Aging And Ayurveda - Alternative View

Aging And Ayurveda - Alternative View
Aging And Ayurveda - Alternative View

Video: Aging And Ayurveda - Alternative View

Video: Aging And Ayurveda - Alternative View
Video: Ayurveda, Allopathy & the Best System of Medicine 2024, June

What is hidden at the bottom of the world's oceans, where a person cannot get today? Maybe it is the solution to the secrets of the world ocean that will answer the question: what is the future of our civilization and man. It is generally accepted that man is the only intelligent creature on the planet. Meanwhile, today scientists say: a powerful and mysterious civilization shares the planet with us, and we don't even know about it.

Residents of sunny Acapulco on the beach discovered a strange sea creature that resembled a mysterious monster several meters long. Now biologists are racking their brains about where this monster came from, unlike any of the sea creatures.

The world's oceans every now and then presents new surprises to mankind. Almost every month, in one corner of the planet, then in another, local residents stumble upon creatures that look as if they came from some other planet.

Many experts believe, despite all the latest research, the ocean is still fraught with many mysteries. And unidentified marine life may well live in the deepest depressions, where it is easy to hide.

Also, experts do not exclude that creatures swim in the depths that are not only adapted to life in extreme conditions and do not look like everything still known, but can also have intelligence. At the same time, in addition to intelligent sea reptiles, whole underground cities can lurk in the water column.

A couple of years ago, Canadian researchers Paul Weinzweig and his wife Polina Zelitskaya announced a sensational discovery - there is an underground city near the coast of Cuba. According to experts, this mysterious settlement is located at a depth of 700 meters.

The unique pictures taken under water show streets, squares, four pyramids and even a monument that vaguely resembles the Sphinx.

After this sensational discovery, the most daring scientists started talking about an unknown modern science of underwater civilization, others - remembered the legends about the lost Atlantis.

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For the first time, a fantastic hypothesis that the depths of the sea can inhabited by some civilizations unknown to science, was expressed in the late 50s of the last century.

New technology and means of studying the depths of the sea gave an unexpected picture of the underwater world, and became the reason for numerous studies in this area.

And if scientists can still give an explanation for archaeological finds on the surface of the Earth, then those structures under water still raise a lot of questions among specialists. Detailed and deep examination of such finds is complicated by the specifics of underwater searches.

At the same time, experts tirelessly continue to build theories, as cities are part of the underwater kingdom. Most of them are sure that ordinary ancient cities are hidden in the depths of the World Ocean, which over time went under water. As a result of an earthquake, tsunami or other natural anomaly. However, among scientists there are those who are sure that the cities could also belong to prehistoric underwater inhabitants unknown to science.

Until the 50s of the last century, scientists did not even attempt to systematize reports about unknown animals and fish. This was first done by the French zoologist Bernard Eyvelmans. In 1955, his first book, "In the Footsteps of Unknown Animals", was published. It caused a sensation in the scientific community and led to the creation of the International Society of Cryptozoology. Today cryptozoologists are engaged in "scientific research of animals unknown to science", as it is written in their charter.

It is quite difficult to believe that once upon a time there was an ancient underwater civilization. But some experts are sure that the philosopher Plato, describing the famous Atlantis, said that it was a state with inhabitants endowed with supernatural powers. And these people, according to legend, could live both on land and in water.

Some researchers do not deny the existence of amphibious people on earth.

At the level of terms, scientists do not support the idea of the existence of half-humans, half-fish. For many centuries, researchers have called these assumptions fiction. However, more recently, doctors have put forward an assumption about the nature of the strange human atavism - hiccups. They found out that this unpleasant physiological phenomenon came from our ancestors. Experts said it used to be the so-called "switch" between the lungs and gills.

There is another curious fact in favor of amphibians: human DNA contains a large number of chromosomes, which fish also have.

However, all this is data that the official science does not want to take into account yet. Maybe the world community of scientists is simply afraid? Because there is still no answer to the question: what actually conceals the world's oceans.

According to generally known data, land occupies only 30 percent of the entire surface on our planet. At the same time, the water element still remains poorly understood, sometimes the ocean can present surprises to mankind.

Any researcher will tell you that bodies of water even now conceal many secrets. Despite the fact that man, it would seem, has advanced far in the study of the world around him, thanks to the latest technologies, one can penetrate into the most remote corners of the planet, water spaces remain one of the most mysterious on Earth.
