Special Services Against Aliens - Alternative View

Special Services Against Aliens - Alternative View
Special Services Against Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Special Services Against Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Special Services Against Aliens - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, July

For many years, aliens and "flying saucers" have been the object of close scrutiny from intelligence agencies around the world. At the same time, it was never advertised that any secret research on alien technology was being conducted. But this does not mean anything at all, since it is very difficult to imagine that such a problem is not at all interesting to the authorities. At present, thousands of pages of documents have been declassified in America, which indicate that the attitude towards extraterrestrial civilizations and aliens is very, very serious.

In the late 70s of the last century, CIA officers were forced to transfer documents to anomaly specialists, which contained information on the results of the study of "flying saucers". All this indicates that the study of UFOs is taking place. But at the same time, it is completely incomprehensible why the truth about this is still so carefully hidden.

Some time ago, a report from the Phoenix UFO project appeared on the Internet, containing information about why all the data and scope of research on alien technologies are classified.

It should be noted that the Phoenix project brought together people who in their lives, during the years of work for government organizations, faced a classified program of research on extraterrestrial civilizations and technologies. All these people did not agree with the official policy, which led to the creation of a group of like-minded people. These people do not care about fame or money; they, unlike similar organizations, work independently and from time to time publish separate materials on some aspects of the research.

If we analyze the report itself, then the main idea in it boiled down to the fact that information about the "flying saucers" was classified due to the existence of a real threat of an alien invasion. Of course, one can not believe this and treat it with a certain degree of skepticism, but if you study the report itself more closely, it becomes quite obvious that some grain of truth is still present in it.

The report says that secret research on aliens in the United States of America began as early as 1947. The research was carried out by a project team called "Magie", originally named "Majestic 12". This group was directly subordinate to the president and was the most secret among all of their kind.

All of the group's documents were classified with the country's most serious security stamp. The group consisted of exceptionally highly qualified personnel, the best military, scientists, business executives and employees of intelligence agencies and services. All of them took an oath of non-disclosure.

The composition of "Magie" includes a large number of departments and projects, each of which was assigned a certain type of work. All the results of their research, these units were sent to the center, where they were carefully analyzed. The management then decided in which directions further research should be carried out, and adjusted the work of the units.

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During the period from 1947 to 1952, special units of the American armed forces, under the leadership of the group, repeatedly traveled to the sites of alleged "flying saucers" disasters. Everything that could be collected at the crash sites was taken to Ohio, to the airbase, to hangar number 18. Later, a joint operation by the CIA and the Air Force was carried out, during which all the remains were transported to California, where they are still in an underground complex.

In 1964, the Magi group within the framework of the Sigma project managed to establish contacts with aliens from the Zeta Reticuli system, the so-called "gray" ones. As a result of the contacts, technical and trade agreements were concluded, according to which the aliens were supposed to supply new types of technologies, in exchange for this the American government agreed to the construction of several secret bases. The agreements also provided for an exchange program, according to which aliens received the right to abduct Americans and conduct medical research on them, psychological and genetic experiments, but at the same time, it is mandatory to submit lists of abductees in order to monitor changes in their health in the future.

The report also contains information that during the period 1972-1973, aliens built several secret bases in America. One of these bases appeared in Area 51. It was located next to the nuclear test site and had a large underground complex. Another secret base has appeared in New Mexico. It is known as the Ice Caves.

However, the report says, in 1979-1983, a split occurred between the Americans and aliens, relations cracked, as the parties refused to comply with the terms of the agreement. The alien guests abducted many more people than indicated on the lists and subjected people to terrible and brutal torture instead of the promised scan. Many of those who were abducted never returned. In addition, it was found that the aliens implanted thin metal plates in the brain of some abducted people, and with their help they could completely control a person. Periodically, people were hypnotized, and experiments on genetic crossing were carried out with women.

It was during this period that an ideological split was outlined among the staff of "Magie". At the same time, the first development of certain types of weapons against aliens fell, including laser cannons, which are considered to be one of the most powerful and attractive means of defense in the event of an alien invasion. Plasma weapons were also developed.

However, the Americans were far from the only ones who were engaged in UFO research. Similar studies were carried out in Italy, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union. In Italy, UFO studies began in 1922-1943 on the orders of Mussolini. And in 1996, documents were published that were directly related to those studies. In particular, the report of the "Cabinet of RS / 33", a secret unit under the Italian government, was presented to the general public. This unit was engaged in the study, analysis and investigation of cases of the appearance of "flying saucers" in the skies over Italy. There was a letter in the report stating that several objects were seen over Venice in 1968 - two translucent spherical and one cigar-shaped.

The documents in which Mussolini ordered the search for an unknown object, which landed in the country in the summer of 1933, were also declassified. The exact landing site was not indicated, but a list of measures that had to be taken in the event of the discovery of the "plate" was attached. It was necessary to arrest all possible eyewitnesses, deliver the object itself to a specially designated secret place, introduce censorship for the media, and declare the landing itself a meteorite fall.

This unit existed for about 7 years, collecting all the data on the occurrence of unidentified flying objects over the territory of Italy. However, in the end, the experts of the "Cabinet" made an unexpected conclusion that in all cases the objects found were not of alien origin, being just the result of secret tests of a new type of weapon created on the territory of one of the European countries.

Later, all the information collected by the unit was transferred to Germany. Some experts argue that the object discovered in 1933 turned out to be the same, since it was then that the Germans began to actively develop disc-shaped aircraft.

Studied UFOs in the Soviet Union. Scientists in their work have repeatedly encountered some objects, which were not able to explain the origin. Soviet ufologists were sure that "flying saucers" could be the cause of plane crashes.

It should be said that in the Soviet Union, the study of aliens and everything connected with them was at a rather primitive level. The Academy of Sciences received hundreds of letters describing various strange phenomena and requests to deal with them. As a result, a group appeared at the Academy, which included physicists and astronomers. The main task of the group was to register all received messages of this kind, consult with specialists and answer letters. Naturally, this approach has not brought any positive results. Therefore, a team soon appeared, which included specialists from various industries, including the military. Several programs started working very quickly: "Grid AN", which was engaged in research on the origin and development of anomalous phenomena, and "Grid MO",which was engaged in research of various kinds of anomalous phenomena and their influence on military personnel and the operation of equipment. In other words, in 1978, a state program for the study of UFOs began to work in the USSR, which functioned for 13 years, and was closed due to a strong public outcry.

Studied "flying saucers" in Great Britain. It is now well known that W. Churchill was absolutely sure of the existence of UFOs and was afraid of them. Moreover, he ordered to hide for half a century the fact of the rapprochement of a British military aircraft with a UFO during the Second World War.

Churchill's interest in anomalous phenomena began as early as 1912. The British government took the UFO problem so seriously that even in the post-war years, it held regular meetings with the participation of intelligence services dedicated to the issue.

The classified information concerning UFOs and anomalous phenomena was made public in other countries, in particular, in France and Denmark. Of course, if you look at the problem of the existence of UFOs from the point of view of common sense and elementary logic, it is very difficult to believe that any living creatures can live outside our planet, and that they periodically visit earthlings with visits on "flying saucers". On the other hand, scientists have never been able to prove that they do not exist. Therefore, it is possible that in the distant future, humanity will learn to communicate more constructively with its cosmic brothers in reason.