Conspiracy theories 2024, September

How Supermarkets Trick Us: 10 Tricks To Know About - Alternative View

How Supermarkets Trick Us: 10 Tricks To Know About - Alternative View

Marketers use these tricks to get you to spend money on things you didn't intend to buy. 1. "Look how delicious it is!" Senses - here are the most active allies of marketers

The Cult Of Consumption And The Triumph Of Marketing - Alternative View

The Cult Of Consumption And The Triumph Of Marketing - Alternative View

It would seem that the XXI century is in the yard, the era of human development, technology and the evolution of society. But no, let it seem strange, people follow the path of degradation. Until recently, we tried to invent something new, interesting and useful

How Supermarkets Manipulate Us - Alternative View

How Supermarkets Manipulate Us - Alternative View

Saving money at the supermarket seems like a pretty easy task, especially if you have a discount card or coupons

How, Using The Discoveries Of Scientists, Marketers Empty Our Wallets - Alternative View

How, Using The Discoveries Of Scientists, Marketers Empty Our Wallets - Alternative View

Neurophysiologists argue that our ability to make independent decisions is an illusion. Is it possible to manipulate our brains to make us make the right choice? It turns out you can

Magic Of Numbers Or Secret Tricks Of Shops - Alternative View

Magic Of Numbers Or Secret Tricks Of Shops - Alternative View

You went into a coffee shop, and there are two promotions at the same time: the first offers an additional 33% coffee, the second - - 33% discount on a standard cup of coffee. Which promotion is more profitable? You will most likely say - they are equally beneficial

How Are Stores Making You Spend More Than You Planned? - Alternative View

How Are Stores Making You Spend More Than You Planned? - Alternative View

Not only the location of every item in the store, but even the smells and sounds - everything is carefully thought out so that you spend more

Popular Tricks Of Advertisers For Attracting Clients - Alternative View

Popular Tricks Of Advertisers For Attracting Clients - Alternative View

Throughout the history of trade, advertising has been the driving force behind the movement of goods

Scam In Russian: How They Deceive Us - Alternative View

Scam In Russian: How They Deceive Us - Alternative View

“Oh, it's not difficult to deceive me, I myself am glad to be deceived,” the poet exclaims. Unfortunately, fraud is developing at an incredible rate today. It is impossible to describe all types of deception that are known today. Such an essay will draw on a rather impressive multivolume. Nev

How Shops Lure Money Out Of Customers - Alternative View

How Shops Lure Money Out Of Customers - Alternative View

Surely many of you have noticed a rather interesting feature of many large supermarkets: you just have to go for a chocolate bar or a bottle of water - you are already pulling a huge cart of goods to the checkout

And How Did We Screw It Up ? - Alternative View

And How Did We Screw It Up ? - Alternative View

On June 12, 1991, the first anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the RSFSR, the first presidential elections in Russia were held. Boris Yeltsin won in the first round, despite the active opposition of the USSR authorities

Noam Chomsky: Tricks With Which To Control The Masses - Alternative View

Noam Chomsky: Tricks With Which To Control The Masses - Alternative View

Avram Noam Chomsky is a professor of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the largest intellectual of Western civilization, who made a revolutionary breakthrough in his field. Philosopher, scientist, psychologist, political activist, fighter against world violence

Is There A Weather War? - Alternative View

Is There A Weather War? - Alternative View

What is happening to the weather around the world? In Africa, in a hot summer, hail suddenly falls, and in Central Russia, December resembles spring. Dormant volcanoes wake up unexpectedly, seaside cities experience severe floods

Trust Me - I'm Lying. Media Myths - Alternative View

Trust Me - I'm Lying. Media Myths - Alternative View

A dexterous media manipulator, a talented marketer and a capable PR man - all these qualities are successfully combined in himself by Ryan Holiday, the author of today's book. Come up with another fake news? No problem! Arrange a "black" PR campaign for the film?

David Icke On The "Moon Matrix" - Alternative View

David Icke On The "Moon Matrix" - Alternative View

The famous English researcher David Icke argues that one of the most effective ways to control people is to limit their perception of what is possible. And if you program the perception of the possible and make it narrow and extremely limited, then people cease to believe in the possibility of the existence of anything outside this narrow spectrum of "permitted reality

Freedom Of The Internet Against The Feudal Matrix Of Russia - Who Will Win? - Alternative View

Freedom Of The Internet Against The Feudal Matrix Of Russia - Who Will Win? - Alternative View

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Runet, Putin sent a congratulatory telegram to the Russian Internet Governance Forum:And a little earlier, Prime Minister Medvedev said that we need a free Internet, he even gave an example: it was thanks to social networks that the project to extract Baikal water was stopped

The Famous Hacker Believes That The World - This Is A Simulation, And Intends To Get Out Of It - Alternative View

The Famous Hacker Believes That The World - This Is A Simulation, And Intends To Get Out Of It - Alternative View

Hacker and self-driving car developer George Hotz is also thinking about founding a church to free himself from simulation

Our World Is Reality. Or Just A Simulation Of It? - Alternative View

Our World Is Reality. Or Just A Simulation Of It? - Alternative View

High technologies and the virtual reality we are creating have so absorbed the attention of mankind that some physicists and cosmologists suddenly asked the question: is our Universe real?

It Is Impossible To Prove That We Live In Virtual Reality - Alternative View

It Is Impossible To Prove That We Live In Virtual Reality - Alternative View

Every day we take for granted what we think is "real." But in fact, this "reality" - reflection of some objective reality, its distortion passed through our filters. What is this reality

George Hotz On Matrix Theory - Alternative View

George Hotz On Matrix Theory - Alternative View

The annual South by Southwest (SXSW) festival was held in Austin (USA). Well-known hacker and unmanned vehicle designer George Hotz made a presentation at one of the events

Deception Of The "evil Genius": Can The World Be A Computer Simulation? - Alternative View

Deception Of The "evil Genius": Can The World Be A Computer Simulation? - Alternative View

The hypothesis that our universe is a computer simulation or hologram is increasingly exciting the minds of scientists and philanthropists. Educated humanity has never been so sure of the illusory nature of everything that happens

Is Our World An Illusion? Analysis Of Evidence - Alternative View

Is Our World An Illusion? Analysis Of Evidence - Alternative View

A long time ago, it seems back in the last century, during some small tournament in What? Where? When? the author of the article had to play a funny question. The full text of it was naturally not preserved in memory, I will give you how it was remembered in meaning

Are We All In The Matrix?: Computer Simulation Hypothesis - Alternative View

Are We All In The Matrix?: Computer Simulation Hypothesis - Alternative View

Have you ever thought about the fact that our real world may not be real at all? What if everything around us is - is it just an illusion invented by someone? This is what the computer simulation hypothesis says

Six Of The Most Shocking Theories About The Structure Of Our World - Alternative View

Six Of The Most Shocking Theories About The Structure Of Our World - Alternative View

The universe is mysterious and we know very little about it. Not all researchers are satisfied with the answers that today's science about the structure of the world can give. We publish several interesting and non-standard theories about the structure of the universe

The Matrix As It Is: What The Philosophers Of The Past Guessed About - Alternative View

The Matrix As It Is: What The Philosophers Of The Past Guessed About - Alternative View

The famous, already cult film by the Wachowski brothers "The Matrix" became a real revelation for many viewers, posing a number of questions before them. How much can a person trust the senses?

Is Our Brain A Holographic Machine That Exists In A Holographic Universe? - Alternative View

Is Our Brain A Holographic Machine That Exists In A Holographic Universe? - Alternative View

One of the prominent researchers who provided evidence that our brains perceive a holographic universe was physicist Carlo H. Pribram (1919-2015), specializing in research in the field of quantum physics

The Likelihood That We Live In A Hologram Has Grown - Alternative View

The Likelihood That We Live In A Hologram Has Grown - Alternative View

Could our universe be just a hologram? This idea has been in people's minds before, and hardly anyone can be surprised by it, but nevertheless it seems so incredible that people do not take it seriously

The Price Of The Illusion Of Success, Or Go To The TikTok Bomb Application! - Alternative View

The Price Of The Illusion Of Success, Or Go To The TikTok Bomb Application! - Alternative View

I had to find out. It turns out that another popular application has recently appeared on the Internet. It is similar to Instagram, but instead of photos, users upload their videos there, watch similar content of other active and mega-cool users, comment on it and thus spend all their free time there

Simulation Hypothesis - Alternative View

Simulation Hypothesis - Alternative View

Why Quantum Physics, AI, and Eastern Mystics Agree We Are in a Video Game MIT's distinguished computer scientist and Silicon Valley video game developer gives 10 reasons to validate the "Simulation Hypothesis": our reality is - it is possible

The World We Live In: Virtual Or Real? - Alternative View

The World We Live In: Virtual Or Real? - Alternative View

I noticed that our readership was very active in the topic of the "matrix"

Billionaires Are Preparing A Plan To Get Out Of The "matrix" - Alternative View

Billionaires Are Preparing A Plan To Get Out Of The "matrix" - Alternative View

Many in Silicon Valley have become obsessed with the idea that we all live in a "matrix", and some billionaires secretly recruited scientists to solve this problem in an attempt to find a way out of the simulation

Is Our Universe Simulated? - Alternative View

Is Our Universe Simulated? - Alternative View

Maybe we are all Neo living in a simulated universe? If our universe is just a Matrix-like model, could we ever know about it? Physicist Silas Bean from the University of Bonn in Germany thinks he knows the answer to this question

Bank Of America Has Estimated The Chance Of A Virtual "matrix" To Exist At 20-50% - Alternative View

Bank Of America Has Estimated The Chance Of A Virtual "matrix" To Exist At 20-50% - Alternative View

Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAML, a division of Bank of America) has issued a policy brief for its clients, in which it assessed the possibility of the existence of a "matrix"

10 Signs We Live In The Matrix - Alternative View

10 Signs We Live In The Matrix - Alternative View

Several thousand years ago, Plato suggested that what we see may not be real at all. With the advent of computers, the idea has taken on a new life, especially in recent years, with the films "Inception", "Dark City" and the trilogy "The Matrix"

Farm Of People - Alternative View

Farm Of People - Alternative View

All beings need energy. If we proceed from the fact that some negative entities live on the non-material plane, and they feed on a certain range of available energies, then how should they provide themselves with a nutritional system

15 Compelling Examples That Prove That People Live In The Matrix - Alternative View

15 Compelling Examples That Prove That People Live In The Matrix - Alternative View

Matrix or not matrix? Since the first film "The Matrix" appeared in 1999, people have started to wonder if everyone really lives in the Matrix

Scientists Confirm: Reality - Controlled Holographic Illusion - Alternative View

Scientists Confirm: Reality - Controlled Holographic Illusion - Alternative View

Two of the world's leading scientists have said that the world we live in is a demonstrable "illusion" and claim that people are deceived into their belief in reality

Western Billionaires Are Funding The Search For The Matrix - Alternative View

Western Billionaires Are Funding The Search For The Matrix - Alternative View

It became known that at least two billionaires provide financial support to the research of scientists of Silicon Valley, aimed at proving the "virtuality" of our reality

Billionaires, Convinced That They Live In The Matrix, Secretly Fund Scientists In Order To Escape From It - Alternative View

Billionaires, Convinced That They Live In The Matrix, Secretly Fund Scientists In Order To Escape From It - Alternative View

Some of the richest and most influential people in the world are convinced that we live in a computer-simulated world. And now they're trying to do something about it

Humanity Was Driven Into The "matrix" - Alternative View

Humanity Was Driven Into The "matrix" - Alternative View

Billionaires and philosophers have doubted that we live in the real world In the Western world, in all seriousness, a discussion unfolded about how real the world we live in

The Lebensborn Project: How The Nazis Raised The ABBA Soloist Anni-Fried Lingstad - Alternative View

The Lebensborn Project: How The Nazis Raised The ABBA Soloist Anni-Fried Lingstad - Alternative View

In 1982, the world famous group ABBA broke up. The former members went their separate ways. One of them, Annie-Fried Lingstad, was even able to become part of the Swiss royal family. What did she go through before living a quiet life? It turns out that her birth was associated with the eugenic project of the Third Reich to produce purebred Aryans