Vibrations Of Success: An Exercise To Help You Become Happier - Alternative View

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Vibrations Of Success: An Exercise To Help You Become Happier - Alternative View
Vibrations Of Success: An Exercise To Help You Become Happier - Alternative View

Video: Vibrations Of Success: An Exercise To Help You Become Happier - Alternative View

Video: Vibrations Of Success: An Exercise To Help You Become Happier - Alternative View
Video: How Lifting Your Vibration Can Help You Manifest and Sustain Success | SuperSoul Sunday | OWN 2024, September

An absolutely incredible fact, and when you fully assimilate its significance, you will forever change the way you talk to yourself: so, you will come to the conviction of everything that you repeat to yourself, provided that you repeat it often enough.

Tell yourself enough times that you are a failure and you will believe it. Tell yourself many, many times that greatness is destined for you - and you will agree with this statement and accept it for yourself as a guide to action. And the most exciting thing about all this is that you yourself decide what words to say to yourself. We cannot stop our inner voice, but we can choose the text that he will speak. It is up to us: to make him become a positive force in our life. Whether your declarations take the form of a letter to yourself or a self-talk, the principle remains the same. You choose the thoughts that visit your mind. Choose carefully what you say to yourself and be vigilant. A temporary setback or negative experience is almost always followed naturally by negative self-talk. We ourselves will not even understand and will not notice how the inner voice begins to say: "This is sheer hopelessness" or "I am a failure." Knowing this, you need to be on your guard and quickly catch and stop yourself if this happens. Don't be too hard on yourself. Be a good friend to yourself. Feed yourself large doses of support and encouragement. Ask yourself, "What words can I say to myself today that will support me and help me?"Feed yourself large doses of support and encouragement. Ask yourself, "What words can I say to myself today that will support me and help me?"Feed yourself large doses of support and encouragement. Ask yourself, "What words can I say to myself today that will support me and help me?"

Success is not just a mental attitude; it is also a vibration of energy, and a very powerful vibration. Those who possess it literally exude self-confidence that others immediately feel. The “vibration of success”, moreover, naturally and easily attracts even more success. This phenomenon has impulse and power that can be used over and over again for great benefit. People who understand this make the process of creating a vibration of success in themselves and maintaining it as a habit.

To create a vibration of success in yourself, you just need to start perceiving yourself as a successful person. You do this by regularly focusing on all the positive qualities you have, as well as on your current and past achievements. Take the time right now to list your at least ten positive qualities. Include more than obvious qualities in it - let everyone be there. When this list is ready, allow your mind to linger for a few minutes on the successes you have already achieved. Walk forward with your head held high and feel proud. Feel great. Feel the breath of success. Do this every day for five minutes, and you will begin to create a vibration of success in yourself.

Let every success you have ever achieved, past and present, be a potential source of strength for you. It often happens that, having achieved something significant, we feel good in this regard for several days, and if we are lucky, this feeling persists even for several weeks. But let's ask other questions. Too quickly we leave the feeling of satisfaction behind; sometimes we completely forget that we have achieved something. We let go of the vibration of success that was generated by our achievement, and we lose it. This cannot be called anything other than a thoughtless waste of powerful "energy of success" in vain. We can use the energy of success generated by past achievements over and over again, with very positive results, but unfortunately we have never been taught how to do this.

Focus regularly on all of your accomplishments; even some of the events that happened five or ten years ago can be used for this purpose. But this is all in the past, you might say. It is true that it did happen in the past, but the energy of success generated as a result of focusing on this achievement is present here and now, and it can help you achieve further success. So don't reject her.

Without postponing, take some time and take an inventory of your talents, your positive qualities, your capabilities. List twelve reasons why you think you can succeed in achieving your goals. If you have a dozen or so reasons why you will succeed, and you always have them ready in your head, then you will never be confused by time delays and setbacks or possible attempts by other people to thwart your offensive impulse. Refer to the list you have compiled daily. Let this list give you confidence and energy over and over again. Keep adding to this list as you discover new useful qualities in yourself. Whenever you feel overwhelmed or defeated,it will act like a safety net that catches you if you accidentally fall.

Success comes to those who are success-oriented. Failure comes to those who, through neglect of constant positive reinforcement, become aware of themselves as a failure. We all have successes and failures. Everyone has victories and defeats. Let failures and failures disappear from memory, dissolve and disappear into oblivion. Forget them. But your own successes and victories should never be forgotten. They must be kept nearby and ready, and also constantly lived over and over again - forever. Carry them within you as a banner of victory and let them empower you. They will always serve you well.

Promotional video:

Exercise "My Temple"

Close your eyes and imagine a place where you would feel good - good without any reservations. It can be a temple, real or imagined, it can be a niche in the rock, also real or imagined, or a special sacred room, it can be any corner of nature you like, where you feel protected by the good spirits dwelling there.

Only your sanctuary must have a door - an imaginary door. Imagine it - this door that opens only to you, because no one else has and cannot have a key to it. You open this door - and you find yourself in a sacred place for you: it does not matter if it is a temple, or a room, or a corner of nature. And as soon as you enter your sanctuary - pure white light begins to flow at you from above - you find yourself in its beam, under its protection, and this pure white light fills your body and your entire being, it protects and heals.

If you manage to imagine everything clearly and distinctly in your imagination and feel with all your senses, your healing has already begun, although you have just begun to meditate.

Tune in to the fact that something wonderful will happen to you in your imaginary sanctuary.

Here you can just sit, here you can control your breathing. And these first steps in meditation will be the one that will take away the harmful thoughts and feelings, worries and fears from your life. Here a bright feeling of health will come to you.