The Cultural Heritage Of The Great People Of The Alans - Alternative View

The Cultural Heritage Of The Great People Of The Alans - Alternative View
The Cultural Heritage Of The Great People Of The Alans - Alternative View

Video: The Cultural Heritage Of The Great People Of The Alans - Alternative View

Video: The Cultural Heritage Of The Great People Of The Alans - Alternative View
Video: The Relevance of Cultural Heritage: Identity 2024, October

Alans are nomadic tribes that appeared in the 1st century AD in the Azov and Ciscaucasia. Most of the Alans lived in the Caucasus, but there were also those who participated in the Great Migration of Nations

The union of the Alans' tribes became the uniting link of the Alans and the Caucasian tribes living in those places before the arrival of the nomads. This union made it possible to create the state of Alania in the central Ciscaucasia, which existed before the campaigns of the Tatar-Mongols.

In the late 30s of the XIII century, fertile and non-mountainous areas were captured by the Mongols, which forced the Alans to "move" to the mountains. Representatives of the group of Alans who settled in the Central Caucasus and Transcaucasia became the ancestors of the modern Ossetians. The Alans made a great contribution to the formation of many peoples of the North Caucasus and their culture.

The name "Alans" is considered to be a composite of the common name of the Aryans and Iranians. According to the theories of the Soviet linguists Gamkrelidze and Ivanov, initially the word "Alan" meant "host", "guest".

Different scientists speak differently about the origin of this name. Miller believed that it arose among the Greeks, from the Greek verb "wander, wander." Vernadsky believed that "Alan" comes from the ancient Iranian language, from the word "helen", which means deer in translation, and Matsulevich said that the origin of this term is completely unknown.

The Russians did not guess where the very name of the Alans came from. In their annals they called them yas. For example, the Nikon Chronicle tells about the campaign of Prince Yaroslav against the Yases (Alans) back in 1029. The Armenians in their sources most often mentioned the Alans under their self-designation, the Chinese called them "Alan". In written sources Georgians call Alans ovsi or axes. The same name is now used by Georgians in relation to modern Ossetians.

The first mentions of this people can be found in the antique authors of the second half of the 1st century AD. After the strengthening of the Alans in the territories where the Sarmatian tribes lived, they began to appear in Eastern Europe.

For almost two centuries, the Alans were the main people among the Sarmatians in the Ciscaucasia and the Azov region. These lands have become strategically convenient for an attack on the Crimea, Transcaucasia and other neighboring territories.

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The Roman historian Ammianus (IV century) said about the Alans that they were all very tall and beautiful. He also wrote that the Alans treated the soldiers with respect and considered it a blessing to die on the battlefield.

However, by this time the Alans had already mixed with other peoples. In the IV century, the Alans were defeated by the Huns, and almost two centuries later - by the Avars. Some Alans "moved" to Europe after the Great Nations Migration. Traces of the Alans are also found in North Africa.

The culture of the Alans of this period is presented in the form of settlements, burial grounds and incredible Kerch crypts. From the 7th to the 10th centuries almost all of Alania was part of the Khazar Kaganate. The Khazars ruled the territory from modern Dagestan to the Kuban region. For a long time the Alans fought against the invaders - Arabs, Byzantines, and Khazars.

The cultural heritage of the VIII-XI centuries is represented by catacombs and, similar to the previous burial grounds and settlements. This wealth and splendor testifies to extensive ties with different peoples, for example, the peoples of the Caucasus and the Slavs.

The results of research in the Zmeysky burial ground showed that the culture of the Alans in the XI-XII centuries was highly developed, and also that the Alans actively traded with the inhabitants of Iran, Transcaucasia, Russia and the Arab countries. The genetic links of modern Ossetians and Alans were confirmed. The weapons found during archaeological expeditions confirm information from sources - the main force in the Alanian troops was the cavalry. Like the Slavs, and, in general, many other peoples in the XIII century there was a decline in the culture of the Alans. This is due to the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols. As a result of the campaign of 1238-1239, most of the plains of Alanya were captured, and Alania itself, as a state, ceased to exist.

It is believed that Mother Nature also played an important role in the destruction of the Alans. The avalanche scientist, the founder of the science dealing with the study of avalanches, Georgy Kazimirovich Tushinsky, believed that due to frosty and snowy winters in the Caucasus mountains, avalanches became more frequent, which destroyed many Alanian settlements in the highlands. Unlike many peoples, the Alans learned from their mistakes and made a conclusion from this tragedy - since then their settlements "moved" below.

In the XIV century, the Alans became part of the troops of Khan Tokhtamyn and took part in the battles against Tamerlane. The decisive battle took place on April 15, 1395. Tokhtamysh was completely defeated. The invasion of Tamerlane was the last blow for the relict groups of the Alans. From that moment on, all the foothills that belonged to them passed into the possession of the Kabardian feudal lords. Throughout the 15th century, the Kabardians moved farther and farther to the east and mastered the deserted black earth territories.

However, the Alans, who lived in the mountains, still managed to survive in the brutal massacre that the Tatar-Mongols staged. During the XIV-XV centuries. Ossetians and their culture were also formed. Scientists believe that it was at this time that the Ossetians were divided into gorge societies.

As for the cultural heritage of the Alans, different groups have contributed to the development of culture almost throughout the entire globe. Caucasian Alans became the progenitors of modern Ossetians; the part that ended up in Europe lost its extraordinary abilities in military affairs and mixed with other peoples, losing its culture and language. The Alans also had a great influence on the Slavs, or rather, on their language. The relationship between the Alans and the Slavs is associated with the appearance of some sounds in the Slavic language that did not exist before.

The legacy of the Alans causes a lot of controversy and becomes the reason for hundreds of publications by historians who are not recognized by scientists. These controversies and publications provoke a natural desire among researchers to refute or prove the information offered. That is why the interest of scientists in the Alans does not fade, and is unlikely to fade in the next few years.