site with floating news Above Top Secret: `` Two years ago, billionaire, entrepreneur, and space enthusiast Elon Musk made a loud statement that we all live in a video game or

Elon Musk Suggested That We Live In A Simulation Of The Universe - Alternative View

Elon Musk Suggested That We Live In A Simulation Of The Universe - Alternative View

The universe is 13.8 billion years old, so any civilizations that could have emerged in space had a ton of time and energy to hone their technological skills, SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk told pop

The Roots Of The Russian People And Psychohistorical Sabotage - Alternative View

The Roots Of The Russian People And Psychohistorical Sabotage - Alternative View

Periodically, voices are heard that Russia needs to return to the traditions of its ancestors, to accept neo-Christianity and / or neopaganism. The percentage of such people in our society is small, but they exist, and the question requires a meaningful answer

The Tesla Sports Car Flying To Mars Was Covered By The Martians With A Layer Of Reinforcement - Alternative View

The Tesla Sports Car Flying To Mars Was Covered By The Martians With A Layer Of Reinforcement - Alternative View

Today on the calendar 12 February, therefore, after simple calculations, we can assume that Falcon Heavy, travels to Mars for almost a week

Full Exposure Of The "genius Of The Millennium" Elon Musk - Alternative View

Full Exposure Of The "genius Of The Millennium" Elon Musk - Alternative View

I've always had a reflexive reaction to a lie. From the inside it suggested that everything was not so simple. And with Elon Musk's super technologies, my inner voice was annoyingly whispering to me. By the way, I do not argue at all with the fact that Musk is a genius

Classics "f Furnace", Or How Does The "zombie" Policy Begin? - Alternative View

Classics "f Furnace", Or How Does The "zombie" Policy Begin? - Alternative View

According to the new teaching methodology, in some schools (as an experiment, in other schools the program will come into force in 2020), the number of modern writers required for study will increase by 4 times, while the number of classics will be reduced

The Tavistock Psychological War Against Humanity, As The Basis Of Orwell's Dystopia - Alternative View

The Tavistock Psychological War Against Humanity, As The Basis Of Orwell's Dystopia - Alternative View

“The task of Newspeak… is to narrow the horizons of thought. We will make thought-crime impossible … there will be no words left for it. Each concept will be designated … in one word … secondary meanings will be abolished and forgotten. "J. Orwe

Jewish Project Strategies - Alternative View

Jewish Project Strategies - Alternative View

Continuing to close the ontology of a geostrategic view of the future of the world and Russia, I got to the strategy of a very interesting geopolitical player - Jewish project. And yes, I still have the right to talk a little about him and I consider it necessary

Why Did The CIA Create The Term "conspiracy Theory" In 1967 - Alternative View

Why Did The CIA Create The Term "conspiracy Theory" In 1967 - Alternative View

Conspiracy theorists were considered completely normal until the 1960s. It was only in 1967 that the American CIA secret service coined the term "conspiracy theory" for its own purposes, since it was supposed to become an instrument of psychological warfare

Hollywood Secrets That Everyone Knows, But No One Talks About. Part One - Alternative View

Hollywood Secrets That Everyone Knows, But No One Talks About. Part One - Alternative View

The avalanche of revelations about the perverse and predatory sexual underbelly of Hollywood and the entertainment industry is long overdue

Evidence Has Emerged That Human DNA Has Been Altered In Antiquity - Alternative View

Evidence Has Emerged That Human DNA Has Been Altered In Antiquity - Alternative View

Australian author and researcher Danielle Fenton published her new book Hybrid People in mid-April 2018. Millions of people around the world believe that in the distant past of the Earth there were visits from alien spaceships

Rumors About The Beginning Of Arrests Of Global Elites Appeared On The Network - Alternative View

Rumors About The Beginning Of Arrests Of Global Elites Appeared On The Network - Alternative View

On March 18, 2020, very controversial information appeared on several US forums with reference to "some sources in government circles." At first it was discussed behind closed doors, but now it has already appeared on public platforms, so we believe that our readers should also familiarize themselves with the message

Why Is The World Elite Building Protective Bunkers And The Version Of The Imminent Apocalypse - Alternative View

Why Is The World Elite Building Protective Bunkers And The Version Of The Imminent Apocalypse - Alternative View

People have been frightened by prophecies and predictions about the coming apocalypse on Earth since ancient times

Why Is Stephen Hawking Urging Us To Leave Earth? - Alternative View

Why Is Stephen Hawking Urging Us To Leave Earth? - Alternative View

Supporters of the world conspiracy again drew attention to the obsessive agitation on the part of the British physicist Stephen Hawking, who has been persistently inviting earthlings to leave their home planet for thirty years

The Economic Reasons For The Crisis In The Labor Movement - Alternative View

The Economic Reasons For The Crisis In The Labor Movement - Alternative View

1. Statement of the question The fact that the deepest crisis of the labor movement was established on the territory of the post-Soviet space was not said except perhaps by the lazy

Propaganda Methods, Or How We Are Treated By The Media, Politicians, Advertising - Alternative View

Propaganda Methods, Or How We Are Treated By The Media, Politicians, Advertising - Alternative View

1. Anonymous authority A favorite misleading technique, actively used by all media. He belongs to the so-called "Gray" propaganda. It has long been proven that one of the most effective methods of influence is to appeal to authority

The Sources Of Funding For The Royal Family Of Great Britain Have Become Known - Alternative View

The Sources Of Funding For The Royal Family Of Great Britain Have Become Known - Alternative View

The annual maintenance of the English royal family is not cheap - 300 million pounds sterling. Experts told where the British monarchs get funding

15 Ways The Matrix Has Us - Alternative View

15 Ways The Matrix Has Us - Alternative View

Do you feel like your life is taking you somewhere wrong? You work hard like a black man in a quarry, but there is still no gap, and every day the unbearable weight of being is pressing on you more and more

Fake History Of Humanity. Financial System - Alternative View

Fake History Of Humanity. Financial System - Alternative View

People innocently believe in school textbooks (and I believed) and think that in the old days it was enough to collect a bunch of beautiful shells, or chop up pieces of native silver or gold (there was no metallurgy yet), as they automatically became money

On The Economic Enslavement Of Humanity - Alternative View

On The Economic Enslavement Of Humanity - Alternative View

Currently, most of the countries in the world have already been captured by the servants of the globalists and absorbed by the so-called. By the "world government" by the world financial system of interest. And the next stage of this enslavement is the enslavement and disintegration of national states, the seizure of their natural resources and the transformation of the population into powerless chipped slaves of the “new world order”.The

These 10 Facts About Money Will Shock You - Alternative View

These 10 Facts About Money Will Shock You - Alternative View

It doesn't take a genius to grasp a simple fact: Few people are happy with the current financial situation. Many are still experiencing the consequences of the crisis, some cannot find a job, and some are paid too little

Money Out Of Thin Air, Or The "theory" Of Global Misunderstanding - Alternative View

Money Out Of Thin Air, Or The "theory" Of Global Misunderstanding - Alternative View

Until the early seventies of the last century, science considered the problem of the coming global cooling. What should have happened so that, suddenly, as at the behest of an unknown conductor, science turned 180 degrees

Ways To Manipulate Human Consciousness Used By The Media And Governments - Alternative View

Ways To Manipulate Human Consciousness Used By The Media And Governments - Alternative View

Noam Chomsky - Professor of Linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, linguist, philosopher, social activist, author of books and political analyst considered one of the most prominent thinkers of our time

How To Distinguish Brainwashing In Television Advertising - Alternative View

How To Distinguish Brainwashing In Television Advertising - Alternative View

Signs of a commercial that focuses on brainwashing.- Salik.bizI. Pseudological (logical deception), direct falsification and subconscious suggestion1. There is no direct appeal to buy, but a process of continuous consumption is demonstrated

"The Diderot Effect", Or How Marketers Manipulate Us - Alternative View

"The Diderot Effect", Or How Marketers Manipulate Us - Alternative View

I am not a psychologist or a philosopher. But I spent a lot of time thinking about what goals we are pursuing when buying something, and why we buy this particular. It seems to me that this is a very exciting study of human psychology.We always have countless reasons why we buy more things than we need

Rebellious Consumer. In The Grip Of Illusion. Part 3 - Alternative View

Rebellious Consumer. In The Grip Of Illusion. Part 3 - Alternative View

In the previous parts ("Economics and Psychology. Part 1" and "The working class and the culture of the consumer society

The Illusion Of Choice: How Multiple Companies Control Everything We Buy - Alternative View

The Illusion Of Choice: How Multiple Companies Control Everything We Buy - Alternative View

The global food industry is dominated by several large corporations that are responsible for the production of most of the food. This is especially noticeable in large sales markets such as the European Union, USA, Canada and Mexico

Rebellious Consumer. Economics And Psychology. Part 1 - Alternative View

Rebellious Consumer. Economics And Psychology. Part 1 - Alternative View

In the modern consumer society, there is a depressing situation with the expression of protest

Bought - Thrown Away Or Disposable Life Of Purchased Items - Alternative View

Bought - Thrown Away Or Disposable Life Of Purchased Items - Alternative View

Vasily Sadonin, the author of the youtube channel "There is a Way Out!", Encouraged me to write this article. In his video "Planned obsolescence", he gave some arguments refuting the existence of the eponymous global process. Vasily touched upon a topical topic in general, but I want to illuminate this problem from a different angle, as a person who, on the duty of his profession, repairs a wide variety of electronics