Poltergeist In A Kindergarten In Angarsk (Irkutsk Region) - Alternative View

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Poltergeist In A Kindergarten In Angarsk (Irkutsk Region) - Alternative View
Poltergeist In A Kindergarten In Angarsk (Irkutsk Region) - Alternative View

Video: Poltergeist In A Kindergarten In Angarsk (Irkutsk Region) - Alternative View

Video: Poltergeist In A Kindergarten In Angarsk (Irkutsk Region) - Alternative View
Video: Electric trains of Russia in winter. Snow in Siberia. Life in Russia. Winter 2024, September

A photo from the attic of a kindergarten with the supposedly captured face of a girl

Around the beginning of January 2009, in one of the kindergartens in the city of Angarsk (Irkutsk Region), inexplicable sounds similar to children's steps began to be heard at night. This was recorded by the watchman (22 years old), who, every two days, takes over the night watch. It is important to note that this caretaker has been working in the kindergarten since the fall of 2008 and until that moment did not notice anything strange at night

Unexplained activity during this time went on strengthening. The sounds of footsteps became louder and turned into running, which mainly took place on the stairs of the left wing (Appendix 1, Fig. P.1.1 and P.1.2). In addition, the watchman began to notice the loud knocking of the stairs leading to the attic, and the slamming of the attic lid (Fig. P.1.3).

It should be noted that the "paranormal" activity is localized mainly in one place, namely the stairs leading to the second floor and the exit to the attic. Repeatedly, almost every watch, the watchman in this very place heard loud children's steps, as if a child was running up and down the stairs. As it became known, similar strange sounds were noted by other workers of the kindergarten, in particular a woman who has been working there as a cook for more than 20 years. It is not yet clear whether other watchmen noticed such unexplained sounds and noises.

The largest outbreak of paranormal activity was noted on Thursday, January 22, 2009. At the same time, which is very important, that night the watchman managed to record this activity on a dictaphone. Thus, he received two audio recordings, respectively made in the first hour and at about five in the morning. On both recordings, you can very clearly hear the running up the stairs, in sounds like the fuss of a small child.

In addition, the "restless spirit" periodically makes a very loud noise of the stairs leading to the attic, and also slams the attic lid itself. On the same night, while checking the attic, the watchman for a short time noticed a little girl in a white dress, who was sitting with her back to him. At that moment, naturally, he got very frightened and ran away from the attic. The next night, as the watchman said, there were no steps, but the stairs leading to the attic thundered.

We used a cell phone to send a photograph taken in the most disturbed area (stairs leading to the second floor - Fig. 1). In the photo, with the naked eye, a dark silhouette is visible, which was not during the photograph.


Promotional video:

Figure: 1. Photo of the stairs leading to the second floor (the most troubled area)

On February 18, 2009, the “restless spirit” began to play the piano (Fig. A.1.4) located in the music hall. At the same time, the watchman noted that he saw how the piano keys were pressed by themselves, but there was no one at the piano. After the "spirit", apparently, noticed the watchman, he slammed the lid of the piano and after a few seconds there were footsteps on the stairs and sharp knocks on the iron staircase leading to the attic. Musical etudes of the spirit were also recorded by the watchman on a dictaphone.

The watchman told the head of the kindergarten about the "night troubles", and the attic was checked for the possibility of homeless people settling there. But nothing was found.

2. Conducted research and experiments

Our group conducted 5 nights of research in this "restless" kindergarten. The research included instrumental measurements:

  • measurements of IR radiation - IR scanner FD [1];
  • measurement of β- and γ-radiation - X-ray meter DP-5A;
  • air temperature measurement - digital thermometer, temperature sensors;
  • photo - video camera Panasonic;
  • video - Panasonic camcorder;
  • sound recording on a sensitive microphone - Nady SCM 1000 microphone, Novation Nio 2/4 audio interface [2].

A number of special experiments were also carried out to provoke paranormal activity, as well as experiments to establish contact with the "restless spirit". Based on the results of research and observations, the group drew up a plan-diagram of this kindergarten with the main poltergeist events and episodes plotted (Fig. 2). In the process of studying the phenomenon, the so-called zone of action of the poltergeist was identified [4, 5], which was mainly reduced to the area of the stairs and attic in the right wing of the building.

Of the five nocturnal studies in the last four, the group witnessed paranormal activity. It is important to note that the group recorded poltergeist events of both the first and second types (Fig. 2).


Figure: 2. Plan-diagram of a kindergarten with plotted poltergeist episodes and events

2.1. Research February 23-24, 2009


The following poltergeist events and episodes were noted that night:

  1. Spontaneous swinging of the chandelier in the area of the stairs as a reaction to loud sounds of the flute (Fig. P.1.1);
  2. After the experiment on provoking paranormal activity, a flute fell spontaneously from the piano (Fig. 2, item 5).


A special experiment was carried out with the aim of provoking paranormal activity by creating loud, harsh sounds, since a reaction to this kind of sounds from the poltergeist was previously noticed. It is important to note that paranormal activity usually took place after the watchman sang or listened to music, i.e. it was he who made loud sounds.

Based on this, the watchman began playing the children's flute at 01:57, and at 2:05 the spontaneous swinging of the chandelier described above began. And even later, at 03:45, this flute was thrown off the piano.

It should be noted that in addition to this, an experiment was carried out with the loud inclusion of music of various genres also in order to provoke the activity of a poltergeist, but it did not give any results.

Instrument measurements

Measurements of infrared radiation were carried out in the most disturbed areas, namely:

  1. Staircase No. 1 (Fig. P.1.1 and P.1.2) leading to the attic, in the area of the music hall (almost all the events described above took place there);
  2. Staircase # 2 leading to another exit to the attic (where knocks and steps were also noted earlier).

The measurements have shown that in the most disturbed areas: staircase No. 1 (Appendix 2, Fig. A.2.1) and staircase No. 2 (Fig. A.2.2) significant bursts are observed in the area of infrared radiation. It is important to note that measurements in the area of staircase # 1 were taken at 2: 24-2: 26, i.e. some time after the swing of the chandelier (2:05). As can be seen from the sonogram (Fig. A.2.1), it is in the area of the first floor of stairs No. 1, where this chandelier is located, that significant bursts of infrared radiation are observed.

In addition, the activity of these zones in terms of IR bursts persists for a long time, repeated measurements were carried out at around four in the morning (Fig. A.2.3).

In addition, temperature sensors were used to measure the air temperature in the troubled area of stairs No. 1, but there were no significant temperature fluctuations.

Research conclusion

  1. A reaction was revealed on the part of the phenomenon to the presence of loud sounds, provided that the watchman himself reproduces them;
  2. Measurements of infrared radiation showed the presence of significant bursts in the most troubled areas of the kindergarten: stairs # 1 and stairs # 2.

2.2. Survey March 1-2, 2009


The following poltergeist events and episodes were noted that night, in particular, poltergeist events of the second kind were recorded:

  • spontaneous movement of the mug in the presence of one of the researchers, which led to its breaking (Fig. 3) (unfortunately, this event was not filmed on video);
  • loud and sharp knocking of the stairs to the attic (the sound of this activity was recorded on a video camera). At the same time, the time of the knock of the stairs very accurately coincided with the burst on the IR scanner (Fig. 4);
  • physical influence on the guard by the spirit. When he played the flute, someone invisible pushed him hard in the chest, causing him to fall. This fact was captured on video.
  • Image
  • Instrument Measurements Of all instrumental measurements, positive results were obtained only with measurements of infrared radiation. So, during measurements in the attic, the IR scanner recorded a modulated signal from the part of the attic where the watchman saw the girl. At the same time, upon repeated measurement, an hour later, the previously recorded IR signal has already disappeared. In addition, constant bursts of infrared radiation were recorded in places of constant activity of the spirit: on stairs in different parts of the kindergarten and in the attic area (Appendix 2, Fig. P.2.4).

Figure: 4. Sonogram of infrared radiation in the music hall (2: 22-2: 24, 02.03.09)

As noted above, the received burst of IR radiation recorded in the period 2: 22-2: 24 (Fig. 4), practically coincides in time (2: 18-2: 20) with the paranormal event recorded that night, and namely: loud and sharp knocking of stairs.

Research conclusion

Observations have shown that the activity of the phenomenon is somehow connected with the watchman himself. Firstly, paranormal activity took place mainly during his watch, and secondly, in our presence, phenomena occurred when he was nearby.

2.3. Research March 17-18, 2009


The following poltergeist events and episodes were noted that night:

  • taking out a pack of cigarettes from the researcher's pocket (the sound of falling onto the microphone was recorded, Fig. 5);
  • the appearance of graphic images on the left piece of paper (Fig. 7);
  • steps were noted on the second floor in group 10 (the sounds of steps were recorded on a microphone, Fig. 6).
  • Image

Figure: 5. Sonogram of a fall of a pack of cigarettes (Ladder number 1)


Figure: 6. Sonogram with the presence of steps on the second floor in group No. 10

It should be noted that a pack of cigarettes was taken from the researcher in the troubled area (ladder # 1) at the time of the experiment. In this case, the pack was in the back pocket and fit snugly to the body. The very fact of pulling out was not noted (the researcher did not feel anything). Despite this, the sound of the fall of the pack was unnaturally loud, like a pistol shot.


Graphical Contact Experiment

An experiment was conducted to establish contact with a poltergeist using a pen and paper [3]. For this, in the restless area (staircase # 1, second floor, near the iron staircase leading to the attic), a notebook was left with the question: "Will you close the attic?" (the attic was previously opened). After about half an hour, some "scribbles" were discovered (Fig. 7), which were not deciphered.


Figure: 7. Graphic images that appeared spontaneously on a piece of paper left in the troubled area (ladder number 1)

After that, the experiment was repeated several more times (including in the presence of a video camera) with other questions, but a positive result was no longer achieved.

Focal face detection experiment

As you know, in focal persons [4, 5] with poltergeist, there is a change in subfebrile body temperature [6] (slightly increased compared to the norm). For this, the body temperature of the watchman was measured throughout the night. The measurement results are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Body temperature measurements of the watchman Andrey on the night of March 17-18, 2009.

Time 23:15 00:20 02:25
Temperature, o С 37.2 37.0 36.9

As the table shows, during most of the night the watchman had an elevated temperature. At the same time, according to the watchman, he felt normal and at the time of measurements was not a cold.

Instrument measurements

Measurements of IR radiation, including during experiments, did not show any significant bursts (Fig. A.2.5). Air temperature measurements in troubled areas also did not give any positive results.

Research conclusion

  1. There was a positive poltergeist reaction to the graphic contact proposal;
  2. An experiment to identify signs of a focal face showed the presence of subfebrile body temperature in a kindergarten guardian.

2.4. Survey April 24-25, 2009


The following poltergeist events and episodes were noted at night:

  1. Steps on stairs # 1 (the sound was recorded on a video camera);
  2. Knocking on glass in the attic (the sound was recorded on a video camera);
  3. The manifestation of a whitish figure (and then a shadow is possible) in the attic;
  4. Noise in the attic (the sound was recorded on a video camera);
  5. Steps in the corridor near stairs # 2, as a reaction to a transcommunication session;
  6. Taking out a pack of cigarettes from the investigator's pocket.


During directed photography with a digital camera, photographs were obtained with the presence of strange formations: in the area of the music hall (Fig. 8) and in the attic (Fig. 9).


Figure: 8. Photo taken in the area of the music hall by directional photography


Figure: 9. Photo from the attic of the kindergarten with the supposedly captured face of a girl

Instrument measurements

When measuring infrared radiation, modulated bursts were recorded, as in previous times, in the area of stairs No. 1 (Appendix 2, Fig. P.2.6.), As well as in the attic area (Fig. 10), where the group noted knocking on glass.


Figure: 10. Sonogram of infrared radiation in the attic (in the area of the knocking zone)

It is important to note that this time the bursts of modulated IR radiation were significantly smaller in comparison with measurements carried out in previous studies. In addition, a strong but short-term surge was recorded near group 10 (Fig. 1).


The following experimental activities were carried out to establish the causes and details of the ongoing paranormal activity:

  1. Attracting a special person with certain abilities for extrasensory perception, allowing him to come into contact with spiritual entities;
  2. Conducting a transcommunication session with an entity presumably living in the investigated "restless" room.

Thus, on this night, through the above experiments, the following information was obtained:

Information obtained through a person with extrasensory perception abilities … There are two spirits in the kindergarten: a little girl Nadia (4-6 years old) and a young man (22-25 years old). The girl lived in Angarsk and went to the investigated kindergarten. She presumably died of an illness (possibly related to a blood disorder). Her family had problems, probably a heavy drinking father. She was brought (or taken away) in a beige (possibly white) “Zhiguli” (“kopeck”) car to the back gate of the kindergarten. The car number contains the following numbers and letters: "311 ro". In addition, the words "brown house" (possibly the house where she lived), "ducks" and "blue cubes" are somehow related to her. Nadia has black hair and a long white jacket (possibly a dress). Nothing is known about the young man's spirit, but he is somehow connected with Nadia. At the same time, the spirit of Nadia is not constantly present in the kindergarten, but only sometimes appears there.

Messages allegedly received from Nadia:

  1. "You bitches, why did you come here …".
  2. "Seek, seek me and me … blue - blue."

Information obtained through a group of transcommunication sessions. Girl Nadya is 6 years old. She may have died from a brain tumor or a head disease. She died and was buried in Angarsk. Her restlessness and activity after death are due to the fact that during and after her death she was not "buried", and the corresponding prayers were not read. She asks to read a prayer for her on November 17 this year.

The next morning, after the group left this kindergarten that night, on the same morning the workers of this institution found in the flower pots located next to the entrances to the attic of stairs 1 and 2, the locks from the doors of these very attics. It is important to note the fact that these locks were previously locked with a key.

Research conclusion

  1. The activity of the phenomenon was once again recorded, manifested in inexplicable noises in the attic, spontaneous taking out of a pack of cigarettes and sounds of children's steps, which were recorded by the group;
  2. Part of the group visually observed the appearance of a whitish figure when examining the attic;
  3. Using the method of directional photography, it was possible to capture unexplained formations, which, with a certain assumption, can be identified as phantom entities;
  4. The phenomenon was successfully contacted through two experimental measures: through a special person with certain abilities, and through a transcommunication session.

3. Conclusion

In the process of studying poltergeist in kindergarten No. 36, the group obtained the following results:

  1. The members of the group were repeatedly personal witnesses of nocturnal paranormal manifestations of the phenomenon's activity. These poltergeist events and episodes were recorded on audio, video and photographic equipment, namely:

    • spontaneous swinging of the chandelier in the area of the stairs, as a reaction to loud sounds of a flute;
    • after an experiment to provoke paranormal activity, a flute fell spontaneously from the piano;
    • loud and sharp knocking of stairs to the attic;
    • children's steps on the stairs and in the hallway;
    • physical influence on the guard by the spirit;
    • taking out a pack of cigarettes from the investigator's pocket;
    • the appearance of graphic images on a piece of paper left;
    • using the method of directional photography, it was possible to capture inexplicable formations, which, with a certain assumption, can be identified as phantom entities.
  2. In the process of studying the phenomenon and observing it, the group managed to establish the zone of action of the poltergeist, beyond which the phenomenon rarely "went". In the center of this zone was staircase # 1 and an attic.
  3. The group found that the activity of the poltergeist is associated with certain actions (conscious and unconscious) on the part of the guard. First of all, poltergeist episodes took place during his watch. In addition, observations from the group's researchers showed that the manifestations of the poltergeist occurred only when he personally appeared in the closest radius of the paranormal event taking place. In particular, an experiment to identify signs of a focal face showed the presence of a constant low-grade fever in a kindergarten guardian, which may indicate his close relationship with a poltergeist.
  4. Measurements of infrared radiation showed the presence of significant bursts in the most troubled areas of the kindergarten: stairs # 1 and stairs # 2. In addition, a burst of infrared radiation recorded online on the night of March 1 to 2, 2009 (in the period 2: 22-2: 24), practically coincides in time (2: 18-2: 20) with a paranormal event, marked on this night, namely: loud and sharp knocking of stairs.
  5. Contact with the phenomenon was successfully established through two experimental measures: through a special person with certain abilities, and through a session of transcommunication, and thus the probable cause of the appearance of the poltergeist was supposedly established. However, it is possible that the information is false.

Thus, the group, on the basis of instrumental measurements, fixing equipment and personal observations, found that in the investigated kindergarten there really is a poltergeist phenomenon, expressed mainly in motor, noise and visual manifestations.

In the process of contact with the phenomenon, it was found that the investigated kindergarten is attended by the spirit of a little girl Nadia, who before, when she was still alive, went to this kindergarten. According to the information received, it was she who was the source of all the paranormal phenomena in this room. The reason for her "uneasiness" is the lack of traditional religious Orthodox rituals that were not performed during her funeral.

A day after receiving this information, a special person in the group in charge of religious affairs performed special Orthodox rituals to calm the deceased in relation to the alleged girl Nadia. According to him, after that she dreamed of him happy and contented and said "thank you."

It is important to note that after these religious events, all paranormal events in this kindergarten stopped. Whether this is related to the performed ritual is unclear. Our group made attempts to establish the reality of the existence and residence of the girl Nadia in the city of Angarsk, as well as her possible death. But, due to insufficient information, it was not possible to achieve a positive result in this matter.


1. Gushcha V. Methods and results of research in the near-IR range.

2. Tart Ch. T. Application of instrumentation in the investigation of haunting and poltergeist cases // Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 1965, v. 59, N3, p. 190-201.

3. Fomenko VN Land as we do not know it. M., 2001.

4. Yaklichkin Yu. I. Askiz poltergeist: A guide for specialists studying the physics of anomalous phenomena. M.: Profizdat, 1996.-- 185 p.

5. Butov I. Methodology of poltergeist environment research.

6. Vinokurov IV Poltergeist. - M.: Olympus; 000 "Firm" Publishing house ACT ", 1999. - 544 p.

7. Mikheev A. V. Methods of instrumental transcommunication // Consciousness and physical reality, No. 2, 2004.


Appendix 1


Figure: A.1.1. Staircase number 1 (view of the first and second floors)


Figure: A.1.2. Staircase number 1 to the second floor


Figure: A.1.3. Stairs to the attic


Figure: A.1.4. Attic


Figure: A.1.5. Piano in the music hall

Appendix 2


Figure: A.2.1. Sonogram of infrared radiation at the section "stairs No. 1" (2: 24-2: 26, 24.02.09)


Figure: A.2.2. Sonogram of infrared radiation in the section "corridor-staircase No. 2" (2: 37-2: 39, 24.02.09)


Figure: A.2.3. Sonogram of infrared radiation at the section "staircase No. 1" (3: 59-4: 02, 24.02.09)


Figure: A.2.4. Sonogram of infrared radiation in the sections "staircase No. 1" and "attic" (1: 28-1: 30, 02.03.09)


Figure: A.2.5. Sonogram of infrared radiation in the sections "staircase No. 1" (0: 00-0: 43, 17.03.09)