Who Is Our Masha Really? Immaculate Conception - Lilies, Bees, Pomegranate, Shamrock And Varja - Alternative View

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Who Is Our Masha Really? Immaculate Conception - Lilies, Bees, Pomegranate, Shamrock And Varja - Alternative View
Who Is Our Masha Really? Immaculate Conception - Lilies, Bees, Pomegranate, Shamrock And Varja - Alternative View

Video: Who Is Our Masha Really? Immaculate Conception - Lilies, Bees, Pomegranate, Shamrock And Varja - Alternative View

Video: Who Is Our Masha Really? Immaculate Conception - Lilies, Bees, Pomegranate, Shamrock And Varja - Alternative View
Video: 66: Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso – The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception 2024, July

Now I propose to find out who our Masha really is. Virgin Mary, that is, the Mother of God.

First, a little personal note. In Catholicism, there is a violent cult of the Madonna. The virgin is even often put on the main altar of the temple. Even black-faced virgins are a dime a dozen. I wrote about this already, see the tag "Isis-Madonna". She is devoutly worshiped. She is everywhere, she is omnipresent. Jesus on the crucifix is wiped off to the thirty-sixth plane. Even among the people, the sayings are not "oh my God!", But "noses senora!" - "our lady", that is. While in our culture, the main object of worship is Christ the Savior.

Paradoxically, with all this cult of "nossa seniors" one would expect at least some signs of matriarchy in society. I can tell you, as a person who has already been well enough and has long been integrated into this culture, on the Iberian island there is a tough housebuilding and patriarchy, machismo flourishes in a riotous color. The women are crushed, spread rot and do not count. Even today. If, say, a couple, a man and a woman, have come to some institution, then they will not even look at the woman, they will only talk to the man. In Russia, with the patriarchal cult of Christ, of course, the position of a woman is also not ice, but a woman, if not always and not everywhere, is at least recognized as a man. In our southern pinatas, a woman is a supplement to a man. And then how lucky, what kind of man gets it.

Well, that’s not the point.

Let's go back to the rams.

In the previous post, we covered the topic of the ascension of the virgin.

Consider two more biblical themes - the gospel of the angel to Mary that she will conceive of the holy spirit and give birth to a savior; and a visit to the Virgin Mary Elizabeth.

Promotional video:

1. The plot "Evangelism"


Giovanni del Biondo, 14th century.

Maria is good to everyone. Yes, only the skin is bluish, and the fingers are long. Despite the fact that they were already covered up to make them look shorter.


Angel. Good, for nothing that is sexless.


Only here is a discrepancy with his hands … as well as his interlocutor. At least Maria has reptilian fingers, but this one has no brushes at all. From a distance it seems that he is hiding something in his sleeve …


Zoom in on the image. The arm is neatly cut off. Or painstakingly painted over.


This is far from the first canvas that we have encountered where something has been painted over. Here at least they tried not to get out of the canvas. On others, the painter simply roughly took the painter on a brush of paint, often even of a different color, without bothering, and painted with broad strokes. Again, I'll post it later when the most interesting is over.

Let's take another look at the whole picture.


I can't understand what's in the picture at Maria's feet? is it not an allusion to the crescent moon?

2. She, in a huge number of plots, appears standing on a crescent moon, with one leg forward (apparently to emphasize and emphasize that the sample is already a "new generation", with legs, not tails), and on a sphere strewn with heads, or babies or angels. Sometimes this sphere is also entwined with a serpent. Like here:


Immaculate Conception Scene. For a second. I would not want to conceive like that (especially immaculately:)))! By the way, the word "Conceisão" in Portugal is a very common … female name !!! Can you imagine your beloved woman's name is "Conception" ?? !!! what will you think every time you say her name?:))) In general, the physiology of romance in our latitudes is not a hindrance.


The teeth of a snake are alarming, like those of a herbivore, but oh well. maybe the artist never looked into the mouths of snakes …


It stands on a crescent, the crescent is a horn. The horn is a sign of the goddess Isis … Well, okay, this has already been talked about using the aforementioned tag.

In the same plot, she also often appears with a grenade in her hands, or with a baby holding a grenade. Or both are holding a pomegranate. But we will return to the grenade later.

3. First about the lilies and … the Jedi

That we are, in fact, we look at all the pictures and pictures. Let's walk through the bas-reliefs!


Virgo with a book. Lilies are detected.

On this I will not overload the post with lilies. There are countless such images of lilies within the framework of the evangelism plot, in paintings and bas-reliefs and sculptures - anyone will google and find if in doubt. We just remember - evangelism is associated with lilies. Three participants - an angel, Mary and lilies.

4. Visit of the Jedi

And here is an amazing bas-relief from the National Museum of Coimbra, the scene "Visit to Mary Elizabeth", which took place a few days after the Annunciation of Mary:


We have: Zechariah, the husband of the old woman Elizabeth, who conceived in old age "miraculously", as the canon says (it is not said, however, from whom), at about the same time as Mary. We also have Elizabeth, Mary's cousin, both go back to the root of King David, and two servant characters. As Vicki says, on the site of the house of Zechariah and Elizabeth, where the meeting under discussion took place, they built a church and … for some reason, an UNDERGROUND temple. Let's remember this moment. There will be a separate post about dungeons, castles, harems. At the moment, it seems that in these numerous temple dungeons, in cells (cellas, celules - cells, both biological and architectural), specimens of genetic engineering were bred. Judging by the number of cells, and the abundance of dungeons, production was put on stream and they bred worse than rabbits … Upstairs, in the "temple",the laboratory itself was located, broods "lived" underground. Then the successful exhibits moved outside the city wall to the so-called “judean quarters”. Wherever you go, there is a "Jedi". About the Jedi below.

We return to the bas-relief.

Out of the corner of our eye we mark the imitation of shamrocks and pomegranates on the columns … Let's remember.

We look at the five participants in the scene. The two servants have faces on the sides like faces. Well, the noses are chipped.


Let's look at the trinity of relatives. Let's take a look at their faces.


EARS !!! skull shape !!!




In the Portuguese tradition, Elizabeth, well, in general, appears everywhere packed to the very eyebrows. No hair or ears to be seen. Of course, married women were supposed to have their heads covered, but here it is just tightly packed. Probably, she hides her ears, like her husband's …


Maria's ears are not visible either, and the shape of her face is also not characteristic … Let's remember what fingers Maria has from the first picture …


We have. Both ladies, one young, the other no longer of reproductive age, conceived at the same time "miraculously." Both are from the line of King David. Are there too many miracles? Did you remember the test tubes from the previous post? We have already mentioned grenades today. Those test tubes are exactly in the shape of a pomegranate, don't they?

Want more Jedi? Already from another source, and from another museum, the plot is the same:


On this one, by the way, the man on the top left is shabby, well, that's later, in a separate post-excursion to shabby paintings.

how can you not remember these "cute" features of the blue reptilian:

Why did our Masha stick to her relatives so far away? Yes, to exchange information. Gossip. As a woman, I understand her.

- Liiz, I made a bio-robot “Eco” yesterday. I know you've been through this too. How did it hurt you?

- No, Mash, like a bee bit. But special children will be born. An angel will not slip any kind of genomaterial.

So "special children" were born to the grandmother's relatives - the forerunner John the Baptist, and the Savior of the world Christ …

Note that surrogate mothers were also chosen with an eye, not anyhow healthier, but the descendants of King David himself !!! Straight on Nietzsche.

5. Back to the lilies

What is "virgin" in Latin? or in Romance languages? Virginia. English. "Virgin".

And what are these lilies ?????


Well, only the lazy hasn't heard about the vajra:


But now imagine if such a thing-vadja to try to climb under the skirt of a virgin girl, how frightened she will be! that's disguised as a lily type, pure and immaculate. Lily is not a Vadja for you, Virginia will think …

Between us, where is vadrja, there are lotuses (lilies) and snakes (how about Mary standing on snakes forever ???) …

6. Let's move on to another symbol of the Virgin Mary - the bee

(Between us, the bee is also a symbol of the Egyptian goddess Maat. And not only. Again, the coincidence with Egypt, as in the case of the horns of the crescent of Mary).

Quote: " in the Christian tradition: according to Saint Brigitte, the Virgin Mary said: "I truly was a hive when the most sacred bee - the son of God - settled in my womb"


Question: AND WHAT ???

7. How is it all connected, and what does genetic engineering have to do with it ???

I guess. Here is how it was. It was necessary to introduce an embryo into the womb of a surrogate mother (“benedictus fructus ventre tue Jesus” - Latin “blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus”). A tool is taken - something like a vajji disguised as a lily, a capsule like a bee with a genetic material is inserted inside, the tool is inserted where it should be, and a "bee" injection of the genetic material is made from within.


So today women are taking smears using a gynecological mirror, if someone did not know.

Injection of what exactly ???

8. Let's remember another symbol of the Virgin Mary, and genetic engineering in general. GARNET

To attract attention, a few more pictures. Clothes of dignitaries, embroidered with grenades.


(from one of my earlier posts. "Beheading of St. Catherine of Alexandria", Museum of Viseu)


And such clothes are innumerable.

Why, Columbus himself, whose name is associated with the Spanish province of Granada (!!!), named after this wonderful fruit, fell in love with such clothes:


"Virgin of the Navigators", Seville Cathedral, Spain.


Sarcophagus with the remains of Columbus, Seville Cathedral. The staff of one of the knights, symbolizing the provinces of Spain, is based on … a pomegranate fruit.

Heraldry is replete with images of pomegranates:


Detail of the cathedral in Golega, Portugal.


3 grenades, emitting an armillary sphere (by the way, it looks like a grenade too). Tomar, unfinished chapel. Portugal.

Remember the pomegranate-shaped cones from the previous post?


No comments here. The images of a virgin and a baby with pomegranates are innumerable.

And who has not seen the picture of a native of the Iberian Peninsula Salvador our Dali "The flight of a bee around a pomegranate 2 minutes before awakening", google.

- SO WHAT??? - you ask.

And I will answer with a question.



And this -


How could one better explain in those days what was introduced through the lily and the bee? Garnet!

Morula is also called a mulberry berry, very similar to morula. And there is a single-rooted "amor" berry - blackberry.

How did they see it all? Through a microscope, of course! In the museum in Batalha, Portugal, for example, there is a copy. The photo is not loading, please follow the link.

About pomegranates in more detail soon rodom_iz_tiflis will post interesting things, come in.

10. And He appeared from the test tube


Do you know the Portuguese word for "people"? GENtE. Do you know how the "gene" will be? So it will be - GENE. The local people were formed not from the clan, but from the gene.

Something like this…
