Conspiracy theories 2024, September

Bankers In England Control The Finances, Economy And Military-industrial Complex Of The United States. Part II - Alternative View

Bankers In England Control The Finances, Economy And Military-industrial Complex Of The United States. Part II - Alternative View

Part I: "The British Crown Completes the Seizure of Power over the World" You will be surprised, but the US Federal Reserve, the world's main issuer, is under the control of the British Crown

Where Did "start With Yourself" Come From? - Alternative View

Where Did "start With Yourself" Come From? - Alternative View

“Start with yourself”, “change yourself - and everything around will change”, the Orthodox version “save yourself - and thousands around will be saved”, do not condemn others, etc. Everyone has become so accustomed to these principles that have been instilled in us since childhood that they seem to be self-evident. But this is

Personal "information Security" And Information Flow Management - Alternative View

Personal "information Security" And Information Flow Management - Alternative View

Currently, a person is "poured out" by the huge flows of harmful information that affect the daily life of everyone. Using methods of structureless control, a person can be instilled with any model of behavior. It is easy to do this - through the works of mass culture, making them vivid, memorable, introducing explicit scenes, stuffing the characters with various harmful models of behavior

The Deputy Head Of The FSB Advocated Full Control Over Cyberspace - Alternative View

The Deputy Head Of The FSB Advocated Full Control Over Cyberspace - Alternative View

Cyberspace must be under the control of special services, otherwise it is impossible to guarantee the proper level of security, said the first deputy director of the FSB of the Russian Federation Sergei Smirnov

The Impossibility Of The Existence Of Space Debris. Why Is This Cheating - Alternative View

The Impossibility Of The Existence Of Space Debris. Why Is This Cheating - Alternative View

Let's think about space debris today. Is his existence possible. We've all seen a photo of space debris orbiting our planet. An amazing creature is a man, he manages to litter not only where he lives, but also where he has never been.Space debris is fragments of satellites and their entire parts, which appeared in the orbit of our planet thanks to fifty years of experience in the exploration of the nearest space by humans

5G - Apocalypse For Humanity - Alternative View

5G - Apocalypse For Humanity - Alternative View

Apocalypse 5G: scientists, ecologists, doctors and citizens of the world demand to stop this experiment that threatens humanity

Why 5g Integration Needs To Be Stopped - Alternative View

Why 5g Integration Needs To Be Stopped - Alternative View

5G (the 5th generation of mobile communications) is now actively deployed in many parts of the world. As awareness of the technology's devastating health impacts and the threat to privacy grows, many territories are imposing a moratorium or ban on 5G use

Has The Financial Crisis Officially Arrived? - Alternative View

Has The Financial Crisis Officially Arrived? - Alternative View

We haven't seen this kind of bloodshed on Wall Street since the 2008 financial crisis. Until this week, the largest single-day decline for the Dow Jones industrial average we have ever seen was 777 points

The President Of Tanzania Has Opened The Eyes Of The World To The Coronavirus - Alternative View

The President Of Tanzania Has Opened The Eyes Of The World To The Coronavirus - Alternative View Tanzania has temporarily suspended the head of its national health laboratory in charge of testing for coronavirus. This happened the day after President John Magufuli questioned the accuracy of her tests.Magufuli, who has consistently downplayed the virus's impact, said Sunday that he was secretly testing animals, fruits and car oil in a laboratory

Why Is Water In A Bottle - The Greatest Scam Ever - - Alternative View

Why Is Water In A Bottle - The Greatest Scam Ever - - Alternative View

Bottled water is one of the biggest commercial hoaxes in history. This is because it does not possess those wonderful properties that are attributed to it by manufacturers and distributors. Ironically, bottled water is far more likely to be bad than tap water

The Higher In The Sky - The Clearer The Consciousness - Alternative View

The Higher In The Sky - The Clearer The Consciousness - Alternative View

There is an interesting hypothesis that humanity was "lowered to earth" by some evil forces of an alien plan, having installed a special screen over the planet

How The USA Uses Terrorists For Their Own Purposes - Alternative View

How The USA Uses Terrorists For Their Own Purposes - Alternative View

After expelling ISIS from the places it was granted in Iraq and Syria, the United States intends to reuse some of these mercenaries for other purposes

The Pentagon Was Suspected Of Defeating US Citizens With Biological Weapons - Alternative View

The Pentagon Was Suspected Of Defeating US Citizens With Biological Weapons - Alternative View

Congressman Chris Smith drew attention to an issue that has been of interest to conspiracy theorists for decades.Republican Congressman Chris Smith is calling for an investigation into the mass illness of Americans with Lyme disease (tick-borne borelliosis) between 1950 and 1975- Salik

"Demand Creates Supply". Is It So? - Alternative View

"Demand Creates Supply". Is It So? - Alternative View

In comments on the Internet, you can often find the phrase "Demand creates supply." And in most cases, we are not even talking about conversations at economic forums, but about discussing various antisocial phenomena in our life. For example, just try to say that TNT, under the guise of humor, is promoting everything base and vulgar (remember the same show “House 2”), they will answer you that “nothing can be done, so there is a demand for it”.And it

Let's Get Married Or Let's Get Divorced? - Alternative View

Let's Get Married Or Let's Get Divorced? - Alternative View

Let's start from afar. Let's say you own the first channel watched by the whole country. If you want people, your viewers, to build strong, healthy families, so that the number of divorces decreases, and children grow up with mom and dad, then on prime time on TV you will show happy parents who have many children, you will show couples, who celebrate silver and gold weddings, interview them, broadcast their life experience of creating a strong family throughout the country

Social Experiments As A Technology Of Manipulation - Alternative View

Social Experiments As A Technology Of Manipulation - Alternative View

Surely, many of you have already met videos that are built according to the following principle. A group of faces creates a kind of extraordinary, most often provocative, situation and captures the behavior of random passers-by on camera. The most popular videos in this series, which have become widespread on the Internet, are videos that compare the reaction of Americans and Russians to how a person felt bad on the street, or how someone asks for help and share food

The Third Gender: Why In The West They Want To Erase The Sex Differences Of People - Alternative View

The Third Gender: Why In The West They Want To Erase The Sex Differences Of People - Alternative View

A toy machine for girls, the Best Movie Actor Award instead of the Best Actor and Female Lead awards, a gender-neutral anthem text changed - all these manifestations of political correctness have long become familiar to Western countries

Ten Conspiracy Theories Related To Space - Alternative View

Ten Conspiracy Theories Related To Space - Alternative View

Our solar system is an amazing place, and every day we learn something new about it and our place in the vast universe

Cosmic Disclosure: An Important Whistleblower Meeting - Disclosure Prevention Strategies - Alternative View

Cosmic Disclosure: An Important Whistleblower Meeting - Disclosure Prevention Strategies - Alternative View

Interview with Corey Goode and Emery Smith. Tuesday 29 May 2018 David: Welcome to the next episode of the Cosmic Disclosure

Who Drove The Americans From The Moon? - Alternative View

Who Drove The Americans From The Moon? - Alternative View

In 1996, the book "Lost Space" was published by one of the participants in the "Apollo" project, a certain Dr. Edwin Rice, in which Rice argued that during the "Apollo 17" expedition the astronauts allegedly encountered unknown inhabitants

All About The American Moon Conspiracy - Alternative View

All About The American Moon Conspiracy - Alternative View

There is a widespread misconception that the author of the theory with which it all began is the American writer Bill Kaysing, who published the book "We Never Went to the Moon" in 1976

Why Drag A Heavy But Frail Lunomobile To The Moon? - Alternative View

Why Drag A Heavy But Frail Lunomobile To The Moon? - Alternative View

One of the strangest moments of NASA's lunar program - this is the question of why American astronomers had to drag a self-propelled crew to the moon in the Apollo missions

Trump's Science Advisor Said The US Did Not Land On The Moon - Alternative View

Trump's Science Advisor Said The US Did Not Land On The Moon - Alternative View

David Gelernter is an acting professor at Yale University and acting adviser to US President Donald Trump on science - said that the United States will not be able to fly to Mars by 2030, since even the Moon could not land and this idea is

Where And Why Did The Fake Moon Of The Americans Come From - Alternative View

Where And Why Did The Fake Moon Of The Americans Come From - Alternative View

Yale University professor David Gelernter, acting adviser on science to US President Donald Trump, whom the American Time magazine calls "archegeny" and included in the list of the 100 most influential people of the 21st century, in ex

The Great Vitamin Sell - Alternative View

The Great Vitamin Sell - Alternative View

For more than half a century, mankind has been consuming vitamins in shock doses. But it has not yet become immortal. The number of handkerchiefs that it plagues annually during colds and flu has not decreased either

George Orwell. Feelings Outside The Control Of A Totalitarian Regime - Alternative View

George Orwell. Feelings Outside The Control Of A Totalitarian Regime - Alternative View

George Orwell was born in the family of an official from the Opium Department of British India, worked in the police of colonial Burma, fought on the side of the militia in the Spanish Civil War. During World War II he hosted anti-fascist programs on the BBC

One US Dollar, Whose Are You? - Alternative View

One US Dollar, Whose Are You? - Alternative View

Scott K. Waring, an adept of UFOlogy and world-renowned extraterrestrial hunter from Thailand, surprised everyone again. This time he analyzed … the American dollar issued in 1935

BIOWar Is Being Prepared Against Russia - Alternative View

BIOWar Is Being Prepared Against Russia - Alternative View

The head of Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, told the participants of the Eastern Economic Forum 2019 about the dangerous situation with foreign biological laboratories located near the borders of Russia.The report at the forum emphasized that the creation of biological laboratories working with pathogens at the expense of the US budget on the territory of Ukraine and Georgia poses a threat not only to residents, but also to the sovereignty of these states

USA On Mars In The 1970s. Project Red Sun - Alternative View

USA On Mars In The 1970s. Project Red Sun - Alternative View

While humanity is only planning the landing of the first settlers on Mars, there are people who are confident that such an attempt was already made by the United States in the distant 70s. This project was named: "Red Sun"

The Americans Have Never Gone To The Moon. The USSR Knew The Truth, But Was Silent - Alternative View

The Americans Have Never Gone To The Moon. The USSR Knew The Truth, But Was Silent - Alternative View

There is one strange circumstance in the history of six (!) Official American landings on the Moon Rather, there are many of them, but this - perhaps the most important thing: why did the USSR not even try to question the achievements of its American colleagues?

The First To Visit The Moon Were Soviet Cosmonauts - Alternative View

The First To Visit The Moon Were Soviet Cosmonauts - Alternative View

Soviet cosmonauts landed on the moon before their American colleagues did. But during the Soviet mission, something went wrong - the brave conquerors of the moon from the USSR were killed, and the project was carefully classified

The Secret Of The Dollar: The Great Plan Of The Freemasons With The Participation Of Russian Members Of The Order Has Been Revealed - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Dollar: The Great Plan Of The Freemasons With The Participation Of Russian Members Of The Order Has Been Revealed - Alternative View

The all-seeing eye of the Illuminati pyramid with a secret inscription about world rule appeared on the banknotes in 1935, but why was the Masonic symbols of ancient times placed on them, which gave rise to the Great Depression in the United States after the release of currency into everyday life

How To Prove That Trump Was Brought To Power By The Illuminati And Porn Lovers - Alternative View

How To Prove That Trump Was Brought To Power By The Illuminati And Porn Lovers - Alternative View

The American media is still trying to understand why Donald Trump became president. The most incredible theories are being used: White women, Masons and blacks are accused of choosing a "misogynist and xenophobe".- Salik.bizNothing but the truthTrump was inaugurated on January 20, but those dissatisfied with the new president continue to explain to themselves and those around them that he won the election not at all because of his personal qualities and political program

New Conspiracy Theory: Trump Is Suspected Of Substituting For His Wife - Alternative View

New Conspiracy Theory: Trump Is Suspected Of Substituting For His Wife - Alternative View

Rumors circulate on the Internet that American First Lady Melania Trump has disappeared somewhere and has been replaced by a double. What really happened to Melania is unknown. Earlier on the web there were shots that puzzled America

Blue Dream Of The Windsors - Russian Throne - Alternative View

Blue Dream Of The Windsors - Russian Throne - Alternative View

The British royal family is about to extend their rule from the United States to Russia. In America, Trump and Rothschild will help her in this. And who is in Russia?

Why Was Mercury Banned? The Unique Metal Has Fantastic Possibilities! - Alternative View

Why Was Mercury Banned? The Unique Metal Has Fantastic Possibilities! - Alternative View

In Russia, there is a law prohibiting the storage of mercury, and this is subject to criminal liability. Thus, does the state care about the health of its citizens? Or, is it a mystery, what is hidden in mercury itself?Mercury is a silvery-white metal that, under terrestrial conditions, has a liquid state at room temperature

Forged History - Alternative View

Forged History - Alternative View

History, alas, cannot be attributed to the number of exact sciences, although any real scientist engaged in the study of the past would give a lot to bring it closer to such

The Planetary Occupation Or Genocide Continues - Alternative View

The Planetary Occupation Or Genocide Continues - Alternative View

Here I will describe the real rulers of our planet, they live freely on our planet for a very long time. After the end of the battle with the light civilizations, these creatures, that is, their remnants, arrive in underground bases in the rift under the ice and rule the earthly inhabitants

Have Genetic Weapons Been Tested On Africans And Chinese? - Alternative View

Have Genetic Weapons Been Tested On Africans And Chinese? - Alternative View

Genetic weapons - it is a weapon that can purposefully destroy members of a particular race. November 2002

16 Signs You Are A True Conspiracy Theorist - Alternative View

16 Signs You Are A True Conspiracy Theorist - Alternative View

Each group of friends has a variety of personalities with their own beliefs, lifestyles and views of the world around us