Holy Symbols Of Orthodoxy - Alternative View

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Holy Symbols Of Orthodoxy - Alternative View
Holy Symbols Of Orthodoxy - Alternative View

Video: Holy Symbols Of Orthodoxy - Alternative View

Video: Holy Symbols Of Orthodoxy - Alternative View
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Orthodoxy is one of the largest offshoots of Christianity, which, in turn, is a world religion. Orthodoxy is a very ancient religion, with a great deal of attention paid to icons. Faces not made by hands are especially revered - which appeared in a miraculous way, and the creator of which is unknown. As a rule, the appearance of such icons is accompanied by other miracles - visions and prophetic dreams preceding this.

The appearance of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

One of the most interesting and inexplicable events is the appearance of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. According to legend, she was found in the ground by the daughter of the Kazan archer after a big fire in the city. Before this, the girl had a dream in which she saw the Mother of God, who ordered her to dig up an icon in a certain place. At first, people did not believe the girl's dream, but when it was repeated several times, she herself went and in the indicated place really dug up the icon. This face, acquired in an amazing way, has truly miraculous properties. There are many documented cases when the icon healed ailments of people, for example, blindness. In addition, this icon of the Mother of God has repeatedly defended Russian cities and people from enemies. The most famous is the story of the intercession of the Mother of God in the Great Patriotic War. Then it was the Kazan icon that saved Moscow from inevitable defeat.

There are other icons, the appearance of which is a real miracle, and their author is unknown. Such images are called miraculous, and are especially revered by believers, as they are miraculous.

Official science denies the existence of such a phenomenon, and cannot explain it. Some scholars only assume that all healings occur through the self-hypnosis of believers. However, miraculous icons have been known since time immemorial and continue to heal the sick. In these stories, there are always many incomprehensible factors that cannot be explained by simple self-hypnosis, therefore the phenomenon of miraculous icons continues to remain a mystery today.

Myrrh streaming effect

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Another amazing phenomenon associated with Orthodox icons is myrrh streaming. With this phenomenon on the icon, an inexplicable outflow of the world occurs - a fragrant liquid. Cases of myrrh flow occurred both in antiquity and now, but they are very rare. Recently, there have been more frequent reports of the appearance of myrrh streaming of this or that icon, but not all of them, according to the priests, are miracles. This can be confirmed by cases when not only icons, but also pagan idols, and even images of dubious personalities began to flow myrrh. According to the clergy investigating this phenomenon, not every case of myrrh streaming can testify to a divine miracle. In many situations, the phenomenon can be caused by diametrically opposite forces to tempt people and distract from the path of a true believer. Therefore, the clergy urge to be wary of all such incidents.

A number of cases also have a very common explanation. Thus, sometimes the “blood” appearing on the icon is just shellac, which melts under the influence of high temperature and breaks through to the surface of the image. Outwardly, this resin can look very formidable if you do not know the peculiarities of making icons and preparing wood.

It is worth noting that very rarely happen things that can really only be called a miracle. But such cases of myrrh-streaming icons, according to popular beliefs, portend disasters and difficult times. The official science cannot yet explain such things.

Holy springs

Another mysterious phenomenon of a religious nature is the holy springs, which have healing powers. They represent springs, sometimes streams, the appearance of which is associated with the activities of holy ascetics. The water of such a spring is curative, so people come to it even from afar to take a bath or drink the blessed water. On the territory of our country there are many such sources that are very well known not only among believers, but also among all other people. So, not far from Sergiev Posad there is the Gremyachiy Klyuch spring, which has existed for several centuries. According to legend, he appeared during the prayer of St. Sergius of Radonezh, when a stream of water began to flow from the stone. Today the spring is divided by a rock into 3 streams, each of which contributes to the cure of certain diseases, believers constantly come to it. Moreover, there are indeed many cases of healing with the water of this spring.

Studies of water taken from various holy springs have shown that silver ions are often present in its composition, as well as other minerals that have a beneficial effect on the body. In addition, the structure of such water is correct, unlike ordinary water.

Nevertheless, all the miracles of Orthodoxy, including the sacred springs, are still a mystery that cannot be explained logically. This means that such phenomena need only be accepted as reality, since they really exist.