Deja Vu. The Riddle Of The Beautiful Word - Alternative View

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Deja Vu. The Riddle Of The Beautiful Word - Alternative View
Deja Vu. The Riddle Of The Beautiful Word - Alternative View

Video: Deja Vu. The Riddle Of The Beautiful Word - Alternative View

Video: Deja Vu. The Riddle Of The Beautiful Word - Alternative View
Video: Enigma - Déjà Vu (Official Video) 2024, October

Probably, it happened to everyone: at some point it seems that you have already seen, heard, been in this situation … But this is one of the most amazing mysteries of our nature! Deja vu - this is the name of this very sensation - one of the most poorly studied phenomena of the human psyche.


So, the mental state in which a person feels that he was once in this situation, is called déjà vu. Moreover, psychologists believe that 97% of people have experienced something like this at least once in their life. And they also say: survivors of déjà vu are usually afraid of being victims of this condition again - they fear for their mental health. Well, it’s natural: what we don’t understand is frightening. And yet, what are the foci of our memory underlying this phenomenon?

There is such a hypothesis: sometimes perceived information arrives in memory departments earlier than in the area of primary analysis. Therefore, the brain, comparing the situation with its neurocopy from the "archive", gives an erroneous conclusion: it has already happened. Physicists explain the phenomenon of déjà vu in a different way: time is little-studied matter, and perhaps the past, present and future exist in it simultaneously. And our consciousness gets confused in the data, not being able to arrange them in the correct sequence.


Now it has become a commonplace that our nervous system uses high-frequency, the so-called thin-plane energy to provide all physiological and mental functions. In fact, the phenomenon of subtle energy has been known for a long time: it is this substance that is described in esoteric teachings as “holy spirit”, “prana”, “qi” energy … Our ancient ancestors knew that all our reality is permeated by it.

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When the concept of "Cosmos" appeared, the understanding of its filling with the same subtle energy came rather quickly. Modern psychologists call it mental, physics - the energy of the physical vacuum. We have even discovered an elementary particle of this energy - psychon, in fact, it is to him that we owe the uninterrupted work of the brain. An experienced psychic can see this thin-plane electric field as multi-colored murals: different thoughts give their own frequency spectrum. Science is also not lagging behind: there already exist electroenzifolographers capable of reading thought forms. Let's get back to the topic: strong thoughts form a powerful focus of excitation in the brain and leave information traces. They lead to deja vu …


That is, our mysterious phenomenon with a beautiful name is just the effect of the information that has been "inherited" in our brain. And it certainly isn't a mental abnormality, so don't be intimidated by it. Scientists say that soon it will be possible to control this effect, cause it and use it at your discretion for a more complete disclosure of human mental capabilities.

But there is another hypothesis, according to which deja vu is a reflection of our past lives, confirmation of reincarnation, memories of other incarnations. There are parts of our brain that specialize in the past, present, and future. When all of these parts do their job without interruption, everything is fine. But sometimes "closure" occurs. By the way, such a "glitch" can cause another phenomenon - the so-called "zhamevyu" ("never seen"). This is the opposite of déja vu: instead of feeling "very familiar", things and phenomena suddenly evoke a feeling of completely alien. When a person falls into such a state, he does not recognize anything that is in any way connected with the past: he is frightened by relatives, lost in his city, even in his own home … And if some nervous citizens get upset from deja vu, then imagine their nightmare at the appearance of jamevue! True,the latter happens to people much less frequently.


By the way, scientists, having undertaken to study the fears of people faced with déjà vu, found that they are not so unfounded. The fact is that in terms of symptoms, this memory failure is very close to the state of temporal lobar epilepsy … And only a doctor can figure out whether this is "it" or "not it". In working with epileptic patients, psychiatrists have found that their patients quite often experience the effect of deja vu before seizures. Naturally, therefore, it was believed for a long time that the "feeling of recognition" is a symptom of a serious mental disorder. Even if a person is not prone to proper epileptic seizures. Back in the 19th century, all leading experts in Europe agreed that déjà vu was a signal of an impending mental illness, but later this theory was not confirmed. There is no connection between the focuses of our memory and mental illness. However, many years of research came in handy - they shed light on the phenomenon itself. It turned out that déjà vu occurs when the amygdala and hippocampus are stimulated. Therefore, if accidentally nerve impulses "touch" these parts of the brain, we have a false sense of "familiarity."


And one more theory: déjà vu occurs when the normal functioning of two separate but interacting processes of perception and processing of external information - memorization and recall - is disrupted. These two threads, which must run in parallel, at some point turn out to be mismatched, and then one of the processes can be activated at the expense of the other. Well, in a simplified way, it looks like this: any new information must somehow correlate with the already familiar, memorization follows recall. And if the brain does not find impressions similar to the current ones in memory, that is, the process of “remembering” does not take place, then the area responsible for “remembering” begins to work for “that guy”: to produce a false feeling that this is new - we have already seen it. That is, the whole point is in violation of the sequence of perception and memorization. Normally, the memorization of new information follows its perception - like soldiers in the ranks. But if one of them lost a step, suddenly went out of step - two processes, most important for our brain, went astray. And here's a deja vu for you.


Scientists have called this option "violation of the source monitoring system." A typical example: you come to a certain ancient city and during a tour of its Kremlin you will learn everything. How? What? I've never been here! Of course not, but the sightseeing guide must have been leafing through. Here's the answer … Another theory: "single element recognition." In the brain, information is being processed so quickly, and already familiar information, that our memory snatches some stroke from the general picture - a previously seen object, stumbles over it - and here's a déjà vu. That is, there is enough of some kind of emotional association with the previously experienced (smell, sound, picture) - and the consciousness identifies situations. Do not be alarmed if this happened to you - experienced psychics say that people who often have deja vu are more capable than others of spiritual practices, meditation,of magic.