About The End Of The World In The Predictions Of The Prophets - Alternative View

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About The End Of The World In The Predictions Of The Prophets - Alternative View
About The End Of The World In The Predictions Of The Prophets - Alternative View

Video: About The End Of The World In The Predictions Of The Prophets - Alternative View

Video: About The End Of The World In The Predictions Of The Prophets - Alternative View
Video: 10 Surprising Prophecies Made By Prophet Muhammad 2024, September

Prophet Jeremiah

Jeremiah was probably born in 645 BC. e. - died at the beginning of the 6th century. BC e. The Jewish prophet was born in the Levitic city of Anatota, seven kilometers from Jerusalem. Jeremiah's prophetic activity came at the most turbulent period in the history of the Kingdom of Judah. Jeremiah predicted the fate of the states surrounding Israel, foreshadowed the death of paganism and idolatry and the appeal of all nations to one God. Even in his early sermons, Jeremiah mercilessly denounces the Jews for deviating from the Covenant, urging them to focus all efforts on moral improvement, on the implementation of social justice and true justice. He predicts to Judah the fate that befell the kingdom of Israel - complete destruction by "the people who will come from the north."

The book of Jeremiah also contains information about the sound of trumpets, and he mentions the "banner" - the glow of the atmosphere and intense auroras accompanying this cataclysm: "And the word of the Lord came to me … Trouble after trouble; the whole earth is devastated, suddenly my tents are destroyed, instantly my tents. How long will it take for me to see the banner, listen to the sound of the trumpet … I look at the earth - and now it is ruined and empty, - to heaven, and there is no light on them. I look at the mountains - and now they tremble, and all the hills vibrate. I looked - and, behold, there was no man, and all the birds of the air scattered. I looked - and, behold, Carmel is a desert, and all its cities were destroyed from the presence of the Lord, from the fury of His anger. For thus said the Lord: the whole earth will be desolate, but I will not make perfect destruction”(Jer. 1: 4, 4: 20-27). After, according to Jeremiah, the war will begin.

About the worldwide flood: “Thus says the Lord: behold, the waters rise from the north and become a flooding stream, and they will drown the earth and everything that fills it, the city and those who live in it; then the people will cry, and all the inhabitants of the land will weep”(Jer. 47: 2).

Prophet Hesiod

Hesiod (VIII-VII centuries BC) in the poem "Works and Days" told about 4 generations of people: gold, silver, copper and the race of demigods that existed in ancient times and which disappeared as a result of natural disasters and wars. Our "iron" civilization should also perish, according to Hesiod, from the disaster that will come from heaven, hunger and plague:

The earth is now inhabited by iron people. Will not be

Promotional video:

They have no respite either at night or during the day from labor and grief, And from misfortune, Worries heavy gods will give them.

Nevertheless, benefits will be mixed with all these troubles.

Zeus will destroy a generation of speaking people and this

After they are born, they are gray-haired.

Children - with their fathers, with children - their fathers will not be able to come to terms.

Comrade will become alien to comrade, guest - the host.

There will be no more love between brothers, as it once happened.

Old parents will soon cease to be read altogether;

Wicked children will revile them with fierce and evil

Heavy abuse, not knowing the retribution of the gods; won't want

No one else is to deliver food to old parents.

The fist will replace the truth. The cities will be plundered.

And no oath-keeper will arouse respect in anyone, Neither fair nor kind. Hurry up to the insolent and the villain

Honor will be given. Where there is strength, there will be right.

The shame will disappear. To a good man, people are thin

The deceitful will harm by showing, falsely swearing.

Following each of the unfortunate mortals will follow relentlessly

Malevolent and malicious envy, with a terrible face.

Mournfully from the wide-road land to the many-headed Olympus, Tightly wrapped a beautiful body in a snow-white cloak, Conscience and Shame. Only the most severe, grave troubles

People will stay in life. There will be no deliverance from evil …

Vladyka Kronion brings them great troubles from heaven, -

Hunger with plague. Nations disappear from the world …

Prophet Ezra

In the Orthodox tradition, Ezra (mid-5th century BC) is a reformer of Judaism. From the clan of the Zadokites - the high priests of the Jerusalem temple. In the "Revelation" of Ezra (apocryphal) it is said that disasters for all people will begin with a destructive tectonic cataclysm: "And God said:" First I will create an earthquake, so that animals and people will perish. When you see how a brother will put his brother to death, the children will rise up against their parents, and the wife will leave her husband, when the nations go to war against each other - then you will understand that the end is near. Then neither the brother will know pity for his brother, nor the husband for his wife, nor children for their parents, nor those close to those close to them, nor a slave for the master."

Ezra described in detail the calamities that will befall the inhabitants of Babylon and the countries of the Middle East: “Woe to you, Babylon and Asia (Asia), woe to you, Egypt and Syria!

Gird yourself with sackcloth and hair shirts, mourn for your sons, and be sick, because your destruction is at hand.

The earth and its foundations trembled, the sea is stirred from the bottom, and its waves are disturbed and its fish from the presence of the Lord and from the greatness of His strength. For His right hand is strong, straining the bow; His arrows, which He shoot, are sharp, and will not faint when they are sent to the ends of the earth.

Behold, calamities are sent, and will not return until they come to earth. A fire is kindled, and will not go out until the foundation of the earth is burned. Just as an arrow shot by a strong archer does not return, so do the calamities that will be sent to earth not return. Woe to me, woe to me! Who will deliver me in those days? Diseases will begin - and many will rise; famine will begin - and many will perish; wars will begin, and fear will seize the rulers; disasters will begin - and everyone will tremble. What should I do when disasters come? Behold, hunger and plague, and sorrow and distress have been sent as scourges for correction: but with all this, people will not turn from their iniquities, and they will not always remember the scourges.

Behold, on earth there will be cheapness in everything, and they will think that peace has come; but then the land of calamity will befall - the sword, hunger and great confusion. Many inhabitants of the earth will die of hunger, and others who suffer hunger will fall by the sword. And the corpses, like dung, will be thrown away, and there will be no one to mourn for them, for the earth will be empty, and its cities will be destroyed. There will be no one left to cultivate the land and sow on it. The trees will bear fruit, and who will gather them? The grapes will ripen and who will stomp on them? For there will be great desolation everywhere. It will be difficult for a person to see a person, or to hear his voice, for out of the inhabitants of the city there will be no more than ten, and out of the villagers there will be two people, who will hide in dense groves and crevices of rocks.

Just as in an olive garden sometimes three or four olives remain on trees, or in a vineyard that has been robbed, those who carefully pick grapes will overlook them: so in those days three or four will remain when searching their houses with a sword. The earth will remain desolate, its fields will stall, its roads, and all its paths will be overgrown with thorns, because there will be no one to walk on them. Maidens will cry when they have no suitors; wives will weep without husbands; their daughters will cry without help. Their grooms will be killed in the war, and their husbands will die of hunger. Hear this, and understand, servants of the Lord! (Ezra 16: 1,2, 12-36).

Prophet Ezra warned his fellow tribesmen about the impending devastation: “Behold, the calamities are approaching, and they will not delay … and the people of that time will rebel; pain will take over them. Hear the word, my people: prepare for battle, and in the midst of calamities be like strangers of the earth. Let him who sells be as one who is about to flee, and whoever buys as one preparing for destruction; a merchant as not expecting any profit, and building a house as not hoping to live in it. Let the sower think that he will not reap, and the grower that he will not harvest the grapes; one who marries - that they will not bear children, and those who do not marry - are like widowers. Therefore, all the working people work uselessly, for the fruits of their labors will be used by foreigners, and their property will be plundered, their houses will be destroyed and their sons will be enslaved, because in captivity and in famine they give birth to their children”(Ezra 16:38, 40-47) …

Prophecy about a star

In the Book of Ezra, he repeatedly mentions the "terrible star" that will bring many calamities to sinful mankind: flood, storms, destruction and, as a result, famine, sickness, war: “Speak out loud of My people the words of prophecy that I will put into your mouth, says the Lord; and have them written on the charter, because they are true and true.

Behold, I will lead, says the Lord, to the circle of earthly calamity: sword and hunger, and death and destruction, because the wickedness of people has defiled the whole earth, and their destructive deeds have been overflowing …

Egypt will mourn and its foundations, overwhelmed by the execution and vengeance that God will bring upon it. The farmers who cultivate the land will cry, because their seeds will become scarce from rust and from hail and from a terrible star.

Woe to the age and to those who live in it, for the sword and their destruction are at hand, and the people will rise up against the people for war, and the swords are in their hands. People will become fickle and overpowering one another, will resent their king, and the leaders - about the course of their affairs within the limits of their power.

If a person wishes to go to the city, he cannot, because because of their pride, cities will be indignant, houses will be ruined, fear will attack people.

A man will not take pity on his neighbor, betraying their houses to be destroyed with weapons, plundering their property because of hunger and many troubles”(Ezra 1, 2, 5, 6, 12-19).

Behold, there are clouds from east and from north to south, and their appearance is very formidable, full of ferocity and storm. They will collide with each other, and cast many stars to earth and their star; and there will be blood from the sword to the belly, and human droppings to the saddle of the camel; fear and trembling will be great on earth.

All who see this ferocity will be horrified and tremble. After that, storms will rise many times from the south and north, and partly from the west, and strong winds will rise from the east and open it and the cloud that I moved in anger; and the star designated for intimidation by east and west winds will be damaged. And the clouds will rise, great and strong, full of ferocity, and a star to frighten all the earth and its inhabitants; And they will pour on every place, high and sublime, a terrible star, fire and hail, flying swords and many waters, to fill all fields and all springs with many waters. And they will flood the city, and the walls, and the mountains, and the hills, and the trees in the forests, and the grass in the meadows, and their crops; and they will pass non-stop to Babylon and crush it; gather to him and surround him; shed a star and rage upon him. And dust and smoke will rise to the sky,and all around will mourn for him, but those who remain subject to him will serve those who caused fear”(Ezra 2: 34–45).


In the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata, in the book "Moksha Dharma" ("The Basis of Liberation"), the sage Pike describes the end of the world, which will come at the beginning of the next yuga (era): "I will tell about the absorption that occurs at the end of the day (Manu), at the beginning of the yuga … The sun and a seven-lingual flame (maybe a neutron star) blaze in the sky, and the Universe is filled with heat - the world is on fire. Moving and motionless creatures that fill the earth will enter a state of earthiness, having previously disintegrated. And when everything moving and immovable disintegrates, the earth will appear without grass, without trees, like the back of a turtle. When the water takes on the property of the earth - a smell, then seething, everywhere penetrating waters will appear, they are in motion, filling this Universe. When the property of water absorbs the light into itself, then, having lost its quality, the water calms down in the light. When the flames hide the sun, standing in the middle of the sky, then the sky, being filled with this fire, will blaze. And when the quality of light, the image, is absorbed by the wind, then a great wind will rise, and the fire will subside. Faceless, devoid of smell, taste, touch, filling the whole world with a roar, sonorous space will remain”.

In the dialogue between Janaka and Yajnavalkya (Mahabharata, XII, 298 - XII, 306), the second "unmanifest" Sun is mentioned, which will cause a flood and burn all life on Earth:

1. Hear from me also about the absorption of the worlds.

2. As absorbing beings, re-generating again and again, Beginningless and infinite Brahma, eternal and indestructible.

3. So, noticing that the day is ending, and the mind is in a night's sleep, the Lord "Unmanifest" prompts the "egotistic" husband.

4. Then, prompted by the "Unmanifest", the hundred thousand-rayed Sun, divided into 12 parts, blazes like fire.

5. Rapidly burning with flames 4 types of living beings: those born alive, from an egg, from sweat and from a sprout, O king!

6. All this, motionless and moving, is destroyed as if by a wave, and the earth from beginning to end becomes bare, like the back of a turtle.

7. Then this Sun, infinitely powerful, having burned the whole world without a trace, instantly and to the end fills it with rushing water.

The text of the Mahabharata (Mhb. 3.186) says that at the end of the last yuga, the 7 suns will dry up the seas and fiery streams from the sky will burn all living things; fire will devour the universe, after a downpour will flood it with a flood.


Ancient texts of predictions about the end of the world are in the Avesta - the sacred book of the ancient Iranian religion (Zoroastrianism). God, the creator of Ahuramazda, determined the lifetime of the Universe at 12 thousand years. The first 3 thousand years after the creation of the spiritual world and light have passed safely for our planet. But then the evil spirit Angro - Manyu appeared, who created the serpent Ami. The devil broke into our world along with the monster he created and killed the first man, Guyomart, but he left his seed, from which people were reborn again. The struggle between good and evil, according to Avesta, must end in disaster. The dragon Azhi - Dahak will rule over the world, and a monstrously cold winter will come, and then after the Earth dies and is cleansed in fire (moreover, sinners will be tortured with molten bronze that will pour from the sky during the last three days),the world will be reborn again and will find an unshakable beginning and order.

The Great Savior will come when the Light of the two Suns shines over the planet. People from Heaven will come to heaven on sparkling clouds.


According to the belief of the Zoroastrians, before the end of the world, a terrible Serpent will appear on Earth to punish people who are mired in sins: “And Gochihar, the serpent of the celestial sphere, will fall from the boundaries of the Moon to the earth, and the earth will suffer from pain like a sheep when a wolf rips off it skin.

Then the God of Fire and God Ayriyaman (Ahriman) will melt the metals in the hills and mountains, and they will flow along the earth like rivers. And they will induce all people to go through this molten metal, and it will make them pure. And to the one who is saved, it will seem like a walk through warm milk, but to the one who is condemned, it will feel exactly like molten metal."


In the ancient manuscript - "Elder Edda", in the song "Divination of the Velva" (witch), "Younger Edda" is written about a world fire, flood and darkness, which will be accompanied by "three winters without summer." The End of the World (Ragnarok) will come when evil enters our world. The wolf Fenrir will swallow the Sun, and the rampant of the elements will begin. As a result of the fight between the Wolf and the god Odin, as well as between the world serpent Ermungand, which means "Giant's staff", and the god Thor, the end of the world will come, which will be announced by the trumpet sounds of the horn of Gjallarhorn (the core of the Earth). Before the end of the world there will be a 3-year domination of battle and murder; brother will rise to brother, father to son and son to father; greed will take possession of the souls of people, the truth will disappear, and family ties are broken. After that, winter will come, severe winds will blow, unbearable cold will come, and the sun will shine dimly. To everyone's horror, the Wolf will swallow the Sun, seize the Moon and cause him terrible harm; the stars will fall from the firmament and fall to the earth, the world ash will light up, the mountains and the Earth will tremble, the trees will be torn out along with their roots, the rocks will collapse, the sea will flood the land. Fenrir will open its huge mouth so wide that the upper jaw will touch the sky, and the lower one will touch the ground. Flames emanate from his eyes and nostrils. The giant snake will spit out poison, the air and sea will ignite, and the high sky will crash down. Evil forces, led by the formidable Surt (black, fiery giant), who is armed with a formidable weapon shining brighter than the Sun itself, together with the evil sons of Muspell, will take up arms against the light gods, and the universe perishes in a great fire.the world ash will burn, the mountains and the Earth will tremble, the trees will be torn out along with the roots, the rocks will collapse, the sea will flood the land. Fenrir will open its huge mouth so wide that the upper jaw will touch the sky, and the lower one will touch the ground. Flames emanate from his eyes and nostrils. The giant snake will spit out poison, the air and sea will ignite, and the high sky will crash down. Evil forces, led by the formidable Surt (black, fiery giant), who is armed with a formidable weapon shining brighter than the Sun itself, together with the evil sons of Muspell, will take up arms against the light gods, and the universe perishes in a great fire.the world ash will burn, the mountains and the Earth will tremble, the trees will be torn out along with the roots, the rocks will collapse, the sea will flood the land. Fenrir will open its huge mouth so wide that the upper jaw will touch the sky, and the lower one will touch the ground. Flames emanate from his eyes and nostrils. The giant snake will spit out poison, the air and sea will ignite, and the high sky will crash down. Evil forces, led by the formidable Surt (black, fiery giant), who is armed with a formidable weapon shining brighter than the Sun itself, together with the evil sons of Muspell, will take up arms against the light gods, and the universe perishes in a great fire.the air and sea will ignite, and the high sky will crash down. Evil forces, led by the formidable Surt (black, fiery giant), who is armed with a formidable weapon shining brighter than the Sun itself, together with the evil sons of Muspell, will take up arms against the light gods, and the universe perishes in a great fire.the air and sea will ignite, and the high sky will crash down. Evil forces, led by the formidable Surt (black, fiery giant), who is armed with a formidable weapon, shining brighter than the Sun itself, together with the evil sons of Muspell will take up arms against the light gods, and the universe perishes in a great fire.

Younger Edda

In the "Younger Edda" ("Vision of Gulva") it is written that the end of the world will come from the flame of the black Surt living in the country of Muspell: "And the Equal-High said:" For many centuries before the creation of the earth, Niflheim was already made. In the middle of it there is a stream called the Boiling Cauldron, and rivers flow out of it: Svel, Gunntra, Fjerm, Fimbul, Slil and Hrid, Syulg and Ulg, Vid, Leift. And the river Gjell flows at the very gates of Hel. Then the Third said: “Before there was a country in the south, her name was Muspell. This is a bright and hot country, everything in it burns and burns. And there is no access there for those who do not live there and do not lead their family from there. Surt is the one who sits on the edge of Muspell and protects him. He has a flaming sword in his hand, and when the end of the world comes, he will go to war against the gods and defeat them all and burn the whole world in flames."

Niflheim - translated - "dark world". This toponym can be interpreted as the inner core of the Earth.

Muspell is the land of fire (also Muspellsheim). In one ancient High German work of the 10th century, this word means "the end of the world, the Last Judgment."


The Chaldean priest and astrologer Berossus (III century BC) believed that the last cycle of human existence would last 25,872 years. Berossus describes the details of the cosmic catastrophe caused by Satan and its effect on the precession of the earth's axis. He depicts earthly life and the flaming edge of the earth's disk at the time of the "parade of planets", which will line up in one row in July. The catastrophe will be accompanied by fires, a devastating flood that will begin in October, when, according to his calculations, all the planets will converge in the constellation Capricorn: “I, Berossus, affirm that everything earthly will be consumed by fire when the five planets gather under the sign of Cancer, lining up in row so that a straight line runs through them."

“Calamities will happen, then the earth will shake, the mountains will collapse and be scattered into dust … when you hear the sound of the trumpet, the earth and mountains will rise up from one blow, and then on that day everything will come true. And the sky must be divided, for it will be very fragile that day …"

Enoch's prophecies

Enoch is the Old Testament patriarch of the antediluvian times, the great-grandfather of Noah. He is revered as the founder of writing. He was the first person whom God took to Heaven. According to the prophecies, he will return to Earth at the time of the Antichrist. His books, containing a story about Enoch's journey to heaven, his visions and prophecies, are considered an apocryphal (Greek apokryphos - secret, secret) - texts of Jewish and early Christian literature that were not included in the biblical canon.

The Book of Enoch repeatedly mentions future tectonic cataclysms that mankind has to endure: “… and from them (the angels) I heard everything, and understood what I saw, but not for this kind, but for distant genera that would appear.

I spoke about the elect and talked about them with the Holy and Great, with the God of peace, who will come out of his dwelling.

And from there he will come to Mount Sinai, and will appear with his armies, and in the power of his might appear from heaven.

And all will be afraid, and all the guards will shudder, and great fear and trembling will surround them to the ends of the earth.

The lofty mountains will shake, and the lofty hills will sink and melt like honeycomb from a flame.

The earth will submerge, and everything on the earth will perish, and judgment will be over all and all the righteous (Enoch 1: 2–7).

And in those days the mountains will gallop like sheep, and the hills will gallop like lambs that are full of milk; and they will all become angels in heaven (Enoch 8:42).

Perhaps in the book of the prophet the reason for the future tectonic cataclysm is indicated, caused by the displacement ("oscillation") of the inner iron-nickel core of the Earth ("fiery metallic lava"): "And I saw that abyss in which there was a great hesitation and wave of the waters … -Behind that fiery metallic lava and from the vibration that shook them (the water). A sulfurous smell appeared in that place, and it combined with those waters; and that abyss of angels who deceived people flared up further and further under that earth.

And rivers of fire pass through the abyss of this very earth - exactly where those angels are condemned to dwell, who seduced those who dwell in the firmament (Enoch 11: 21-23).

The Book of Enoch describes the changes in the movement of heavenly bodies that must occur before the End of the World: “The years will become shorter, and the moon will change its movement and will not appear at the appointed hour … And on those days the Sun will rise in the evening, and its great chariot will move to the west, bringing on disaster, and it will shine brighter than it should. And many of the main stars will change their path, as well as their orbits and directions, and will not appear at their designated time of year. And then Enoch saw the sign: “… the sky shook and bowed and fell to the ground. And when it fell to the ground, I saw how the earth opened into a huge abyss, and the mountains piled up on the mountains, and the hills fell on the hills, and tall trees were uprooted and fell into this abyss.

Prophet Isaiah

Isaiah (c. 765–685 BC) is a great biblical prophet who was born in Jerusalem around 765 BC. e. A zealous defender of the religion of Yahweh and denouncer of idolatry. The Prophet Isaiah, 2,500 years before this event, predicted a terrible tectonic cataclysm: “All of you who inhabit the universe and live on earth! Look, when the banner rises on the mountains (the glow of the atmosphere and the aurora in southern latitudes. - V. S.'s note), when the trumpet rings, listen! Now the Lord ravages the earth and makes it barren, changes its appearance and scatters the inhabitants of it … The earth laments, the earth is sad; the universe is drooping, gloomy; the lands towering over the people drooped. And the earth is defiled under those living on it, for they broke the laws, changed the charter, violated the eternal covenant … The deserted city was destroyed … The city was left desolate, and the gates fell apart. And in the middle of the earthbetween nations, it will be the same as happens when upholstering olives, when upholstering grapes, when harvesting is over … Horror and holes and noose for you, inhabitant of the earth! Then the victor will fall into the pit with a cry of terror; and whoever comes out of the pit will fall into the noose; for the windows from the heights of heaven will dissolve, and the foundations of the earth will shake. The earth is crushed, the earth is disintegrating, the earth is greatly shaken. The earth shakes like a drunken man, and sways like a cradle, and its iniquity weighs on it; it will fall and not rise again … And the moon will turn red, and the sun will be ashamed …”(Isaiah 18: 3, 24: 1–20, 23). The earth is crushed, the earth is disintegrating, the earth is greatly shaken. The earth shakes like a drunken man, and sways like a cradle, and its iniquity weighs on it; it will fall and not rise again … And the moon will turn red, and the sun will be ashamed …”(Isaiah 18: 3, 24: 1–20, 23). The earth is crushed, the earth is disintegrating, the earth is greatly shaken. The earth shakes like a drunken man, and sways like a cradle, and its iniquity weighs on it; it will fall and not rise again … And the moon will turn red, and the sun will be ashamed …”(Isaiah 18: 3, 24: 1–20, 23).

“Behold, the day of the Lord is coming, a fierce one, with anger and burning fury, to make the earth a desert and to destroy its sinners from it. The heavenly stars and luminaries do not give light from themselves; the sun is darkened at its rising, and the moon does not shine with its light. I will punish the world for evil, and the wicked for their iniquity, and put an end to the arrogance of the proud, and I will abolish the arrogance of the oppressors; I will do what people will be more valuable than pure gold, and men more valuable than the gold of Ophir. For this I will shake the sky, and the earth will move from its place because of the wrath of the Lord of hosts, on the day of His burning wrath”(Isaiah 13.9-13).

“Come, peoples, listen and listen, tribes! May the earth hear and everything that fills it, the universe and everything that is born in it! For the wrath of the Lord is against all nations, and His wrath is against all their host. He gave them to the spell, gave them to the slaughter. And their slain will be scattered, and a stench will rise from their corpses, and the mountains will be soaked with their blood. And all the heavenly host will decay; and the heavens will roll up like a scroll of a book; and all their host will fall as a leaf falls from a vine, and like a withered leaf from a fig tree. For my sword is drunk in heaven: behold, for judgment it descends on Edom and on the people which I have given to the curse. The sword of the Lord will be filled with blood, it will grow fat with fat, with the blood of lambs and goats, with fat from the kidneys of rams: for the sacrifice of the Lord is in Vosor and a great slaughter in the land of Edom. And the buffaloes will fall with them, and the calves with the oxen, and the land will be drunk with their blood,and their dust will grow fat with fat. For the day of vengeance is with the Lord, the year of retribution for Zion. And his rivers will turn to pitch, and his dust to sulfur, and his earth will be a burning pitch: it will not go out, neither day nor night; her smoke will forever rise; will remain empty from generation to generation; for ever and ever, no one will walk on it …”(Isaiah 34, 1-10).

Prophet Zephaniah

Zephaniah is a biblical prophet, one of the 12 Minor prophets. He may have been a fourth-generation descendant of King Hizkiyahu and a distant relative of King Yoshiyahu (640–609 BC). Information about the personality, life and work of the prophet Zephaniah in the historical prophetic writing of the Old Testament has not been preserved.

The book of the Prophet Zephaniah contains numerous information about the disasters that will hit the Earth, while the trumpet sound is mentioned - a harbinger of an impending catastrophe: “I will destroy everything from the face of the earth, - says the Lord: I will destroy people and cattle, I will destroy the birds of the air and the fish of the sea … That day, says the Lord, is a cry at the gates of fish and weeping at other gates and great destruction on the hills … The great day of the Lord is near, it is near - and is in great haste: the voice of the day of the Lord is already heard. Then the bravest will cry bitterly! The day of anger is this day, the day of sorrow and distress, the day of desolation and ruin, the day of darkness and gloom, the day of clouds and haze. A day of trumpets and curses against fortified cities and high towers. And I will distress people, and they will walk like blind people, because they have sinned against the Lord, and their blood will be scattered like dung. Nor silverneither gold can save them in the day of the Lord's wrath, and the whole earth will be devoured by the fire of His zeal, for destruction, and moreover, sudden, He will wield over all the inhabitants of the earth”(Zephaniah 1: 1, 14–18).

Prophet Amos

Amos is a biblical prophet, a shepherd. Born near Bethlehem, around 850 BC e. The Prophet, in his predictions about future events, describes in his book fire from heaven, the displacement of the Earth's axis of rotation and a flood from tidal waves: “The Lord God revealed such a vision: here he made fire for judgment, and it devoured a great abyss, devoured part of the earth … And the sacrificial heights of Isaac will be laid waste, and the sanctuaries of Israel will be destroyed, and they will rise up with a sword against the house of Jeroboam … The songs of the palace on that day will turn to mourning, says the Lord God; there will be many corpses, they will be thrown in silence in every place … Will not the earth shake from this, and will not everyone who lives on it mourn? All of it will be agitated like a river, and it will rise and fall like the Egyptian river. And it will be on that day, says the Lord God:I will make the sun go down at noon and darken the earth in the middle of daylight … For the Lord God of hosts touches the earth, and it will melt, and all who dwell on it mourn; and it will all rise like a river, and descend like the river of Egypt. He built His high palaces in heaven and He established His vault on earth, calling the waters of the sea, and pouring them out on the face of the earth … All sinners from My people will die by the sword, who say: "Calamity will not overtake us and come to us!" (Book of Amos 7: 4, 8: 3.9, 9: 5-7.10)."Disaster will not overtake us and come to us!" (Book of Amos 7: 4, 8: 3.9, 9: 5-7.10)."Disaster will not overtake us and come to us!" (Book of Amos 7: 4, 8: 3.9, 9: 5-7.10).

Vitaly Simonov