How Were We Deprived Of Atmospheric Electricity Technologies? - Alternative View

How Were We Deprived Of Atmospheric Electricity Technologies? - Alternative View
How Were We Deprived Of Atmospheric Electricity Technologies? - Alternative View

Video: How Were We Deprived Of Atmospheric Electricity Technologies? - Alternative View

Video: How Were We Deprived Of Atmospheric Electricity Technologies? - Alternative View

In this case, we will not talk about the technologies of the antediluvian civilizations of the "golden age", the very existence of which (both civilizations and their technologies) is carefully hidden from us thanks to the many years of "work" of several generations of history falsifiers. For me personally, the existence of such technologies in the past is quite obvious. Alternative researchers of the real past have already written about them and raised this topic in their videos.

But I will say that I personally liked the version on this topic of a fairly competent engineer and alternative researcher A. Romanov, presented by him in the video "Knowledge of the Ancients" on his channel "MrRomancorp". Anyone can find this channel on YouTube and familiarize themselves with the content of this and other similar videos, especially if they are interested in the technical nuances of the operation of similar technical devices of past civilizations.

However, after the total falsification of our history, a number of talented inventors and engineers rediscovered the technologies of cheap ether energy or the use of atmospheric electricity. Few people know that the discrediting of the ether theory was a total project of falsification of our science and the substitution of true knowledge. First, after D. Mendeleev's death, ether was removed from his famous table of elements.

Then, simultaneously with the appearance of A. Einstein's theory of relativity, absolutely unproven as a scientific truth, the persecution of the genius scientist and inventor N. Tesla began, as well as the discrediting of his discoveries and developments in the field of free energy. Simultaneously with the campaign of harassment in the "yellow press", all his works on this topic were withdrawn from libraries from free access, and the scientist himself was deprived of funding and lived out his life in poverty. But even after his strange death, all the documentation concerning these developments of his disappeared.

N. Tesla was not the only one whom the hired servants of parasites deprived of the opportunity to present to mankind their amazing and very useful inventions and discoveries. Likewise, the talented French scientist Gerard Renaud died unexpectedly along with his assistant and the only demonstration apparatus for obtaining energy from atmospheric electricity.

For obvious reasons, few people know about this episode of our science now. But all this also happened in the first half of the twentieth century. Another talented inventor and engineer, Viktor Schauberger, who is also called the "Austrian Tesla", described this rather strange death of Jean Reno in the magazine "Der Weg" No. 48 for 1946. Here is what he writes there:

And, although V. Schauberger himself considered the incident to be an accident caused by the injustice of the demonstrated machine, for me personally it is quite understandable that the parasite servants first lured the scientist, together with an assistant and the only prototype of the device, into a prepared trap, and then destroyed him. This naive credulity served as a rather cruel joke with V. Schauberger himself, and he himself also passed away under rather strange circumstances. Initially, he was lured to the United States, promising to finance his development. Then, with the help of sophisticated sabotage in pilot production, they brought him to bankruptcy.

Well, then, the Austrian engineer and inventor, in order to pay off debts and pay for a ticket to his homeland, had to sell the “powerful of this world” (who lured him into a financial trap) patents for all his developments. Naturally, these patents were immediately shelved, and to this day we do not see them in the public domain. Well, V. Schauberger himself, a few days after his return to Austria, died unexpectedly. It must be shown that the servants of the parasites have "insured themselves" here. So that no new inventions and discoveries that interfere with super-profits and the desire for world power for representatives of the global fuel and energy mafia no longer come from him.

That is why, the versions of alternatives about the existence of such technologies among the dead civilizations of the "golden age" have a real basis, thanks to the ingenious developments of scientists and inventors of the late 19th - first half of the 20th centuries. It was during this period only thanks to a total campaign for the falsification of science and the physical destruction of brilliant scientists and inventors, as well as discrediting their unique developments and discoveries, that parasitic forces managed to lead humanity to a dead-end path of self-destruction and stop the development of alternative environmentally friendly free energy technologies.

But all these efforts of the parasites and their servants are not able to prevent the inevitable. Because now the period is coming when the power of the parasitic system is coming to its logical end. This means that the time is not far off when all those guilty of crimes against humanity and hiding from it genuine knowledge and promising technologies, as well as the truth about the real past of our civilization, will suffer deserved karmic punishment and will forever disappear from our reality along with their imposed false “knowledge” and questionable “values”.

That is why the "paradise on earth" that N. Tesla, J. Renault, W. Schauberger and many other talented scientists and inventors wanted to create for humanity will still come, despite attempts to drag us into the satanic "new world order" and reduce up to 500 million people. But this is not the future that we choose for ourselves, and for violation of the free will granted by the Higher Powers, punishment will be inevitable.

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