Secrets of history 2024, April

A Secret US Project, According To Which In 1958 A Nuclear Explosion Was To Have Thundered On The Moon - Alternative View

A Secret US Project, According To Which In 1958 A Nuclear Explosion Was To Have Thundered On The Moon - Alternative View

By detonating a nuclear bomb on the surface of the moon, the United States wanted to hint to the USSR that they could get to anywhere in the world and destroy all living things on it.Most of this conspiracy became known to the world only with the onset of 2000

Mongols And Tatars: Why Are Some Buddhists And Others Muslims - Alternative View

Mongols And Tatars: Why Are Some Buddhists And Others Muslims - Alternative View

If there really was once such a people as the Mongol-Tatars, then why some of its descendants now profess Buddhism, while others Islam? Perhaps it was the difference of religions that divided him?- Salik.bizEthnopolitical situation in the state of Genghis KhanInitially, one of the Mongol tribes was called the Tatars

Cheremenets Miracles. What Is Interesting About The Monastery In Luga? - Alternative View

Cheremenets Miracles. What Is Interesting About The Monastery In Luga? - Alternative View

Luga district is deservedly called the sunniest and most romantic in the Leningrad region. In these picturesque places on the peninsula of Lake Cheremenets there is the St. John the Theologian Cheremenets Monastery. The remains of the luxurious noble estates scattered in its vicinity keep the secrets of their high-ranking owners

A Burial Place With Unusual Elongated Skulls Was Discovered In Croatia - Alternative View

A Burial Place With Unusual Elongated Skulls Was Discovered In Croatia - Alternative View

Archaeologists excavating in Croatia have found three ancient skeletons that resemble aliens. Two of them have artificially elongated skulls. 12,000 years ago in ancient China, Africa and South America, people deliberately distorted the shapes of the skulls of their children

How In The United States, During The War, Were The Japanese Deported To Concentration Camps? - Alternative View

How In The United States, During The War, Were The Japanese Deported To Concentration Camps? - Alternative View

After World War II, the US military denazified Germany, forcing Germans to watch eerie footage from Nazi concentration camps. However, similar events in their own country were hushed up by the Americans for decades. We are talking about the detention of tens of thousands of ethnic Japanese, forcibly evicted from their homes in 1942

What Did The Japanese Do, During The War, With The Captured White Women - Alternative View

What Did The Japanese Do, During The War, With The Captured White Women - Alternative View

During World War II, the Japanese captured large areas in Asia and the Pacific. The Japanese became notorious in the occupied territories for their cruelty. Violence against women is only one aspect of their deeds.Hundreds of thousands of them suffered

How Jesus Lived In Japan, Grew Garlic And Was A Zen Master - Alternative View

How Jesus Lived In Japan, Grew Garlic And Was A Zen Master - Alternative View

In ancient times, many tombs of Dionysus and even Zeus could be found throughout Hellas. And they were all "official". After all, if a deity died in one place, why shouldn't he die in another. What does he feel sorry for? Likewise, there are more than a dozen “official” foreskins of Christ in Catholic reliquaries, which until then did not bother anyone. Thi

Secrets Of Mount Mithridates - Alternative View

Secrets Of Mount Mithridates - Alternative View

Kerch can rightfully be considered one of the most ancient cities in Russia. In addition, this city keeps many ancient secrets - there was also the Bosporus kingdom, and the great Scythian peoples. In our time, many archaeological excavations take place here

Freemasons In The Russian Navy - Alternative View

Freemasons In The Russian Navy - Alternative View

On the mosaic floor of the building of the commander of the Kronstadt naval base, there is a hexagon. It can be mistaken for the coat of arms of Israel, but in the 90s of the 19th century, when the building was being erected, Jews only dreamed of their own national state

Red Masons - Alternative View

Red Masons - Alternative View

Many of the Russian esotericists and occultists joined the Bolshevik revolution. However, this did not save them from repression.On the contrary, having dealt with the obvious enemies in the person of competing political parties, the Bolsheviks set about "ideological saboteurs" who tried to push "priesthood" (that is, idealism in various forms) into the worldview of the new man

History Of Freemasonry In Russia - Alternative View

History Of Freemasonry In Russia - Alternative View

Freemasonry in Russia is a phenomenon of social life in Russia, which covers the period of history from the beginning of the 18th century to the present day. Russian Freemasonry pursues humanistic and educational goals, more attention is paid to ethical issues

Secrets Of Russian Masons - Alternative View

Secrets Of Russian Masons - Alternative View

English masonsThere is hardly another topic, besides the Masons, on which such a lot of nonsense is written. Moreover, this nonsense was produced both by the haters of free masons, and by the "brothers" themselves.- Salik.bizFreemasons loved to tell tales about the origins of their society

Freemasons In The Russian Empire - Alternative View

Freemasons In The Russian Empire - Alternative View

The history of the difficult fate of Russian Masons and their connection with the February Revolution.Freemasonry has never been something static and unchanging. Having arisen in one form, at different times in different countries, it was constantly changing

Profanity Existed In Russia Long Before The Golden Horde - Alternative View

Profanity Existed In Russia Long Before The Golden Horde - Alternative View

The appearance of mata in Russian due to the Mongol invasion is a myth. Vice-Rector for Science of the Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language, Doctor of Philology Mikhail Osadchiy spoke about this on the air of Sputnik radio.According to him, profanity existed in Russia long before the formation of the Golden Horde

Delirium Of The Gray Mare: How Did This Expression Appear - Alternative View

Delirium Of The Gray Mare: How Did This Expression Appear - Alternative View

If we hear an incredible, false, or just not too clever statement from someone's lips, we exclaim: “Come on! This is bullshit! " Who is this "gray mare" and what does the word "delirium" actually mean?-"Delirium" from "wandering" or from "shaving"?F

The Myth About The Arbitrariness Of The Bolsheviks In The Reform Of Russian Spelling - Alternative View

The Myth About The Arbitrariness Of The Bolsheviks In The Reform Of Russian Spelling - Alternative View

100 years ago, a new spelling was finally and officially introduced in Russia

On The Cooperation Of The Vatican With The Bolsheviks - Alternative View

On The Cooperation Of The Vatican With The Bolsheviks - Alternative View

The Vatican did not abandon attempts to catholicize our country even after the October 1917 coup carried out by the Bolsheviks, most of whom were Trotskyists-Zionists, who organized a fratricidal civil war, and then the "Red Terror", "dispossession" and other repressions against the Russian and other peoples

About The Church And The Bolsheviks - Alternative View

About The Church And The Bolsheviks - Alternative View

Among the many liberal myths about the Soviet state, one is in special demand, especially against the background of the general clericalization of society.This is a myth about Soviet power and religion. There are a great many options, but the main theses are as follows:- Salik

How Did The Bolsheviks Sell The Jewelry Of The Romanovs - Alternative View

How Did The Bolsheviks Sell The Jewelry Of The Romanovs - Alternative View

The path of royal treasures to the West There is no other example of such a large-scale and cynical sale in history. In Europe, the Russian imperial court was famous for its richest jewelry collection. The Bolsheviks got an impressive legacy

How Russia Was Dragged Into The First World War - Alternative View

How Russia Was Dragged Into The First World War - Alternative View

On the eve of the First World War, one of the analytical reviews of German intelligence said that Russia was developing at a record pace and by 1917 "it will be impossible to defeat this country." However, waiting for 1917 was unprofitable not only for Germany, but also for the countries that were considered allies of Russia

Why Did Grand Duke Romanov Approve Of The Bolsheviks? - Alternative View

Why Did Grand Duke Romanov Approve Of The Bolsheviks? - Alternative View

Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich Romanov occupies a special place among Russian political and military leaders

How Did The Head Of The GRU Become A CIA Super-agent - Alternative View

How Did The Head Of The GRU Become A CIA Super-agent - Alternative View

A senior intelligence chief for 25 years supplied the Americans with top-secret information.- Salik.bizIdeological betray onceAmong all the traitors who have ever contacted foreign intelligence services, the GRU officer Dmitry Polyakov stands apart

Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya: What Happened To Her Before The War - Alternative View

Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya: What Happened To Her Before The War - Alternative View

The details of the feat of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya are well known to us thanks to the press, books and films. But what happened before these events? What was Zoya like before the war - in childhood and adolescence?- Salik.bizPriest's granddaughterZoya was born on September 13, 1923 in the village of Osino-Gai in the Kirsanovsky district of the Tambov province

Elizaveta And Siberia - Alternative View

Elizaveta And Siberia - Alternative View

Beginning: "Why did Anna need to fight Turkey?"The next emperor after Anna Ioannovna was the newly born baby Ivan 6. More precisely, his mother-regent, Anna Leopoldovna.- Salik.bizBut a year later, on November 25, 1741, he was overthrown, imprisoned in isolation, and Elizaveta Petrovna took his place

How An Ordinary Engineer Helped The CIA To Destroy The Soviet Union - Alternative View

How An Ordinary Engineer Helped The CIA To Destroy The Soviet Union - Alternative View

Employees of three KGB departments, the best personnel of the foreign intelligence service and even the legendary Mosfilm worked on his arrest. The collaboration of a talented engineer and the CIA pushed the Soviet defense industry and then the country into a bottomless abyss, from which it was not destined to get out

Ilya Ivanov: Red Frankenstein - Alternative View

Ilya Ivanov: Red Frankenstein - Alternative View

In pursuit of youth, people stop at nothing. This has been the case at all times. The science of rejuvenation holds many secrets. Adventurism, politics and money are mixed here. Big politics and very big money …- Salik.bizLiving water and rejuvenating applesThe secret of preserving youth has fascinated people for a long time - it's not for nothing that different nations have tales about young apples and living water. M

Why Did Anna Need To Fight Turkey? - Alternative View

Why Did Anna Need To Fight Turkey? - Alternative View

In 1725, having lived for 53 years, Peter the first died suddenly. But our semi-mystical story has just begun. Peter was replaced by his wife Catherine. Her reign was short and not particularly distinguished. Two years later, she just as suddenly fell ill and in May 1727, at the age of only 43, she died

Blots Of The History Of Russia - Alternative View

Blots Of The History Of Russia - Alternative View

Russia has always been, and now it remains too incomprehensible for the civilized West. The way of life of a Russian person, customs, morals have always caused bewilderment among foreigners. And this is at best. In the worst case - irritation, anger, and sometimes fear

Saint-Pierre - A City Destroyed By A Volcano - Alternative View

Saint-Pierre - A City Destroyed By A Volcano - Alternative View

Touching upon the topic of volcanic eruptions, which had the character of catastrophes, they first of all recall the eruption of Vesuvius, which destroyed Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stratia (2,000 dead). But few people know that during the eruption of the Mont Pele volcano in Martinique in 1902, the city of Saint-Pierre died, and the number of victims was then more than 10 times higher than the death toll in Pompeii - 28,000 people

Russian Matryoshka - History - Alternative View

Russian Matryoshka - History - Alternative View

Few people know that the matryoshka is not at all an original Russian folk doll: the idea of its creation was borrowed from an oriental god, moreover, relatively recently - at the end of the 19th century.- Salik.bizMillionaire giftOne could look for the roots of the Russian nesting doll among the pre-Christian Slavic goddesses or Polovtsian stone idols, but this path is wrong.nA

The Secret Of The English Mission Of Rudolf Hess - Alternative View

The Secret Of The English Mission Of Rudolf Hess - Alternative View

May 10, 1941 is the same milestone date for World War II as September 1, 1939 and June 22, 1941. It was on this day that Rudolf Hess, the third man in the Reich and the second in the NSDAP, unexpectedly … hijacked the Messerschmitt-110 from the military airfield near Augsburg and flew to England. A

Russian Matryoshka - History Of Creation - Alternative View

Russian Matryoshka - History Of Creation - Alternative View

Along with a balalaika and a hat with earflaps, the matryoshka is an integral symbol of Russia. Say, its origin leaves no doubt about the primordial Russian roots, and its very existence is hundreds of years old. Alas, as much as one would like it, this national symbol does not at all correspond to such ideas

The Mystery Of Urang Medan - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Urang Medan - Alternative View

The Malay Peninsula is separated from the Samutra Island by the Strait of Malacca. This place is characterized by quite busy shipping. Dozens of ships pass here every day. They usually get to their destination ports on time. But it happens, however, very rarely that stories happen to the courts that fall into the category of unusual

The Secret Of The Rennes-Le-Chateau Treasure - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Rennes-Le-Chateau Treasure - Alternative View

On June 1, 1885, a new priest, 33-year-old Beranger Sauniere, arrived in a small parish in the village of Rennes-le-Chateau. He was a handsome, strong-built man, energetic and very intelligent. He seemed destined for a brilliant career - in the seminary, he was considered one of the first

Always Ready!: What Role Did Pioneers Play In The History Of The USSR - Alternative View

Always Ready!: What Role Did Pioneers Play In The History Of The USSR - Alternative View

The Day of Pioneers, which falls on May 19, has long since ceased to be a holiday in our country. Some remnants of the once most powerful children's organization still exist, but this, we admit in all honesty, is just a pale shadow of the mass movement that, from the mid-to-late 20s of the twentieth century and until the collapse of the Soviet Union, embraced its younger generation almost without exception

Windscale Nuclear Accident - Catastrophe Of England - Alternative View

Windscale Nuclear Accident - Catastrophe Of England - Alternative View

Since the beginning of the nuclear era, humanity has lived under fear of a catastrophe that will claim millions of lives and make the planet uninhabitable. And these fears may not be unfounded. The nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the incident at the Mayak chemical plant, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and Japan's Fukushima accidents

Riddle Of The Death Of A Captured Ship - Alternative View

Riddle Of The Death Of A Captured Ship - Alternative View

After the end of World War II, the USSR put the creation of a powerful surface fleet "on the agenda". It was possible to feed its own forces through claims to captured ships - the division of the fleets of the defeated enemy was provided for by the decisions of the Tehran Conference of 1943

The Largest Accidents At Nuclear Facilities - Alternative View

The Largest Accidents At Nuclear Facilities - Alternative View

The nuclear era began with the barbaric bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But mankind has nevertheless learned to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, and now a large number of nuclear power plants have been built in the world. Accidents at nuclear facilities do not happen very often, but they cause great alarm among ordinary people

Battering Ram Of A Residential Building In Novosibirsk - Alternative View

Battering Ram Of A Residential Building In Novosibirsk - Alternative View

This story took place in the midst of stagnation. Its exact date is known - September 26, 1976, Sunday. Early in the morning a young pilot Vladimir Serkov, a resident of Novosibirsk, hijacked the famous An-2 plane from the local airfield. On it, he climbed to a small height, circled over the city and directed him towards one of the five-story buildings

Three Mile Island - The Largest Nuclear Power Plant Accident In The USA - Alternative View

Three Mile Island - The Largest Nuclear Power Plant Accident In The USA - Alternative View

“The accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant on March 28, 1979 was the largest in the history of US nuclear power. Although the radiation consequences were insignificant, this accident greatly changed the US energy policy, completely stopping the development of an entire industry