Why Is Reuters So Named? - Alternative View

Why Is Reuters So Named? - Alternative View
Why Is Reuters So Named? - Alternative View

Video: Why Is Reuters So Named? - Alternative View

Video: Why Is Reuters So Named? - Alternative View
Video: What’s so great about Britain's National Health Service? 2024, October

Where did the international news agency get its name - Reuters?

If you open Wikipedia or dig into other sources, you will inevitably stumble upon the fascinating story of Paul Julius Reiter, who in 1849 in Paris, opens a tiny news agency that then turns into a global news agency.


A very convenient version, which, however, does not answer some questions, and also very much looks like a vanilla fairy tale for children.

And since we are corrosive and meticulous people, we will try to dig a little deeper, for any oddities and inconsistencies.

And we immediately learn that the real name of the founder is not Paul Julius Reuter, but Samuel Levi Yoshafat. Who changed his name to Julius Reitar in 1845, already at the age of 29.


Thus, it turns out that "Reuters" is a pseudonym. The agency is called Reuters - that is, Reuters in the plural, which could mean family - surname. But since Paul had just adopted that name, there could be no Reuters.

Promotional video:

So the Reuters is something else, disguised as a vanilla fairy tale. So who are they?

It turns out that the riders called a high-speed, maneuverable cavalry detachment, armored in a light cuirass and armed with firearms, most often a pistol.


They never entered the battle directly, but they approached the enemy at a sufficient distance, fired a volley, and ran away to reload.

Mostly there were mercenaries who painted their cuirasses black. For this they were sometimes also called "black riders"

Over time, delivery of secret messages became their main occupation. They were excellent, fast and armed messengers.

Perhaps the most striking event in Reiter history was the Battle of Waterloo.


From London to the battlefield was 350 kilometers, of which 51 kilometers by water across the English Channel.

It was thanks to the reiters, their courier service and logistics that had been established by that time, that the news of the British victory came to the Rothschilds a day earlier than everyone else. Which allowed them to practically buy all of England.

Nathan Mayer Rothschild
Nathan Mayer Rothschild

Nathan Mayer Rothschild.

Such a feat should not have gone unnoticed, and the agency was named after them - Reitars. And at the same time to remind those who are aware that with the help of information manipulation it is possible to buy the whole world.

Since then, news agencies have lived by this principle - they manipulate our minds with the help of information